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The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) provides high cadence and high resolution images of the structure and morphology of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the inner heliosphere. CME directions and propagation speeds have often been estimated through the use of time-elongation maps obtained from the STEREO Heliospheric Imager (HI) data. Many of these CMEs have been identified by citizen scientists working within the SolarStormWatch project ( www.solarstormwatch.com ) as they work towards providing robust real-time identification of Earth-directed CMEs. The wide field of view of HI allows scientists to directly observe the two-dimensional (2D) structures, while the relative simplicity of time-elongation analysis means that it can be easily applied to many such events, thereby enabling a much deeper understanding of how CMEs evolve between the Sun and the Earth. For events with certain orientations, both the rear and front edges of the CME can be monitored at varying heliocentric distances (R) between the Sun and 1 AU. Here we take four example events with measurable position angle widths and identified by the citizen scientists. These events were chosen for the clarity of their structure within the HI cameras and their long track lengths in the time-elongation maps. We show a linear dependency with R for the growth of the radial width (W) and the 2D aspect ratio (χ) of these CMEs, which are measured out to ≈ 0.7 AU. We estimated the radial width from a linear best fit for the average of the four CMEs. We obtained the relationships W=0.14R+0.04 for the width and χ=2.5R+0.86 for the aspect ratio (W and R in units of AU).


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This paper explores the possibility of combining moderate vacuum frying followed by post-frying high vacuum application during the oil drainage stage, with the aim to reduce oil content in potato chips. Potato slices were initially vacuum fried under two operating conditions (140 °C, 20 kPa and 162 °C, 50.67 kPa) until the moisture content reached 10 and 15 % (wet basis), prior to holding the samples in the head space under high vacuum level (1.33 kPa). This two-stage process was found to lower significantly the amount of oil taken up by potato chips by an amount as high as 48 %, compared to drainage at the same pressure as the frying pressure. Reducing the pressure value to 1.33 kPa reduced the water saturation temperature (11 °C), causing the product to continuously lose moisture during the course of drainage. Continuous release of water vapour prevented the occluded surface oil from penetrating into the product structure and released it from the surface of the product. When frying and drainage occurred at the same pressure, the temperature of the product fell below the water saturation temperature soon after it was lifted out of the oil, which resulted in the oil getting sucked into the product. Thus, lowering the pressure after frying to a value well below the frying pressure is a promising method to lower oil uptake by the product.


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This study investigates the impacts of the transition of El Niño decaying phases on the western North Pacific anticyclone (WNPAC) anomalies in the subsequent summer with a coupled GCM. The modeling results suggest that the El Niños with short decaying phases lead to significant WNPAC anomalies in the following summer, which are contributed to mainly by the El Niños followed by La Niñas, in comparison with those not followed by La Niñas. In contrast, the long decaying cases are associated with the disappearance of WNPAC anomalies in the summer. These differences in the WNP circulation anomalies can be explained by the different configurations of simultaneous SSTs in the Indian Ocean and in the central and eastern tropical Pacific: positive SSTs in the former region and negative ones in the latter region constructively induce significant WNPAC anomalies for the short decaying cases, while the roles of positive SSTs in both regions for the long decaying cases work destructively and lead to weak WNP circulation anomalies. Further analysis indicates that the different lengths of El Niño decaying phases are predicted by the strength of Indian Ocean SSTs in the mature winter. The warmer wintertime Indian Ocean SSTs favor the anomalous easterly wind over the western and central equatorial Pacific in the subsequent summer, leading to a short decaying of El Niño. Thus, the strength of wintertime Indian Ocean SSTs is one of the important factors that affect the length of El Niño decaying phase and resultant WNPAC anomalies in the following summer.


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Many researchers have tried to assess the number of words adults know. A general conclusion which emerges from such studies is that vocabularies of English monolingual adults are very large with considerable variation. This variation is important given that the vocabulary size of schoolchildren in the early years of school is thought to materially affect subsequent educational attainment. The data is difficult to interpret, however, because of the different methodologies which researchers use. The study in this paper uses the frequency-based vocabulary size test from Goulden et al (1990) and investigates the vocabulary knowledge of undergraduates in three British universities. The results suggest that monolingual speaker vocabulary sizes may be much smaller than is generally thought with far less variation than is usually reported. An average figure of about 10,000 English words families emerges for entrants to university. This figure suggests that many students must struggle with the comprehension of university level texts.


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In this paper, we will address the endeavors of three disciplines, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling, in explaining how the mind perceives and attends information. More precisely, we will shed some light on the efforts to understand the allocation of attentional resources to the processing of emotional stimuli. This review aims at informing the three disciplines about converging points of their research and to provide a starting point for discussion.


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This article looks at an important but neglected aspect of medieval sovereign debt, namely ‘accounts payable’ owed by the Crown to merchants and employees. It focuses on the unusually well-documented relationship between Henry III, King of England between 1216 and 1272, and Flemish merchants from the towns of Douai and Ypres, who provided cloth on credit to the royal wardrobe. From the surviving royal documents, we reconstruct the credit advanced to the royal wardrobe by the merchants of Ypres and Douai for each year between 1247 and 1270, together with the king's repayment history. The interactions between the king and the merchants are then analysed. The insights from this analysis are applied to the historical data to explain the trading decisions made by the merchants during this period, as well as why the strategies of the Yprois sometimes differed from those of the Douaissiens.


