973 resultados para Mathematics. Trigonometric Functions. Geogebra


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A ênfase algébrica dada ao longo do tempo nos cursos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral não oportunizou que tratamentos gráficos e numéricos fossem privilegiados, visto a ausência de softwares que possibilitassem uma abordagem diferenciada aos conceitos inerentes a esta disciplina (Richit, 2010, Guimarães, 2001). Contudo, iniciativas no mundo inteiro têm dedicado esforços e desenvolvido softwares que possibilitam explorações qualitativamente diferentes para conceitos de Cálculo a partir de representações gráficas, numéricas ou algébricas envolvendo visualização, a simulação, o aprofundamento do pensamento matemático, conjecturas e validações, etc. Deste modo, a incorporação das tecnologias digitais na aula de Cálculo remove um pouco o fardo da manipulação algébrica, possibilitando a transição entre a ação física (interação do estudante com a tecnologia) e a representação matemática de um conceito. Assim, a proposta de oficina aqui apresentada objetiva explorar conceitos de Cálculo (Funções, Limites, Derivadas e Integrais) em uma perspectiva de investigação com o software GeoGebra.


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This study describes the performance of the mentors in a blended graduate-level training program of teachers in the field of secondary school mathematics. We codified and analyzed the mentors’ comments on the projects presented by the groups of in-service teachers for whom they (the mentors) were responsible. To do this, we developed a structure of categories and codes based on a combination of a literature review, a model of teacher learning, and a cyclical review of the data. We performed two types of analysis: frequency and cluster. The first analysis permitted us to characterize the common actions shared by most of the mentors. From the second, we established three profiles of the mentors’ actions.


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En éste artículo se presenta una propuesta para la enseñanza de los Teoremas Fundamentales del Cálculo por medio de la utilización del software Geogebra, éste software permite la visualización de cada uno de los teoremas fundamentales del cálculo, a través de la interpretación geométrica de la integral como función de área y la interpretación de la derivada como función de pendientes, posteriormente se relacionan los procesos inversos de integración y derivación.


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El documento que se presenta a continuación, tiene como propósito fundamental realizar una propuesta frente a la enseñanza de las cónicas a un nivel introductorio, en los cursos de educación media e incluso en los programas de licenciatura de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, particularmente para ofrecer una alternativa al paso de las representaciones sintéticas y analíticas de las cónicas. La propuesta esta apoyada en una serie de actividades con el uso de herramientas computacionales (en particular el software geogebra).


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Con el propósito de superar algunas dificultades de los profesores en la integración de tecnologías en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, se presenta una secuencia de análisis de las trasformaciones geométricas de la función exponencial natural, definida por f(x)=e^ax, que se apoya en el uso del GeoGebra. Tal secuencia permite caracterizar familias de curvas asociadas a la expresión anterior, a partir del análisis de las transformaciones geométricas “deformación” y “reflexión” experimentadas por estas curvas tras la variación del parámetro a. En el diseño de la secuencia se tomó en cuenta aspectos de teóricos, instrumentales y didácticos, que se consideran pertinentes para realizar el análisis. El uso de esta secuencia favorece el desarrollo de las capacidades para la integración eficiente de las tecnologías en la enseñanza de la Matemática.


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En este artículo se pretende mostrar de una manera gráfica y dinámica, las diferentes trazas que se pueden realizar sobre una superficie cuádrica, cuando ésta es intersecada por un plano paralelo a alguno de los planos coordenados y su implementación en el programa GeoGebra.


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El taller pretende utilizar la simulación, en Fathom, GeoGebra y Excel con el fin de desarrollar el pensamiento instintivo y confrontarlo con el pensamiento analítico en el estudio de las distribuciones y probabilidades condicionales, y que lo anterior ayude a resolver problemas considerados controversiales de probabilidad. Los participantes trabajarán con actividades guiadas, podrán apreciar la riqueza didáctica de la simulación hecha con paquetes dinámicos y comparar las potencialidades que cada uno ofrece en la solución de diversos problemas.


