975 resultados para Morbidade perinatal
Com o presente estudo pretende-se conhecer as Implicações Psicossociais da Amputação dos Membros Inferiores dos Utentes Diabéticos. A diabetes mellitus é considerada um importante problema de saúde pública, uma vez que é altamente prevalente, mormente considerando o progressivo aumento na sua incidência nos últimos anos. As complicações crónicas da diabetes são as importantes causas da morbidade e mortalidade dos utentes que sofrem dessa patologia, e de entre elas se destacam as amputações em membros inferiores (MI). A alteração da auto-imagem corporal leva a pessoa a sentimentos de inferioridade e ansiedade que devem ser minimizados pelos profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente pelos enfermeiros, com a estimulação para o auto-cuidado. Uma pessoa submetida a uma cirurgia de amputação sente-se física e emocionalmente instável, e isso faz com que ela tenha uma certa perda de domínio/autonomia em satisfazer algumas Necessidades Humanas Fundamentais nas suas actividades de vida diária. Nessa conjuntura, é fundamental um trabalho integrado dos diversos profissionais envolvidos na reabilitação dos utentes para estimular e valorizar a capacidade da pessoa tendo em vista a recuperação total. Optou-se por um estudo de carácter investigativo, baseado numa abordagem Qualitativa e Descritiva, sendo que a população desenhada para o estudo foram os utentes diabéticos com amputação MI, englobando seis (6) utentes, internados no serviço de cirurgia, do Hospital Doutor Baptista de Sousa (HBS), em São Vicente (SV), Cabo Verde (CV). Esses que apresentaram idades compreendidas entre 35 e os 65 anos, sendo quatro do sexo femenino e dois do sexo masculino. O instrumento de colheita de dados seleccionado foi a Entrevista Semi-Estruturada, de perguntas abertas. Os objetivos do estudo foram alcançados, devendo-se aqui destacar a importância do apoio da família, amigos e do enfermeiro na fase de reabilitação do utente, pois o ajuda a enfrentar com optimismo os impactos a nível psicológico e social.
Gastroschisis is an abdominal wall defect more prevalent in offspring of young mothers. It is known to be increasing in prevalence despite the general decrease in the proportion of births to young European women. We investigated whether the increase in prevalence was restricted to the high-risk younger mothers. We analysed 936 cases of gastroschisis from 25 population-based registries in 15 European countries, 1980-2002. We fitted a Bayesian Hierarchical Model which allowed us to estimate trend, to estimate which registries were significantly different from the common distribution, and to adjust simultaneously for maternal age, time (in grouped years) and the random variation between registries. The maternal age-standardised prevalence (standardised to the year 2000 European maternal age structure) increased almost fourfold from 0.54 [95% Credible Interval (CrI) 0.37, 0.75] per 10,000 births in 1980-84 to 2.12 [95% CrI 1.85, 2.40] per 10,000 births in 2000-02. The relative risk of gastroschisis for mothers <20 years of age in 1995-2002 was 7.0 [95% CrI 5.6, 8.7]. There were geographical differences within Europe, with higher rates of gastroschisis in the UK, and lower rates in Italy after adjusting for maternal age. After standardising for regional variation, our results showed that the increase in risk over time was the same for mothers of all ages--the increase for mothers <20 years was 3.96-fold compared with an increase of 3.95-fold for mothers in the other age groups. These findings indicate that the phenomenon of increasing gastroschisis prevalence is not restricted to younger mothers only.
Objectives The objective of this article is to describe the development of an anatomically accurate simulator in order to aid the training of a perinatal team in the insertion and removal of a fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) balloon in the management of prenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Methods An experienced perinatal team collaborated with a medical sculptor to design a fetal model for the FETO procedure. Measurements derived from 28-week fetal magnetic resonance imaging were used in the development of an anatomically precise simulated airway within a silicone rubber preterm fetal model. Clinician feedback was then used to guide multiple iterations of the model with serial improvements in the anatomic accuracy of the simulator airway. Results An appropriately sized preterm fetal mannequin with a high-fidelity airway was developed. The team used this model to develop surgical skills with balloon insertion, and removal, and to prepare the team for an integrated response to unanticipated delivery with the FETO balloon still in situ. Conclusions This fetal mannequin aided in the ability of a fetal therapy unit to offer the FETO procedure at their center for the first time. This model may be of benefit to other perinatal centers planning to offer this procedure.
