980 resultados para Nematode diseases of plants.


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The type and quantity of fertilizer supplied to a crop will differ between organic and conventional farming practices. Altering the type of fertilizer a plant is provided with can influence a plant’s foliar nitrogen levels, as well as the composition and concentration of defence compounds, such as glucosinolates. Many natural enemies of insect herbivores can respond to headspace volatiles emitted by the herbivores’ host plant in response to herbivory. We propose that manipulating fertilizer type may also influence the headspace volatile profiles of plants, and as a result, the tritrophic interactions that occur between plants, their insect pests and those pests’ natural enemies. Here, we investigate a tritrophic system consisting of cabbage plants, Brassica oleracea, a parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae, and one of its hosts, the specialist cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. Brassica oleracea plants were provided with either no additional fertilization or one of three types of fertilizer: Nitram (ammonium nitrate), John Innes base or organic chicken manure. We investigated whether these changes would alter the rate of parasitism of aphids on those plants and whether any differences in parasitism could be explained by differences in attractivity of the plants to D. rapae or attack rate of aphids by D. rapae. In free-choice experiments, there were significant differences in the percentage of B. brassicae parasitized by D. rapae between B. oleracea plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. In a series of dual-choice Y-tube olfactometry experiments, D. rapae females discriminated between B. brassicae-infested and undamaged plants, but parasitoids did not discriminate between similarly infested plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. Correspondingly, in attack rate experiments, there were no differences in the rate that D. rapae attacked B. brassicae on B. oleracea plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. These findings are of direct relevance to sustainable and conventional farming practices.


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Background and Aims Despite recent recognition that (1) plant–herbivore interactions during the establishment phase, (2) ontogenetic shifts in resource allocation and (3) herbivore response to plant volatile release are each pivotal to a comprehensive understanding of plant defence, no study has examined how herbivore olfactory response varies during seedling ontogeny. Methods Using a Y-tube olfactometer we examined snail (Helix aspersa) olfactory response to pellets derived from macerated Plantago lanceolata plants harvested at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 weeks of age to test the hypothesis that olfactory selection of plants by a generalist herbivore varies with plant age. Plant volatiles were collected for 10 min using solid-phase microextraction technique on 1- and 8-week-old P. lanceolata pellets and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer. Key Results Selection of P. lanceolata was strongly negatively correlated with increasing age; pellets derived from 1-week-old seedlings were three times more likely to be selected as those from 8-week-old plants. Comparison of plant selection experiments with plant volatile profiles from GC/MS suggests that patterns of olfactory selection may be linked to ontogenetic shifts in concentrations of green leaf volatiles and ethanol (and its hydrolysis derivatives). Conclusions Although confirmatory of predictions made by contemporary plant defence theory, this is the first study to elucidate a link between seedling age and olfactory selection by herbivores. As a consequence, this study provides a new perspective on the ontogenetic expression of seedling defence, and the role of seedling herbivores, particularly terrestrial molluscs, as selective agents in temperate plant communities.


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Retreating ice fronts (as a result of a warming climate) expose large expanses of deglaciated forefield, which become colonized by microbes and plants. There has been increasing interest in characterizing the biogeochemical development of these ecosystems using a chronosequence approach. Prior to the establishment of plants, microbes use autochthonously produced and allochthonously delivered nutrients for growth. The microbial community composition is largely made up of heterotrophic microbes (both bacteria and fungi), autotrophic microbes and nitrogen-fixing diazotrophs. Microbial activity is thought to be responsible for the initial build-up of labile nutrient pools, facilitating the growth of higher order plant life in developed soils. However, it is unclear to what extent these ecosystems rely on external sources of nutrients such as ancient carbon pools and periodic nitrogen deposition. Furthermore, the seasonal variation of chronosequence dynamics and the effect of winter are largely unexplored. Modelling this ecosystem will provide a quantitative evaluation of the key processes and could guide the focus of future research. Year-round datasets combined with novel metagenomic techniques will help answer some of the pressing questions in this relatively new but rapidly expanding field, which is of growing interest in the context of future large-scale ice retreat.


