991 resultados para Nava, Pedro, 1903-1984 Simbolismo


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Alasdair Gray is now an established figure in the Scottish literary scene and has numerous claims to be considered an important voice writing in English. First Lanark: A Life in Four Books (1981) and then 1982 Janine (1984) contributed to the recognition of Gray as one of the founding fathers of the new Scottish writing and as a figure of importance in international contemporary fiction due to his innovative, experimental and postmodernist novels. As the title of this dissertation - Alasdair Grays 1982 Janine (1984): A Postmodernist Scottish Novel - suggests, it aims at analysing the authors second novel, 1982 Janine (1984), in a thematic and formal perspective, in order to justify the choice of the terms - Postmodernist and Scottish - to classify this novel. 1982 Janine projects a world through Jock McLeishs mind and is a powerful stream-of-consciousness narrative. Jock is an alcoholic who lives a personal crisis and, therefore, tries to escape from his depressing reality through sexual fantasies and political diatribes. During a single night in a Scottish hotel room, he drinks and dreams, and spends the whole night alone with his fantasies and fears, his memories and hopes. In Chapter 11, the most daring experimental section of the novel, Jock attempts to commit suicide by taking an overdose of tablets with alcohol but fails. Following this, he decides to review his life and make for a new beginning; the novel thus closing with an optimistic note. Also, the narrative is based on a constant interweaving of sex fantasy with political satire, that is, it is through his protagonist that Gray manages to convey the state of Scotland as well as the concerns and aspirations of the Scottish people and then, proceed to a political and social critique. This dissertation appears structured in three chapters. In Chapter I - Alasdair Gray: A Postmodernist Scottish Writer - I present Gray as a powerful postmodernist writer who also sees himself as a Scottish author, and more particularly as a Glaswegian, who concentrates on Scottish subject matter in his literary work. In a first section, I offer a brief survey of the Scottish literary scene from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, in order to understand Grays choice of setting and themes and to check his influence or indebtedness to previous Scottish authors. As 1982 Janine is also a good example of selfconscious experimental writing, in a second section, I present various seminal fictional works that introduced and developed experimentalism in British fiction, in order to evaluate the influence of modernist developments in form and technique on recent experimental writing. The third section consists of an introduction to Grays work for he is not only a novelist, but also an artist, a playwright, a poet, an activist and a scholar. Chapter II - Postmodernist Features in 1982 Janine - aims at listing and examining the postmodernist devices that the novel includes, in what content and form are concerned. On the one hand, the use of a developed type of the modernist stream of consciousness, the presence of a protagonist who feels entrapped in a specific system, the quest for freedom, the incoherence and fragmentation of time, the nonchronological order of the narrative, the blending of fantasy and reality, as well as the importance of the Scottish material are definitely current aspects within postmodernist literature that can be found in Grays novel. On the other hand, the handling of literary self-conscious devices, such as typographical experimentation, presence of metafiction and intertextuality, and inclusion of an Epilogue, are likewise among recurrent postmodernist features. As the title - A Narratological Analysis of 1982 Janine - evidences, Chapter III offers a description of the mechanics of the narrative and its functioning in order to better understand the narrative technique of postmodernist fiction. This study is based primarily on Grard Genettes theoretical framework and terminology, presented in Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, an analytical tool that allows me to provide a more objective and scientific analysis. Hence, I follow the Genettian division of narrative discourse in Time, Mood and Voice while examining the novel. Finally, I proceed to a description of the intertextual relationships 1982 Janine establishes with other texts.


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Este estudio investiga el grado de incidencia de estrs laboral (Lazarus y Folkman, 1984; Jess, 2005) en una muestra de profesores en la Educacin Bsica e Secundaria, oficiales, de la isla de Madeira, mediante el estudio de las variables afrontamiento (Latack, 1986; Jesus & Pereira, 1994) y auto-eficacia (Bandura, 1997). Los encuestados fueron 765 docentes del 1, 2, 3 Ciclo de Educacin Bsica y Educacin Secundaria. Para evaluar las variables de estudio, se utiliz el cuestionario sobre el estrs docente (Gomes, 2007), el Coping Job Scale de Latack (1986) adaptado por Jesus y Pereira (1994) y el cuestionario de autoeficacia del personal docente (Pedro, 2007). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren las siguientes conclusiones: la percepcin de altos niveles de estrs en el trabajo (42% de los profesores); las fuentes de estrs ms perturbadoras son la mala actitud de los estudiantes y las correspondientes medidas de intervencin inadecuadas; los factores situacionales inherentes a el contenido funcional y la sobrecarga de trabajo estn causando estrs y malestar en los profesores; los maestros se basan principalmente en las estrategias de control; los profesores revelan percepciones de autoeficacia alta (3,60); existe una asociacin positiva entre la percepcin de estrs en la enseanza y las estrategias de control; existe una asociacin entre la autoeficacia general y las estrategias de control; existe una asociacin entre la percepcin de autoeficcia general y el nivel global de estrs percibido; y se detect varios diferencias significativas en funcin de las variables sociodemogrficas y profesionales. Este trabajo sugiere la capacidad predictiva de las dimensiones de la autoeficacia como variable moderadora cuando, al mismo tiempo, articula con el coping y las variables sociodemograficas profesionales, en estrs docente.