Objectives: This study analyses the long term cardiac and neurological outcome of patients with cardiac rhabdomyoma (CR) in order to allow comprehensive prenatal counselling. Because of the relative rarity of the disease, there is paucity of data concerning the outcome of patients with CR. Methods: A retrospective study including all cases with echocardiographic diagnosis of CR encountered between April 1986 and August 2006. Results: Of 24 CR patients identified, 7 were diagnosed in-utero at a gestational age (GA) between 28-35 weeks and 17 postnatally between 10 days and 5 years. 14 had multiple CR and 10 had one/two CR. The CRs were situated predominantly in the LV (70%), RV (52%) and IVS (48%) and to a lesser extent in the atria (13%) and pericardium (4%). Follow-up echocardiography in. 18'show\'ld complete postnatal regression of CR in 3, partial regression in 13 and no change in 2. Cardiac complications were encountered in 5 patients, 1 with WPW syndrome and SVT requiring anti-arrhythmic therapy, 1 with sub-aortic obstruction needing surgical intervention and 3 with occasional bouts of paroxysmal SVT. Long-term follow-up revealed tuberous sclerosis of Bourneville (TSB) as definite diagnosIs in 22 (92%), complicated by epilepsy in 16 (67%) and developmental delay in 14 (64%). Conclusions: CR generally regresses after birth and after the high risk perinatal period cardiac related problems are rare. The relatively poor neurodevelopmental outcome of the almost always associated TSB however should form a dominating aspect of the prenatal counselling of parents whose fetuses are diagnosed with this rare disease.
As infecções do tracto respiratório (ITR) são responsáveis por números significativos de morbidade e mortalidade. Dentre as doenças causadas por infecção bacteriana, a tuberculose é a que mais preocupa as autoridades de saúde pública, uma vês que possui risco de proliferar para diferentes órgãos (tuberculose extrapulmonar) e também ser transmitido principalmente por via aérea. A análise de expectoração através da observação directa é a primeira etapa no diagnóstico de série de infecções de tracto respiratório, tanto através da coloração de Gram como a coloração de Ziehl- Neelsen, sendo um método simples, económico, rápido e de fácil execução, servindo de base para a avaliação da amostra de expectoração através da coloração de gram. Este estudo teve como principal objectivo a caracterização laboratorial de amostra de expectoração e pesquisa de bacilo de tuberculose nas amostras recebidas no laboratório da Delegacia de Saúde da Praia e outros agentes patogénicos respiratórios através da coloração de gram e coloração de Ziehl Neelsen nas amostras. Aplicou-se também um questionário à população em estudo. Foram analisadas 513 amostras de expectoração no período compreendido entre Junho a Setembro de 2011. Das amostras analisadas detectou-se 39 casos positivos de tuberculose, sendo a maioria pertencentes aos pacientes do sexo masculino e idade compreendida entre 1457 anos, residentes em Achada Santo António e Ponta D`Agua, e a maioria declaram consumir bebidas alcoólicas. Em maioria das amostras positivas observou-se grande quantidade de Bacilos Álcool-ácido resistente correspondendo ao critério 2 + e 3 + da OMS e score +1, +2 e +3 de Bartlett. A maioria das amostras positiva possuía cor esverdeada e muito viscosa. Através da coloração de gram detectou-se em maioria das amostras presença de diplococos gram positivos lanceolados sugestivos de Streptococcus pneumoniae. Conclui-se que 8% dos casos positivos estava associada a presença elevada de leucócitos (superior de 25 leucócitos por campo) e a maioria das amostras verificou-se presença de outros microrganismos patogénicos (não bacilo álcool ácido resistente), revelando assim a importância da coloração de gram na análise de expectoração.
