989 resultados para Noninvasive Bp Monitoring


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Coastal zones and shelf-seas are important for tourism, commercial fishing and aquaculture. As a result the importance of good water quality within these regions to support life is recognised worldwide and a number of international directives for monitoring them now exist. This paper describes the AlgaRisk water quality monitoring demonstration service that was developed and operated for the UK Environment Agency in response to the microbiological monitoring needs within the revised European Union Bathing Waters Directive. The AlgaRisk approach used satellite Earth observation to provide a near-real time monitoring of microbiological water quality and a series of nested operational models (atmospheric and hydrodynamic-ecosystem) provided a forecast capability. For the period of the demonstration service (2008–2013) all monitoring and forecast datasets were processed in near-real time on a daily basis and disseminated through a dedicated web portal, with extracted data automatically emailed to agency staff. Near-real time data processing was achieved using a series of supercomputers and an Open Grid approach. The novel web portal and java-based viewer enabled users to visualise and interrogate current and historical data. The system description, the algorithms employed and example results focussing on a case study of an incidence of the harmful algal bloom Karenia mikimotoi are presented. Recommendations and the potential exploitation of web services for future water quality monitoring services are discussed.


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The DIESE program (Determination of relevant Indicators for Environmental monitoring: A Strategy for Europe) brought together seven French and British research teams, a private company and the agencies responsible for the management of water bodies of the two countries (ONEMA and the Environmental Agency) in a joint effort to document the ecotoxicological effects related to the presence of chemicals in the environment. To contribute to a better understanding and management of the environment, the program has expanded its efforts to (1) use existing knowledge, or new information acquired during the research program, to identify important biological problems affecting the wildlife, (2) increase our understanding of toxicological mechanisms involved and thus be able to identify the causes of the identified dysfunctions and (3) to hone our expertise and vigilance system in order to better monitor changes in the environment and make appropriate diagnoses.


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There is an increasing demand for environmental assessments of the marine environment to include ecosystem function. However, existing schemes are predominantly based on taxonomic (i.e. structural) measures of biodiversity. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function (BEF) relationships are suggested to provide a mechanism for converting taxonomic information into surrogates of ecosystem function. This review assesses the evidence for marine BEF relationships and their potential to be used in practical monitoring applications (i.e. operationalized). Five key requirements were identified for the practical application of BEF relationships: (1) a complete understanding of strength, direction and prevalence of marine BEF relationships, (2) an understanding of which biological components are influential within specific BEF relationships, (3) the biodiversity of the selected biological components can be measured easily, (4) the ecological mechanisms that are the most important for generating marine BEF relationships, i.e. identity effects or complementarity, are known and (5) the proportion of the overall functional variance is explained by biodiversity, and hence BEF relationships, has been established. Numerous positive and some negative BEF relationships were found within the literature, although many reproduced poorly the natural species richness, trophic structures or multiple functions of real ecosystems (requirement 1). Null relationships were also reported. The consistency of the positive and negative relationships was often low that compromised the ability to generalize BEF relationships and confident application of BEF within marine monitoring. Equally, some biological components and functions have received little or no investigation. Expert judgement was used to attribute biological components using spatial extent, presence and functional rate criteria (requirement 2). This approach highlighted the main biological components contributing the most to specific ecosystem functions, and that many of the particularly influential components were found to have received the least amount of research attention. The need for biodiversity to be measureable (requirement 3) is possible for most biological components although difficult within the functionally important microbes. Identity effects underpinned most marine BEF relationships (requirement 4). As such, processes that translated structural biodiversity measures into functional diversity were found to generate better BEF relationships. The analysis of the contribution made by biodiversity, over abiotic influences, to the total expression of a particular ecosystem function was rarely measured or considered (requirement 5). Hence it is not possible to determine the overall importance of BEF relationships within the total ecosystem functioning observed. In the few studies where abiotic factors had been considered, it was clear that these modified BEF relationships and have their own direct influence on functional rate. Based on the five requirements, the information required for immediate ‘operationalization’ of BEF relationships within marine functional monitoring is lacking. However, the concept of BEF inclusion within practical monitoring applications, supported by ecological modelling, shows promise for providing surrogate indicators of functioning.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can cause sudden and considerable losses to fish farms, for example 500,000 salmon during one bloom in Shetland, and also present a threat to human health. Early warning allows the industry to take protective measures. PML's satellite monitoring of HABs is now funded by the Scottish aquaculture industry. The service involves processing EO ocean colour data from NASA and ESA in near-real time, and applying novel techniques for discriminating certain harmful blooms from harmless algae. Within the AQUA-USERS project we are extending this capability to further HAB species within several European countries.


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A hypnotic induction technique was used to facilitate direct observation of multiple tics in a typically developing teenager in a home setting. A comprehensive habit reversal program then was implemented, including awareness training, competing response training, relaxation training, self-monitoring, social support and contingency management. Duration of relaxation was then self-monitored using a changing criterion design. The procedure eliminated multiple tics and achieved long-term maintenance of treatment gains. Implications for assessing and treating tics are discussed.


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Thermoforming processes generally employ sheet temperature monitoring as the primary means of process control. In this paper the development of an alternative system that monitors plug force is described. Tests using a prototype device have shown that the force record over a forming cycle creates a unique map of the process operation. Key process features such as the sheet modulus, sheet sag and the timing of the process stages may be readily observed, and the effects of changes in all of the major processing parameters are easily distinguished. Continuous, cycle-to-cycle tests show that the output is consistent and repeatable over a longer time frame, providing the opportunity for development of an on-line process control system. Further testing of the system is proposed.


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Aims: To determine whether routine outpatient monitoring of growth predicts adrenal suppression in prepubertal children treated with high dose inhaled glucocorticoid.

Methods: Observational study of 35 prepubertal children (aged 4–10 years) treated with at least 1000 µg/day of inhaled budesonide or equivalent potency glucocorticoid for at least six months. Main outcome measures were: changes in HtSDS over 6 and 12 month periods preceding adrenal function testing, and increment and peak cortisol after stimulation by low dose tetracosactrin test. Adrenal suppression was defined as a peak cortisol 500 nmol/l.

Results: The areas under the receiver operator characteristic curves for a decrease in HtSDS as a predictor of adrenal insufficiency 6 and 12 months prior to adrenal testing were 0.50 (SE 0.10) and 0.59 (SE 0.10). Prediction values of an HtSDS change of –0.5 for adrenal insufficiency at 12 months prior to testing were: sensitivity 13%, specificity 95%, and positive likelihood ratio of 2.4. Peak cortisol reached correlated poorly with change in HtSDS ( = 0.23, p = 0.19 at 6 months; = 0.33, p = 0.06 at 12 months).

Conclusions: Monitoring growth does not enable prediction of which children treated with high dose inhaled glucocorticoids are at risk of potentially serious adrenal suppression. Both growth and adrenal function should be monitored in patients on high dose inhaled glucocorticoids. Further research is required to determine the optimal frequency of monitoring adrenal function.