992 resultados para Ophidic accidents


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Identify processes to modify in order to reduce snow plow accidents. Reviewed all [Iowa] D.O.T. snow plow accidents that occurred in calendar years 1992 and 1993.


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La consommation actuelle de sel (chlorure de sodium) est très supérieure aux besoins physiologiques (1,5 g par jour, soit environ 550 mg par jour de sodium) dans la plupart des pays (> 8 g par jour). Les principales sources de sel sont les pains, les fromages, les produits dérivés de la viande et les plats précuisinés. En moyenne, une consommation élevée de sel est associée à une pression artérielle plus élevée. En Suisse, un adulte sur trois souffre d'hypertension artérielle. La moitié des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des maladies cardiaques ischémiques sont attribuables à une pression artérielle trop élevée. L'Office fédéral de la santé publique conduit actuellement une stratégie visant à diminuer la consommation de sel dans la population suisse à moins de 5 g par jour sur le long terme (Salz Strategie 2008-2012). [Abstract] Current dietary salt (sodium chloride) intake largely exceeds physiological needs (about 1.5 g salt per day, or 550 mg sodium per day) in most countries (> 8 g salt per day). The main sources of dietar salt intake are breads, cheeses, products derived from meat and ready-to-eat meals. On average, a high-salt diet is associated with higher blood pressure levels. In Switzerland, one out of three adults suffers from arterial hypertension. Half of cerebrovascular events and ischaemic cardiac events are attributable to elevated blood pressure. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health is currently running a strategy aiming at reducing dietary salt intake in the Swiss population to less than 5 g per day on the long run (Salz Strategie 2008-2012).


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El presente trabajo es un proyecto de educación sanitaria sobre la conducta P.A.S, para alumnos de E.S.O y Bachillerato. La experiencia personal vivida en el mundo de la extrahospitalaria, es la principal razón por la cual se realiza este proyecto, ya que en la mayoría de accidentes de tráfico asistidos, la población, pese a su buena voluntad y disposición, no conoce los pasos a seguir. En este documento, encontraremos una breve introducción, seguida de datos epidemiológicos sobre mortalidad y secuelas de los accidentes de tráfico, con lo cual se justifica sobremanera, la intervención propuesta. A grandes rasgos el plan de actuación consta de unos objetivos, una intervención tanto teórica como práctica y una evaluación de los alumnos así como del curso en general. En cuanto al temario, comentar que se incide de manera más profunda en la protección in situ y el aviso a los servicios de emergencia, quedando el apartado de socorrismo con unas sencillas recomendaciones, sobretodo de las actuaciones que no se deben llevar a cabo. En el apartado de anexos se puede encontrar los documentos de valoración, así como el temario propuesto.


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Background Area-based measures of socioeconomic position (SEP) suitable for epidemiological research are lacking in Switzerland. The authors developed the Swiss neighbourhood index of SEP (Swiss-SEP). Methods Neighbourhoods of 50 households with overlapping boundaries were defined using Census 2000 and road network data. Median rent per square metre, proportion households headed by a person with primary education or less, proportion headed by a person in manual or unskilled occupation and the mean number of persons per room were analysed in principle component analysis. The authors compared the index with independent income data and examined associations with mortality from 2001 to 2008. Results 1.27 million overlapping neighbourhoods were defined. Education, occupation and housing variables had loadings of 0.578, 0.570 and 0.362, respectively, and median rent had a loading of −0.459. Mean yearly equivalised income of households increased from SFr42 000 to SFr72 000 between deciles of neighbourhoods with lowest and highest SEP. Comparing deciles of neighbourhoods with lowest to highest SEP, the age- and sex-adjusted HR was 1.38 (95% CI 1.36 to 1.41) for all-cause mortality, 1.83 (95% CI 1.71 to 1.95) for lung cancer, 1.48 (95% CI 1.44 to 1.51) for cardiovascular diseases, 2.42 (95% CI 1.94 to 3.01) for traffic accidents, 0.93 (95% CI 0.85 to 1.02) for breast cancer and 0.86 (95% CI 0.78 to 0.95) for suicide. Conclusions Developed using a novel approach to define neighbourhoods, the Swiss-SEP index was strongly associated with household income and some causes of death. It will be useful for clinical- and population-based studies, where individual-level socioeconomic data are often missing, and to investigate the effects on health of the socioeconomic characteristics of a place.


