997 resultados para Modeling of purification operations inbiotechnology


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Self-adaptation is emerging as an increasingly important capability for many applications, particularly those deployed in dynamically changing environments, such as ecosystem monitoring and disaster management. One key challenge posed by Dynamically Adaptive Systems (DASs) is the need to handle changes to the requirements and corresponding behavior of a DAS in response to varying environmental conditions. Berry et al. previously identified four levels of RE that should be performed for a DAS. In this paper, we propose the Levels of RE for Modeling that reify the original levels to describe RE modeling work done by DAS developers. Specifically, we identify four types of developers: the system developer, the adaptation scenario developer, the adaptation infrastructure developer, and the DAS research community. Each level corresponds to the work of a different type of developer to construct goal model(s) specifying their requirements. We then leverage the Levels of RE for Modeling to propose two complementary processes for performing RE for a DAS. We describe our experiences with applying this approach to GridStix, an adaptive flood warning system, deployed to monitor the River Ribble in Yorkshire, England.


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This paper proposes a more profound discussion of the philosophical underpins of sustainability than currently exists in the MOT literature and considers their influence on the construction of the theories on green operations and technology management. Ultimately, it also debates the link between theory and practice on this subject area. The paper is derived from insights gained in three research projects completed during the past twelve years, primarily involving the first author. From 2000 to 2002, an investigation using scenario analysis, aimed at reducing atmospheric pollution in urban centres by substituting natural gas for petrol and diesel, provided the first set of insights about public policy, environmental impacts, investment analysis, and technological feasibility. The second research project, from 2003 to 2005, using a survey questionnaire, was aimed at improving environmental performance in livestock farming and explored the issues of green supply chain scope, environmental strategy and priorities. Finally, the third project, from 2006 to 2011, investigated environmental decisions in manufacturing organisations through case study research and examined the underlying sustainability drivers and decision-making processes. By integrating the findings and conclusions from these projects, the link between philosophy, theory, and practice of green operations and technology management is debated. The findings from all these studies show that the philosophical debate seems to have little influence on theory building so far. For instance, although ‘sustainable development’ emphasises ‘meeting the needs of current and future generation’, no theory links essentiality and environmental impacts. Likewise, there is a weak link between theory and the practical issues of green operations and technology management. For example, the well-known ‘life-cycle analysis’ has little application in many cases because the life cycle of products these days is dispersed within global production and consumption systems and there are different stakeholders for each life cycle stage. The results from this paper are relevant to public policy making and corporate environmental strategy and decision making. Most of the past and current studies in the subject of green operations and sustainability management deal with only a single sustainability dimension at any one time. Here the value and originality of this paper lies in its integration between philosophy, theory, and practice of green technology and operations management.


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Neuroimaging studies have consistently shown that working memory (WM) tasks engage a distributed neural network that primarily includes the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the parietal cortex, and the anterior cingulate cortex. The current challenge is to provide a mechanistic account of the changes observed in regional activity. To achieve this, we characterized neuroplastic responses in effective connectivity between these regions at increasing WM loads using dynamic causal modeling of functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from healthy individuals during a verbal n-back task. Our data demonstrate that increasing memory load was associated with (a) right-hemisphere dominance, (b) increasing forward (i.e., posterior to anterior) effective connectivity within the WM network, and (c) reduction in individual variability in WM network architecture resulting in the right-hemisphere forward model reaching an exceedance probability of 99% in the most demanding condition. Our results provide direct empirical support that task difficulty, in our case WM load, is a significant moderator of short-term plasticity, complementing existing theories of task-related reduction in variability in neural networks. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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For the first time we report full numerical NLSE-based modeling of generation properties of random distributed feedback fiber laser based on Rayleigh scattering. The model which takes into account the random backscattering via its average strength only describes well power and spectral properties of random DFB fiber lasers. The influence of dispersion and nonlinearity on spectral and statistical properties is investigated. The evidence of non-gaussian intensity statistics is found. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We highlight two important aspects related to a mathematical modeling of pulsed fiber lasers with long and ultra-long ring cavity -impact of an initial noise and a cavity length on generation of single optical pulses. Using as an example a simple scalar model of a ring fiber laser that describes the radiation build-up from noise and the following intra-cavity pulse dynamics during a round trip we study dependence of generated pulse characteristics on the resonator length in the range from 30 m up to 2 km. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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A set of 38 epitopes and 183 non-epitopes, which bind to alleles of the HLA-A3 supertype, was subjected to a combination of comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). During the process of T cell recognition, T cell receptors (TCR) interact with the central section of the bound nonamer peptide; thus only positions 4−8 were considered in the study. The derived model distinguished 82% of the epitopes and 73% of the non-epitopes after cross-validation in five groups. The overall preference from the model is for polar amino acids with high electron density and the ability to form hydrogen bonds. These so-called “aggressive” amino acids are flanked by small-sized residues, which enable such residues to protrude from the binding cleft and take an active role in TCR-mediated T cell recognition. Combinations of “aggressive” and “passive” amino acids in the middle part of epitopes constitute a putative TCR binding motif


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The simplest model for a description of the random distributed feedback (RDFB) Raman fiber laser is a power balance model describing the evolution of the intensities of the waves over the fiber length. The model predicts well the power performances of the RDFB fiber laser including the generation threshold, the output power and pump and generation wave intensity distributions along the fiber. In the present work, we extend the power balance model and modify equations in such a way that they describe now frequency dependent spectral power density instead of integral over the spectrum intensities. We calculate the generation spectrum by using the depleted pump wave longitudinal distribution derived from the conventional power balance model. We found the spectral balance model to be sufficient to account for the spectral narrowing in the RDFB laser above the threshold of the generation. © 2014 SPIE.


