985 resultados para Molecular physics
Novel current density mapping (CDM) schemes are developed for the design of new actively shielded, clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets. This is an extended inverse method in which the entire potential solution space for the superconductors has been considered, rather than single current density layers. The solution provides an insight into the required superconducting coil pattern for a desired magnet configuration. This information is then used as an initial set of parameters for the magnet structure, and a previously developed hybrid numerical optimization technique is used to obtain the final geometry of the magnet. The CDM scheme is applied to the design of compact symmetric, asymmetric, and open architecture 1.0-1.5 T MRI magnet systems of novel geometry and utility. A new symmetric 1.0-T system that is just I m in length with a full 50-cm diameter of the active, or sensitive, volume (DSV) is detailed, as well as an asymmetric system in which a 50-cm DSV begins just 14 cm from the end of the coil structure. Finally a 1.0-T open magnet system with a full 50-cm DSV is presented. These new designs provide clinically useful homogeneous regions and have appropriately restricted stray fields but, in some of the designs, the DSV is much closer to the end of the magnet system than in conventional designs. These new designs have the potential to reduce patient claustrophobia and improve physician access to patients undergoing scans. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Motivated by recent experiments on electric transport through single molecules and quantum dots, we investigate a model for transport that allows for significant coupling between the electrons and a boson mode isolated on the molecule or dot. We focus our attention on the temperature-dependent properties of the transport. In the Holstein picture for polaronic transport in molecular crystals the temperature dependence of the conductivity exhibits a crossover from coherent (band) to incoherent (hopping) transport. Here, the temperature dependence of the differential conductance on resonance does not show such a crossover, but is mostly determined by the lifetime of the resonant level on the molecule or dot.
We study, with exact diagonalization, the zero temperature properties of the quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a square lattice. We find that increasing the ratio of the intersite Coulomb repulsion, V, to the bandwidth drives the system from a metal to a charge ordered insulator. The evolution of the optical conductivity spectrum with increasing V is in agreement with the observed optical conductivity of several layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta crystal structures.
In the carnivorous plant family Lentibulariaceae, the bladderwort lineage (Utricularia and Genlisea) is substantially more species-rich and morphologically divergent than its sister lineage, the butterworts (Pinguicula). Bladderworts have a relaxed body plan that has permitted the evolution of terrestrial, epiphytic, and aquatic forms that capture prey in intricately designed suction bladders or corkscrew-shaped lobster-pot traps. In contrast, the flypaper-trapping butterworts maintain vegetative structures typical of angiosperms. We found that bladderwort genomes evolve significantly faster across seven loci (the trnL intron, the second trnL exon, the trnL-F intergenic spacer, the rps16 intron, rbcL, coxI, and 5.8S rDNA) representing all three genomic compartments. Generation time differences did not show a significant association. We relate these findings to the contested speciation rate hypothesis, which postulates a relationship between increased nucleotide substitution and increased cladogenesis. (C) 2002 The Willi Hennig Society.
The phylogenetic relationships amongst 29 species of Carlia and Lygisaurus were estimated using a 726-base-pair segment of the protein-coding mitochondrial ND4 gene. Results do not support the recent resurrection of the genus Lygisaurus. Although most Lygisaurus species formed a single clade, this clade is nested within Carlia and includes Carlia parrhasius. Due to this new molecular evidence, and the paucity of diagnostic morphological characters separating the genera, Lygisaurus de Vis 1884 is re-synonymised with Carlia Gray 1845. Our analysis is also inconsistent with a previous suggestion that Lygisaurus timlowi should be removed to Menetia, a genus that is distantly related relative to outgroups used here. Intraspecific variation in Carlia is, in several instances, greater than interspecific distance. The most strikingly divergent lineages are found within C. rubrigularis, which appears to be paraphyletic, with southern populations more closely related to C. rhomboidalis than to northern populations of C. rubrigularis. The two C. rubrigularis-C. rhomboidalis lineages form part of a major polytomy at an intermediate level of divergence. Lack of resolution at this level, however, does not appear to be due to saturation or loss of phylogenetic signal. Rather, the polytomy probably reflects a period of relatively rapid diversification that occurred sometime during the Miocene.
We show how polarization measurements on the output fields generated by parametric down conversion will reveal a violation of multiparticle Bell inequalities, in the regime of both low- and high-output intensity. In this case, each spatially separated system, upon which a measurement is performed, is comprised of more than one particle. In view of the formal analogy with spin systems, the proposal provides an opportunity to test the predictions of quantum mechanics for spatially separated higher spin states. Here the quantum behavior possible even where measurements are performed on systems of large quantum (particle) number may be demonstrated. Our proposal applies to both vacuum-state signal and idler inputs, and also to the quantum-injected parametric amplifier as studied by De Martini The effect of detector inefficiencies is included, and weaker Bell-Clauser-Horne inequalities are derived to enable realistic tests of local hidden variables with auxiliary assumptions for the multiparticle situation.
Advances in technologies such as mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis have encouraged the study of ancient lipids and other ancient biomolecules. Now, microarray technology looks set to revolutionise the study of ancient DNA, perhaps with as much impact as that of PCR.
