983 resultados para Occupation


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BACKGROUND: In developed countries, individuals experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage - whether a low education level, low income, low-status occupation, or living in a socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhood - are less likely than those more advantaged to engage in eating and physical activity behaviours conducive to optimal health. These socioeconomic inequities in nutrition and physical activity (and some sedentary) behaviours are graded, persistent, and evident across multiple populations and studies. They are concerning in that they mirror socioeconomic inequities in obesity and in health outcomes. Yet there remains a dearth of evidence of the most effective means of addressing these inequities. People experiencing disadvantage face multiple challenges to healthy behaviours that can appear insurmountable. With increasing recognition of the role of underlying structural and societal factors as determinants of nutrition and physical activity behaviours and inequities in these behaviours, and the limited success of behaviour change approaches in addressing these inequities, we might wonder whether there remains a role for behavioural scientists to tackle these challenges. DISCUSSION: This debate piece argues that behavioural scientists can play an important role in addressing socioeconomic inequities in nutrition, physical activity and sedentary behaviours, and that this will involve challenging myths and taking on new perspectives. There are successful models for doing so from which we can learn. Addressing socioeconomic inequities in eating, physical activity and sedentary behaviours is challenging. However, successful examples demonstrate that overcoming such challenges is possible, and provide guidance for doing so. Given the disproportionate burden of ill health carried by people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage, all our nutrition and physical activity interventions, programs and policies should be designed to reach and positively impact these individuals at greatest need.


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BACKGROUND: Previous research showed an increase in Australian suicide rates during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). There has been no research investigating whether suicide rates by occupational class changed during the GFC. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the GFC-associated increase in suicide rates in employed Australians may have masked changes by occupational class.

METHODS: Negative binomial regression models were used to investigate Rate Ratios (RRs) in suicide by occupational class. Years of the GFC (2007, 2008, 2009) were compared to the baseline years 2001-2006.

RESULTS: There were widening disparities between a number of the lower class occupations and the highest class occupations during the years 2007, 2008, and 2009 for males, but less evidence of differences for females.

CONCLUSIONS: Occupational disparities in suicide rates widened over the GFC period. There is a need for programs to be responsive to economic downturns, and to prioritise the occupational groups most affected.


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Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a promising network paradigm that separates the control plane and data plane in the network. It has shown great advantages in simplifying network management such that new functions can be easily supported without physical access to the network switches. However, Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM), as a critical hardware storing rules for high-speed packet processing in SDN-enabled devices, can be supplied to each device with very limited quantity because it is expensive and energy-consuming. To efficiently use TCAM resources, we propose a rule multiplexing scheme, in which the same set of rules deployed on each node apply to the whole flow of a session going through but towards different paths. Based on this scheme, we study the rule placement problem with the objective of minimizing rule space occupation for multiple unicast sessions under QoS constraints. We formulate the optimization problem jointly considering routing engineering and rule placement under both existing and our rule multiplexing schemes. Via an extensive review of the state-of-the-art work, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the non-routing-rule placement problem. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted to show that our proposals significantly outperform existing solutions.


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BACKGROUND/AIM: Understanding and facilitating the transformation from occupational therapy student to practitioner is central to the development of competent and work-ready graduates. However, the pivotal concepts and capabilities that need to be taught and learnt in occupational therapy are not necessarily explicit. The threshold concepts theory of teaching and learning proposes that every discipline has a set of transformational concepts that students must acquire in order to progress. As students acquire the threshold concepts, they develop a transformed way of understanding content related to their course of study which contributes to their developing expertise. The aim of this study was to identify the threshold concepts of occupational therapy. METHOD: The Delphi technique, a data collection method that aims to demonstrate consensus in relation to important questions, was used with three groups comprising final year occupational therapy students (n = 11), occupational therapy clinicians (n = 21) and academics teaching occupational therapy (n = 10) in Victoria, Australia. RESULTS: Participants reached consensus regarding 10 threshold concepts for the occupational therapy discipline. These are: understanding and applying the models and theories of occupational therapy; occupation; evidence-based practice; clinical reasoning; discipline specific skills and knowledge; practising in context; a client-centred approach; the occupational therapist role; reflective practice and; a holistic approach. CONCLUSION: The threshold concepts identified provide valuable information for the discipline. They can potentially inform the development of competencies for occupational therapy and provide guidance for teaching and learning activities to facilitate the transformation to competent practitioner.


