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The role of platelets in hemostasis is to produce a plug to arrest bleeding. During thrombocytopenia, spontaneous bleeding is seen in some patients but not in others; the reason for this is unknown. Here, we subjected thrombocytopenic mice to models of dermatitis, stroke, and lung inflammation. The mice showed massive hemorrhage that was limited to the area of inflammation and was not observed in uninflamed thrombocytopenic mice. Endotoxin-induced lung inflammation during thrombocytopenia triggered substantial intra-alveolar hemorrhage leading to profound anemia and respiratory distress. By imaging the cutaneous Arthus reaction through a skin window, we observed in real time the loss of vascular integrity and the kinetics of skin hemorrhage in thrombocytopenic mice. Bleeding-observed mostly from venules-occurred as early as 20 minutes after challenge, pointing to a continuous need for platelets to maintain vascular integrity in inflamed microcirculation. Inflammatory hemorrhage was not seen in genetically engineered mice lacking major platelet adhesion receptors or their activators (alphaIIbbeta3, glycoprotein Ibalpha [GPIbalpha], GPVI, and calcium and diacylglycerol-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I [CalDAG-GEFI]), thus indicating that firm platelet adhesion was not necessary for their supporting role. While platelets were previously shown to promote endothelial activation and recruitment of inflammatory cells, they also appear indispensable to maintain vascular integrity in inflamed tissue. Based on our observations, we propose that inflammation may cause life-threatening hemorrhage during thrombocytopenia.


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Many hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections worldwide are with the genotype 1 and 3 strains of the virus. Cellular immune responses are known to be important in the containment of HCV genotype 1 infection, and many genotype 1 T cell targets (epitopes) that are presented by host human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) have been identified. In contrast, there is almost no information known about the equivalent responses to genotype 3. Immune escape mechanisms used by HCV include the evolution of viral polymorphisms (adaptations) that abrogate this host-viral interaction. Evidence of HCV adaptation to HLA-restricted immune pressure on HCV can be observed at the population level as viral polymorphisms associated with specific HLA types. To evaluate the escape patterns of HCV genotypes 1 and 3, we assessed the associations between viral polymorphisms and specific HLA types from 187 individuals with genotype 1a and 136 individuals with genotype 3a infection. We identified 51 HLA-associated viral polymorphisms (32 for genotype 1a and 19 for genotype 3a). Of these putative viral adaptation sites, six fell within previously published epitopes. Only two HLA-associated viral polymorphisms were common to both genotypes. In the remaining sites with HLA-associated polymorphisms, there was either complete conservation or no significant HLA association with viral polymorphism in the alternative genotype. This study also highlights the diverse mechanisms by which viral evasion of immune responses may be achieved and the role of genotype variation in these processes. CONCLUSION: There is little overlap in HLA-associated polymorphisms in the nonstructural proteins of HCV for the two genotypes, implying differences in the cellular immune pressures acting on these viruses and different escape profiles. These findings have implications for future therapeutic strategies to combat HCV infection, including vaccine design.


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The efficacy of specifically targeted anti-viral therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) (STAT-C), including HCV protease and polymerase inhibitors, is limited by the presence of drug-specific viral resistance mutations within the targeted proteins. Genetic diversity within these viral proteins also evolves under selective pressures provided by host human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted immune responses, which may therefore influence STAT-C treatment response. Here, the prevalence of drug resistance mutations relevant to 27 developmental STAT-C drugs, and the potential for drug and immune selective pressures to intersect at sites along the HCV genome, is explored. HCV nonstructural (NS) 3 protease or NS5B polymerase sequences and HLA assignment were obtained from study populations from Australia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Four hundred five treatment-naïve individuals with chronic HCV infection were considered (259 genotype 1, 146 genotype 3), of which 38.5% were coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We identified preexisting STAT-C drug resistance mutations in sequences from this large cohort. The frequency of the variations varied according to individual STAT-C drug and HCV genotype/subtype. Of individuals infected with subtype 1a, 21.5% exhibited genetic variation at a known drug resistance site. Furthermore, we identified areas in HCV protease and polymerase that are under both potential HLA-driven pressure and therapy selection and identified six HLA-associated polymorphisms (P