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BACKGROUND: Children and adolescents are at high risk of sustaining fractures during growth. Therefore, epidemiological assessment is crucial for fracture prevention. The AO Comprehensive Injury Automatic Classifier (AO COIAC) was used to evaluate epidemiological data of pediatric long bone fractures in a large cohort. METHODS: Data from children and adolescents with long bone fractures sustained between 2009 and 2011, treated at either of two tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals in Switzerland, were retrospectively collected. Fractures were classified according to the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF). RESULTS: For a total of 2716 patients (60% boys), 2807 accidents with 2840 long bone fractures (59% radius/ulna; 21% humerus; 15% tibia/fibula; 5% femur) were documented. Children's mean age (SD) was 8.2 (4.0) years (6% infants; 26% preschool children; 40% school children; 28% adolescents). Adolescent boys sustained more fractures than girls (p < 0.001). The leading cause of fractures was falls (27%), followed by accidents occurring during leisure activities (25%), at home (14%), on playgrounds (11%), and traffic (11%) and school accidents (8%). There was boy predominance for all accident types except for playground and at home accidents. The distribution of accident types differed according to age classes (p < 0.001). Twenty-six percent of patients were classed as overweight or obese - higher than data published by the WHO for the corresponding ages - with a higher proportion of overweight and obese boys than in the Swiss population (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Overall, differences in the fracture distribution were sex and age related. Overweight and obese patients seemed to be at increased risk of sustaining fractures. Our data give valuable input into future development of prevention strategies. The AO PCCF proved to be useful in epidemiological reporting and analysis of pediatric long bone fractures.


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Nationwide, over 1,000 fatalities and 40,000 injuries occur annually in work zones, which include both construction zones and areas where maintenance is performed. The majority (85%) of work zone accidents result from unsafe driver behavior, and vehicle speed is often a factor in work zone crashes. In order to address speed and driver behavior near work zones, roadway agencies have developed different traffic calming measures. The objective of this research is to summarize the effectiveness of different traffic calming treatments for reducing speeds in work zones. This project 1. identified work zone traffic calming treatments for which information has not been well summarized, 2. identified state of the art and new technologies for work zone traffic calming, and 3. synthesized research related to items 1 and 2


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Vehicle-pedestrian crashes are a major concern for highway safety analysts. Research reported by Hunter in 1996 indicated that one-third of the 5,000 vehicle-pedestrian crashes investigated occurred at intersections, and 40 percent of those were at non-controlled intersections (Hunter et al. 1996). Numerous strategies have been implemented in an effort to reduce these accidents, including overhead signs, flashing warning beacons, wider and brighter markings on the street, and advanced crossing signs. More recently, pedestrian-activated, in-street flashing lights at the crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signs in the traffic lane have been investigated. Not all of these strategies are recognized as accepted practices and included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), but the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is supportive of experimental applications that may lead to effective technology that helps reduce crashes.


