998 resultados para Nuclear fusion


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Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare undifferentiated neoplasm. The prognosis is poor, even if therapy is instituted promptly. and thus it is important to differentiate it from other histologically and cytologically similar-looking malignancies of the young adult. We present a case of DSRCT in a 17-yr-old male with disseminated peritoneal disease and peritoneal effusion. The cytology sample showed a malignant small round cell tumor, the classical cytological features of DSRCT, and immunohistochemistry performed in the prepared cell block exhibited an antibody expression profile in keeping with DSRCT. Further material front the effusion was prepared for RNA extraction, following which a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) and sequencing of the t(l l;22)(p13;q11 or q12) were carried out. The result showed the presence of the reciprocal translocation and thus confirmed the diagnosis of DSRCT. This case shows how molecular techniques (including sequencing) call be applied to cytology in clarifying and confirming certain difficult diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasms, DSRCT in this particular case. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2003;29:341-343. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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ABSTRACT Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most powerful analytical techniques available to biology. This review is an introduction to the potential of this method and is aimed at readers who have little or no experience in acquiring or analyzing NMR spectra. We focus on spectroscopic applications of the magnetic resonance effect, rather than imaging ones, and explain how various aspects of the NMR phenomenon make it a versatile tool with which to address a number of biological problems. Using detailed examples, we discuss the use of 1H NMR spectroscopy in mixture analysis and metabolomics, the use of 13C NMR spectroscopy in tracking isotopomers and determining the flux through metabolic pathways (‘fluxomics’) and the use of 31P NMR spectroscopy in monitoring ATP generation and intracellular pH homeotasis in vivo. Further examples demonstrate how NMR spectroscopy can be used to probe the physical environment of a cell by measuring diffusion and the tumbling rates of individual metabolites and how it can determine macromolecular structures by measuring the bonds and distances which separate individual atoms. We finish by outlining some of the key challenges which remain in NMR spectroscopy and we highlight how recent advances— such as increased magnet field strengths, cryogenic cooling, microprobes and hyperpolarisation—are opening new avenues for today’s biological NMR spectroscopists.


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Two nitride-strengthened reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels with different Mn contents were investigated. The experimental steels were designed based on the chemical composition of Eurofer 97 steel but the C content was reduced to an extremely low level. Microstructure observation and hardness tests showed that the steel with low Mn content (0.47 wt.%) could not obtain a full martensitic microstructure due to the inevitable δ-ferrite independent of cooling rate after soaking. This steel showed similar room temperature strength and higher strength at 600 °C, but lower impact toughness, compared with Eurofer 97 steel. Fractography of the Charpy impact specimen revealed that the low room temperature toughness should be related to the Ta-rich inclusions initiating the cleavage fracture. The larger amount of V-rich nitrides and more dissolved Cr in the matrix could be responsible for the strength being similar to Eurofer 97 steel. In the second steel developed from the first steel by increasing the Mn content from 0.47 wt.% to 3.73 wt.%, a microstructure of full martensite could be obtained.


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The mycotoxin zearalenone (ZEN) is a secondary metabolite of fungi which is produced by certain species of the genus Fusarium and can occur in cereals and other plant products. Reporter gene assays incorporating natural steroid receptors and the H295R steroidogenesis assay have been implemented to assess the endocrine disrupting activity of ZEN and its metabolites -zearalenol (-ZOL) and -zearalenol (-ZOL). -ZOL exhibited the strongest estrogenic potency (EC50 0.022 ± 0.001 nM), slightly less potent than 17- estradiol (EC50 0.015 ± 0.002 nM). ZEN was ~70 times less potent than -ZOL and twice as potent as -ZOL. Binding of progesterone to the progestagen receptor was shown to be synergistically increased in the presence of ZEN, -ZOL or -ZOL. ZEN, -ZOL or -ZOL increased production of progesterone, estradiol, testosterone and cortisol hormones in the H295R steroidogenesis assay, with peak productions at 10 M. At 100 M, cell viability decreased and levels of hormones were significantly reduced except for progesterone. -ZOL increased estradiol concentrations more than -ZOL or ZEN, with a maximum effect at 10 M, with -ZOL (562 ± 59 pg/ml) > -ZOL (494 ± 60 pg/ml) > ZEN (375 ± 43 pg/ml). The results indicate that ZEN and its metabolites can act as potential endocrine disruptors at the level of nuclear receptor signalling and by altering hormone production.


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The nonlinear dynamics of electrostatic solitary waves in the form of localized modulated wavepackets is investigated from first principles. Electron-acoustic (EA) excitations are considered in a two-electron plasma, via a fluid formulation. The plasma, assumed to be collisionless and uniform (unmagnetized), is composed of two types of electrons (inertial cold electrons and inertialess kappa-distributed superthermal electrons) and stationary ions. By making use of a multiscale perturbation technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger equation is derived for the modulated envelope, relying on which the occurrence of modulational instability (MI) is investigated in detail. Stationary profile localized EA excitations may exist, in the form of bright solitons (envelope pulses) or dark envelopes (voids). The presence of superthermal electrons modifies the conditions for MI to occur, as well as the associated threshold and growth rate. The concentration of superthermal electrons (i.e., the deviation from a Maxwellian electron distribution) may control or even suppress MI. Furthermore, superthermality affects the characteristics of solitary envelope structures, both qualitatively (supporting one or the other type, for different.) and quantitatively, changing their characteristics (width, amplitude). The stability of bright and dark-type nonlinear structures is confirmed by numerical simulations.


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Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are able to accomplish difficult and challenging tasks both in civilian and defence sectors without endangering human lives. Their ability to work round the clock makes them well-suited for matters that demand immediate attention. These issues include but not limited to mines countermeasures, measuring the extent of an oil spill and locating the source of a chemical discharge. A number of USV programmes have emerged in the last decade for a variety of aforementioned purposes. Springer USV is one such research project highlighted in this paper. The intention herein is to report results emanating from data acquired from experiments on the Springer vessel whilst testing its advanced navigation, guidance and control (NGC) subsystems. The algorithms developed for these systems are based on soft-computing methodologies. A novel form of data fusion navigation algorithm has been developed and integrated with a modified optimal controller. Experimental results are presented and analysed for various scenarios including single and multiple waypoints tracking and fixed and time-varying reference bearings. It is demonstrated that the proposed NGC system provides promising results despite the presence of modelling uncertainty and external disturbances.