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Tässä tutkielmassa pohditaan First North -markkinapaikalle listautumista osana kasvuyrityksen rahoitusta.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetic disease among Caucasians and is rare among sub-Saharan Africans. The Brazilian population is not ethnically homogeneous but it is the result of three-way ethnic admixture of Europeans, Africans and Amerindians in varying proportions, depending on the region. In the present study, we investigated 33 patients who had been diagnosed and are currently under treatment for CF at the University Hospital João de Barros Barreto, Belém, Pará State. The molecular analysis for G542X, G551D and R553X mutations was performed by PCR followed by RFLP using BstNI, HincII and MboI, respectively, in polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis and stained with AgNO3. ThedeltaF508 mutation (a deletion of 3 bp) was only analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained with AgNO3. Each sample was analyzed for regions of interest in the CFTR gene using amplified by PCR and specific primers. The deltaF508 and G551D mutations presented frequencies of 22.7 and 3%, respectively. In 74.3% of the remaining patients, none of the mutations investigated was found. The present study characterized in a sample of patients with an established clinical diagnosis of CF (asthma, repeated bronchopneumonia, disorders of nutritional status, etc.) the most frequent mutation ( deltaF508) in the North region of Brazil and is also the first report of the G551D mutation. In spite of the wide spectrum of CF mutations and the heterogeneous ethnic origin of the Amazon population, the molecular diagnosis is a helpful additional tool for the diagnosis and treatment of CF patients.
The semipalmated sandpiper Calidris pusilla and the spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia are long- and short-distance migrants, respectively. C. pusilla breeds in the sub-arctic and mid-arctic tundra of Canada and Alaska and winters on the north and east coasts of South America. A. macularia breeds in a broad distribution across most of North America from the treeline to the southern United States. It winters in the southern United States, and Central and South America. The autumn migration route of C. pusilla includes a non-stop flight over the Atlantic Ocean, whereas autumn route of A. macularia is largely over land. Because of this difference in their migratory paths and the visuo-spatial recognition tasks involved, we hypothesized that hippocampal volume and neuronal and glial numbers would differ between these two species. A. macularia did not differ from C. pusilla in the total number of hippocampal neurons, but the species had a larger hippocampal formation and more hippocampal microglia. It remains to be investigated whether these differences indicate interspecies differences or neural specializations associated with different strategies of orientation and navigation.
Abstract In search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize biomasses from the north (babassu residues, such as mesocarp and endocarp; pequi and Brazil nut) and northeast (agave and coconut) regions of Brazil, in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and strengthen the economy of the region.
Introduction: Patients with chronic kidney disease present selenium (Se) plasma deficiency which is an essential trace element with important biological functions and, the best known biological role is attributed to its presence in the antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (GPx). The Se content of foods depends on soil and some authors have suggested that Amazon soil (North Brazilian region) has high Se concentrations when compared to other regions of Brazil. Objective: The objective of this work was to compare the Se status in hemodialysis (HD) patients from North and Southeast of Brazil. Methods: Thirty-eight patients from Southeast region (22 men and 16 women, 15% diabetic, 53.5 ± 26.4 yrs) were compared to 40 patients from North region (28 men and 12 women, 22.5% diabetic, 63.5 ± 11.9 yrs). Se in plasma was determined through atomic absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation. Results: The plasma Se levels in patients from Southeast region were significantly lower (17.5 ± 11.9 μg/L) when compared to patients from the North (37.1 ± 15.8 μg/L) (p < 0.001). However, both patient groups presented low Se plasma levels when compared to recommended values (60- 120 μg/L). There was no correlation between plasma Se levels and analyzed parameters. Conclusion: We concluded that patients from North (Amazon) region present higher plasma Se levels when compared to the patients from Southeast of Brazil. However, independently of the region, HD patients presented Se deficiency.
Many types of production are being transferred from the rich economies of the North to the poorer economies of the South. Such changes began in manufacturing but are now spreading to services. This paper provides estimates of their past and future impact on employment in the North. About 5 million manufacturing jobs have been lost over the past decade because of trade with low-wage economies. A similar number of service jobs may be lost to low-wage economies over the next decade. Although small compared to total employment, such losses may seriously harm certain localities or types of worker.
