999 resultados para Optimização robusta


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Radiolarians were observed at all five sites drilled during DSDP Leg 58. Three sites (442, 443, 444) are south of Japan in the Shikoku Basin. The remaining two sites (445, 446) are east of Okinawa, in the Daito Ridge and Basin areas. The observations made on radiolarians during Leg 58 are understood best by considering these two areas separately. The basement ages, preservation, diagenesis, and paleoecology are similar within each area, but different between the two areas. The radiolarian zones of Riedel and Sanfilippo (1978) were used to determine the sediment age. Because of the mixed nature of the fauna, there was an opportunity to test the tropical zonation in middlelatitude sediments. A middle- to high-latitude biostratigraphy for the Pliocene and Pleistocene has been formulated (Hays, 1970; Kling, 1973; Foreman, 1975), but there is no Miocene radiolarian zonation for these latitudes. The tropical elements of the present fauna are sufficient to use the low-latitude zonation, although there is a loss of resolution in the Pleistocene. Because of poor preservation, zone boundaries are indistinct in much of the cored sediment. Determination of abundance in any sample is always subjective and varies among investigators. This work was in its final stages at the publication of Westberg and Riedel (1978), and the guidelines outlined therein are not closely followed. The abundances recorded in Tables 1 through 5 are based on strewn slides which were searched entirely if an individual of a species was found, or for 8 to 10 minutes if the species was not found.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120, an almost complete Paleogene sediment section on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean was recovered. The biostratigraphy of radiolarians from these sediments at Sites 748 and 749 is studied. A biostratigraphic framework established in low and middle latitudes is not applicable because of the absence of most zonal marker species. Biogenic opal is present only in middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments, and three new zones-Lychnocanoma conica, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, and Eucyrtidium spinosum zones-are proposed. The Paleogene antarctic radiolarian fauna is different from that in low and middle latitudes. Three new species, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, Eucyrtidium cheni, and Eucyrtidium spinosum, are described.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminifera show important but transient assemblage changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, when many biota suffered severe extinction. We quantitatively analyzed benthic foraminiferal assemblages from lower bathyal-upper abyssal (1500-2000 m) northwest Pacific ODP Site 1210 (Shatsky Rise) and compared the results with published data on assemblages at lower bathyal (~ 1500 m) Pacific DSDP Site 465 (Hess Rise) to gain insight in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes at that time. At both sites, diversity and heterogeneity rapidly decreased across the K/Pg boundary, then recovered. Species assemblages at both sites show a similar pattern of turnover from the uppermost Maastrichtian into the lowermost Danian: 1) The relative abundance of buliminids (indicative of a generally high food supply) increases towards the uppermost Cretaceous, and peaks rapidly just above the K/Pg boundary, coeval with a peak in benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR), a proxy for food supply. 2) A peak in relative abundance of Stensioeina beccariiformis, a cosmopolitan form generally more common at the middle than at the lower bathyal sites, occurs just above the buliminid peak. 3) The relative abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a more oligotrophic form, decreases at the boundary, then increases above the peak in Stensioeina beccariiformis. The food supply to the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean thus apparently increased rather than decreased in the earliest Danian. The low benthic diversity during a time of high food supply indicates a stressed environment. This stress might have been caused by reorganization of the planktic ecosystem: primary producer niches vacated by the mass extinction of calcifying nannoplankton may have been rapidly (<10 kyr) filled by other, possibly opportunistic, primary producers, leading to delivery of another type of food, and/or irregular food delivery through a succession of opportunistic blooms. The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal data thus are in strong disagreement with the widely accepted hypothesis that the global deep-sea floor became severely food-depleted following the K/Pg extinction due to the mass extinction of primary producers ("Strangelove Ocean Model") or to the collapse of the biotic pump ("Living Ocean Model").


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Cores from Leg 122, Sites 762 and 763, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Lower Cretaceous sequences. More than 400 samples were studied, most of which contained dinoflagellate cysts, spores, pollen, and various types of palynoclasts. From the entire palynomorph assemblage mainly dinoflagellate cysts were studied to give a stratigraphic outline for the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphic units were interpreted in terms of zones in use for the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Australia. At both sites a condensed Valanginian to Aptian sequence and an expanded middle to late Berriasian sequence containing a rich microplankton assemblage were recovered. Sites 762 and 763 can be correlated with each other and with the wells Eendracht-1 and Vinck-1.


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Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.70' E, 51°39.30' N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.


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The book is devoted to stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits from high latitudes of the southern hemisphere (subantarctic part of the ocean), as well as to geological and climatic Cretaceous history of the area. Correlation with Cretaceous sediments from warm water regions is carried out. Description and photos of characteristic species of planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcispherulides are given.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 on Shatsky Rise (North Pacific Ocean) recovered a series of cores at three holes that contain calcareous nannofossil ooze of latest Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) through early Eocene age. Several important records have been generated using samples from these cores, but the stratigraphy has remained outdated and confusing. Here we revise the stratigraphy at Site 577. This includes refining several age datums, realigning cores in the depth domain, and placing all stratigraphic markers on a current time scale. The work provides a template for appropriately bringing latest Cretaceous and Paleogene data sets at old drill sites into current paleoceanographic literature for this time interval. While the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) lies within core gaps at Holes 577* and 577A, the sedimentary record at the site holds other important events and remains crucially relevant to understanding changes in oceanographic conditions from the latest Cretaceous through early Paleogene.