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The foraging strategies of two natural enemies of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae: the seven-spot ladybird Coccinella septempunctata and the parasitoid wasp Diaeretiella rapae, were investigated. Specifically the roles of plant semiochemicals in the location of plants infested with M. persicae by these natural enemies were examined. I investigated the olfactory responses of female C. septempunctata to volatiles collected from M. persicae and four Brassica cultivars; Brassica rapa, B. juncea, B. napus cultivar ‘Apex’ and B. napus cultivar ‘Courage’ and wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana that were: undamaged, previously infested by M. persicae and infested with M. persicae. C. septempunctata showed no attraction to volatiles from M. persicae alone. C. septempunctata significantly changed its searching behaviour in response to plant volatiles from B. rapa, B. napus cv. ‘Apex’ and Arabidopsis infested with M. persicae. C. septempunctata was also found to display a significant turning bias when foraging on a branching horizontal wire stem. A model was developed to investigate how turning biases affect the foraging efficiency of C. septempunctata in dichotomous branched environments. Simulations using this model indicated that turning biases could potentially increase searching efficiency. D. rapae showed a significant preference for volatiles from M. persicae infested wild-type Arabidopsis but no preference to volatiles from M. persicae alone or M. persicae honeydew. Volatile emissions by Arabidopsis were shown to be localised to the area of aphid-infestation rather than systemic. Using gas chromatography plants infested with M. persicae were shown to emit a quantitatively different volatile blend than undamaged plants. In experiments with jasmonate mutants of Arabidopsis the jasmonate (octadecanoid) wound response pathway was implicated as being important for the production of M. persicae induced volatiles, attractive to D. rapae. Other wound response pathways were also found to be involved in the production of the full blend of M. persicae induced volatiles.


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Aims: We investigated the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and heterotrophic soil microbes in the uptake of phosphorus (P) by Trifolium subterraneum from a pulse. Methods: Plants were grown in sterilised pasture field soil with a realistic level of available P. There were five treatments, two of which involved AMF: 1) unsterilised field soil containing a community of AMF and heterotrophic organisms; 2) Scutellospora calospora inoculum (AMF); 3) microbes added as filtrate from the field soil; 4) microbes added as filtrate from the S. calospora inoculum; 5) no additions, i.e. sterilised field soil. After 11 weeks, plants were harvested: 1 day before (day 0), 1 day after (day 2) and 7 days after (day 8) the pulse of P (10 mg kg−1). Results: There was no difference among treatments in shoot and root dry weight, which increased from day 0 to day 8. At day 0, shoots and roots of plants in the colonised treatments had higher P and lower Mn concentrations. After the pulse, the rate of increase in P concentration in the shoots was slower for the colonised plants, and the root Mn concentration declined by up to 50 % by day 2. Conclusions: Plants colonised by AMF had a lower rate of increase in shoot P concentration after a pulse, perhaps because intraradical hyphae accumulated P and thus reduced its transport to the shoots.


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Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are a group of food and contact-borne pathogens responsible for haemorrhagic colitis. The bacteria can be transmitted by contaminated meat, but importantly, also by plants. The bacteria can use plants as an alternative host, where they associate with both the leaves and the roots. Colonisation in the rhizosphere of plants is thought to be the main habitat for colonisation. Four different plant species, commonly associated with EHEC outbreaks, were infected with EHEC O157:H7 isolates Sakai and TUV 93-0 over ten days to assess the colonisation potential of the bacteria in both the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of plants. The rhizosphere was found to sustain a higher population level of bacteria over time in comparison to the phyllosphere, yet both strains were unable to utilize root exudates for growth. Global gene expression changes of EHEC O157:H7 strain Sakai were measured in response to plant extracts such as leaf lysates, root exudates and leaf cell wall polysaccharides from spinach cultivar Amazon and lettuce cultivar Salinas. Microarrays analysis showed a significant change in expression of 17 % of genes on exposure to leaf lysates of spinach. A more specific response was seen to spinach leaf cell wall polysaccharides with only a 1.5 % change. In contrast, when exposed to lettuce leaf cell wall polysaccharides a higher change of 4.8 % was seen. Genes that were differentially expressed belonged to multiple functional groups, including metabolism, indicating the utilization of plant-specific polysaccharides. Several areas of further investigation have been determined from this project, including the importance of culturing bacterial strains at a relevant temperature, the proposed lack of the type III secretion system in plant colonization by EHEC O157:H7 and the utilization of plant components for growth and persistence in the plant environment.