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Objectives: Many drugs, both illicit or for medication, are known to influence driving abilities and increase risks of accidents. We explored the prevalence of psychoactive substances in a random sample of drivers in Switzerland. Methods: Saliva samples from 1078 random drivers were collected at 24 different locations in Western Switzerland from October 2006 to April 2008 for complete toxicological analysis using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Results: Provisional results are available for 437 drivers. 6.2% (CI95% 4.1 to 8.9) were under the influence of illicit drugs and 8.7% under psychoactive medication (CI95% 6.2 to 11.7). 37 drivers (8.5%) were under the influence of alcohol of which 14 (3.2%) were above 0.8 mg/L. 21 drivers (4.8%) were under the combined influence of more than one psychoactive substance; however only 4 drivers (0.9%) were under both the influence of medication and alcohol. Looking more specifically at illicit substances, 22 (5.0%) were positive to cocaine, 5 (1.1%) to cannabis, and 2 (0.5%) to amphetamines ; for psychoactive medication, 17 (3.9%) were positive to benzodiazepines, 16 (3.7%) to antidepressors, 7 (1.6%) to opiates, 7 (1.6%) to neuroleptics, and 3 (0.7%) to other substances influencing driving abilities. 17/21 drivers did not self-report their consumption of drugs whereas only 9/35 failed mentioning their medication. Men drivers were 3.2 times (CI95% 1.1 to 9.5) more likely to be under the influence of illicit drugs than women. Full results will be reported when laboratory data will be available in April. Conclusions: Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances is common. In Western Switzerland, prevention messages could focus on men, driving under medication or cocaine.


