983 resultados para Musical history


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For the first time, the technique of point projection absorption spectroscopy - which uses an intense, point source of X-rays to project and spectrally disperse an image of a plasma onto a detector- has been shown to be applicable to the study of expanding aluminium plasmas generated by approximately 80ps (2-omega) laser pulses. Massive, stripe targets of approximately 125-mu-m width and wire targets of 25-mu-m diameter have been studied. Using a PET Bragg crystal as the dispersive element, a resolving power of approximately 3500 was achieved with spatial resolution at the 5-mu-m level in frame times of the order of 80ps. Reduction of the data for times up to 150ps after the peak of the incident laser pulse produced estimates of the temperature and densities present, as a function of space and time.


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Invasive species pose a major threat to biodiversity but provide an opportunity to describe the processes that lead to changes in a species’ range. The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is an invasive rodent that was introduced to Ireland in the early twentieth century. Given its continuing range expansion, the substantial empirical data on its spread thus far, and the absence of any eradication program, the bank vole in Ireland represents a unique model system for studying the mechanisms influencing the rate of range expansion in invasive small mammals. We described the invasion using a reaction–diffusion model informed by empirical data on life history traits and demographic parameters. We subsequently modelled the processes involved in its range expansion using a rule-based spatially explicit simulation. Habitat suitability interacted with density-dependent parameters to influence dispersal, most notably the density at which local populations started to donate emigrating individuals, the number of dispersing individuals and the direction of dispersal. Whilst local habitat variability influenced the rate of spread, on a larger scale the invasion resembled a simple reaction–diffusion process. Our results suggest a Type 1 range expansion where the rate of expansion is generally constant over time, but with some evidence for a lag period following introduction. We demonstrate that a two-parameter empirical model and a rule-based spatially explicit simulation are sufficient to accurately describe the invasion history of a species that exhibits a complex, density-dependent pattern of dispersal.


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A collection of essays based on the conference of the International Federation for Research in Women's History which was held in Queen's University Belfast in August 2003.


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Four of the five members of the Dasyaceae found in the British Isles, Dasya corymbifera J. Agardh, Dasya hutchinsiae Harvey, Dasya punicea Meneghini ex Zanardini and Heterosiphonia plumosa (Ellis) Batters, appear to have Polysiphonia-type life histories on the basis of evidence from field collections of tetrasporophytes and gametophytes. In collections from the British Isles of the fifth species, Dasya ocellata (Grateloup) Harvey, only tetrasporophytes have ever been observed, but there are two reports of gametophytes in this species from further south in Europe. Dasya ocellata tetraspores were isolated into culture from populations in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, and Agadir, Morocco, where one female thallus was collected amongst tetrasporophytes. Dasya ocellata from Ireland underwent a direct tetraspore-to-tetrasporophyte life history, which was followed through two complete cycles. Karyological studies showed that meiosis does not occur during tetrasporangial development: tetrasporangia are mitotic, with c. 64 small chromosomes. Comparison with chromosome numbers in meiotic tetrasporangia of D. hutchinsiae (n = c. 32) showed that this is the diploid chromosome complement. Tetraspores from the Moroccan isolate, by contrast, gave rise to gametophytes (although only the males became fertile) and tetrasporophyte recycling did not occur. Thalli sampled from a population in southern Portugal consisted only of tetrasporophytes. Dasya ocellata, like many members of the Ceramiales, shows intraspecific life history variability; a sexual life history apparently occurs only in southern populations.


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A single thallus of the rare red seaweed Tsengia bairdii (Farlow) K. Fan et Y.Fan( Platoma bairdii (Farlow) Kuckuck) (Nemastomataceae) was collected on a subtidal pebble on the west coast of Scotland. The terete gelatinous axes, which were only 7 mm high, were monoecious. They bore numerous cystocarps and a few spermatangia, which represent the first observation of male structures in this genus. Released carpospores grew into expanded basal discs that gave rise to erect axes bearing irregularly cruciate tetrasporangia. irregularly cruciate to zonate tetrasporangia were also formed on these basal discs. Karyological studies on dividing tetrasporocytes showed about 25 bodies, identified as paired meiotic chromosomes on the basis of their size in comparison to mitotic and meiotic chromosomes in other red algal species. These observations confirm the isomorphic life history inferred from early field collections and show that this species is monoecious. Tsengia bairdii is an extremely rare seaweed in Europe - it seems to be confined to sublittoral cobbles and has a temporally patchy distribution.