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Piriformospora indica (Sebacinaceae) is a cultivable root endophytic fungus. It colonises the roots of a wide range of host plants. In many settings colonisation promotes host growth, increases yield and protects the host from fungal diseases. We evaluated the effect of P. indica on Fusarium head blight (FHB) disease of winter (cv. Battalion) and spring (cv. Paragon, Mulika, Zircon, Granary, KWS Willow and KWS Kilburn) wheat and consequent contamination by the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) under UK weather conditions. Interactions of P. indica with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Funneliformis mosseae), fungicide application (Aviator Xpro) and low and high fertiliser levels were considered. P. indica application reduced FHB disease severity and incidence by 70%. It decreased mycotoxin DON concentration of winter and spring wheat samples by 70% and 80% respectively. P. indica also increased above ground biomass, 1000 grain weight and total grain weight. P. indica reduced disease severity and increased yield in both high and low fertiliser levels. The effect of P. indica was compatible with F. mosseae and foliar fungicide application. P. indica did not have any effects on plant tissue nutrients. These results suggest that P. indica might be useful in biological control of Fusarium diseases of wheat.


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Horticulture is “the first of all the arts and sciences”. This definition indicates both the breadth and depth of the discipline and its early inception as mankind changed from being hunter-gatherers to cultivators. Intensive crop production which is a form of horticulture preceded more extensive agricultural practices. From that time onwards the intricate involvement of horticulture in man’s life has become very apparent by its multitude of applications and the interests of those involved. These extend from the provision of foodstuffs and nutritional benefits through pharmaceuticals to aspects of rest and relaxation onto encouraging physical and mental well-being. Horticulture is therefore, a discipline with many components and as such that it can mean different things in the varying context of its use. This chapter introduces the meanings of horticulture as expressed by the authors who have contributed to this Trilogy of Books. They have analysed in considerable depth “Horticulture” as expressed in its facets of production, environment and society. Horticulture has impact and expression in each of these fields of human activity. This chapter also sets Horticulture into the wider context of the world of plants and their intensive cultivation both in their use by mankind and in the natural world. The aim is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of human activity associated with this discipline for it stretches from crop production, through landscape design and maintenance and into aspects of society and its expression in the arts and humanities. Horticulture touches almost every aspect of human activity. Increasingly Horticulture has significant importance in contributing towards the mitigation of the major problems which now face life on Earth such as:- climate change, food security, the loss of natural biodiversity, pollution, resource erosion and over-population. Indeed despite or perhaps because of its antiquity and therefore its strong connection between science, technology and practice horticulture can offer solutions that might allude other disciplines.