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RESUME Les nombreuses mines de plomb et d'argent du Valais témoignent d'une activité minière importante par le passé, sans toutefois dévoiler ni l'importance des minéralisations, ni l'ancienneté de l'exploitation. La présente recherche a pour but de comprendre pourquoi les grandes mines sont concentrées dans une région, et de déterminer la chronologie de leur exploitation. L'originalité de ce travail réside dans son interdisciplinarité, plus précisément dans l'application des méthodes minéralogiques pour résoudre une problématique historique. Afin d'évaluer les ressources minières en plomb et en argent du Valais, 57 mines et indices ont été repérés et échantillonnés. Les signatures isotopiques du Pb (74 analyses) et les compositions chimiques élémentaires (45 analyses) ont été déterminées. Les plus grandes exploitations se situent dans la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, au Sud d'une ligne Vallée du Rhône / Val de Bagnes ainsi que dans le Lötschental. Elles sont liées, d'après leur signature isotopique de plomb, à des minéralisations d'âge calédonien (408 à 387 Ma) ou tardi-hercynien (333 à 286 Ma). À ces périodes, l'ancien continent est très lourd et subit une subsidence thermique. Des premières fractures d'extrême importance se forment. Comme il s'agit d'accidents tectoniques majeurs, des gisements de grande extension peuvent se former dans ce contexte. D'autres minéralisations se situent dans les domaines helvétiques (Massif des Aiguilles Rouges, Massif du Mont Blanc et couverture sédimentaire), couvrant une région au Nord de la Vallée du Rhône et du Val d'Entremont. D'âge post-hercynien à tardi-alpin (notons qu'il n'y a pas de minéralisations d'âge tertiaire), elles sont pour la plupart liées à des intrusions granitiques, sources de plomb juvénile. Les mines situées dans ces unités tectoniques sont nettement moins étendues que celles de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, ce qui permet de penser que les minéralisations correspondantes le sont également. Les périodes d'exploitation des mines peuvent être déterminées par quatre approches différentes l'archéologie minière, la lecture des textes historiques, l'étude des déchets métallurgiques et la comparaison de la signature isotopique du plomb, que l'on mesure dans un objet archéologique bien daté (monnaie, bijoux etc.), avec celles des minerais. Cette dernière méthode a été appliquée et développée dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Pour ce faire, 221 échantillons d'objet en plomb ou en argent datés entre l'Âge du Fer et le Moyen Age ont été analysés par la méthode des isotopes de plomb et comparés à environ 1800 signatures isotopiques de minerais des gisements les plus importants en Suisse et en Europe. Avant l'époque romaine et jusqu'au 1 er siècle de cette époque, le plomb provient principalement des mines de la péninsule ibérique alors en pleine activité. Un apport des mines d'Europe tempérée, notamment des Vosges, reste à confirmer. A partir du 1" siècle de notre ère, le plomb a principalement été importé en Suisse occidentale de grands centres de productions situées en Allemagne du Nord (région d'Eifel). Les mines de plomb valaisannes, notamment celles de Siviez, débutent leur exploitation en même temps, principalement pour couvrir les besoins locaux, mais également pour l'exportation jusque dans l'arc lémanique et, dans une moindre importance, au-delà. À partir du 4ème siècle, le besoin en plomb a été couvert par un apport des mines locales et par la refonte d'objets anciens. Ce changement d'approvisionnement est probablement lié aux tensions créées par les invasions germaniques durant la seconde moitié du 3' siècle ; le marché suisse n'est dès lors plus approvisionné par le nord, c'est-à-dire par la vallée du Rhin. Quant à l'argent, l'exploitation de ce métal est attestée à partir de la fin du La Tène, peu après l'apparition de ce métal dans la région valaisanne. L'échantillonnage ne couvrant pas l'époque romaine, rien n'est connu pour cette période. A partir du 5" siècle, une exploitation d'argent est de nouveau attestée. Cependant, l'exploitation d'argent des mines locales ne gagne en importance qu'à partir du Moyen Âge avec les frappes monétaires, notamment les frappes carolingiennes et épiscopales valaisannes. Les sources d'argent sont différentes selon leur utilisation : à part quelques exceptions notamment vers la fin du La Tène et au tardo-antique, les bijoux et objets de cultes ont été souvent créés à partir d'argent refondu, contrairement aux monnaies pour lesquelles l'argent provient des mines locales. On note un approvisionnement différent de ce métal pour les objets, notamment les monnaies, selon leur lieu de fabrication : on peut clairement distinguer les objets valaisans de ceux du Plateau Suisse. SUMMARY The many lead and silver mines of the Valais testify of an important mining activity in the past, without however revealing neither the importance of the mineralizations, nor the era of the exploitation. The purpose of this research is to understand why the large mines are concentrated in one region, and to determine the history of their exploitation. The uniqueness of this work lies in its interdisciplinarity, more precisely in the application of mineralogical methods to solve historical problems. In order to evaluate the lead and silver mining resources of the Valais region, 57 mines and ore deposits were located and sampled. The isotope signatures of Pb (74 analyses) and the compositions of the chemical elements (45 analyses) were determined. The largest activities are in the Siviez-Mischabel area, located in the South of the boundary formed by the Rhone, Bagnes and Lotschental valleys. According to their lead isotope signatures, they are linked to mineralizations of the Caledonian (408 to 387 my) or tardi-Hercynian (333 to 286 my) orogenies. In those times, the old continent was very heavy and underwent a thermal subsidence. First fractures of great significance were formed. Through these major tectonic events, large extended ore deposits can be formed. Other mineralizations are found in the helvetic regions situated north of the Rhone and the Entremont valley (the Aiguilles Rouges basement, Mount Blanc basement and the covering sediment). Because they are from post-hercynien to tardi-alpine age (there are no mineralizations of tertiary age), they are mainly linked to granite intrusions, the sources of juvenile lead. The mines found in these tectonic units are significantly less extensive than those of the Siviez-Mischabel area, leading to the assumption that the respective mineralizations extend accordingly. The history of exploitation of the mines can be determined by four different sources: mining