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BACKGROUND: The effective preparation of occupational therapy students for mental health practice is critical to facilitate positive consumer outcomes, underpin optimal practice and support new graduates' professional identity. This project was established to determine a set of 'educational priorities' for occupational therapy students to prepare them for current (and future) entry-level practice in mental health, from the perspective of mental health occupational therapists in Australia and New Zealand. METHODS: The study included two phases. In Phase One, participants identified what they considered to be important educational priorities for occupational therapy students to prepare them for practice in mental health. For Phase Two, an 'expert panel' was assembled to review and rank these using a Policy Delphi approach. RESULTS: Eighty-five participants provided educational priorities in Phase One. These were grouped into a total of 149 educational themes. In Phase Two, the expert panel (consisting of 37 occupational therapists from diverse locations and practice settings) prioritised these themes across three Delphi rounds. A final priority list was generated dividing educational themes into three prioritised categories: 29 'Essential', 25 'Important' and 44 'Optional' priorities. Highest-ranked priorities were: clinical reasoning, client-centred practice, therapeutic use of self, functional implications of mental illness, therapeutic use of occupation and mental health fieldwork experience. CONCLUSION: The priority list developed as part of this project provides additional information to support the review of occupational therapy curricula across Australia and New Zealand to ensure that new graduates are optimally prepared for mental health practice.


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Maritime pilotage is a demanding occupation where pilots are required to perform complex procedures in sometimes unfamiliar working environments. The psychological (e.g., stress) and physical demands (e.g., reduced sleep, boarding, and departing vessels) may over time have a damaging effect on pilots’ physical and mental health. This presentation will focus on findings from a recent systematic review on maritime pilots’ health and well-being.
Materials and methods
The databases Academic search complete, MEDLINE and MEDLINE Complete, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PubMed, and ScienceDirect were searched from the earliest available record until 1 May 2015. From an initial pool of 167 manuscripts retrieved, only 18 were peer-reviewed original research and discussed topics associated with maritime pilots’ health and well-being.
Twenty-nine factors associated with maritime pilot health and well-being were identified, and were categorised into physical (n=14), psychosocial (n=8), and workplace issues (n=7). The most commonly investigated factors were blood pressure or heartrate, sleep or fatigue, smoking and alcohol consumption, perceived stress, and shift duration or cycle.
Results from the review suggest that the number of modern-day pilots presenting as overweight or obese, and that the prevention of CVD and associated cardio-metabolic risk factors is of paramount importance. In presenting the findings, recommendations for multidisciplinary approaches to better quantify the impact of maritime pilotage on long-term health and well-being will be made.


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Modeling Clean Energy A New Home Sweet Home Opening a Dialogue Walking in Someone Else's Shoes Delayed Reaction, Strong Occupation New Affiliation with Columbia Same Place, Different Mission Giving Marriage a New Ring TwitterFEED Microcosm of a Small World


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A erodibilidade, particularizada como a susceptibilidade a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado, é uma das propriedades de comportamento dos solos de maior complexidade pelo grande número de variáveis intervenientes. Estudada por diferentes áreas do conhecimento (Agronomia, Hidráulica, Geologia de Engenharia e Engenharia Geotécnica), tem no meio geotécnico a maior lacuna na sua quantificação e entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a erodibilidade de solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados a partir de quatro perfis representativos dos processos erosivos e solos envolvidos na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Os solos dos principais horizontes de cada um destes perfis foram caracterizados física, química e mineralogicamente. As propriedades de resistência ao cisalhamento e colapsibilidade foram avaliadas por ensaios de cisalhamento direto convencionais e com controle de sucção e por ensaios de colapsibilidade em oedômetros, respectivamente. A erodibilidade foi avaliada em laboratório, diretamente por meio de ensaios de Inderbitzen e indiretamente por diferentes critérios e parâmetros baseados em outras características físicas e propriedades dos solos. A análise conjunta do comportamento dos solos em campo frente a erosão, da avaliação direta e indireta da erodibilidade e das propriedades geomecânicas investigadas conduziram à formulação de uma proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a erodibilidade dos solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados. Nesta proposta destaca–se a avaliação direta da erodibilidade por ensaios de Inderbitzen e a indicação de solos potencialmente erodíveis baseada no teor de finos, na plasticidade, no parâmetro K da USLE, na Razão de Dispersão de Middleton, na classificação e critério de erodibilidade MCT e na variação da coesão com a saturação pelo parâmetro variação de coesão (Δc) proposto. A proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a previsão da erodibilidade dos solos visa dotar o engenheiro geotécnico de uma ferramenta destinada à avaliação do potencial erosivo dos terrenos antes de uma iniciativa de ocupação urbana ou implantação de qualquer outra obra de engenharia. Esta avaliação é o passo inicial no direcionamento de medidas preventivas e que visem minimizar o impacto da obra ao meio físico natural, no que se refere a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado.