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Horticulture may be defined as the intensive cultivation and harvesting of plants for financial, environmental and social profit. Evidence for the occurrence of climate change more generally and reasons why this process is happening with such rapidity are discussed. These changes are then considered in terms of the effects which might alter the options for worldwide intensive horticultural cultivation of plants and its interactions with other organisms. Potentially changing climates will have considerable impact upon horticultural processes and productivity across the globe . Climate change will alter the growth patterns and capabilities for flowering and fruiting of many perennial and annual horticultural plants. In some regions perennial fruit crops are likely to experience substantial difficulties because of altered seasonal conditions affecting dormancy, acclimation and subsequent flowering and fruiting. Elsewhere these crops may benefit from the effects of climate change as a result of reduced cold damage and increased length of the growing season. There will be considerable effects for aerial and edaphic microbes invertebrate and vertebrate animals which have benign and pathogenic interactions with horticultural plants. Microbial activity and as a consequence soil fertility may alter. New pests and pathogens may become prevalent and damaging in areas where the climate previously excluded their activity. Vital resources such as water and nutrients may become scarce in some regions reducing opportunities for growing horticultural crops. Wind and windiness are significant factors governing the success of horticultural plants and the scale of their impacts may change as climate alters. Damaging winds could limit crop growing in areas where previously it flourished. Forms of macro- and micro-landscaping will change as the spectrum of plants which can be cultivated alters and the availability of resources and their cost changes driven by scarcities brought about by climate change. The horticultural economy of India as it may be affected by climate change is described as an individual example in a detailed study.


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Common cold is one of the most frequent human inflammatory diseases caused by viruses and can facilitate bacterial super-infections resulting in sinusitis or pneumonia. The active ingredient of the drug Soledum, 1,8-cineole, is commonly applied for treating inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. However, the potential of 1,8-cineole for treating primary viral infections of the respiratory tract remains unclear. In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time that 1,8-cineole potentiates Poly(I:C)-induced activity of the anti-viral transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor 3, while simultaneously reducing pro-inflammatory NF-κB-activity in human cell lines, inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) and ex vivo cultivated human nasal mucosa. Co-treatment of cell lines with Poly(I:C) and 1,8-cineole resulted in significantly increased IRF3 reporter gene activity compared to Poly(I:C) alone, whereas NF-κB-activity was reduced. Accordingly, 1,8-cineole- and Poly(I:C)-treatment led to increased nuclear translocation of IRF3 in ITSCs and a human ex vivo model of rhinosinusitis compared to the Poly(I:C)-treated approach. Nuclear translocation of IRF3 was significantly increased in ITSCs and slice cultures treated with LPS and 1,8-cineole compared to the LPS-treated cells mimicking bacterial infection. Our findings strongly suggest that 1,8-cineole potentiates the antiviral activity of IRF3 in addition to its inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory NF-κB-signalling and may thus broaden its field of application.