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AIMS: Bacillus anthracis strains of various origins were analysed with the view to describe intrinsic and persistent structural components of the Bacillus collagen-like protein of anthracis glycoprotein associated anthrose containing tetrasaccharide in the exosporium. METHODS AND RESULTS: The tetrasaccharide consists of three rhamnose residues and an unique monosaccharide--anthrose. As anthrose was not found in spores of related strains of bacteria, we envisioned the detection of B. anthracis spores based on antibodies against anthrose-containing polysaccharides. Carbohydrate-protein conjugates containing the synthetic tetrasaccharide, an anthrose-rhamnose disaccharide or anthrose alone were employed to immunize mice. All three formulations were immunogenic and elicited IgG responses with different fine specificities. All sera and monoclonal antibodies derived from tetrasaccharide immunized mice cross-reacted not only with spore lysates of a panel of virulent B. anthracis strains, but also with some of the B. cereus strains tested. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that antibodies to synthetic carbohydrates are useful tools for epitope analyses of complex carbohydrate antigens and for the detection of particular target structures in biological specimens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Although not strictly specific for B. anthracis spores, antibodies against the tetrasaccharide may have potential as immuno-capturing components for a highly sensitive spore detection system.


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Interferon (IFN) type-I is of utmost importance in the innate antiviral defence of eukaryotic cells. The cells express intra- and extracellular receptors that monitor their surroundings for the presence of viral genomes. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), a Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae, is able to prevent IFN synthesis induced by poly(IC), a synthetic dsRNA. The evasion of innate immunity might be a decisive ability of BVDV to establish persistent infection in its host. We report that ds- as well as ssRNA fragments of viral origin are able to trigger IFN synthesis, and that the viral envelope glycoprotein E(rns), that is also secreted from infected cells, is able to inhibit IFN expression induced by these extracellular viral RNAs. The RNase activity of E(rns) is required for this inhibition, and E(rns) degrades ds- and ssRNA at neutral pH. In addition, cells infected with a cytopathogenic strain of BVDV contain more dsRNA than cells infected with the homologous non-cytopathogenic strain, and the intracellular viral RNA was able to excite the IFN system in a 5'-triphosphate-, i.e. RIG-I-, independent manner. Functionally, E(rns) might represent a decoy receptor that binds and enzymatically degrades viral RNA that otherwise might activate the IFN defence by binding to Toll-like receptors of uninfected cells. Thus, the pestiviral RNase efficiently manipulates the host's self-nonself discrimination to successfully establish and maintain persistence and immunotolerance.


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The whisker follicle has CD34-positive stem cells that migrate from their niche near the bulge along the glassy membrane to the whisker bulb, where they participate in the formation of the whisker shaft. Using immunohistochemistry we found the glycoprotein tenascin-C in the fibrous capsule of mouse whisker follicles, along the glassy membrane and in the trabecular region surrounding keratin-15-negative, CD34-positive stem cells. The related glycoprotein tenascin-W is found in the CD34-positive stem cell niche, in nearby trabeculae, and along the glassy membrane. Tenascin-W is also found in the neural stem cell niche of nearby hair follicles. The formation of stress fibers and focal adhesion complexes in CD34-positive whisker-derived stem cells cultured on fibronectin was inhibited by both tenascin-C and tenascin-W, which is consistent with a role for these glycoproteins in promoting the migration of these cells from the niche to the whisker bulb. Tenascin-C, but not tenascin-W, increased the proliferation of whisker follicle stem cells in vitro. Thus, the CD34-positive whisker follicle stem cell niche contains both tenascin-C and tenascin-W, and these glycoproteins may play a role in directing the migration and proliferation of these stem cells.


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There is controversy whether determination of antibodies against myelin, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, and myelin basic protein in serum from patients with a first episode suggestive of multiple sclerosis is of prognostic value. We evaluated whether detection of antimyelin antibodies in serum indicates a worse course with earlier time to a second relapse and increased progression of disability. We conducted a prospective study at the Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland from 2004 to 2008 in patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and a follow-up of at least 4 months. Antimyelin antibodies were assessed by Western blot. Results were correlated with clinical course and sex. Among 93 consecutive patients with a CIS, 74 (80%) were positive for either one or both antimyelin antibodies. A relapse occurred in 49 (53%) and the median EDSS was 2 (range 1-3.5) after a mean observation period of 20 months. Presence of antimyelin antibodies at CIS neither increased the risk for a second relapse nor for progression of disability. Stratification for gender did not reveal differences for any of the clinical surrogates. The sole determination of antimyelin antibodies in serum is of limited prognostic value for the identification of patients with different short-term course.