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Atualmente, o desenho urbano tem sido realizado dentro de um âmbito restrito do conhecimento. Este não tem considerado aspectos de drenagem da água que trazem grandes transtornos e custos para a sociedade e o ambiente. O desenvolvimento urbano brasileiro tem produzido um aumento significativo na freqüência de inundações, na produção de sedimentos e na deterioração da qualidade da água. Tal situação é decorrente, na maioria dos casos, da ocupação intensiva do solo urbano. Assim, essa abordagem demonstra, inicialmente, uma visão sobre o desenho urbano e suas interfaces; particularmente as relacionadas com a geografia, o ambiente natural e o construído. Na seqüência, pretendendo atingir o enfoque interdisciplinar, aponta vínculos entre o desenho urbano e a hidrologia através de uma análise ambiental de bairros dos municípios de Porto Alegre e Lindolfo Collor, de modo a identificar relações com a utilização de uma variável - a superfície impermeável, procurando descrever o comportamento ambiental de bacias hidrográficas urbanizadas bem como mostrar a necessidade da reserva de área para armazenar água no início do crescimento urbano. Finalizando, apresenta os principais parâmetros ou características de desenho que deverão garantir a sustentabilidade urbana e hidrológica. Apesar de prematuro, pode-se afirmar que existem indícios para que a dissertação venha suprir algumas deficiências existentes no planejamento urbano-ambientalatualmente adotado.


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This article describes some of the current transformations regarding the processes by which information and culture are generated, from the point of view of developing countries. In this brief analysis, the article discusses the role of projects such as Creative Commons for developing countries. It also discusses the idea of legal commons and social commons. While the idea of legal commons can be understood as the voluntary use of licenses such as Creative Commons in order to create a “commons”, the idea of social commons has to do with the tensions between legality and illegality in developing countries. These tensions appear prominently in the so-called global “peripheries”, and in many instances make the legal structure of intellectual property irrelevant, unfamiliar, or unenforceable, for various reasons. With the emergence of digital technology and the Internet, in many places and regions in developing countries (especially in the “peripheries”), technology ended up arriving earlier than the idea of intellectual property. Such a de facto situation propitiated the emergence of cultural industries that were not driven by intellectual property incentives. In these cultural businesses, the idea of “sharing” and of free dissemination of the content is intrinsic to the social circumstances taking place in these peripheries. Also, the appropriation of technology on the part of the “peripheries” ends up promoting autonomous forms of bridging the digital divide, such as the “LAN house” phenomenon discussed below. This paper proposes that many lessons can be learned from the business models emerging from social commons practices in developing countries. The tension between legality and illegality in “peripheral” areas in developing countries is not new. The work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others in the 1970s was paradigmatic for the discussion of legal pluralism regarding the occupation of land in Brazil. This paper aims to follow in that same pioneer tradition of studies about legal pluralism, and to apply those principles to the discussion of “intellectual property” rather than the ownership of land.


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É nítida e rápida a popularização da maioria dos bens duráveis de consumo no Estado de São Paulo, nos últimos vinte anos. Colaboram para isso a universalização da oferta domiciliar de eletricidade, água encanada, esgotos, e a tendência ao barateamento dos bens. Entre outros efeitos, tal popularização deteriora a eficácia das escalas de classificação sócio- econômica baseadas na posse de itens de conforto doméstico, suscitando freqüentes revisões e discórdias no interior da comunidade de marketing. Este estudo sistematiza estatísticas sobre situação domiciliar e posse de itens de conforto doméstico no Estado de S. Paulo, e mostra como isso afeta o consumo material e cultural. Finalmente, aponta que é chegada a hora de se usar mais e melhor variáveis como educação, profissão, qualidade do domicílio, tal como se faz em países desenvolvidos, para o entendimento mais pleno das mudanças que implantam no Brasil a moderna sociedade de consumo.


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O presente relatório discute uma das significativas dimensões da avenida Paulista na cidade de São Paulo: sua crescente ocupação para manifestações políticas, articuladas principalmente por categorias profissionais como bancários, funcionários públicos, professores e metalúrgicos, além de outras mais abrangentes como os protestos pelo impeachment, liderados por setores estudantis. O principal objetivo é analisar a visibilidade privilegiada adquirida por essas manifestações, e por conseguinte a importância desse espaço em sua dimensão pública na metrópole.