Radical formation in ultem following gamma-radiolysis has been reassessed, and the G(R*) values at different temperatures have been determined by ESR spectroscopy. The radical assignment and radical reactivity have been re-examined by photobleaching and thermal annealing studies. Photobleachable radical anions were found to comprise approximate to40% of the total number of radicals formed on radiolysis at 77 K. Spectral subtraction methods, ESR spectral simulations, measurement of g-values and the hyperfine splitting constants were used to identify the other radical intermediates. The principal chain scission radicals are formed due to scission of the main-chain at (i) the ether linkage, (ii) the isopropylidene group and (iii) the imide ring in the main chain. The side chain methyl groups of the isopropylidine units also lose hydrogen to form methylene radicals. The five-line spectrum observed to decay in the temperature range 370-430 K, which has not been assigned previously, has been identified as being characteristic of a di-substituted benzyl radical. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Given the importance of protein complexes as therapeutic targets, it is necessary to understand the physical chemistry of these interactions under the crowded conditions that exist in cells. We have used sedimentation equilibrium to quantify the enhancement of the reversible homodimerization of alpha-chymotrypsin by high concentrations of the osmolytes glucose, sucrose, and raffinose. In an attempt to rationalize the ostuolyte-mediated stabilization of the a-chymotrypsin homodimer, we have used models based on binding interactions (transfer-free energy analysis) and steric interactions (excluded volume theory) to predict the stabilization. Although transfer-free energy analysis predicts reasonably well the relatively small stabilization observed for complex formation between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase, as well as that between bobtail quail lysozyme and a monoclonal Fab fragment, it underestimates the sugar-mediated stabilization of the alpha-chymotrypsin dimer. Although predictions based on excluded volume theory overestimate the stabilization, it would seem that a major determinant in the observed stabilization of the a-chymotrypsin homodimer is the thermodynamic nonideality arising from molecular crowding by the three small sugars.
A method based on isothermal calorimetry is described for the direct kinetic assay of pyruvate kinase. In agreement with earlier findings based on the standard coupled assay system for this enzyme in the presence of a fixed ADP concentration, the essentially rectangular hyperbolic dependence of initial velocity upon phosphoenolpyruvate concentration is rendered sigmoidal by the allosteric inhibitor phenylalanine. This effect of phenylalanine can be countered by including a high concentration of a space- filling osmolyte such as proline in the reaction mixtures. This investigation thus affords a dramatic example that illustrates the need to consider potential consequences of thermodynamic nonideality on the kinetics of enzyme reactions in crowded molecular environments such as the cell cytoplasm.
The snap-trap leaves of the aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda) resemble those of Venus' flytrap (Dionaea), its distribution and habit are reminiscent of bladderworts (Utricularia), but it shares many reproductive characters with sundews (Drosera). Moreover, Aldrovanda has never been included in molecular phylogenetic studies, so it has been unclear whether snap-traps evolved only once or more than once among angiosperms. Using sequences from nuclear 18S and plastid rbcL, atpB, and matK genes, we show that Aldrovanda is sister to Dionaea, and this pair is sister to Drosera. Our results indicate that snap-traps are derived from flypaper-traps and have a common ancestry among flowering plants, despite the fact that this mechanism is used by both a terrestrial species and an aquatic one. Genetic and fossil evidence for the close relationship between these unique and threatened organisms indicate that carnivory evolved from a common ancestor within this caryophyllid clade at least 65 million years ago.
Phylogenetic relationships among 75 species of Lentibulariaceae, representing the three recognized genera, were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron and the trnL-F region. Sequence data from the two loci were analyzed both separately and in combination. Consensus trees from all analyses are congruent, and parsimony jackknife results demonstrate strong support for relationships both between and within each of the three demonstrably monophyletic genera. The genus Pinguicula is sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia clade, the phylogenetic structure within this clade closely follows Taylor's recent sectional delimitations based on morphology. Three principal clades are shown within Utricularia, with the basal sections Polypoinpholyx and Pleiochasia together forming the sister lineage of the remaining Utricularia species. Of the fundamental morphological specializations, the stoloniferous growth form apparently arose independently within Genlisea and Utricularia three times, and within Utricularia itself, perhaps more than once. The epiphytic habit has evolved independently at least three times, in Pinguicula, in Utricularia section Phyllaria, and within the two sections Orchidioides and Iperua (in the latter as bromeliad tank-epiphytes). The suspended aquatic habit may have evolved independently within sections Utricularia and Vesiculina. Biogeographic optimization on the phylogeny demonstrates patterns commonly associated with the boreotropics hypothesis and limits the spatial origin of Lentibulariaceae to temperate Eurasia or tropical America.
Molecular evolution has been considered to be essentially a stochastic process, little influenced by the pace of phenotypic change. This assumption was challenged by a study that demonstrated an association between rates of morphological and molecular change estimated for total-evidence phylogenies, a finding that led some researchers to challenge molecular date estimates of major evolutionary radiations. Here we show that Omland's (1997) result is probably due to methodological bias, particularly phylogenetic nonindependence, rather than being indicative of an underlying evolutionary phenomenon. We apply three new methods specifically designed to overcome phylogenetic bias to 13 published phylogenetic datasets for vertebrate taxa, each of which includes both morphological characters and DNA sequence data. We find no evidence of an association between rates of molecular and morphological rates of change.
We present an efficient and robust method for calculating state-to-state reaction probabilities utilising the Lanczos algorithm for a real symmetric Hamiltonian. The method recasts the time-independent Artificial Boundary Inhomogeneity technique recently introduced by Jang and Light (J. Chem. Phys. 102 (1995) 3262) into a tridiagonal (Lanczos) representation. The calculation proceeds at the cost of a single Lanczos propagation for each boundary inhomogeneity function and yields all state-to-state probabilities (elastic, inelastic and reactive) over an arbitrary energy range. The method is applied to the collinear H + H-2 reaction and the results demonstrate it is accurate and efficient in comparison with previous calculations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.