980 resultados para Modelagem estrutural
This work aims to find the maximum tension in a group of blades in a Sewage Treatment Stations in a company located in Vale do Paraíba. First, the calculations of the strength requested by the effluents on the structure are done, and the optimum torque of the frame screws is researched. From these data, static simulations using appropriate software and the finite elements method are performed. Based on the results, a possible solution to reduce the strength in this structure is proposed. This study will be provided as a consultation material to the company
The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain
This work aims to find the maximum tension in a group of blades in a Sewage Treatment Stations in a company located in Vale do Paraíba. First, the calculations of the strength requested by the effluents on the structure are done, and the optimum torque of the frame screws is researched. From these data, static simulations using appropriate software and the finite elements method are performed. Based on the results, a possible solution to reduce the strength in this structure is proposed. This study will be provided as a consultation material to the company
The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Structural changes and labor market in Brazil. In the present article, we attempt to identify the sources of the changes in the labor schooling level in the three main sectors of the Brazilian economy: manufacturing, services and agriculture. It was verified that, despite the changes in the product and employment among sectors, mainly in the 1990s, the relative demands for qualified workers has not experimented significant changes. Moreover, in the periods in which schooling has increased more, the workers' wage has decreased more. This fact suggests that the increase in labor qualification was mainly due to the increase of this factor supply. The structural changes had contributed, in general, in a marginal and negative way to labor force level of qualification demand in all the three sectors.
Neste trabalho foram feitas simulações numéricas de ondas de gravidade da superfície do mar, utilizando o modelo WAVEWATCH-III versão 1.18 sobre o Atlântico, com a finalidade de avaliar a importância do detalhamento dos ventos para diferentes estados de mar. O domínio escolhido foi delimitado pelos paralelos 18ºS e 45ºS, e pelos meridianos 035ºW e 070ºW, de modo que o centro do domínio ficasse sobre o litoral do RS. Para cada evento, foram inseridos ventos oriundos do modelo de mesoescala RAMS (grade de 0,34º x 0,284º e saída temporal a cada hora) e oriundos do modelo global do NCEP (grade de 2,5º x 2,5º e saída temporal a cada 6 horas), no intuito de verificar a influência das escalas na geração de ondas de superfície do mar. Notou-se que nos eventos extremos, as simulações superestimaram as alturas das ondas. Foi verificado também, que as integrações, alimentadas por dados da Reanálise do NCEP, foram as mais discrepantes dos valores observados in situ, se comparados com os valores resultantes da simulação com os ventos oriundos do modelo RAMS. O comportamento mais preciso dos casos RAMS evidenciou a importância dos fenômenos de mesoescala para a geração dos trens de ondas; ou seja, das ondas que se propagam em grupo. Na ocorrência de calmaria, as ondas foram subestimadas, sendo então levantadas duas linhas de ação: a primeira de ampliar o domínio escolhido, pois esse padrão parece estar associado a ondulações geradas em uma região ainda mais remota e a segunda, iniciar o WW3 com um campo de onda mais realístico.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo dar luz ao debate sobre a criação dos novos entes federativos, trazendo elementos objetivos sobre a caracterização socioeconômica dos novos espaços geopolíticos e seus respectivos papéis no novo contexto espacial do sistema inter-regional brasileiro. O artigo traz resultados inéditos para a discussão, buscando, inicialmente, identificar padrões hierárquicos e de dependência espacial e produtiva neste novo contexto federativo. Tais resultados subsidiama analise subsequente dos impactos da nova configuração das transferências constitucionais, que identifica pormeio de simulações comummodelo inter-regional de insumo-produto especialmente calibrado para as 33 regiões consideradas no estudo, não apenas os potenciais ganhadores e perdedores, mas também os mecanismos de interação espacial subjacentes a estes processos.