The effects of premature birth on attachment have generally been examined from the infant's perspective. There is a lack of data concerning parental attachment representations toward a premature child. Because of the psychological stress engendered in parents confronted with a premature birth, we hypothesized that their attachment representations would be altered during the first months after the hospital discharge. Fifty families with a premature infant (25-33 gestation weeks) and a control group of 30 families with a full-term infant participated to the study. Perinatal risks were evaluated during hospitalization. To assess mothers' representations of their infant, the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI, Zeanah & Benoit, 1995 & Benoit, Zeanah, Parker, Nicholson, & Coolbear, 1997) were administered when their children were 6 and 18 months old. The severity of the perinatal risks was found to have an impact on the mothers' attachment representations. At six months, only 20% of the mothers of a prematurely born infant (30% at 18 months) had secure attachment representations, vs. 53% for the control group (57% at 18 months). Furthermore, mothers of low-risk premature infants more often had disengaged representations, whereas distorted representations were more frequent in the high-risk group of premature children. These findings suggest that the parental response to a premature birth is linked to the severity of postnatal risks. The fact that secure attachment representations are affected in mothers of low-risk infants just as much as they are in mothers of high-risk infants points to the need to conduct further studies aimed at evaluating whether preventive intervention for both low-risk and high-risk premature will be helpful.
O Cancro da Próstata é a neoplasia maligna que mais comummente afeta os homens em Cabo Verde, ocupando o terceiro lugar entre das causas de mortalidade por cancro entre os homens. Essa prevalência acompanha a tendência mundial de aumento das doenças crónicas não transmissíveis motivado pela adoção de estilos de vida não-saudáveis e por comportamentos de não procura de saúde. O aumento da incidência e da morbidade do cancro da próstata, sobretudo nos últimos anos, constitui um sério problema de saúde pública em Cabo Verde. Vários são os fatores que poderão estar por trás desses números, destacando-se de entre eles a resistência por parte dos homens em aderir à prevenção e à deteção precoce do cancro da próstata, quer por insuficiência de informações, quer por preconceitos presentes na nossa sociedade relacionados com a questão. O presente trabalho pretende abordar a problemática a jusante, isto é, pretende realçar a necessidade da enfermagem desenvolver estratégias para a promoção da adesão à prevenção, detetando precocemente o cancro da próstata. Por esta razão, este estudo propõe-se identificar os obstáculos que impedem os homens a aderir ao diagnóstico precoce do cancro da próstata na comunidade de Ribeira de Craquinha. A atuação da Enfermagem junto à comunidade na realização de trabalhos preventivos e promocionais de saúde torna-se imprescindível quando a questão é atingir os objetivos que permeiam os níveis de prevenção primária. Para alcançar o objetivo utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa do tipo exploratório com uma abordagem fenomenológica utilizando como instrumento de recolha de dados a entrevista estruturada que foi aplicada a quatro (4) enfermeiros do centro da Ribeira de Craquinha. Os resultados evidenciaram que os profissionais de saúde devem dar mais atenção à saúde do homem e apostar mais nas estratégias para a consciencialização na prevenção do cancro da próstata. Também ao longo dos resultados constatamos que os homens por vergonha de expor o seu corpo aos profissionais de saúde, muito pouco procuram o sistema de saúde.
