993 resultados para Military inspectors general


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To study the relationship between mental-physical health and coping behavior,job stress and job motivation in medical laboratory scientists and technicians. A cross-section survey was conducted,using the anxiety rating scale(SAS), depression rating scale(SDS), coping behavior rating scale,self-rating subhealth scale,self-rating stress scale,and self-rating job motivation scale among 289 medical laboratory scientists and technicians with analysis of ANOVA and Regression. The study was carried out in three steps:step1 is to analyze the general situation of the mental-physical health.Step 2 is to analyze the features of the main influencial facotors.Step 3 is to study the influence of the relative factors on mental-physical health.The following are the results: 1.The anxiety and depression scores of the medical researchers and technicians were 30±6 and 37±8 respectively,both significantly lower than those of the national norm(34±6 and 42±11 respectively,both P<0.01),which are of significant difference. The depression score of the associate chief technician was 42±7, significantly higher than those of the medical researchers and technicians with any other professional titles (all P<0.05), and the anxiety score of the associate chief technicians was 32±7, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(28±4, P<0.05),with no significant difference to the score of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles. The depression score,anxiety score and the subhealth score of the age group of 36~49 were 39±9,31±7 and 32±9 respectively, both higher than that of the age group of 20~35 (36±8,29±6 and 29±7 respectively,both P<0.05),while there is much diference among other age groups. And the subhealth status has nothing to do with marital status,education background and professional titles. 2.The coping behaviors,job stress and motivation of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians. 1)Coping behaviors:The seeking help score of the associate chief technicians was 2.8±0.5,not significantly different from that of the associate research fellows(2.8±0.5),but significantly lower than those of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles(all P<0.01),and whose self-blame score was higher than that of the research fellows,which is of significant difference.The self-blame score and the imagination score of the associate research fellows were 2.0±0.5 and 2.4±0.5 respectively, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(1.6±0.4, 2.1±0.4,both P<0.01). The seeking help score of the females was 3.1±0.5, significantly higher than that of the males(2.9±0.5, both P<0.01),and the solving problem score was 3.4±0.6,significantly lower than the male(3.6±0.7, both P<0.01).There is no any significant difference in coping behaviors among researchers and technicians of different marital status,education background and age groups. 2)Job stress: The score of job stress of the age group of 35~49 and 50~60 were 23±8 and 25±6 respectively,significantly higher than that of the 20~35(21±7,both P<0.05). There is no any significant difference in job stress among researchers and technicians of different marital status,gender,professional titles and education background. 3)The score of meeting personal desire for reputation and interests of the males was 19.6±5.4,significantly higher than that of the females(18.4±5.0, both P<0.05), while there is no significant difference in job motivation among researchers and technicians of different titles,education,age and marital status. 3.The relationship of the mental-physical health of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians with their coping behaviors,job stress and motivations 1) Coping behaviors:Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors of subhealth were anxiety,depression and escaping (β=-0.40,β=0.23, β=0.14, both P<0.01).the best predictors of anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only of anxiety and of significant difference. 2)job stress : Regression analysis demonstrated that anxiety,depression,job stress 2 and job stress 4 are the best predictor for subhealth;job stress 12 is the best retro-predictor for depression; job stress 3 and 8 are the best predictor for depression;and job stress 2 and 9 are the best predictor for anxiety ,which are of significant difference. 3)Motivation:Regression analysis demonstrated that depression is the best predictor for subhealth while motivation itself doesn't predict subhealth;with respect to the specific contents of motivation,"probing unknown rules and making contributions to the human society "is the best retro-predictor for depression and has nothing to do with anxiety prediction. 4) The combined influences of coping behaviors,job stress and motivations: Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress(β=0.41,β=0.24, β=0.19, both P<0.01).the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only for anxiety and of significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Regression analysis showed that the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress.Coping behaviors, job stress and motivations have significant influences on the mental-physical health of the military medical researchers and and technicians. Among them,coping behavior is the most important factor while job stress and motivation follow. Seeking help more often,less self-blame ,imagination and job stress could help release the anxiety, depression and improve the subhealth of the medical researchers and technicians. The findings of this study indicate we should address the physical and mental health of the military laboratory researchers and technicians.


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Garbage collector performance in LISP systems on custom hardware has been substantially improved by the adoption of lifetime-based garbage collection techniques. To date, however, successful lifetime-based garbage collectors have required special-purpose hardware, or at least privileged access to data structures maintained by the virtual memory system. I present here a lifetime-based garbage collector requiring no special-purpose hardware or virtual memory system support, and discuss its performance.