archaeology, historical texts, metallurgical waste, and the comparison of the isotope signature of the lead from accurately dated archaeological objects (currency, jewels etc), with those of the ores. This last approach was applied and developed within the framework of this research. The lead isotope signatures of 221 lead or silver objects from the Iron Age to the Middle Age were compared with approximately 1800 samples of ore of the most important ore deposits in Switzerland and Europe. Before the Roman time up to the 1st century, lead comes mainly from the mines of the Iberian Peninsula then in full activity. A contribution of the mines of Central Europe, in particular of the Vosges, remains to be confirmed. From the 1st century on, lead was mainly imported into Western Switzerland from Northern Germany (Eiffel region). The lead mines in the Valais region, in particular those of Siviez, begin their exploitation at the same time, mainly to meet the local needs, but also for export to the lemanic basin and of lesser importance, beyond. As from the 4th century, the need of lead was met by the production from local mines and the recycling of old objects. This change of supply is probably related to the tensions created by the Germanic invasions during second half of the 3rd century; as a consequence, the Swiss market is not supplied any more by the north, i.e. the Rhine valley. Silver production is confirmed starting from the end of La Tene, shortly after the appearance of this metal in the Valais region. Since no objects of Roman origin were analyzed, nothing is known for this period. From the 5th century on, silver production is again confirmed. However, significant silver production from local mines starts only in the Middle Age with the coinage, in particular Carolingian and Episcopal minting from the Valais region. The sources of silver differ according to their use: besides some exceptions in particular towards the end of La Tene and the tardi-Roman, the jewels and objects of worships were often created from recycled silver, contrary to the coins the silver for which comes from the local mines. A different source of silver is observed according to the location of coin manufacture: Objects originating from the Valais region are clearly distinguished from those from the Plateau Suisse. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die grosse Zahl von Blei- und Silberminen im Wallis ist Zeugnis einer bedeutenden Bergbautätigkeit, es fehlen aber Hinweise über ihren Umfang und den Zeitraum ihrer Ausbeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht zu ergründen, warum grosse Minen sich in einer eng begrenzten Region häufen und in welchem Zeitraum sie genutzt wurden. Die Besonderheit der Studie liegt in ihrer Interdisziplinarität, genauer in der Anwendung von mineralogischen Methoden zur Beantwortung historischer Fragestellungen. Zur Beurteilung der Lagerstätten wurden von 57 Minen und Aufschlüssen Proben entnommen oder Nachweise erbracht und mittels 74 Isotopen-Analysen von Blei und 45 chemischen Gesamtanalysen ausgewertet. Die wichtigsten Vorkommen liegen in der Siviez- Mischabel- Decke südlich der Linie Rhonetal- Val de Bagnes, sowie im Lötschental. Die Bleiisotopen- Alter weisen ihre Entstehung der kaledonischen (408 - 387 Mio. J.) oder der spät- herzynischen (333 - 286 Mio. J.) Gebirgsbildungsphase zu. In dieser Periode ist die kompakte Landmasse sehr schwer und erfairt eine thermische Absenkung. Es bilden sich tektonische Brüche von kontinentaler Ausdehnung. Die grossen tektonischen Bewegungen ermöglichen die Bildung von ausgedehnten Lagerstätten. Andere Vorkommen finden sich im Bereich der Helvetischen Alpen (Aiguilles Rouges Massiv, Mont-Blanc-Massiv und Sediment-Decken) im Gebiet nördlich des Rhonetales bis zum Val d'Entremont. Altersmässig sind sie der nach-hercynischen bis zur spät-alpidischen Orogenese zuzuweisen (auffällig ist das Fehlen von Vorkommen im Tertiär) und haben sich meist in der Folge von Granit- Intrusion, dem Ursprung von primärem Blei ausgebildet. Die Bergwerke in diesem Bereich sind deutlich weniger ausgedehnt als jene in der Siviez-Mischabel-Decke und entsprechen wahrscheinlich dem geringen Umfang der zugehörigen Vorkommen. Die Nutzungsperioden der Minen können mit vier verschiedenen Methoden bestimmt werden: Minenarchäologie, Historische Quellen, Auswertung von metallischen Abfällen (Schlacken) und Vergleich der Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzung von Erzen mit jener von zeitlich gut datierbaren archäologischen Gegenständen (Münzen, Schmuckstücke). Die letztere Methode wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit entwickelt und angewendet. Zu diesem Zweck wurden an 221 Proben von Blei- oder Silberobjekten, die in die Periode zwischen Eisenzeit und Mittelalter eingestuft werden können, Bleiisotopen- Analysen durchgeführt und mit ca. 1800 Proben aus den wichtigsten Lagerstätten der Schweiz und Europas verglichen. Vor der Römerzeit und bis ins 1. Jahrh. stammt das Blei vornehmlich aus den in jener Zeit in voller Ausbeutung begriffenen Minen der Iberischen Halbinsel. Der Beitrag von Mitteleuropa, besonders der Vogesen, muss noch bestätigt werden. Ab dem 1. Jahrh. nach Chr. wurde die Westschweiz hauptschlich mit Blei aus den grossen Produktionszentren Norddeutschlands, vorwiegend der Eifel, versorgt. In dieser Periode setzt die Ausbeutung der Bleiminen des Wallis, besonders von Siviez, ein. Sie dienen der Deckung des örtlichen Bedarfs aber auch der Ausfuhr in das Gebiet des Genfersees und in einem bescheidenen Rahmen sogar darüber hinaus. Ab dem 4. Jahrhundert wurden vermehrt alte Objekte eingeschmolzen. Dieser Wechsel der Versorgungsquellen war vermutlich eine Folge der Wölkerwanderung in der zweiten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war Helvetien der Zugang zu den Versorgungsquellen des Nordens, besonders des Rheinlandes, verwehrt. Der Abbau von Silber ist ab dem Ende des La Tène nachgewiesen, nur wenig nach dem Auftreten dieses Metalls im Wallis. Über die Römerzeit können wegen dem Fehlen entsprechender Proben keine Aussagen gemacht werden. Eine erneute Abbauperiode ist ab dem 5. Jahrhundert nachgewiesen. Die Produktion der örtlichen Minen erreicht aber erst im Mittelalter eine gewisse Bedeutung mit der Prägung von Mnzen durch die Karolinger und die Walliser Bischöfe. Die Herkunft des Silbers ist abhängig von dessen Verwendung. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen in der Zeit des La Tène und der späteren Römerzeit wurde für Kunst- und Kult- Gegenstände rezykliertes Silber verwendet, für Münzprägungen neues Silber aus den örtlichen Minen. Von Einfluss auf die Herkunft war auch der Produktionsstandort: Die Objekte aus dem Wallis unterscheiden sich deutlich von jenen des Mittellandes.


