987 resultados para NW NAMIBIA
Neolithic and Bronze Age wetland sites around the Alps (so called pile-dwellings, Pfahlbauten or palafittes in German/French) are of outstanding universal value (UNESCO-world heritage since 2011). Typical sites are in lakes, rivers and bogs, dating between 5300 and 800 BC. Of common character is the perfect conservation of wood, textiles from plant fabrics and many other organic materials. Larger quantities of sub-fossilized wood, as in the peri-alpine sites, offer the possibility of high-precision dating by dendrochronology. Research in these wetland sites started in the mid-19th century. Through large scale rescue excavations since the 1970s and the evolution of underwater archaeology in the same period the Swiss accumulated a thorough experience with these specific sites. Research in wetland sites is shared between cantonal institutions and universities and led to a worldwide unique accumulation of knowledge. Comparable sites exist outside of the Alpine area, but in much smaller quantities. Regions like Russia (small lakes in NW-Russia) and Macedonia (medium size lakes in the border zone of Macedonia, Albania and Greece) have a high scientific potential; rivers in Ukraine are supposed to have the same type of sites.
Hellas basin acts as a major sink for the southern highlands of Mars and is likely to have recorded several episodes of sedimentation and erosion. The north-western part of the basin displays a potentially unique Amazonian landscape domain in the deepest part of Hellas, called “banded terrain”, which is a deposit characterized by an alternation of narrow band shapes and inter-bands displaying a sinuous and relatively smooth surface texture suggesting a viscous flow origin. Here we use high-resolution (HiRISE and CTX) images to assess the geomorphological interaction of the banded terrain with the surrounding geomorphologic domains in the NW interior of Hellas to gain a better understanding of the geological evolution of the region as a whole. Our analysis reveals that the banded terrain is associated with six geomorphologic domains: a central plateau named Alpheus Colles, plain deposits (P1 and P2), reticulate (RT1 and RT2) and honeycomb terrains. Based on the analysis of the geomorphology of these domains and their cross-cutting relationships, we show that no widespread deposition post-dates the formation of the banded terrain, which implies that this domain is the youngest and latest deposit of the interior of Hellas. Therefore, the level of geologic activity in the NW Hellas during the Amazonian appears to have been relatively low and restricted to modification of the landscape through mechanical weathering, aeolian and periglacial processes. Thermophysical data and cross-cutting relationships support hypotheses of modification of the honeycomb terrain via vertical rise of diapirs such as ice diapirism, and the formation of the plain deposits through deposition and remobilization of an ice-rich mantle deposit. Finally, the observed gradual transition between honeycomb and banded terrain suggests that the banded terrain may have covered a larger area of the NW interior of Hellas in the past than previously thought. This has implications on the understanding of the evolution of the deepest part of Hellas.
In order to determine the extent and timing of dyke formation in the Ladakh Batholith we examined about 30 mostly andesitic dykes intruding the Ladakh batholith in a ca. 50 km wide area to the west of Leh (NW India). The dykes in the east of the area trend E-NE and those in the west trend N-NW. The difference in orientation is also evident in the petrography and isotopic signatures. The eastern dykes contain corroded quartz xenocrysts and show negative ε0(Nd) and positive ε0(Sr) values, where as the western dykes do not contain quartz xenocrysts and exhibit positive ε0(Nd) and near-zero ε0(Sr) values. The variability in Sr-Nd isotopes (ε0(Nd) = 3.6 to −9.6, ε0(Sr) = 0.4 to 143) and the quartz xenocrysts can best be explained by (differing degrees of) crustal assimilation of the parent magma of the dykes. Separated minerals from five dykes were dated by 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating: amphibole ages range between 50 and 54 Ma, and one biotite dated both by Rb-Sr and by 40Ar-39Ar gave an age of 45 Ma. One dated pseudotachylyte sample attests to brittle faulting at ca. 54 Ma. The combination of structural field evidence with petrographic, isotopic and geochronological analyses demonstrates that the dykes did not form from a single, progressively differentiating magma chamber, despite having formed in the same tectonic setting around the same time, and that processes such as crustal assimilation and magma mixing/mingling also played a significant role in magma petrogenesis.
The thorium and rare-earth element (Th-REE) deposit at Morro do Ferro formed under supergene lateritic weathering conditions. The ore body consists of shallow NW-SE elongated argillaceous lenses that extend from the top of the hill downwards along its south-eastern slope. The deposit is capped by a network of magnetite layers which protected the underlying highly weathered, argillaceous host rock from excessive erosion. The surrounding country rocks comprise a sequence of subvolcanic phonolite intrusions that have been strongly altered by hydrothermal and supergene processes. From petrological, mineralogical and geochemical studies, and mass balance calculations, it is inferred that the highly weathered host rock was originally carbonatitic in composition, initially enriched in Th and REEs compared to the surrounding silicate rocks. The intrusion of the carbonatite caused fenitic alteration in the surrounding phonolites, consisting of early potassic alteration followed by a vein-type Th-REE mineralization with associated fluorite, carbonate, pyrite and zircon. Subsequent weathering has completely decomposed the carbonatite forming a residual supergene enrichment of Th and REEs. Initial weathering of the carbonatite has created a chemical environment that might have been conductive to carbonate and phosphate complexing of the REEs in groundwaters. This may have appreciably restricted the dissolution of primary REE phases. Strongly oxidic weathering has resulted in a fractionation between Ce and the other light rare earth elements (LREEs). Ce3+ is oxidized to Ce4+ and retained together with Th by secondary mineral formation (cerianite, thorianite), and by adsorption on poorly crystalline iron- and aluminium-hydroxides. In contrast, the trivalent LREEs are retained to a lesser degree and are thus more available for secondary mineral formation (Nd-lanthanite) and adsorption at greater depths down the weathering column. Seasonally controlled fluctuations of recharge waters into the weathering column may help to explain the observed repetition of Th-Ce enriched zones underlain by trivalent LREE enriched zones.
