989 resultados para Medieval Portuguese
Frente a la narratología estructuralista, una subdisciplina relativamente unificada, la nueva narratología se constituye como un proyecto interdisciplinario integrado por posturas heterogéneas que focalizan en procesos abiertos y dinámicos en lugar de productos estáticos. Entre estos nuevos acercamientos narratológicos, la teoría de los mundos posibles presenta, como característica específica frente a otras corrientes relacionadas con alguna forma de orientación contextualista, un alto grado de teorización que ha conducido en los últimos tiempos a profundizar en la pregunta ineludible sobre qué es lo relevante de una narración y qué rasgos particulares definen a la ficcionalidad. Esta moderna semántica construccional de la ficción resulta una herramienta muy productiva para la interpretación de cualquier tipo de texto, incluidos los textos medievales. En contraste con acercamientos ad hoc, la semántica ficcional concibe los textos literarios como sistemas semióticos para construir (generar la existencia de) mundos ficcionales, paralelos al mundo real aunque autónomos. "Mundo ficcional" es un concepto macroestructural y como tal proporciona un marco general para interpretar semánticamente los constituyentes particulares del texto literario
El proceso de evangelización y adoctrinamiento de la población americana se valió, entre otros medios, de la imagen pictórica para implementar los dogmas y creencias de la Iglesia católica. La representación de las penas y tormentos infernales en vastos programas iconográficos en capillas de indios, desde el siglo XVI al XIX, testimonian una intencionalidad didáctica, persuasiva y coercitiva para lograr la conversión de la población indígena. El análisis iconográfico de algunos conjuntos pictóricos de Mesoamérica y el centro y sur andinos pretende demostrar la pervivencia de motivos y esquemas compositivos del arte infernal medieval.
La iconografía mariana ha quedado reflejada en la poesía hispánica medieval de muchas maneras: desde versos que describen a la Virgen y sus atributos hasta conceptos teológicos y mariológicos expresados plásticamente mediante formas retóricas. Por ejemplo, el jardín y las flores como ornamentos y símbolos personales de Santa María, o bien la imagen de la luz a través de un cristal o una ventana de vidrio en escenas de la Anunciación -con abundantes testimonios pictóricos en el arte medieval-, se encuentran en la poesía en forma de descripciones simbólicas de diversa extensión y género y, por otro lado, de advocaciones marianas o tópicos mariológicos (Ave/Eva, Flos, Hortus, Radix-Virga, Regina, Stella). Este artículo propone, pues, un estudio de conjunto y comparativo de algunos de estos procedimientos, concentrándose en las Cantigas de Santa María del rey Alfonso X. En este sentido, las figuras retóricas, como herramientas que tienden un puente entre lo pictórico y lo poético, dirigen necesariamente la lectura hacia una interpretación simbólica proporcionada por la figuración o typologia, tal como la ha postulado Erich Auerbach para la textualidad medieval. En última instancia, el valor sagrado de la imagen mariana (una herencia del arte icónico bizantino) se representa también en los milagros de las Cantigas de Santa María, obra maestra que evidencia una fuerte influencia de la doctrina iconodúlica.
En las últimas dos décadas ha ido ganando importancia la consideración del género cronístico en el marco de los estudios literarios y culturales, tanto del ámbito hispanomedieval como del americano colonial. De este modo, mientras se realizaban aportes a una "historia de la historiografía", el objetivo primordial fue alcanzar una mejor comprensión de la manera en que se elaboró el relato cronístico durante el período bajomedieval y renacentista, haciendo hincapié en el análisis de los procedimientos narrativos y de las estrategias de organización textual de la crónica. Al mismo tiempo, las concepciones actualmente dominantes de la historiografía indiana enfatizan su singularidad, así como la radical novedad del objeto histórico americano y la conexión de la perspectiva cronística con el imaginario cultural moderno. Frente a ese panorama, este trabajo se propone revisar esos supuestos, mediante el estudio de las formas concretas de continuidad, desvío, reformulación y ruptura de las tradiciones discursivas medievales en las crónicas de Indias. Para ello se trabajará con pasajes de las crónicas de Bernal Díaz del Castillo y Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo. Importará, finalmente, aludir al impacto del pasaje de la cultura manuscrita a la cultura impresa en las primeras décadas de emergencia de la historiografía indiana.