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This report summarizes progress made in Phase 1 of the GIS-based Accident Location and Analysis System (GIS-ALAS) project. The GIS-ALAS project builds on several longstanding efforts by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), law enforcement agencies, Iowa State University, and several other entities to create a locationally-referenced highway accident database for Iowa. Most notable of these efforts is the Iowa DOT’s development of a PC-based accident location and analysis system (PC-ALAS), a system that has been well received by users since it was introduced in 1989. With its pull-down menu structure, PC-ALAS is more portable and user-friendly than its mainframe predecessor. Users can obtain accident statistics for locations during specified time periods. Searches may be refined to identify accidents of specific types or involving drivers with certain characteristics. Output can be viewed on a computer screen, sent to a file, or printed using pre-defined formats.


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Background: Interpersonal violence is a worldwide social reality which seems to increasingly affect even the safest of countries, such as Switzerland. In this country, road traffic accidents, as well as professional and recreational activities, are the main providers of trauma-related injuries. The incidence of penetrative trauma related to stab wounds seems to be regularly increasing in our ED. The question arises of whether our strategies in trauma management are adapted to deal efficiently with these injuries.Methods: To answer this question, the study analysed patients admitted for intentional penetrative injuries in a tertiary urban emergency department (ED) during a 23 month period. Demographics, conditions of the assault, injury type and treatments applied were analysed.Results: Eighty patients admitted due to an intentional penetrating trauma accounted for 0.2% of the surgical practice of our ED. The assault occurred equally in a public or a private context, mainly affecting young males during the night and the weekend. Sixty six patients (83%) were treated as out-patients. Only 10 patients needed surgery. None of them required damage control surgery. No patient died and the mean hospital stay was 5.5 days.Conclusions: The prevalence of stab wounds in Switzerland is low. These injuries rarely need complex, surgical procedures. Observational strategies should be considered according to the patient status.