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An investigation in innovation management and entrepreneurial management is conducted in this thesis. The aim of the research is to explore changes of innovation styles in the transformation process from a start-up company to a more mature phase of business, to predict in a second step future sustainability and the probability of success. As businesses grow in revenue, corporate size and functional complexity, various triggers, supporters and drivers affect innovation and company's success. In a comprehensive study more than 200 innovative and technology driven companies have been examined and compared to identify patterns in different performance levels. All of them have been founded under the same formal requirements of the Munich Business Plan Competition -a research approach which allowed a unique snapshot that only long-term studies would be able to provide. The general objective was to identify the correlation between different factors, as well as different dimensions, to incremental and radical innovations realised. The 12 hypothesis were formed to prove have been derived from a comprehensive literature review. The relevant academic and practitioner literature on entrepreneurial, innovation, and knowledge management as well as social network theory revealed that the concept of innovation has evolved significantly over the last decade. A review of over 15 innovation models/frameworks contributed to understand what innovation in context means and what the dimensions are. It appears that the complex theories of innovation can be described by the increasing extent of social ingredients in the explanation of innovativeness. Originally based on tangible forms of capital, and on the necessity of pull and technology push, innovation management is today integrated in a larger system. Therefore, two research instruments have been developed to explore the changes in innovations styles. The Innovation Management Audits (IMA Start-up and IMA Mature) provided statements related to product/service development, innovativeness in various typologies, resources for innovations, innovation capabilities in conjunction to knowledge and management, social networks as well as the measurement of outcomes to generate high-quality data for further exploration. In obtaining results the mature companies have been clustered in the performance level low, average and high, while the start-up companies have been kept as one cluster. Firstly, the analysis exposed that knowledge, the process of acquiring knowledge, interorganisational networks and resources for innovations are the most important driving factors for innovation and success. Secondly, the actual change of the innovation style provides new insights about the importance of focusing on sustaining success and innovation ii 16 key areas. Thirdly, a detailed overview of triggers, supporters and drivers for innovation and success for each dimension support decision makers in putting their company in the right direction. Fourthly, a critical review of contemporary strategic management in conjunction to the findings provides recommendation of how to apply well-known management tools. Last but not least, the Munich cluster is analysed providing an estimation of the success probability of the different performance cluster and start-up companies. For the analysis of the probability of success of the newly developed as well as statistically and qualitative validated ICP Model (Innovativeness, Capabilities & Potential) has been developed and applied. While the model was primarily developed to evaluate the probability of success of companies; it has equal application in the situation to measure innovativeness to identify the impact of various strategic initiatives within small or large enterprises. The main findings of the model are that competitor, and customer orientation and acquiring knowledge important for incremental and radical innovation. Formal and interorganisation networks are important to foster innovation but informal networks appear to be detrimental to innovation. The testing of the ICP model h the long term is recommended as one subject of further research. Another is to investigate some of the more intangible aspects of innovation management such as attitude and motivation of mangers. IV


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Pritchard, L., Corne, D., Kell, D.B., Rowland, J. & Winson, M. (2005) A general model of error-prone PCR. Journal of Theoretical Biology 234, 497-509.


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Shepherd, Alistair, and T. C. Salmon, Toward a European Army: A Military Power in the Making? (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2003), pp.x+237 RAE2008


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Davies, Jeffrey. 'Land Use and Military Supply in the Highland Zone of Roman Britain', In: Artefacts and Archaeology. Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World (University of Wales Press, 2002), pp.44-61 RAE2008


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De acuerdo a la normativa de TFEs el repositorio no puede dar acceso a este trabajo. Para consultarlo póngase en contacto con el tutor del trabajo. Puede acceder al resumen del mismo pinchando en el pdf adjunto.


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En este trabajo se analizan los efectos de una disminución de los tipos de las cotizaciones sociales, compensada con un incremento en los tipos del impuesto sobre el valor añadido, como la que tuvo lugar en España en 1995. Para ello se utiliza un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado a la economía española, que se presenta en dos versiones: una donde los sectores productivos se modelizan en competencia perfecta, y otra donde los mismos sectores se modelizan como oligopolistas a la Cournot, lo cual nos permite analizar la influencia del supuesto de competencia imperfecta sobre los resultados. Se ha realizado asimismo una simulación adicional aplicando un supuesto de equal yield por el que el déficit público y el nivel de bienestar del sector público se mantienen constantes tras la aplicación de la nueva política, con objeto de aislar los efectos secundarios que se podrían derivar de un cambio en el comportamiento del sector público.


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[Vá esta impression cotejada con el original del Autor, y corregida de los innumerables errores que padecen las otras].


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Colofón en v.1, v.2, v.5, v.6, y v.7.


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Na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dekad wojska specjalne stały się ważnym elementem systemów obronnych wielu państw, wnosząc istotny wkład w prowadzone operacje wojskowe, oraz ogólny potencjał realizacji stawianych przed nimi zadań. Wynika to z unikalnych zdolności tego rodzaju wojsk, czyniących je szczególnie użytecznymi we współczesnym środowisku bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Czynniki te zadecydowały również o daleko idącej ewolucji i dynamicznym rozwoju polskich Wojsk Specjalnych. Celem artykułu jest analiza użyteczności jednostek specjalnych dla realizacji zasadniczych misji Sil Zbrojnych RP (zapisanych w Strategii Obronności RP) oraz prezentacja perspektyw ich dalszego rozwoju (przez pryzmat szans, wyzwań, ryzyk i zagrożeń).


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The problem of refugees is a phenomenon characteristic of contemporary international relations. It can take an individual form (as a result of individual persecutions of a racial, religious, national or political character) or the form of mass relocations, especially in the face of military conflicts or general breaching of human rights. The purpose of this paper is to present the refugee question as an international global problem that may appear in any region of the world, impacting the situation of states and societies, that is perceived as both a threat and a fundamental challenge for the entire international community.