Fil: Astarita, Carlos Alberto Tomás. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una aproximación a las características del endeudamiento campesino en la baja Edad Media castellana. La historiografía actual, dominada por el enfoque smithiano de la comercialización y por el neo-institucionalismo, tiende a ignorar las desigualdades que reproducen las relaciones mercantiles y a enfatizar los efectos positivos de los mercados y el crédito rural. Utilizando documentación del área de los concejos de la meseta central de Castilla, se analiza la naturaleza del préstamo rural y su relación con el ciclo agrario y con la extracción feudal de renta. A partir del registro de deudas presente en los Protocolos Notariales abulenses de mediados del siglo XV, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de la distribución de las obligaciones en el tiempo y de la repetición de acreedores y deudores. Luego se discute en términos analíticos y cualitativos la forma específica que caracteriza al capital usurario precapitalista.
El poema épico del siglo XII Doon de la Roche ha tenido poca fortuna en las letras españolas. Sin embargo, su huella más notable es, sin duda, Historia de Enrique, fi de Oliva, evocación de esa epopeya a través de refundiciones y prosificaciones que hoy en día siguen siendo analizadas. Historia de Enrique fi de Oliva es un libro de caballerías castellano del siglo XIV de gran difusión en su época, que nos ha llegado por medio de nueve testimonios impresos entre 1498 y 1580. El objetivo de este trabajo será proponer una lectura de las portadas de dichos ejemplares, testimonios del derrotero de la industria editorial, del diálogo que sostiene la literatura española con la antigüedad clásica, y de la recepción del libro en diferentes contextos histórico culturales.
Three long-term temperature data series measured in Portugal were studied to detect and correct non-climatic homogeneity breaks and are now available for future studies of climate variability. Series of monthly minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperatures measured in the three Portuguese meteorological stations of Lisbon (from 1856 to 2008), Coimbra (from 1865 to 2005) and Porto (from 1888 to 2001) were studied to detect and correct non-climatic homogeneity breaks. These series together with monthly series of average temperature (Taver) and temperature range (DTR) derived from them were tested in order to detect homogeneity breaks, using, firstly, metadata, secondly, a visual analysis and, thirdly, four widely used homogeneity tests: von Neumann ratio test, Buishand test, standard normal homogeneity test and Pettitt test. The homogeneity tests were used in absolute (using temperature series themselves) and relative (using sea-surface temperature anomalies series obtained from HadISST2 close to the Portuguese coast or already corrected temperature series as reference series) modes. We considered the Tmin, Tmax and DTR series as most informative for the detection of homogeneity breaks due to the fact that Tmin and Tmax could respond differently to changes in position of a thermometer or other changes in the instrument's environment; Taver series have been used, mainly, as control. The homogeneity tests show strong inhomogeneity of the original data series, which could have both internal climatic and non-climatic origins. Homogeneity breaks which have been identified by the last three mentioned homogeneity tests were compared with available metadata containing data, such as instrument changes, changes in station location and environment, observing procedures, etc. Significant homogeneity breaks (significance 95% or more) that coincide with known dates of instrumental changes have been corrected using standard procedures. It was also noted that some significant homogeneity breaks, which could not be connected to the known dates of any changes in the park of instruments or stations location and environment, could be caused by large volcanic eruptions. The corrected series were again tested for homogeneity: the corrected series were considered free of non-climatic breaks when the tests of most of monthly series showed no significant (significance 95% or more) homogeneity breaks that coincide with dates of known instrument changes. Corrected series are now available in the frame of ERA-CLIM FP7 project for future studies of climate variability.
Samples collected at two different depths (ca. 3200 and ca. 4200 m) in the Setúbal and Cascais canyons off the Portuguese coast, during the HERMES RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD179, were analysed for (1) sediment biogeochemistry (TOC, TN) and (2) composition, and structural and trophic diversity of nematode communities. Multivariate PERMANOVA analysis on the nematode community data revealed differences between sediment layers that were greater than differences between canyons, water depths, and stations. This suggests that biogeochemical gradients along the vertical sediment profile are crucial in determining nematode community structure. The interaction between canyon conditions and the nematode community is illustrated by biogeochemical patterns in the sediment and the prevalence of nematode genera that are able to persist in disturbed sediments. Trophic analysis of the nematode community indicated that non-selective deposit feeders are dominant, presumably because of their non-selective feeding behaviour compared to other feeding types, which gives them a competitive advantage in exploiting lower-quality food resources. This study presents a preliminary conceptual scheme for interactions between canyon conditions and the resident fauna.