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A Pikea species attributed to Pikea californica Harvey has been established in England since at least 1967. Previously, this species was believed to occur only in Japan and Pacific North America. Comparative morphological studies on field-collected material and cultured isolates from England, California, and Japan and analysis of organellar DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms, detected using labeled organellar DNA as a non-radioactive probe, showed that English Pikea is conspecific with P. californica from California. Both populations consist of dioecious gametophytes with heteromorphic life histories involving crustose tetrasporophytes; 96% of organellar DNA bands were shared between interoceanic samples. A second dioecious species of Pikea, P. pinnata Setchell In Collins, Holden et Setchell, grows sympatrically with P. californica near San Francisco but can be distinguished by softer texture, more regular branching pattern, and elongate cystocarpic axes. Pikea pinnata and P. californica samples shared 49-50% of organellar DNA bands, consistent with their being distinct species. Herbarium specimens of P. robusta Abbott resemble P. pinnata in some morphological features but axes are much wider; P. robusta may represent a further, strictly subtidal species but fertile material is unknown. Pikea thalli from Japan, previously attributed to P. californica and described here as Pikea yoshizakii sp. nov., are monoecious and show a strikingly different type of life history. After fertilization, gonimoblast filaments grow outward through the cortex and form tetrasporangial nemathecia; released tetraspores develop directly into erect thalli. Tetrasporoblastic life histories are characteristic of certain members of the Phyllophoraceae but were previously unknown in the Dumontiaceae. Japanese P. yoshizakii shared 55 and 56% of organellar DNA bands with P. californica and P. pinnata, respectively phylogenetic analysis indicated equally distant relationships to both species. Pikea yoshizakii or a closely similar species with the same life history occurs in southern California and Mexico.


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A diminutive species of Aglaothamnion (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta), A. diaphanum sp. nov., is described from Brittany (Atlantic France), the Isles of Scilly (off S.W. England) and western Ireland. Aglaothamnion diaphanum is confined to the sublittoral zone, where it grows almost exclusively on algae and sessile animals attached to hard substrata. Thalli are delicate, and branched distichously in one plane. The main axes are ecorticate but may form loose non-corticating rhizoidal filaments. The lateral branches bear a characteristic, regularly alternate distichous series of branchlets, the first of which is always adaxial. All vegetative cells are uninucleate. The majority of field-collected plants bear only bisporangia, but a few bisporangial plants also form spermatangia; some male plants and a single female specimen have been collected. The spermatangial branchlets consist of 3-5 spermatangial mother cells each bearing 2-4 spermatangia, which are constricted around a central nucleus. None of the U-shaped carpogonial branches showed any sign of fertilization, and the gametangia appear to be non-functional. The bisporangia are ovoid and contain two uninucleate spores separated by an oblique curved wall. The occurrence of bisporangia and the lack of adherent cortication distinguish A. diaphanum from two similar species, Aglaothamnion bipinnatum (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Feldmann-Mazoyer and Aglaothamnion decompositum (J. Agardh) Halos. The life history in culture of French and Irish isolates of A. diaphanum consists of a series of bisporangial generations, a single plant of which also formed spermatangia. Apical cells of bisporophytes are haploid (n = c. 32), but the first division of meiosis, with chromosome pairing and crossing over, occurs in dividing bisporocytes. The germinating bispores are haploid. Endodiploidization may occur in the early stages of sporangium development, as in some phycomycete fungi, or in vegetative cells that subsequently give rise to bisporocytes. This is the first demonstration in the red algae of meiotic bisporangia on plants of which the apical cells, at least, are haploid.


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Gymnogongrus sp. (Phyllophoraceae) from Nova Scotia, Canada, identified tentatively as G. devoniensis (Greville) Schotter, grows in association with an Erythrodermis-like crust that forms chains of tetrasporangia or bisporangia. The crust resembles tetrasporophytic phases of other Gymnogongrus species, but in culture both it and the G. ?devoniensis gametophytes cycle independently by apomictic reproduction.