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Catasetum fimbriatum plants cultivated in the absence of light exhibit continuous shoot growth leading to the formation of nodes and internodes. On the other hand, when these plants are incubated in the presence of light, shoot longitudinal growth is inhibited and pseudobulbs develop just below the shoot apical meristem. These facts provide evidence of a possible influence of light on mitotic cell division in the shoot apex as well as on pseudobulb initiation. The effects of light and dark on the interruption and/or maintenance of shoot apex mitotic activity and the subsequent formation of pseudobulbs in the sub-meristematic regions were investigated by means of histological and hormonal studies. The interruption of shoot apex development occurred around the 150th d of light incubation and seems to have resulted from the establishment of a strong storage sink in the region of the future pseudobulb, in detriment to the continuous activity of the shoot apical meristem. The reduced total cytokinins/IAA ratio in the apex, mainly due to high levels of IAA, could be a key factor in the interruption of cell divisions. Transfer to the dark brings about the resumption of shoot apex development of plants through the re-entrance of cells in the cell cycle which coincides with a significant increase in the total cytokinins/IAA ratio. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The contact of inland and coastal prehistoric groups in Brazil is believed to have been restricted to regions with no geographical barrier, as is the case in the Ribeira de Iguape valley. The inland osteological collection from the riverine shellmound Moraes (5800-4500 BP) represents a unique opportunity to test this assumption for this region. Despite cultural similarities between riverine and coastal shellmounds, important ecological and site distribution differences are expected to impact on lifestyle. The purpose of this study is thus to document and interpret health and lifestyle indicators in Moraes in comparison to coastal shellmound groups. Specifically we test if the rare evidence of fish and mollusc remains in the riverine shellmound led to (a) higher caries rates and (b) lower auditory exostosis frequency and (c) if the small size of the riverine shellmound translates into reduced demographic density and thus rarity of communicable infectious diseases. Of the three hypotheses, (a) was confirmed, (b) was rejected and (c) was partly rejected. Bioanthropological similarities between Moraes and coastal shellmounds include auditory exostoses with equally high frequencies; significantly more frequent osteoarthritis in upper than in lower limbs; cranial and dental morphological affinities and low frequencies of violent trauma. However, there are also important differences: Moraes subsisted on a much broader protein diet and consumed more cariogenic food, but showed a stature even shorter than coastal groups. Thus, despite the contact also suggested by treponematoses in both site types, there was enough time for the people at the riverine site to adapt to local conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The Boyadjian et al dental wash technique provides, in certain contexts, the only chance to analyze and quantify the use of plants by past populations and is therefore an important milestone for the reconstruction of paleodiet. With this paper we present recent investigations and results upon the influence of this method on teeth. A series of six teeth from a three thousand years old Brazilian shellmound (Jabuticabeira II) was examined before and after dental wash. The main focus was documenting the alteration of the surfaces and microstructures. The status of all teeth were documented using macrophotography, optical light microscopy, and atmospheric Secondary Electron Microscopy (aSEM) prior and after applying the dental wash technique. The comparison of pictures taken before and after dental wash showed the different degrees of variation and damage done to the teeth but, also, provided additional information about microstructures, which have not been visible before. Consequently we suggest that dental wash should only be carried out, if absolutely necessary, after dental pathology, dental morphology and microwear studies have been accomplished. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eugenol is a phenylpropene obtained from the essential oils of plants such as clove and basil which has ample use in dentistry. Eugenol possesses analgesic effects that may be related to the inhibition of voltage-dependent Na(+) channels and/or to the activation of TRPV1 receptors or both. In the present study, electrophysiological parameters were taken from the compound action potentials of the isolated rat sciatic nerve and from neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) impaled with sharp microelectrodes under current-clamp conditions. In the isolated rat sciatic nerve, eugenol inhibited the compound action potential in a concentration-dependent manner. Action potentials recorded from SCG neurons were inhibited by eugenol with an IC(50) of 0.31 mM. At high concentrations (2 mM), during brief applications. eugenol caused significant action potential blockade while it did not interfere with the resting membrane potential or the membrane input resistance. Surprisingly, however, at low eugenol concentrations (0.6 mM), during long time applications, a reversible reduction (by about 50%) in the input membrane resistance was observed, suggesting the possible involvement of a secondary delayed effect of eugenol to reduce neuronal excitability. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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“Biosim” is a simulation software which works to simulate the harvesting system.This system is able to design a model for any logistic problem with the combination of several objects so that the artificial system can show the performance of an individual model. The system will also describe the efficiency, possibility to be chosen for real life application of that particular model. So, when any one wish to setup a logistic model like- harvesting system, in real life he/she may be noticed about the suitable prostitution for his plants and factories as well as he/she may get information about the least number of objects, total time to complete the task, total investment required for his model, total amount of noise produced for his establishment in advance. It will produce an advance over view for his model. But “Biosim” is quite slow .As it is an object based system, it takes long time to make its decision. Here the main task is to modify the system so that it can work faster than the previous. So, the main objective of this thesis is to reduce the load of “Biosim” by making some modification of the original system as well as to increase its efficiency. So that the whole system will be faster than the previous one and performs more efficiently when it will be applied in real life. Theconcept is to separate the execution part of ”Biosim” form its graphical engine and run this separated portion in a third generation language platform. C++ is chosenhere as this external platform. After completing the proposed system, results with different models have been observed. The results show that, for any type of plants of fields, for any number of trucks, the proposed system is faster than the original system. The proposed system takes at least 15% less time “Biosim”. The efficiency increase with the complexity of than the original the model. More complex the model, more efficient the proposed system is than original “Biosim”.Depending on the complexity of a model, the proposed system can be 56.53 % faster than the original “Biosim”.