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Résumé Introduction et but: Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) ischémiques thalamiques sont traditionnellement classés en quatre territoires : antérieur (polaire ou tubérothalamique), paramédian (ou thalamo-perforant), inférolatéral (ou thalamo-genouillé) et postérieur. Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer, à l'aide des techniques d'imagerie actuelles, si cette classification est appropriée ou si il existe d'autres territoires à la jonction entre les précédents territoires. Méthode: Nous avons étudié les 3712 patients hospitalisés pour un premier AVC dans le service de neurologie du CHUV à Lausanne et inclus dans le « Lausanne Stroke Registry » entre 1990 et 2002. Parmi les 71 patients avec un infarctus thalamique confirmé par IRM, nous avons sélectionné tous les patients présentant un AVC hors des quatre territoires classiques en étudiant leur tableau clinique, étiologique et radiologique. Résultats: 21 patients (30% des patients avec AVC thalamiques) avaient un AVC hors des quatre territoires classiques, permettant de délimiter trois nouveaux territoires. 1) territoire anteromédian (9 patients (13%)), atteignant la partie postérieure du territoire antérieur et la partie antérieure du territoire paramédian, avec en premier lieu des troubles cognitifs (principalement troubles dysexecutifs, amnésie antérograde ainsi qu'une aphasie dans les lésions gauches). L'étiologie principale était cardio-embolique. 2) territoire central (4 patients (6%)), atteignant la partie centrale du thalamus provoquant différents signes neurologiques et neuropsychologiques, reflétant l'atteinte de différentes structures. La cause la plus fréquente était microangiopathique. 3) territoire posterolateral (8 patients (8%)), atteignant la partie postérieure du territoire inférolatéral et la partie antérieure du territoire postérieur provoquant en premier lieu une hémihypesthesie mais aussi une hémiataxie ainsi que des troubles dysexécutifs et une aphasie dans les lésions gauches. Les étiologies les plus fréquentes étaient artério-artérielle et microangiopathique. Conclusions: Nous décrivons trois nouvelles variantes topographiques d'AVC thalamiques avec des tableaux cliniques et étiologiques distincts. Nous postulons que ces variantes sont le résultat de variations de la vascularisation thalamique ou reflètent une atteinte ischémique jonctionnelle. Abstract Background and Purpose -Thalamic infarcts have traditionally been classified into 4 territories: anterior, paramedian, inferolateral, and posterior. The purpose of this study was to review this classical versus variant distribution in patients with thalamic stroke. Methods - We reviewed all patients with a first clinical stroke included in the Lausanne Stroke Registry between 1990 and 2002. Among 71 patients with an acute stroke isolated to the thalamus confirmed by MRI, we selected all patients with lesions outside the classical territories and studied their clinical, etiological, and radiological features. Results - A total of 21 patients (30% of all thalamic stroke patients) showed infarction outside the classical territories, allowing us to delineate 3 variant distributions: (1) Anteromedian territory (9 patients [13%]) involving anterior and paramedian territories, with predominantly cognitive impairment, including executive dysfunction, anterograde amnesia, and aphasia in left-sided or bilateral lesions. The most frequent stroke mechanism was cardiac embolism. (2) Central territory (4 patients [6%]), with lesions on the central part of the thalamus, resulting in a variety of neurological and neuropsychological signs, reflecting the involvement of several adjacent structures. Microangiopathy was the most frequent etiology. (3) Posterolateral territory (8 patients [11%]), involving inferolateral and posterior territories, with hemihypesthesia as the most frequent manifestation, followed by hemiataxia, executive dysfunction, and aphasia in left-sided lesions. Artery-to-artery embolism and microangiopathy were the main stroke mechanisms. Conclusions - We describe 3 variant topographic patterns of thalamic infarction with distinct manifestations and etiologies. We postulate that these infarcts are the result of a variation in thalamic arterial supply or reflect borderzone ischemia.