Abstract Objective: To provide the first update on drug safety profiles and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with fetal disorders from the Swiss national ADR database. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study using data from 202 pharmacovigilance reports on drug-associated fetal disorders from the Swiss national ADR database from 1990 to 2009. Evaluated aspects included administrative information on the report, drug exposure, and disorders. Results: The ADR reporting frequency on the topic of fetal disorders has increased during the last 20 years, from only 1 report in 1991 to a maximum of 31 reports in 2008. Nervous system drugs were the most frequently reported drug group (40.2%) above all antidepressants and antiepileptics. The highest level of overall drug intake could be observed for the 1st trimester (85.4%), especially for the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. The most frequently reported types of fetal disorders were malformations (68.8%), especially those of the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems. A positive association was discovered between antiepileptics and malformations in general and in particular of the circulatory system and the eye, ear, face, and neck. Conclusions: The results suggest that the nervous system drug group bears an especially high risk for malformations. The most commonly identified drug exposures can help focus pharmacoepidemiologic efforts in drug-induced birth defects.
beta-Adrenergic agonists are important regulators of perinatal pulmonary circulation. They cause vasodilation primarily via the adenyl cyclase-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) pathway. We examined the responses of isolated fourth-generation pulmonary veins of term fetal (145 +/- 2 days gestation) and newborn (10 +/- 1 days) lambs to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist. In vessels preconstricted with U-46619 (a thromboxane A2 analog), isoproterenol induced greater relaxation in pulmonary veins of newborn lambs than in those of fetal lambs. The relaxation was eliminated by propranolol, a beta-adrenergic antagonist. Forskolin, an activator of adenyl cyclase, also caused greater relaxation of veins of newborn than those of fetal lambs. 8-Bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, a cell membrane-permeable analog of cAMP, induced a similar relaxation of all vessels. Biochemical studies show that isoproterenol and forskolin induced a greater increase in cAMP content and in adenyl cyclase activity of pulmonary veins in the newborn than in the fetal lamb. These results demonstrate that beta-adrenergic-agonist-mediated relaxation of pulmonary veins increases with maturation. An increase in the activity of adenyl cyclase may contribute to the change.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate antenatal surveillance strategies and the optimal timing of delivery for monoamniotic twin pregnancies. METHODS: Obstetric and perinatal outcomes were retrospectively retrieved for 193 monoamniotic twin pregnancies. Fetal and neonatal outcomes were compared between fetuses followed in an inpatient setting and those undergoing intensive outpatient follow-up from 26 to 28 weeks of gestation until planned cesarean delivery between 32 and 35 weeks of gestation. The risk of fetal death was compared with the risk of neonatal complications. RESULTS: Fetal deaths occurred in 18.1% of fetuses (70/386). Two hundred ninety-five neonates from 153 pregnancies were born alive after 23 weeks of gestation. There were 17 neonatal deaths (5.8%), five of whom had major congenital anomalies. The prospective risk of a nonrespiratory neonatal complication was lower than the prospective risk of fetal death after 32 4/7 weeks of gestation (95% confidence interval 32 0/7-33 4/7). The incidence of death or a nonrespiratory neonatal complication was not significantly different between fetuses managed as outpatients (14/106 [13.2%]) or inpatients (15/142 [10.5%]; P=.55). Our statistical power to detect a difference in outcomes between these groups was low. CONCLUSIONS: The in utero risk of a monoamniotic twin fetus exceeds the risk of a postnatal nonrespiratory complication at 32 4/7 weeks of gestation. If close fetal surveillance is instituted after 26-28 weeks of gestation and delivery takes place at approximately 33 weeks of gestation, the risk of fetal or neonatal death is low, no matter the surveillance setting. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: : II.
Perinatal asphyxia. Perinatal asphyxia remains one of the most important causes for high mortality and morbidity in the neonatal population. Despite intensive animal and clinical research in this field, no pharmocological strategy has been shown neuroprotective in humans. Moderate hypothermia for severely and moderately asphyctic babies has been aknowledged since a few years as therapeutical approach to improve the outcome of these infants, specifically the long-term follow up (18 months). Neonatal hydronephrosis. Neonatal hydronephrosis is a pathology that requires regular and efficient follow up by a multidisciplinary team. One of the causes of neonatal hydronephrosis is obstructive pathologies which may endanger the kidney. We have developed a strategy that allows a rapid diagnosis of obstructive pathologies with minimal radiological exams. Moreover, this strategy assures the coordination between obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatric urologists, and pediatric nephrologists.
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.