Finnish Defence Studies is published under the auspices of the War College, and the contributions reflect the fields of research and teaching of the College. Finnish Defence Studies will occasionally feature documentation on Finnish Security Policy. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the War College.
Finnish Defence Studies is published under the auspices of the National Defence College, and the contributions reflect the fields of research and teaching of the College. Finnish Defence Studies will occasionally feature documentation on Finnish Security Policy. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the National Defence College.
This paper shows how rapid privatization and liberalization of Iceland's small local banks around 2000, combined with well-developed crony relations among the elite, enabled a small group of financiers to leverage government-guaranteed deposits into a vast wave of mergers and acquisitions abroad, and redistribute enough of the profits back home to make the economy boom. Negative policy feedback loops were systematically undermined. The incoming left-wing government, with IMF support, has managed to protect the bulk of the population from the worst of the effects.
Institutions and economic growth: The theoretical models of Thorstein Veblen and Douglass North. The aim of this work is to analyse the role of institutions in the economical growing. It searches for propose two theoretical models that explain the development, one is according to Thorstein Veblen and the other one is based on Douglass North. Thus, it summarises and compares the effects of the institutions growing and at the same time emphasizes the deviations and approximation on both theoretical chain. Beside the differences still exist, there is a research agenda that is approaching. In both theoretical models there are important concepts to analyse the effects of the institutions in the development.
Tutkimus sai innoituksensa, kun tutkija huomasi tarpeen liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle ja realistiselle tutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista, joka kuvailisi markkinoiden olemassaolevia ja puuttuvia rakenteita sekä tutkisi mahdollisuuksia ylittää puuttuvat rakenteet. Institutionaalinen teoria valittiin sopivaksi viitekehykseksi kuvailla ja tutkia markkinarakennetta. Tutkimuskysymys muotoiltiin seuraavasti: “Miten ulkomaiset yritykset voivat reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa?”. Tutkimuskysymys jaettiin kolmeen osakysymykseen: (1) Millainen on Pohjois-Korean markkinoiden institutionaalinen ympäristö? (2) Mitkä ovat merkittävimmät puuttuvat markkinarakenteet Pohjois-Koreassa? (3) Mitä mahdollisuuksia ulkomaisilla yrityksillä voisi olla reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin? Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena, koska tutkimuskysymys on deskriptiivinen. Aineisto kerättiin asiantuntijahaastattelun ja kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Primääriaineiston muodostavat 2 asiantuntijahaastattelua ja sekundääriaineiston muodostavat 95 artikkelia, jotka kerättiin 40 lähteestä. Aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Aineisto koodattiin, luokiteltiin ja esitettiin kokonaisuuksina luokittelurungon avulla, joka laadittiin tutkimusta varten muodostetun teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset voidaan tiivistää seuraavasti. (1) Pohjois-Korean markkinan instituutioihin vaikuttaa kaksoisrakenne, jossa muodollinen, sosialistinen rakenne ja epämuodollinen, markkinalähtöinen rakenne toimivat päällekkäin. (2) Puuttuvia rakenteita on sekä markkinan kontekstissa että markkinatasolla. Puutteet ovat osittain seurausta vanhojen rakenteiden korvaantumisesta uusilla, jotka eivät ole institutionalisoituneet. (3) Yritykset voivat käyttää samoja mahdollisuuuksia reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa, joita kehittyvien markkinoiden yhteydessä on esitetty. Sen tulkittiin vähentävän käsitystä, jonka mukaan Pohjois-Korean markkina on liian erikoinen yritystoiminnalle. (4) Kasvava keskiluokka sekä yrittäjyyden ja naisten yhä merkittävämpi rooli liike-elämässä aiheuttavat alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvaa kehitystä markkinoilla. Nämä ovat merkkejä viimeaikaisesta kehityksestä, jotka eivät ole saaneet laajaa huomiota länsimaisessa mediassa. Se korostaa tarvetta liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle jatkotutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista.