990 resultados para Nuclear fuel elements.


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A vitória do Partido dos Trabalhadores nas eleições de 2002 proporcionou a ascensão de Lula à presidência da república e criou expectativas de mudanças significativas em grande parte da população brasileira. Os doze anos seguidos de governos de tendência neoliberal haviam causado o agravamento dos problemas sociais, a sujeição da economia brasileira aos interesses do capital financeiro internacional e uma política externa, em boa parte, atrelada aos interesses norte-americanos. A política nuclear, nesse período, representou um bom exemplo dessa submissão. No governo Lula houve a pretensão de se estabelecer um projeto que promovesse uma maior inserção do Brasil num sistema internacional em transformação, com o fim da Guerra Fria e o aparente declínio do poder norte-americano. Apesar da linha de continuidade com o governo anterior observada na política econômica de Lula, a política externa pareceu caminhar em outro sentido, mais independente e assertiva que a de Cardoso. Nesse contexto, de acordo com os formuladores da política do governo brasileiro, o uso da energia nuclear teria um importante papel a desenvolver. O país, como detentor da tecnologia de enriquecimento de urânio por ultracentrifugação, procurou utilizá-la como um instrumento para a sua ascensão no cenário mundial. Esta pesquisa pretende estudar as relações existentes entre a política externa brasileira e a retomada do programa nuclear na consecução desse projeto, assim como os seus limites numa ordem mundial em mutação, onde a energia nuclear permanecer como um importante instrumento de poder.


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In nickel-based superalloys, substitutional solute species have a strong impact on in service mechanical properties as well as on oxidation and corrosion resistances. In alloy 718, recent studies carried out by tensile tests highlighted the fact that refractory solute species are able to interact strongly with mobile dislocations during plastic deformation, generating dynamic strain ageing, and, in wide ranges of tests temperatures and strain rates, Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. The precise nature of the substitutional element responsible for such a dynamic interaction is still subject to debate. We addressed this question by means of mechanical spectroscopy studies of alloy 718 and various related alloys corresponding to monitored changes in the chemical composition. Only a single internal friction relaxation peak has been observed for all the studied alloys. By analyzing the damping behavior of these alloys at different imposed solicitation frequencies by sweeping a large temperatures range, the activation energies of the relaxation process and the type of mechanism involved have been determined. The process is a "Zener relaxation" in the alloys, i.e. a substitutional atoms dipole reorientation under applied stress. The results tend to prove that Niobium is not involved in the relaxation process whereas Molybdenum content seems to play an important role in the relaxation intensity.


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To achieve the apparently simple Periodic Table of the Elements has implied tremendous efforts over thousands of years. In this paper we present a brief history of the discovery of the chemical elements from prehistory to the present day, revealing the controversies that arose on the way and claiming the important work performed by alchemists in the advancement of knowledge. This is especially important if we consider that alchemy had a period of existence of many thousands of years, while the "Chemistry", officially established as a science in the eighteenth century, has operated as such for only a few hundred years. Even so, if we consider the progress of discovery and isolation of chemical elements throughout history, it can be observed that the number of elements identified is achieved mainly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, reflecting the development of instrumental techniques, that facilitated this task.


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