The Out-of-Africa (OOA) dispersal ∼50,000 y ago is characterized by a series of founder events as modern humans expanded into multiple continents. Population genetics theory predicts an increase of mutational load in populations undergoing serial founder effects during range expansions. To test this hypothesis, we have sequenced full genomes and high-coverage exomes from seven geographically divergent human populations from Namibia, Congo, Algeria, Pakistan, Cambodia, Siberia, and Mexico. We find that individual genomes vary modestly in the overall number of predicted deleterious alleles. We show via spatially explicit simulations that the observed distribution of deleterious allele frequencies is consistent with the OOA dispersal, particularly under a model where deleterious mutations are recessive. We conclude that there is a strong signal of purifying selection at conserved genomic positions within Africa, but that many predicted deleterious mutations have evolved as if they were neutral during the expansion out of Africa. Under a model where selection is inversely related to dominance, we show that OOA populations are likely to have a higher mutation load due to increased allele frequencies of nearly neutral variants that are recessive or partially recessive.
von Theodor Leutwein
von Kurd Schwabe
Herbicides are used to control the growth of weeds along highways, power lines, and many other urban locations. Exposure to herbicides has been linked to adverse health outcomes. This study was initiated to pretest for the presence of herbicides in multiple water sources near intersections in a corridor in the Northwest Harris County (specifically in the Highway 6/FM 1960, North Freeway 45, US 290 and S 99 corridor). Roadside water and tap water samples were collected and analyzed for herbicides using the established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 515.4: "Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction, Derivatization, and Fast Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection." A standard operating procedure (adapted from the US EPA Method 515.4) was developed for subsequent, larger studies of environmental fate of herbicides and non-occupational exposure risks. Preliminary testing of 16 water samples was performed to pretest the existence of trace herbicides; all concentrations that were greater than the minimum reporting limits of each analyte are reported with a 99 percent confidence. This study failed to find concentrations above the limits of detection of the method in any of the samples collected on June 15, 2008. However, this does not indicate that the waters around the NW Harris County are free of herbicides and metabolites. A larger and repeated sampling in the region would be necessary to make that claim. ^
Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases on soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).
Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).
Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).
Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).
We examined near-surface, late Holocene deep-sea sediments at nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) along the Southwest African continental margin. Contents, distribution patterns and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) are indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types, which can be correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in the same sediments. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories and satellite Aerosol Index imagery afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen on land and their transport pathways to the ocean sites. This multidisciplinary approach on an almost continental scale provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in lipid and pollen composition paralleling the major phytogeographic zonations on the adjacent continent. Dust and smoke aerosols are mainly derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semi-deserts and savannah regions rich in C4 and CAM plants. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin), which get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands, may also receive some material from the Chad region. Very little aerosol from the African continent is transported to the most southerly sites in the Cape Basin. As can be expected from the present position of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of the n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. The results of the study suggest that this combination of pollen data and compound-specific isotope geochemical proxies can be effectively applied in the reconstruction of past continental phytogeographic developments.
A transect from the bathyal to proximal shelf facies of the Boreal Realm was investigated to compare spatial and temporal distribution changes of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (c-dinocysts) throughout the mid-Cenomanian in order to gain information on the ecology of these organisms. Pithonelloideae dominated the cyst assemblages to more than 95% on the shelf, a prevalence that can be observed throughout most of the Upper Cretaceous. The affinity of this group with the dinoflagellates, which is still controversially discussed, can be confirmed, based on evidence from morphological features and distribution patterns. The consistent prevalence of Pithonella sphaerica and P. ovalis in c-dinocyst assemblages throughout the Upper Cretaceous indicates that they were produced more frequently than cysts of the other species and might, therefore, represent a vegetative dinoflagellate life stage. P. sphaerica and P. ovalis are interpreted as eutrophic species. P. sphaerica is the main species in a marginal-shelf upwelling area, offshore Fennoscandia. Here, sedimentary cyclicity appears to have been reduced to the strongest light/dark changes, while in the outer shelf sediments, light/dark cycles are well-developed and show pronounced temporal assemblage changes. Cyclic fluctuations in the P. sphaerica / P. ovalis ratio reflect shifts of the preferred facies zones and indicate changes in surface mixing patterns. During periods of enhanced surface mixing most parts of the shelf were well-ventilated, and nutrient-enriched surface waters led to high productivity and dominance of the Pithonelloideae. These conditions on the shelf contrasted with those in the open ocean, where more oligotrophic and probably stratified waters prevailed, and an assemblage with very few Pithonelloideae and dominance of Cubodinellum renei and Orthopithonella ? gustafsonii was characteristic. While orbitally-forced light/dark sedimentary cyclicity of the shelf sections was mainly related to surface-water carbonate productivity changes, no cyclic modulation of productivity was observed in the oceanic profile. Therefore, dark layer formation in the open ocean was predominantly controlled by the cyclic establishment of anoxic bottom water conditions. Orbitally-forced interruptions in mixing on the shelf resulted in cyclic periods of stratification and oligotrophy in the surface waters, an expansion of oceanic species to the outer shelf, and a shelfward shift of pithonelloid-facies zones, which were probably related to shelfward directed oceanic ingressions.