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The paper considers the single machine due date assignment and scheduling problems with n jobs in which the due dates are to be obtained from the processing times by adding a positive slack q. A schedule is feasible if there are no tardy jobs and the job sequence respects given precedence constraints. The value of q is chosen so as to minimize a function ϕ(F,q) which is non-decreasing in each of its arguments, where F is a certain non-decreasing earliness penalty function. Once q is chosen or fixed, the corresponding scheduling problem is to find a feasible schedule with the minimum value of function F. In the case of arbitrary precedence constraints the problems under consideration are shown to be NP-hard in the strong sense even for F being total earliness. If the precedence constraints are defined by a series-parallel graph, both scheduling and due date assignment problems are proved solvable in time, provided that F is either the sum of linear functions or the sum of exponential functions. The running time of the algorithms can be reduced to if the jobs are independent. Scope and purpose We consider the single machine due date assignment and scheduling problems and design fast algorithms for their solution under a wide range of assumptions. The problems under consideration arise in production planning when the management is faced with a problem of setting the realistic due dates for a number of orders. The due dates of the orders are determined by increasing the time needed for their fulfillment by a common positive slack. If the slack is set to be large enough, the due dates can be easily maintained, thereby producing a good image of the firm. This, however, may result in the substantial holding cost of the finished products before they are brought to the customer. The objective is to explore the trade-off between the size of the slack and the arising holding costs for the early orders.


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There are three main approaches to the representation of temporal information in AI literature: the so-called method of temporal arguments that simply extends functions and predicates of first-order language to include time as the additional argument; modal temporal logics which are extensions ofthe propositional or predicate calculus with modal temporal operators; and reified temporal logics which reify standard propositions of some initial language (e.g., the classical first-order or modal logic) as objects denoting propositional terms. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview onthe temporal reified approach by looking closely atsome representative existing systems featuring reified propositions, including those of Allen, McDermott, Shoham, Reichgelt, Galton, and Ma and Knight. We shall demonstrate that, although reified logics might be more complicated in expressing assertions about some given objects with respect to different times, they accord a special status to time and therefore have several distinct advantages in talking about some important issues which would be difficult (if not impossible) to express in other approaches.


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This paper describes work performed at IRSID/USINOR in France and the University of Greenwich, UK, to investigate flow structures and turbulence in a water-model container, simulating aspects typical of metal tundish operation. Extensive mean and fluctuating velocity measurements were performed at IRSID using LDA to determine the flow field and these form the basis for a numerical model validation. This apparently simple problem poses several difficulties for the CFD modelling. The flow is driven by the strong impinging jet at the inlet. Accurate description of the jet is most important and requires a localized fine grid, but also a turbulence model that predicts the correct spreading rates of jet and impinging wall boundary layers. The velocities in the bulk of the tundish tend to be (indeed need to be) much smaller than those of the jet, leading to damping of turbulence, or even laminar flow. The authors have developed several low-Reynolds number (low-Re) k–var epsilon model variants to compute this flow and compare against measurements. Best agreement is obtained when turbulence damping is introduced to account not only for walls, but also for low-Re regions in the bulk – the k–var epsilon model otherwise allows turbulence to accumulate in the container due to the restricted outlet. Several damping functions are tested and the results reported here. The k–ω model, which is more suited to transitional flow, also seems to perform well in this problem.


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This paper focuses on the basic problems regarding uniqueness and extinction properties for generalised Markov branching processes. The uniqueness criterion is firstly established and a differential–integral equation satisfied by the transition functions of such processes is derived. The extinction probability is then obtained. A closed form is presented for both the mean extinction time and the conditional mean extinction time. It turns out that these important quantities are closely related to the elementary gamma function.


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Tony Mann provides a report of a two-day meeting "Magic and mathematics: The life and work of John Dee" held from 13-14 June 2003 at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.