984 resultados para Names, Siamese.


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A List of Officers of the reduced Independent Companies who are to receive half pay from the days hereafter mentioned, to the 24th of December 1791, both days inclusive, or to the days of their death or Provision respectively. The document includes 153 names of Captains, Lieutenants, and Ensigns. Among the names are Isaac Brock and his brother Irwin Brock. It is signed by George Yonge.


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Ann Eliza Hepburne was born in Chippawa, Ontario, in 1821, to William Hepburne and Susan Shannon. In 1842, she married William Anthony Rooth in St. James Cathedral in Toronto. They continued to live in different parts of the Niagara region, including Drummondville, Welland and Port Colborne. William was the editor and proprietor of the Drummondville Reporter, as well as an accountant and insurance agent, and later worked for the Customs Service in Port Colborne. He died in 1878, and Eliza in 1899. Both are buried in Drummond Hill Cemetery in Niagara Falls, Ontario.


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An orderly book of the Second Regiment of U.S. Dragoons, New York, dated August 14, 1812-July 29, 1813. The book contains orders pertaining to day-to-day military matters, such as punishments for disobedience, court-martial proceedings, camp rules and regulations, and guidelines for interacting with civilians in the vicinity of the camp. The Regiment was stationed at various locations in upstate New York and Canada, including Greenbush, Albany, Sackets Harbor, Utica, Geneva, Fort Niagara and Fort George. General Henry Dearborn originally commanded the Regiment at Greenbush. Names noted in this book include:E. Beebe, Deputy Adjt. General; William King, Capt. 15th; John Chandler, General ;W. Gamewood, Major ;James Burns, Colonel;John Woodford, Major; Andrew McDowell, Capt.; Abm. Gustis, Major; C.W. Hunter, Brigade Major; Selden, Captain; Holland, Captain; Harris, Captain; Clarkson, Lieutenant; Johnson, Lieutenant; Robert Craig, Adjt.; R.G. Hith, A.A. General. Also included with the orderly book are a monthly return form, a contract for medical services, and a bonus pay voucher for Thomas Blunt. The monthly return form is partially completed and dated January 1813 at Greenbush, New York. It is signed by Captain Jonas Holland. The contract is dated May 20, 1812, between John Dodge, physician and surgeon, and Jonas Holland. The contract describes the services required of the physician and the salary to be paid. The bonus pay voucher is dated April 25, 1813, for $8.00 paid to Thomas Blunt by Captain Jonas Holland for 'enlisting into the army of the United States for five years'.


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The album includes an illustration of a dog howling, by one of Eliza's friends. There is also a painting of roses. There is a poem signed Denison, that reads:" In truth it is not every book That's suited to the mind; In some forever you may look and no amusement find. But seldom does an album fail To please both grave and gay; It teams with many a merry tale and many a mournful day. Then reader know, whoever thou be Wise, witty, gay or sad; It's like the world in some degree Made up of good and bad". Another poem of eight verses is signed A. McNab. A poem and illustration are included by George Coventry. The illustration shows a man (presumed to be Coventry) looking at a book while others fish and work. Another poem initialed W.A.R. is thought to be by William Anthony Rooth, it is called "To Caroline". Also included in the album is a note from a Major who stayed at Eliza's home Christmas Day 1837. The note thanks Eliza for caring for him while he was ill at her home. A poem by Eliza's brother-in-law, Oliver T. Macklem is also included in the album. An illustration of two birds by Benjamin, Eliza's son, he was ten years old at the time. There is a poem written by L. D. Raymond with an attached newspaper clipping from Welland. The clipping is from L. D. Raymond's 79th birthday and is also a poem, "To the Old Barrister". There is a page of soldier autographs from 1866, those who fought in the Battle of Ridgeway during the Fenian Raid. (http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Ann_Eliza_Hepburne_Rooth%27s_1837_Album)


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A map of Thorold showing the lots and names of the individuals who were granted the lots. In some cases, the year that the original grants were made are included. A note on the back of the map indicates that the information was taken from the Centennial History of Thorold or from the Patentees map.


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An advertisement for Plymouth Gin, it reads "Plymouth Gin. Double distilled, unsweetened; a delicious compromise between Holland and Old Tom. Unsurpassed for Cocktail, Phiz, Silver Phiz, or John Collins. Combines well with Soda and Lemon Peel. Adopted in the principal Clubs and Restaurants, with steadily increasing popularity. Recognized as invaluable medicinally. DuVivier & Co., Sole Agents. 22 Warren Street, New York. 7 Sibley Warehouses, Chicago." The image on the reverse is of a friar holding a glass surrounded by barrels and crates all labelled with company names.


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Numerous place setting cards with the following names: Mrs. Hamilton K. Woodruff (several), Miss. Addie M. Shaw, Miss Lucilla C. Harris.


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The booklet is a printed set of rules and regulations for the St. Catharines Club. It is pocket size and has several blank pages in the back. The blank pages have handwritten names including H.K. Woodruff. Also included in the booklet are lists of past officers. R. Woodruff is listed as president in 1883, and H.K. Woodruff is listed as a committee member in 1885 and 1886.


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Last Will and Testament of James Senior of Niagara Township leaving all his goods and chattels and part of Lot 94 in Niagara Township to his friend, Richard Woodruff, August 6, 1832. There are three names listed as witnesses, William Woodruff, Moses Chase and a third name.


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A minute book for Grantham Township, Ontario. It records the proceedings of meetings from 1818-1854 and the names of parish and town officers from 1818 to 1842. Names include: Chisholm, Ball, Steele, TenBroeck, Shipman, Laraway, McKerney, Adams, Pawling, Merritt, Rolls, Robertson, Lampman, Phelps, Darling. Also notes the laws agreed upon for the period, mainly dealing with livestock.


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Lists of items (2 pages, handwritten) which were bought and paid for by J. Roach and on the second page, a list of names with prices listed beside them, 1887-1890.


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Family record copied from the family bible. This 1 page, single sided note was in an envelope and gives date and places of births and marriage, but it doesn’t provide any last names, n.d.


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Various clippings and notes which were found tucked within the pages of the Woodruff books including: Ezekiel Woodruff’s birth date written on an envelope, a recipe for a rose jar, a note regarding Donald Fraser, an unsigned Christmas card, a verse entitled “Woodland friends” a list of names and a program for the New York State Historical Association and Ontario Historical Society. There are also clippings which include articles about: nutritional value of bread, a movie 45 on Hitler, Col. Merritt, stamp collecting, preparing boys to fly, a flying hero, an exhibition of antiques and pioneer days [these items are not particularly relevant to the collection, but offer an insight into daily life and interests], 1936-1937, 1943


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Small, black, soft cover notebook which has “Niagara Historical Society” taped to the front cover. It contains handwritten entries which include: names of early settlers; buildings; veterans at Queenston Heights, 1859; group of Indians; and list of people whose picture was taken in 1870[?] at Queenston, n.d.


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Day book for the Dominion Accountant (soft cover). This notebook has T. Benson on the front cover, but Hamilton K. Woodruff is written within the back cover and within the front cover. There are also other names written within the front cover. The book contains many loose notes regarding book-keeping [This is from Upper Canada College], 1876-1878.