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The paramyxovirus entry machinery consists of two glycoproteins that tightly cooperate to achieve membrane fusion for cell entry: the tetrameric attachment protein (HN, H, or G, depending on the paramyxovirus genus) and the trimeric fusion protein (F). Here, we explore whether receptor-induced conformational changes within morbillivirus H proteins promote membrane fusion by a mechanism requiring the active destabilization of prefusion F or by the dissociation of prefusion F from intracellularly preformed glycoprotein complexes. To properly probe F conformations, we identified anti-F monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize conformation-dependent epitopes. Through heat treatment as a surrogate for H-mediated F triggering, we demonstrate with these MAbs that the morbillivirus F trimer contains a sufficiently high inherent activation energy barrier to maintain the metastable prefusion state even in the absence of H. This notion was further validated by exploring the conformational states of destabilized F mutants and stabilized soluble F variants combined with the use of a membrane fusion inhibitor (3g). Taken together, our findings reveal that the morbillivirus H protein must lower the activation energy barrier of metastable prefusion F for fusion triggering.


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BACKGROUND We aimed to describe the effects of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel on stent thrombosis in the Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial. METHODS AND RESULTS Of 18 624 patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndromes, 11 289 (61%) had at least 1 intracoronary stent. Ticagrelor reduced stent thrombosis compared with clopidogrel across all definitions: definite, 1.37% (n=71) versus 1.93% (n=105; hazard ratio [HR], 0.67; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.50-0.90; P=0.0091); definite or probable, 2.21% (n=118) versus 2.87% (n=157; HR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.59-0.95; P=0.017); and definite, probable, and possible, 2.94% (n=154) versus 3.77 (n=201; HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.62-0.95). The reduction in definite stent thrombosis was consistent regardless of acute coronary syndrome type, presence of diabetes mellitus, stent type (drug-eluting or bare metal stent), CYP2C19 genetic status, loading dose of aspirin, dose of clopidogrel before randomization, and use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors at randomization. The reduction in stent thrombosis with ticagrelor was numerically greater for late (>30 days; HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.24-0.96) and subacute (4 hours-30 days; HR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.39-0.93) compared with acute (<24 hours; HR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.43-2.05) stent thrombosis or for patients compliant to therapy (ie, taking blinded study treatment ≥80% of the time) compared with less compliant patients. Randomization to ticagrelor was a strong independent inverse predictor of definite stent thrombosis (HR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48-0.88). CONCLUSION Ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel reduces the incidence of stent thrombosis in patients with acute coronary syndromes, with consistent benefit across a broad range of patient, stent, and treatment characteristics.


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Different life-cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei are characterized by stage-specific glycoprotein coats. GPEET procyclin, the major surface protein of early procyclic (insect midgut) forms, is transcribed in the nucleolus by RNA polymerase I as part of a polycistronic precursor that is processed to monocistronic mRNAs. In culture, when differentiation to late procyclic forms is triggered by removal of glycerol, the precursor is still transcribed, but accumulation of GPEET mRNA is prevented by a glycerol-responsive element in the 3' UTR. A genome-wide RNAi screen for persistent expression of GPEET in glycerol-free medium identified a novel protein, NRG1 (Nucleolar Regulator of GPEET 1), as a negative regulator. NRG1 associates with GPEET mRNA and with several nucleolar proteins. These include two PUF proteins, TbPUF7 and TbPUF10, and BOP1, a protein required for rRNA processing in other organisms. RNAi against each of these components prolonged or even increased GPEET expression in the absence of glycerol as well as causing a significant reduction in 5.8S rRNA and its immediate precursor. These results indicate that components of a complex used for rRNA maturation can have an additional role in regulating mRNAs that originate in the nucleolus.