Samples collected in the deep Nazaré Canyon and at the adjacent slope, during the HERMES RRS Discovery D297 cruise (2005), were analysed for metazoan meiofauna, nematode structure and diversity and its relation to quality and quantity of sedimentary organic material. The amount and quality of organic matter available for direct consumption was much higher in the canyon compared to the slope and positively correlated with high nematode abundances (795-1171 ind. 10 cm**-2) and biomass (93.2-343.5 µg dry weight 10 cm**-2), thus leading to higher standing stocks. Canyon nematode assemblages also showed particular adaptations (e.g. higher trophic complexity, variability of nematode morphology, and presence of opportunistic genera) to canyon conditions, particularly in the deeper sediment layers. The Nazaré Canyon's nematode diversity was slightly lower than that of the adjacent slope and its assemblages were characterised by a higher dominance of certain genera. Still, the canyon contributes considerably to total Western Iberian Margin diversity due to different assemblages present compared to the slope. Furthermore, the harsh conditions in terms of hydrodynamic disturbance and the high organic matter flux are likely to have a negative impact on the establishment of species rich meiobenthic communities, especially in the canyon axis.
Twenty-nine surface samples from the Portuguese shelf, recovered offshore from the mouths of the Ave, Douro, Lis and Mira rivers, were analysed using ICP-OES for selected major and trace elements, after total dissolution. Organic carbon, carbonate content and grain size were also determined. Five evaluation tools have been applied in order to compare the three study areas and to evaluate sediment geochemistry and other sediment compositional variability in the acquired samples: (1) empirical methods based on comparison with standard reference criteria, e.g. the NOAA sediment quality guidelines, (2) normalisation ratios using a grain-size proxy element, (3) "Gradient Method", plotting contaminant vs. organic matter or Al, (4) definition of a regional geochemical baseline from a compiled database, and (5) enrichment factors. The evaluation of element and component associations indicates differences related both to the onshore drainage areas and to the environmental shelf setting. Despite the considerable variability in total metal contents indicated by our results, the sediment metal composition is largely of natural origin. Metal enrichments observed in the Mira area are associated with the drainage of mineralised areas rich in Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn. The near absence of human impact on shelf sediments, despite the vicinity to urban areas with high industrialisation levels, such as the Ave-Douro and Lis areas, is attributed to effective trapping in the estuaries and coastal zones, as well dilution with less contaminated sediments shelf sediments and removal with fine fractions due to grain-size sorting. The character of the contaminated sediments transported to these shelf areas is further influenced by grain-size sorting as well as by dilution with less contaminated marine sediments. The results obtained individually by the different methods complement each other and allow more specific interpretations.
Rising anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolving into coastal waters is decreasing the pH and carbonate ion concentration, thereby lowering the saturation state of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals through a process named ocean acidification (OA). The unprecedented threats posed by such low pH on calcifying larvae of several edible oyster species have not yet been fully explored. Effects of low pH (7.9, 7.6, 7.4) on the early growth phase of Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata) veliger larvae was examined at ambient salinity (34 ppt) and the low-salinity (27 ppt) treatment. Additionally, the combined effect of pH (8.1, 7.6), salinity (24 and 34 ppt) and temperature (24 °C and 30 °C) was examined using factorial experimental design. Surprisingly, the early growth phase from hatching to 5-day-old veliger stage showed high tolerance to pH 7.9 and pH 7.6 at both 34 ppt and 27 ppt. Larval shell area was significantly smaller at pH 7.4 only in low-salinity. In the 3-factor experiment, shell area was affected by salinity and the interaction between salinity and temperature but not by other combinations. Larvae produced the largest shell at the elevated temperature in low-salinity, regardless of pH. Thus the growth of the Portuguese oyster larvae appears to be robust to near-future pH level (> 7.6) when combined with projected elevated temperature and low-salinity in the coastal aquaculture zones of South China Sea.