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The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of spiral CT (SCT) aortography for diagnosing acute aortic lesions in blunt thoracic trauma patients. Between October 1992 and June 1997, 487 SCT scans of the chest were performed on blunt thoracic trauma patients. To assess aortic injury, the following SCT criteria were considered: hemomediastinum, peri-aortic hematoma, irregular aspect of the aortic wall, aortic pseudodiverticulum, intimal flap and traumatic dissection. Aortic injury was diagnosed on 14 SCT examinations (2.9 %), five of the patients having had an additional digital aortography that confirmed the aortic trauma. Twelve subjects underwent surgical repair of the thoracic aorta, which in all but one case confirmed the aortic injury. Two patients died before surgery from severe brain lesions. The aortic blunt lesions were confirmed at autopsy. According to the follow-up of the other 473 patients, we are aware of no false-negative SCT examination. Our limited series shows a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 99.8 % of SCT aortography in the diagnosis of aortic injury. It is concluded that SCT aortagraphy is an accurate diagnostic method for the assessment of aortic injury in blunt thoracic trauma patients.


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Recent trends (1980-2007) in mortality from road traffic crashes in European countries, and, for comparative purposes, in the USA and Japan were reviewed. Data came from the World Health Organisation database. Age-standardised rates, at all ages and at 15-24, 25-64, >=65 years, were computed. Joinpoint regression analyses to evaluate significant changes in trends were performed. In the European Union as a whole rates declined from 20.2 in 1987 to 13.5/100,000 in 2007 in men, and from 6.3 to 3.7/100,000 in women; European Union rates remained lower than USA, but higher than Japanese ones. In 2007, the highest male rates were in Lithuania (36.7/100,000), the Russian Federation (35.2), Ukraine (29.8), and Latvia (28.5), and the lowest ones in the Netherlands (6.2) and Sweden (6.9); the highest female rates were in the Russian Federation (11.3), Lithuania (9.7), Belarus, Latvia, and Ukraine (around 8), and the lowest ones in Switzerland (1.7), the UK, and Nordic countries (around 2). Mortality from motor vehicle crashes declined in northern and western European countries and - though to a lesser extent - in southern European countries, too. Mortality trends were also favourable in the Czech Republic and Poland since the mid 1990's, whereas they were still upwards in Romania and the Russian Federation. No trend was observed in Hungary and Ukraine. Trends were consistent in various age groups considered. Thus, additional urgent and integrated intervention is required to prevent avoidable deaths from motor vehicle crashes, particularly in selected central and eastern European countries.


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El consumo habitual de cannabis conlleva graves consecuencias a la población. Dicho consumo a una edad temprana, se ha visto que puede ser un factor de riesgo a tener en cuenta en poblaciones vulnerables al desarrollo de trastornos psicóticos, principalmente, en la esquizofrenia. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: analizar la prevalencia de personas que sufren esquizofrenia y a la vez son consumidoras de cannabis, conocer la existente correlación entre el consumo de cannabis y la esquizofrenia, y por último, determinar cuál de los dos factores es el precipitante del otro. Para ello se llevará a cabo una revisión de la literatura, en la que se recogerán y se analizarán artículos de carácter científico, publicados en revistas indexadas en las bases de datos seleccionadas y en las que generalmente se haga revisión por pares. Y dichos artículos tratarán el área de conocimiento y de interés para esta revisión. Se revisarán todas las publicaciones que cumplan su publicación en mayo del 2013, en idioma inglés y castellano. El tipo de población a estudiar debía ser juvenil, con un rango de edad entre los 15 y los 34 años y con un consumo habitual de cannabis. Se seleccionaron, finalmente, 19 artículos de los cuales son: otras revisiones sistemáticas, meta-análisis, estudios de cohortes, estudios longitudinales y de casos-control.