991 resultados para Miss Australia quest


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OBJETIVO:Avaliar os fatores determinantes da morbimortalidade em unidade de terapia intensiva obstétrica de um hospital universitário.MÉTODOS:Estudo observacional de corte transversal com 492 gestantes ou puérperas. Foram selecionadas pacientes internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva obstétrica no período de um ano, sendo informadas sobre as propostas do estudo e realizada aplicação do questionário. A análise foi feita através do Microsoft Excel 2013 e GraphPad Prism 6. Foram empregados testes do χ2 para verificar associação entre os fatores de risco para morbimortalidade materna grave.RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados como riscos relativos significativamente elevados para desenvolvimento de near missquando comparada à morbidade materna grave, a raça não branca (OR=2,5; RP=2,3); pacientes casadas (OR=7,9; RP=7,1), escolaridade até 2º grau incompleto (OR=3,1; RP=2,8), procedente do interior (OR=4,6; RP=4,0), renda familiar menor que 1 salário mínimo (OR=7,0; RP=5,5), distúrbios hipertensivos gestacionais (OR=16,3; RP=13,2), realização do pré-natal (OR=5,0; RP=4,2) e a via de parto cesárea (OR=39,2; RP=31,2).CONCLUSÕES: Questões socioeconômicas, clínicas e assistenciais mostraram-se relacionados à prevalência de near miss, revelando a importância de intervenções amplas para melhorar esses indicadores. Reforça-se a importância da realização de pré-natal para identificação de riscos potenciais, garantia de um suporte nutricional à gestante, tratamento de doenças e estabelecimento de programa de imunização materna, assim como uma melhor assistência no que tange aos aspectos clínicos das pacientes, objetivando diminuir o risco obstétrico e neonatal.


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Teema: Rytmimaisteri-koulutuksen seminaari.


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Bullying is characterized by an inequality of power between perpetrator and target. Findings that bullies can be highly popular have helped redefine the old conception of the maladjusted school bully into a powerful individual exerting influence on his peers from the top of the peer status hierarchy. Study I is a conceptual paper that explores the conditions under which a skillful, socially powerful bully can use the peer group as a means of aggression and suggests that low cohesion and low quality of friendships make groups easier to manipulate. School bullies’ high popularity should be a major obstacle for antibullying efforts, as bullies are unlikely to cease negative actions that are rewarding, and their powerful position could discourage bystanders from interfering. Using data from the Finnish program KiVa, Study II supported the hypothesis that antibullying interventions are less effective with popular bullies in comparison to their unpopular counterparts. In order to design interventions that can address the positive link between popularity and aggression, it is necessary to determine in which contexts bullies achieve higher status. Using an American sample, Study III examined the effects of five classroom features on the social status that peers accord to aggressive children, including classroom status hierarchy, academic level and grade level, controlling for classroom mean levels of aggression and ethnic distribution. Aggressive children were more popular and better liked in fifth grade relative to fourth grade and in classrooms of higher status hierarchy. Surprisingly, the natural emergence of status hierarchies in children’s peer groups has long been assumed to minimize aggression. Whether status hierarchies hinder or promote bullying is a controversial question in the peer relations’ literature. Study IV aimed at clarifying this debate by testing the effects of the degree of classroom status hierarchy on bullying. Higher hierarchy was concrrently associated with bullying and predictive of higher bullying six months later. As bullies’ quest for power is increasingly acknowledged, some researchers suggest teaching bullies to attain the elevated status they yearn for through prosocial acts. Study V cautions against such solutions by reviewing evidence that prosocial behaviors enacted with the intention of controlling others can be as harmful as aggression.


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No campo de estudos de religião e mídia, a importância da comunicação de massa está bem estabelecida para as religiões globalizadas tais como o cristianismo e o islamismo, mas o mesmo não se verifica com relação às religiões nativas africanas. O presente artigo busca preencher essa lacuna investigando as atividades de mídia de um movimento religioso neo-tradicional em Gana, a Missão Afrikania. Ao analisar a posição cambiante de Afrikania na esfera pública em relação a mudanças nos cenários político, religioso e midiático de Gana, demonstro como novos constrangimentos e oportunidades levaram Afrikania a adaptar suas estratégias de acesso à mídia e seus estilos de representação. A política de representação da Afrikania é complexificada pela sua posição delicada entre uma esfera pública de hegemonia cristã e as práticas dos sacerdotes e sacerdotisas que ela visa representar.


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Chronic kidney disease is characterized by a progressive reduction of glomerular filtration rate and/or the appearance of proteinuria, and subsequently the progressive retention of organic waste compounds called uremic toxins (UT). Over the last decades, a large number of such compounds have been identified and their effects on organs and tissues, especially the cardiovascular system, has been demonstrated. In this review, we present the current classification of UT, as proposed by the EUTox Group, and the effects of some of the probably most important UTs, such as phosphate, FGF-23, PTH, AGEs, indoxyl sulfate and para-cresyl sulfate. We provide an overview on therapeutic approaches aimed to increase their extracorporeal removal via convective and/or adsorptive strategies and to lower their intestinal production/ absorption via dietetic and pharmacological interventions. The recognition that multiple toxins contribute to the uremia supports the need for new therapeutic targets, with a potentially positive impact on CKD progression and survival.


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Innovative and unconventional, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks belongs to the continuum of African American playwrights who have contributed to the quest/ion – the quest for and question – of identities for African Americans. Her plays are sites in which the quest/ion of identities for African Americans is pursued, raised and enacted. She makes use of both page and stage to emphasize the exigency of reshaping African Americans’ identities through questioning the dominant ideologies and metanarratives, delegitimizing some of the prevailing stereotypes imposed on them, drawing out the complicity of the media in perpetuating racism, evoking slavery, lynching and their aftereffects, rehistoricizing African American history, catalyzing reflections on the various intersections of sex, race, class and gender orientations, and proffering alternative perspectives to help readers think more critically about issues facing African Americans. In my dissertation, I approach three plays by Parks – The Death of the Last Black Man in the Whole Entire World (1990), Venus (1996) and Fucking A (2000) – from the standpoints of postmodern drama and African American feminism with a focus on the terrains that reflect the quest/ion of identities for African Americans, especially African American women. I argue that postmodern drama and African American feminism provide the ground for Parks to promote the development of a political agenda in order to call into question a number of dominant ideologies and metanarratives with regard to African Americans and draw upon the roles of those metanarratives as a powerful apparatus of racial and sexual oppressions. I also explore how Parks engages with postmodern drama and African American feminism to incorporate her own mininarratives in the dominant discourses. I argue that Parks in these plays uses postmodern drama and African American feminism to encourage reflections on intersectionality in order to reveal the concerns of African Americans, particularly African American women. Her plays challenge the dominant order of hierarchy and patriarchy, while in some cases urging unity and solidarity between African American men and women by showing how unity and solidarity can help them confront race, class and gender oppressions. Furthermore, I discuss how the utilization of postmodern techniques and devices helps Parks to transform the conventional features of playwriting, to create incredulity toward the dominant systems of oppression and to incorporate her mininarratives within the context of dominant discourses.