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During the last decade, microfabrication of photonic devices by means of intense femtosecond (fs) laser pulses has emerged as a novel technology. A common requirement for the production of these devices is that the refractive index modification pitch size should be smaller than the inscribing wavelength. This can be achieved by making use of the nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses. Nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses is an extremely complicated phenomenon featuring complex multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of the laser pulses. We have utilized a principal approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the full set of Maxwell's equations coupled to the conventional Drude model for generated plasma. Nonlinear effects are included, such as self-phase modulation and multiphoton absorption. Such an approach resolves most problems related to the inscription of subwavelength structures, when the paraxial approximation is not applicable to correctly describe the creation of and scattering on the structures. In a representative simulation of the inscription process, the signature of degenerate four wave mixing has been found. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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This paper is dedicated to modelling of network maintaining based on live example – maintaining ATM banking network, where any problems are mean money loss. A full analysis is made in order to estimate valuable and not-valuable parameters based on complex analysis of available data. Correlation analysis helps to estimate provided data and to produce a complex solution of increasing network maintaining effectiveness.


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When an asphalt mixture is subjected to a destructive compressive load, it experiences a sequence of three deformation stages, as follows: the (1) primary, (2) secondary, and (3) tertiary stages. Most literature research focuses on plastic deformation in the primary and secondary stages, such as prediction of the flow number, which is in fact the initiation of the tertiary stage. However, little research effort has been reported on the mechanistic modeling of the damage that occurs in the tertiary stage. The main objective of this paper is to provide a mechanistic characterizing method for the damage modeling of asphalt mixtures in the tertiary stage. The preliminary study conducted by the writers illustrates that deformation during the tertiary flow of the asphalt mixtures is principally caused by the formation and propagation of cracks, which was signaled by the increase of the phase angle in the tertiary phase. The strain caused by the growth of cracks is the viscofracture strain, which can be obtained by conducting the strain decomposition of the measured total strain in the destructive compressive test. The viscofracture strain is employed in the research reported in this paper to mechanistically characterize the time-dependent fracture (viscofracture) of asphalt mixtures in compression. By using the dissipated pseudostrain energy-balance principle, the damage density and true stress are determined and both are demonstrated to increase with load cycles in the tertiary stage. The increased true stress yields extra viscoplastic strain, which is the reason why the permanent deformation is accelerated by the occurrence of cracks. To characterize the evolution of the viscofracture in the asphalt mixtures in compression, a pseudo J-integral Paris' law in terms of damage density is proposed and the material constants in the Paris' law are determined, which can be employed to predict the fracture of asphalt mixtures in compression. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The inverse controller is traditionally assumed to be a deterministic function. This paper presents a pedagogical methodology for estimating the stochastic model of the inverse controller. The proposed method is based on Bayes' theorem. Using Bayes' rule to obtain the stochastic model of the inverse controller allows the use of knowledge of uncertainty from both the inverse and the forward model in estimating the optimal control signal. The paper presents the methodology for general nonlinear systems and is demonstrated on nonlinear single-input-single-output (SISO) and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) examples. © 2006 IEEE.


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The objective of this study is to demonstrate using weak form partial differential equation (PDE) method for a finite-element (FE) modeling of a new constitutive relation without the need of user subroutine programming. The viscoelastic asphalt mixtures were modeled by the weak form PDE-based FE method as the examples in the paper. A solid-like generalized Maxwell model was used to represent the deforming mechanism of a viscoelastic material, the constitutive relations of which were derived and implemented in the weak form PDE module of Comsol Multiphysics, a commercial FE program. The weak form PDE modeling of viscoelasticity was verified by comparing Comsol and Abaqus simulations, which employed the same loading configurations and material property inputs in virtual laboratory test simulations. Both produced identical results in terms of axial and radial strain responses. The weak form PDE modeling of viscoelasticity was further validated by comparing the weak form PDE predictions with real laboratory test results of six types of asphalt mixtures with two air void contents and three aging periods. The viscoelastic material properties such as the coefficients of a Prony series model for the relaxation modulus were obtained by converting from the master curves of dynamic modulus and phase angle. Strain responses of compressive creep tests at three temperatures and cyclic load tests were predicted using the weak form PDE modeling and found to be comparable with the measurements of the real laboratory tests. It was demonstrated that the weak form PDE-based FE modeling can serve as an efficient method to implement new constitutive models and can free engineers from user subroutine programming.


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Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует за разреден газ между два въртящи се цилиндъра. Получени са профилите на налягането, скоростта и температурата по метода на прякото статистическо моделиране (DSMC) и чрез числено решаване на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за свиваем флуид. Резултатите сочат много добро съвпадение за малки числа на Кнудсен Kn = 0.02. Показано е, че при различни кинематични гранични условия, газът изостава или избързва спрямо скоростта на стената, или има поведение на твърдо еластично тяло. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината.


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Красимир Йорджев, Христина Костадинова - В работата се разглежда една релация на еквивалентност в множеството от всички квадратни бинарни матрици. Обсъдена е комбинаторната задача за намиране мощността и елементите на фактормножеството относно тази релация. Разгледана е и възможността за получаване на някои специални елементи на това фактормножество. Предложен е алгоритъм за решаване на поставените задачи. Получените в статията резултати намират приложение при описанието топологията на различните тъкачни структури.