992 resultados para Northern Ireland Cancer Waiting Times
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Racial Equality In Health and Social Care Good Practice Guide
The overall aim of the strategy is “To reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in the home.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY The key objectives are: • to reduce home accidents, particularly in those most at risk; • to raise awareness of the causes of home accidents and promote effective preventative measures to reduce such accidents; • to promote and facilitate effective training, skills and knowledge in home accident prevention across all relevant organisations, groups and individuals. These objectives will be met through integrated and effective approaches including: • education and information programmes to promote home safety, and promote a change in public behaviour towards home accident prevention; and • the use of evidence based practice, models of good practice, and by evaluating home accident prevention initiatives. OUTCOMES If successful, implementation of this strategy will lead to a reduction in the number of home accidents and contribute to the outcome “reduction in preventable deaths and diseases and improvement in wellbeing” set out in the Northern Ireland Priorities and Budget 2004-2006.
The Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 requires the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to provide or secure the provision of health services in Northern Ireland designed to promote the physical and mental health of the community through the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness. This includes the provision of oral health care. åÊ åÊ
This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) addresses the Sure Start programme which was introduced in Northern Ireland during 2000/01. Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires all public authorities in carrying out their functions relating to Northern Ireland to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity: - • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; • between men and women generally; • between persons with a disability and persons without; and • between persons with dependants and persons without. åÊ
The Department and its associated bodies are committed to jointly taking forward the Statutory equality obligations placed on them by Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. This has involved collaboration in drafting and submitting their Equality Schemes and then in jointly conducting a 2-stage consultation exercise on the equality implications of our policies. Stage 1 papers were issued in November/December 2000 seeking views, amongst other things, on the equality implications of our policies, and a composite Stage 2 paper in April 2001setting out the conclusions reached on the screening of policies and proposals for an Equality Impact Assessment programme. åÊ
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety is committed to report annually on progress towards implementing its statutory equality duties and related commitments set out in the Departments Equality Scheme. This Annual Report has been produced to meet the standards set out by the Equality Commission, and will assist the Commission in compiling its own annual report, as required by sub paragraph 5(1) (b) of schedule 8 to the Act. åÊ
The Department’s Equality Scheme makes explicit the Minister’s and top management’s commitment to fulfil the Department’s statutory equality duties. This commitment is integrated into the Department’s work and clearly seen in its planning processes. Objectives and targets relating to Section 75 obligations feature in the Department’s strategic and operational plans, and the annual business plans of Directorates and Branches. Officials, where appropriate, include specific equality related targets or actions in their personal objectives which are subject to appraisal in the annual performance review. åÊ
The Department’s Evaluation and Equality Unit provides advice and guidance to colleagues throughout the Department who are planning and undertaking reviews and evaluations of programmes, services and policies, and provides guidance and information to support the policy-making processes. In carrying out this function the Unit has continued to help colleagues to mainstream equality considerations into decision-making, reviews and evaluations from the earliest stages of these processes. åÊ
The Workplace Drugs and Alcohol Policy aims to contribute to a safe, healthy and productive work environment by: • Preventing drugs and alcohol problems through awareness raising; • Identifying problems at the earliest stage; • Offering support to those who have a problem. The policy has been developed in conjunction with our employees, their representatives and management and applies equally to all staff including all levels of management. åÊ
Terms of Reference
In the Department of Health, Social Services and Public safety (DHSSPS) Information and Statistics, and Research, are viewed as policies in their own right rather than support functions to other policies. This paper presents - in synoptic form - an overview of the information availability, quality and deficits required for DHSSPS and the HPSS to meet its statutory requirements, as known by Information and Analysis Unit (IAU) in the Department. åÊ