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Nesta dissertao so analisados alguns poemas de S com o intuito de tentar compreender e verificar eventuais contributos de Antnio Nobre para o Simbolismo em Portugal. Ao longo da nossa investigao, daremos uma particular ateno a alguns dos temas mais recorrentes na obra de Antnio Nobre: a Solido, a Angstia e a Morte. Sabemos que existem outras temticas sobre as quais faremos uma breve referncia; contudo, por se tratar de um vasto campo de possibilidades, limitmos o nmero de temas a desenvolver no presente trabalho. Veremos de que modo a ltima dcada do sculo XIX foi marcada, no continente Europeu, por um movimento de reao ao cientismo e ao naturalismo, bem como ao ambiente espiritual surgido em Portugal pelas mos dos Vencidos da Vida, cujo especial relevo ter sido atribudo a Antnio Nobre. Verificaremos de que modo S poder emergir como uma obra de cariz confessional tendo tido na poca o objetivo de abalar os cnones tradicionais em vigor. S apresenta-se, entre outras possibilidades, como a expresso da histria de fracassos e de fadigas do povo lusitano que cultiva o sentimento amargo da saudade, uma obra que d a ver o retrato de Portugal do sculo XIX e, assim, a identidade do povo que v Portugal decair.


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O presente estudo se props a pesquisar sobre as prticas educativas interculturais, como inovao pedaggica na escola indgena, a partir de uma classe multisseriada da Escola Indgena Pedro Ferreira de Queiroz, localizada na Aldeia Kambiw, municpio de Ibimirim/Pernambuco - Brasil. Instaura a percepo freireana de educao que, ambientada na concepo problematizadora e libertadora, se assenta numa tendncia contestadora, que defende o reconhecimento e a prtica educacional para a insero social. Nesse contexto, delimitamos a abordagem qualitativa, sob inspirao da etnografia como possibilidade de investigar, descrever e analisar a problemtica de pesquisa, definindo, ainda, um esquema de interpretao e de perspectivas do fenmeno estudado, o que possibilitou destacar, de forma aproximada, as intenes subjacentes ao mesmo. Os dados obtidos apontam que as estratgias pedaggicas utilizadas na escola, campo de estudo e, no entendimento da maioria dos/as entrevistados/as, defendem o princpio da interculturalidade, como inovao, no mbito da prtica pedaggica, visando a construo do conhecimento ou a valorizao da cultura quando, o professor da turma investigada, o grupo gestor e liderana, incentivam os estudantes a se reconhecerem como ndio, reafirmando sua identidade tnica, atravs de atividades culturais ambientadas no ritual doTor, praticado na abertura das aulas e no recreio; valorizam o artesanato indgena, a merenda de alimentos cultivados pela comunidade, ou apreciam o uso da histria oral encorajando, assim, mudanas nas prticas consideradas tradicionais. Contudo, o estudo aponta para a instaurao de um processo incipiente de inovao que rebate em aes mais efetivas de mudana no que se referem formao acadmica dos/as professores indgenas, a organizao curricular dos contedos, do material didtico, do calendrio, da avaliao e da ao dos docentes quando, esses, tratam do conhecimento e das percepes na sala de aula, alm dos entraves provocados pela burocracia e falta de preparao tcnica/pedaggica do poder pblico em atender as especificidades.


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Como afirmar a prpria subjetividade e pertenas identitrias num mundo em constante mudana pelo excesso de informao miditica e pela alternncia de papis sociais? Para jovens urbanos, o consumo cultural possibilita utilizar a imagem do prprio corpo como instncia de incorporao de valores, smbolos miditicos e expresso de subjetividade a partir de sua escolha por produtos simblicos veiculados pela mdia da comunicao de massa e tatuados na pele. Com suporte principal em Hall, Canclni, Morin e Le Breton, partimos do pressuposto de que no existe realidade sem representao da linguagem; assim, a opo por certos tipos de narradores miditicos da cultura contempornea pe em foco o simbolismo sobreposto pele, que reproduz imagens icnicas de bandas, filmes e desenhos animados ou de quadrinhos. Essas imagens so resduos de memrias individuais/coletivas ostentadas socialmente e que discursam sobre as relaes de consumo dos sujeitos sociais e as novas sensibilidades originadas da convivncia tecnologicamente midiatizada


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This research studies the relation between city and nature in the urbanity s plans from Natal RN, Brazil, during the 20th century. Investigates and analyses the main documents that bring environmental s ideas inside from the urbanity s plans of Natal; gives the historical and economical situation from the city in each period studied; features the urbanity s plans, using categories of analyses to comprehension of this instruments. Try to contribute in the bigger process of historical rescue of Natal, and stimulates new studies. It was used documental s research, and bibliographic material. It was identified four (04) kinds of plans: the ones that focus in health and aesthetic (1901, 1929, 1935) technology and science (1968), zoning and control (1974, 1984) and environment. The hints founded shows that environmental ideas were put inside of the plans by government demands, especially in 1994 s plan, almost always without popular contribution and without this population get understands its meanings and implications


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To Analyze the Managing Plans of Natal in the decades of 1970, 1980 and 1990, identifying elements that had contributed for the growth of the Lagoa Nova quarter, capital one of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Ahead of the sped up growth of the urban centers, many times is not given to analyze which law had taken care of to its objective, and which the imperfections that had appeared during the application of these laws. To make the comparisons in you square them chosen at there distantinct times made possible to analyze the form as the ground of Lagoa Nova absorbed the proposals laws.Therefore toanalyze influences it of the Managing Plans, to make comparatives analyses between the urbanistics condicion, made possible to understand that the fabric urban of the quarter of Lagoa Nova is a true granary of information that it makes possible to the dedicated ones to the urban studies, a true field of analysis


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Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte