986 resultados para Natural Rubber (NR),


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It is of value to know the approximate distance of travel at different stream discharges and/or water velocities, of salmonid eggs which have been displaced from redds by spates. This report describes studies in 20 m of stream channel upstream of the fish trap in Dubby Sike. Observations were made on the relation- ships between discharge and water depth and velocity and also on the relationships between water velocity and the settlement of artificial trout eggs. The main aim was to test the hypothesis that, at any given water velocity, eggs would drift smaller distances in a natural stream than in the experimental channels.


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O processo de construção de uma proposta pedagógica de Educação Ambiental no contexto global e interdisciplinar exige um profundo embasamento teórico e prático vindo de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, inclusive da Geografia. Confirmando essa tendência, propõe-se, aqui, uma análise das ações de Educação Ambiental desenvolvida por cinco escolas da Rede Municipal de Educação de Nova Iguaçu - RJ, situadas na Unidade Regional de Governo Centro, área de influência do Parque Natural Municipal de Nova Iguaçu, no período, entre os anos de 2005 e 2010. O Parque aguça o interesse dos atores sociais à participação. Portanto, centra-se nesta constatação o objetivo desta dissertação: produzir um diagnóstico que possibilite subsidiar estudos e proposições para as escolas do entorno do Parque nas ações de Educação Ambiental e que atenda satisfatoriamente a comunidade escolar de modo que possam organizar, participar, agregar, integrar, futuramente, uma rede de planejamento e monitoramento ecoturístico. As proposições estão alicerçadas nas diretrizes estabelecidas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, no Plano de Manejo e no papel das escolas do entorno como difusora de conhecimentos e práticas conservacionistas no meio ambiente local. O diagnóstico realizado através de avaliações investigativas revelou informações importantes que subsidiarão um novo referencial para o tema transversal Meio Ambiente, além de levantar o caráter emergencial da qualificação específica do gestor do Parque, da capacitação contínua do educador e, por conseguinte, da formação do educando apto a interagir com o seu entorno imediato, representado pelo Parque e com as escalas mais amplas que envolvem a percepção do Meio Ambiente.


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Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.


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The plant Crassula helmsii (Kirk) Cochayne, was likely to become widely distributed and to dominate many damp and wet areas of nature reserves, recreational waters and agricultural drainage of Britain. The aim of this report was to study Australian Swamp Stonecrop in its natural habitat where it is in balance with its environment. This contrasts with its rapid and widespread distribution in the U.K. where its growth interferes with the use of fisheries and amenity lakes but also reduces the value of nature reserves and sites of special scientific interest by suppressing native flora. It was proposed to observe its growth at a variety of sites over its natural distribution and to include some environmental factors, e.g. water-level, water-chemistry (nutrients, acidity and alkalinity), frost-tolerance, salinity, with the help of portable sensors, locally-available services or data. 8 weeks of travel in Australia allowed time to study the plant in its natural habitat including the coastal areas of the southern half of the continent i.e . Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and southern Queensland. The overall objective was to determine the environmental range by visits to selected sites of Crassula helmsii over its geographic range.


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The biomass of the phytoplankton and its composition is one of the most important factors in water quality control. Determination of the phytoplankton assemblage is usually done by microscopic analysis (Utermöhl's method). Quantitative estimations of the biovolume, by cell counting and cell size measurements, are time-consuming and normally are not done in routine water quality control. Several alternatives have been tried: computer-based image analysis, spectral fluorescence signatures, flow cytometry and pigment fingerprinting aided by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The latter method is based on the fact that each major algal group of taxa contains a specific carotenoid which can be used for identification and relative quantification of the taxa in the total assemblage. This article gives a brief comparative introduction to the different techniques available and presents some recent results obtained by HPLC-based pigment fingerprinting, applied to three lakes of different trophic status. The results show that this technique yields reliable results from different lake types and is a powerful tool for studying the distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community in relation to water depth. However, some restrictions should be taken into account for the interpretation of routine data.


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IDOKI SCF Technologies S.L. is a technology-based company, set up on September 2006 in Derio (Biscay) with the main scope of developing extraction and purification processes based on the use of supercritical fluid extraction technology (SFE) in food processing, extraction of natural products and the production of personal care products. IDOKI¿s researchers have been working on many different R&D projects so far, most of them using this technology. However, the optimization of a SFE method for the different matrices cannot be performed unless we have an analytical method for the characterisation of the extracts obtained in each experiment. The analytical methods are also essential for the quality control of the raw materials that are going to be used and also for the final product. This PhD thesis was born to tackle this problem and therefore, it is based on the development of different analytical methods for the characterisation of the extracts and products. The projects that we could include in this thesis were the following: the extraction propolis, the recovery of agroindustrial residues (soy and wine) and the dealcoholisation of wine.On the one hand, for the extraction of propolis, several UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were used in order to measure the antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol and flavonoid content of the extracts. A SFC method was also developed in order to measure more specific phenolic compounds. On the other hand, for the recovery of agroindustrial residues UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine the total polyphenol content and two SFC methods were developed to analyse different phenolic compounds. Extraction methods such as MAE, FUSE and rotary agitation were also evaluated for the characterisation of the raw materials.Finally, for the dealcoholisation of wine, the development of a SBSE-TD-GC-MS and DHS-TD-GC-MS methods for the analysis of aromas and a NIR spectroscopic method for the determination of ethanol content with the help of chemometrics was necessary. Most of these methods are typically used in IDOKI¿s lab as routine analyses apart from others not included in this PhD thesis.


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We propose to utilize the leading pulse of a petawatt class laser to create a conic plasma channel in the dense plasmas. This plasma channel could serve as a natural cone to guide the main pulse to the cone tip, as behaves similarly to the physical Au cone. We estimate that the leading pulse of a petawatt laser could create a natural cone with cone tip only about 100 mu m away from the edge of compressed core plasma. The natural cone formation should be compatible for a good uniform compression and efficient fast heating of the imploded fuel.


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Neste estudo nós fornecemos os primeiros dados acerca dos parâmetros da comunidade de anuros de folhiço de uma floresta no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil, incluindo informações sobre riqueza de espécies, densidades específicas e biomassa. Nosso estudo foi realizado na Reserva Natural Salto Morato entre julho de 2009 e abril de 2010. Para amostrar a comunidade de anuros de folhiço usamos 40 parcelas de 4 x 4 m em cada estação do ano (inverno, primavera, verão e outono), totalizando 2.560 m2 de chão de floresta amostrados. Nós amostramos um total de 96 anuros habitando o chão da floresta, pertencentes a sete espécies: Brachycephalus hermogenesi, Ischnocnema guentheri, Haddadus binotatus, Leptodactylus gr. marmoratus, Physalaemus spiniger, Proceratophrys boiei e Rhinella abei. A densidade total de anuros vivendo no chão da floresta foi de 3,73 ind/100m2, sendo I. guentheri (1,37 ind/100m2) a espécie mais numerosa e R. abei (0,19 ind/100m2), a mais rara. A estimativa da biomassa total na comunidade de anuros de folhiço foi de 3,290g. A temperatura foi um fator ambiental significativo para a abundância de anuros de folhiço, enquanto a umidade não foi importante na estruturação da comunidade na área estudada. A abundância, riqueza e densidade variaram consistentemente entre as quatro estações do ano amostradas, com os maiores valores ocorrendo nos meses mais quentes da primavera e verão. Esse estudo aumenta a distribuição geográfica de Brachycephalus hermogenesi.


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We aimed to study the selective pressures interacting on SLC45A2 to investigate the interplay between selection and susceptibility to disease. Thus, we enrolled 500 volunteers from a geographically limited population (Basques from the North of Spain) and by resequencing the whole coding region and intron 5 of the 34 most and the 34 least pigmented individuals according to the reflectance distribution, we observed that the polymorphism Leu374Phe (L374F, rs16891982) was statistically associated with skin color variability within this sample. In particular, allele 374F was significantly more frequent among the individuals with lighter skin. Further genotyping an independent set of 558 individuals of a geographically wider population with known ancestry in the Spanish population also revealed that the frequency of L374F was significantly correlated with the incident UV radiation intensity. Selection tests suggest that allele 374F is being positively selected in South Europeans, thus indicating that depigmentation is an adaptive process. Interestingly, by genotyping 119 melanoma samples, we show that this variant is also associated with an increased susceptibility to melanoma in our populations. The ultimate driving force for this adaptation is unknown, but it is compatible with the vitamin D hypothesis. This shows that molecular evolution analysis can be used as a useful technology to predict phenotypic and biomedical consequences in humans.


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La idea del proyecto consiste en crear una asociación orientada a la gestión de actividades recreativo-deportivas en el medio natural. En un enclave puramente rural, la asociación tendrá su sede en Jaurrieta, un pueblo del Pirineo Navarro con menos de 200 habitantes. La intención es que el pueblo de Jaurrieta y el propio Valle de Salazar, formen parte de esta asociación, involucrando a un gran número de personas. Se considera que la unión y la heterogeneidad de cada una de estas personas, potenciarán positivamente la propuesta. Con el objetivo de ofrecer actividades recreativo-deportivas y servicios complementarios, se aprovecharán los recursos naturales del entorno para proporcionar al visitante un mayor conocimiento de la zona y su estilo de vida rural. La oferta de actividades recreativo-deportivas en el medio natural, estará dirigida a aquellas personas que decidan pasar su tiempo de ocio en el Pirineo Navarro. Por esto, surge la necesidad de elaborar un “Plan Estratégico” que facilite la creación y desarrollo de esta asociación. Como misión o fin último de la propuesta, se pretende contribuir en el desarrollo rural del Valle de Salazar; desde una perspectiva de progreso económico y social.


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As reservas brasileiras de petróleo e gás natural apresentarão um significativo crescimento a partir do desenvolvimento das reservas da camada do pré-sal. Segundo estimativas elaboradas pela EPE e pela EIA, nos próximos vinte anos, haverá um quadro de grande oferta de gás natural no país, com a oferta excedendo a demanda. Como o segmento de transporte do gás natural tem grande importância na formação do custo desse energético, uma tecnologia de transporte menos onerosa irá proporcionar um cenário mais vantajoso para a entrada do gás no mercado. A presente dissertação analisa duas tecnologias disponíveis para escoamento do gás natural da camada pré-sal gasoduto submarino e gás natural liquefeito embarcado e as possibilidades de utilização no mercado interno ou para ser exportado. De acordo com dados da Petrobras, foram utilizadas três rotas para escoar o gás do pré-sal. A metodologia Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) foi utilizada para analisar qual dos investimentos em transporte é mais viável economicamente. Os resultados mostraram que de acordo com as perspectivas de produção do gás natural no horizonte de tempo analisado as duas tecnologias serão viáveis, com o transporte por gasodutos a alternativa mais viável economicamente.