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The synthesis of two new sodium perchlorate adducts (1:2 and 1:3) with copper(II) "ligand-complexes'' is reported. One adduct is trinuclear [(CuL(1))(2)NaClO(4)] (1) and the other is tetranuclear [(CuL(2))(3)Na]ClO(4)center dot EtOH (2). The ligands are the tetradentate di-Schiff base of 1,3-propanediamines and salicylaldehyde (H(2)L(1)) or 2-hydroxyacetophenone (H(2)L(2)). Both complexes have been characterized by X-ray single crystal structure analyses. In both structures, the sodium cation has a six-coordinate distorted octahedral environment being bonded to four oxygen atoms from two Schiff-base complexes in addition to a chelated perchlorate anion in 1 and to six oxygen atoms from three Schiff-base complexes in 2. We have carried out a DFT theoretical study (RI-B97-D/def2-SVP level of theory) to compute and compare the formation energies of 1:2 and 1:3 adducts. The DFT study reveals that the latter is more stabilized than the former. The X-ray crystal structure of 1 shows that the packing of the trinuclear unit is controlled by unconventional C-H center dot center dot center dot O H-bonds and Cu(2+)-pi non-covalent interactions. These interactions explain the formation of 1 which is a priori disfavored with respect to 2.


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This paper reports on a comparative study of pauses made by L2 learners and native speakers of English while narrating picture stories. The comparison is based on the number of pauses and total amount of silence in themiddle and at the end of clauses in the performance of 40 native speakers and 40 L2 learners of English. The results of the quantitative analyses suggest that, although the L2 learners generally pausemore repeatedly and have longer periods of silence than the native speakers, the distinctive feature of their pausing pattern is that they pause frequently in the middle of clauses rather than at the end. The qualitative analysis of the data suggests that some of the L2 learners’mid-clause pauses are associated with processes such as replacement, reformulation, and online planning. Formulaic sequences, however, contain very few pauses and therefore appear to facilitate the learners’ fluency.


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The article features a conversation between Rob Cross and Martin Kilduff about organizational network analysis in research and practice. It demonstrates the value of using social network perspectives in HRM. Drawing on the discussion about managing personal networks; managing the networks of others; the impact of social networking sites on perceptions of relationships; and ethical issues in organizational network analysis, we propose specific suggestions to bring social network perspectives closer to HRM researchers and practitioners and rebalance our attention to people and to their relationships.


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A study of the concurrent relationships between naming speed, phonological awareness and spelling ability in 146 children in Year 3 and 4 of state funded school in SE England (equivalent to US Grades 2 and 3) is reported. Seventy-two children identified as having normal phonological awareness but reduced rapid automatized naming (RAN) performance (1 standard deviation below the mean) participated in the study. A group of 74 children were further identified. These children were matched on phonological awareness, verbal and non verbal IQ, and visual acuity but all members of this group showed normal rapid automatized naming performance. Rapid automatized naming made a significant unique contribution to spelling performance. Further analyses showed that the participants with low naming performance were significantly poorer spellers overall and had a specific difficulty in spelling irregular words. The findings support the view that rapid automatized naming may be indexing processes that are implicated in the establishment of fully specified orthographic representations.


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We present a dynamic causal model that can explain context-dependent changes in neural responses, in the rat barrel cortex, to an electrical whisker stimulation at different frequencies. Neural responses were measured in terms of local field potentials. These were converted into current source density (CSD) data, and the time series of the CSD sink was extracted to provide a time series response train. The model structure consists of three layers (approximating the responses from the brain stem to the thalamus and then the barrel cortex), and the latter two layers contain nonlinearly coupled modules of linear second-order dynamic systems. The interaction of these modules forms a nonlinear regulatory system that determines the temporal structure of the neural response amplitude for the thalamic and cortical layers. The model is based on the measured population dynamics of neurons rather than the dynamics of a single neuron and was evaluated against CSD data from experiments with varying stimulation frequency (1–40 Hz), random pulse trains, and awake and anesthetized animals. The model parameters obtained by optimization for different physiological conditions (anesthetized or awake) were significantly different. Following Friston, Mechelli, Turner, and Price (2000), this work is part of a formal mathematical system currently being developed (Zheng et al., 2005) that links stimulation to the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal through neural activity and hemodynamic variables. The importance of the model described here is that it can be used to invert the hemodynamic measurements of changes in blood flow to estimate the underlying neural activity.


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It is well known that there is a dynamic relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). With increasing applications of functional MRI, where the blood oxygen-level-dependent signals are recorded, the understanding and accurate modeling of the hemodynamic relationship between CBF and CBV becomes increasingly important. This study presents an empirical and data-based modeling framework for model identification from CBF and CBV experimental data. It is shown that the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV can be described using a parsimonious autoregressive with exogenous input model structure. It is observed that neither the ordinary least-squares (LS) method nor the classical total least-squares (TLS) method can produce accurate estimates from the original noisy CBF and CBV data. A regularized total least-squares (RTLS) method is thus introduced and extended to solve such an error-in-the-variables problem. Quantitative results show that the RTLS method works very well on the noisy CBF and CBV data. Finally, a combination of RTLS with a filtering method can lead to a parsimonious but very effective model that can characterize the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV.


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The temporal relationship between changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) is important in the biophysical modeling and interpretation of the hemodynamic response to activation, particularly in the context of magnetic resonance imaging and the blood oxygen level-dependent signal. Grubb et al. (1974) measured the steady state relationship between changes in CBV and CBF after hypercapnic challenge. The relationship CBV proportional to CBFPhi has been used extensively in the literature. Two similar models, the Balloon (Buxton et al., 1998) and the Windkessel (Mandeville et al., 1999), have been proposed to describe the temporal dynamics of changes in CBV with respect to changes in CBF. In this study, a dynamic model extending the Windkessel model by incorporating delayed compliance is presented. The extended model is better able to capture the dynamics of CBV changes after changes in CBF, particularly in the return-to-baseline stages of the response.