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The Brazilian insurance market is the ambience in which this research study takes place in search for a better understanding of how cultural characteristics are related with organizational signs, practices and expectations on social responsibility. The concepts of social responsibility as well as the concept of culture are presented and discussed from different points of view, in accordance with different authors and trough several methodological approaches, in order to establish a coherent theoretical basis for qualitative data analysis. The phenomenological attitude assumed by the researcher in especial dialogues situations during the field research phase added new possibilities of apprehension or emergence of each studied organization self orientation in terms of pre-occupation with social issues intimately related with their insurance activities in the market place. Final reflections show the complexity of the insurance cultural context in the studied Brazilian segment, in which cultural and subcultural national and organizational singularities appear. However leaving space for common values and coherent orientation toward the peculiar understanding of social responsibility as inherent to any insurance company activities, themselves. Last comments point out that future research studies may give additional contribution for the continuity of the discussions initiated in this dissertation, expecting that some changes in the organizational posture and practices may happen, especially those related with risk taking and broad processes of communication with clients and society as a whole.


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The consumption of goods from brands in vogue, which symbolize status, popularity, success and social distinction, among those from the same social group in a pre-teenage girls¿ environment, has been a topic for academic studies as well as the market, due to their relevant consumption power for the companies worldwide. This paper aims to check out the use of these goods by them in São Luís, in order to become popular, succesful and socially distinguished; and the relation of the consumption for status with the brand image consumed and the pre-teenage girl self image; how familiar with the goods and the brand they are; and their attitude concerning their qualities. The empirical metodology had two phases: a qualitative and a quantitative one. The first one started with a specific group of 8 (eight) pre-teenage girls from high and medium classes, with the purpose of collecting some basis in order to reinforce the theory once the hypothesis were elaborated and used to guide the quantitative research as well as to adapt some North American scales. In the second stage of the qualitative research, a survey was applied in a convenience sample of 300 (three hundred) pre-teenage girls from São Luís, all from the high, medium high and low classes. The main result showed the pre-teenage girls from São Luís consume goods and brands for status, so they could get prestige, success, and social distinction, however, they do not define themselves or judge the social status of those from their social group based only on the clothes they wear and the brands which indicate their consumption power. Some other status symbols are important too, like, housing, the family car, the neighborhood where they dwell, the parents¿ occupation; the school they go to, the long and straight hair, how correct they speak Portuguese and their holiday trips. Another result highlighted was the strong relation of the brand image with their self image in the consumption for status.


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A história recente do Nordeste caracteriza-se por uma primeira fase de isolamento e outra de articulação. Nessa segunda fase, o dinamismo que se instala a partir da década de sessenta provocou profundas transformações na economia da região. Essas transformações implicaram em elevadas taxas de expansão do produto regional, alterações na estrutura produtiva através da adoção de novos processos de trabalho que implicou de um lado, na redução da demanda por trabalho e de outro, na sua expansão. Registrou-se, também, mudanças bastante significativas nos gêneros industriais reduzindo a participação na produção das indústrias de bens de consumo não-duráveis e aumentando de modo importante a participação das indústrias de bens intermediários voltadas para o mercado nacional e internacional, o que contribui para aumentar a dependência do Nordeste em relação as regiões mais ricas. As mudanças iniciadas no setor industrial se propagam para os setores primários, secundários e terciários. No setor agrícola, as transformações dificultaram a sobrevivência do trabalhador, ampliaram as relações capitalistas no setor manifestas na maior proletarização da mão-de-obra rural; estimularam as emigrações para. as cidades e elevaram consideravelmente a participação da população ocupada em atividades predominantemente urbanas. No setor terciário, as mudanças provocaram o incremento do subemprego, grande diferenciação nos 11 níveis de produtividade e rendimentos, gerando um quadro de aprofundamento da heterogeneidadeda estrutura produtiva e do mercado de trabalho. Adicionalmente, houve uma excessiva urbanização, aumento da concentração da renda, incremento do grau de informalidade, crescimento do número de empregados clandestinos e maior participação dos menores e adultos no mercado de trabalho. Tudo isso, ocorreu,associado ao quadro de dinamismo das atividades produtivas, sem paralelo na história recente das regiões atrasadas do pais. A análise dos dados também mostrou que o nível do desemprego aberto, é relativamente baixo tanto para os homens como para as mulheres. Isto ocorre porque na expansão ou na retração econômica as flutuações no nível de ocupação são acampanhadas por modificações da taxa de participação da PIA no mercado de trabalho. Portanto, a recente infonnalidade, fonnalidade e submersão da mão-de-obra no Nordeste estão associadas a um contexto de crescimento da economia e, por conseguinte, resultam do estilo ou padrão de acumulação de capital que, mesmo se realizando com altas taxas de expansão, não repercute positivamente no mercado de trabalho, nos tennos requeridos pela oferta de mão-de-obra. Assim, o aparecimento de um excedente relativo de população é resultado do padrão de acumulação da capital da economia regional, que está associado ao modo como o Nordeste se inseriu no contexto nacional e, nesse sentido, é o padrão de industrialização o principal fator responsável por parte importante do insucesso da economia local em absorver produtivamente a população que se apresenta no mercado de trabalho urbano