1000 resultados para Massa de água tropical


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INTRODUÇÃO: Angiostrongylus vasorum é um nematóide que parasita cães domésticos e eventualmente o homem. MÉTODOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a atividade predatória in vitro do extrato bruto enzimático do fungo Duddingtonia flagrans sobre larvas de primeiro estádio A. vasorum em condições laboratoriais no meio ágar-água 2%. RESULTADOS: Ao final do experimento, os percentuais de redução das L1 de A. vasorum observados foram de: 53,5% (24h) e 71,3% (48h) CONCLUSÕES: O extrato bruto enzimático do fungo D. flagrans destruiu in vitro as L1, podendo ser utilizado como controle biológico desse nematóide.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Strongyloides venezuelensis tem sido utilizado como um modelo para estudo da estrongiloidose humana. MÉTODOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a capacidade predatória dos fungos nematófagos Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001), Arthrobotrys robusta (I-31) e Monacrosporium sinense (SF53) sobre larvas infectantes (L3) de Strongyloides venezuelensis em condições laboratoriais no meio ágar-água 2%. RESULTADOS: Ao final do experimento, os percentuais de redução de L3 de Strongyloides venezuelensis observados foram de: 93% (AC001); 77,2% (I-31) e 65,2% (SF53). CONCLUSÕES: Os fungos nematófagos foram capazes de capturar e destruir in vitro as L3, podendo ser utilizados como controladores biológicos de Strongyloides venezuelensis.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a suscetibilidade de larvas de Culex quinquefasciatus a dois piretróides (Cipermetrina e Deltametrina), dois derivados da Avermectina (ivermectina e abamectina) e a um organofosforado (Temefós). MÉTODOS: Larvas de 3º e 4º instares de C. quinquefasciatus foram expostas a diferentes concentrações destes (onze repetições) seguindo o protocolo da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Uma hora após a exposição, as larvas foram lavadas em água desclorada, transferidas para recipientes plásticos contendo água sem cloro, alimentadas e observadas por períodos de 24h, até se transformarem em adultos. Para a determinação das concentrações letais, os valores foram submetidos à análise de regressão usando o modelo probit pelo programa Minitab 15. RESULTADOS: Diferenças entre as estimativas da CL50 e CL90 justificaram que a população de mosquitos testada apresenta heterogeneidade em resposta aos inseticidas, sendo a maior concentração utilizada para a CL50, a partir da análise de probit para o Temefós. Todos os inseticidas avaliados causaram mortalidade mais acentuada nas primeiras 24h exceto quando expostas à ivermectina. CONCLUSÕES: As larvas são suscetíveis a todos os inseticidas testados e há uma necessidade de um monitoramento dos inseticidas utilizados.


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INTRODUCTION: The emergence of drug resistance is one of the main problems concerning malaria treatment. The use of counterfeit and/or substandard antimalarial drugs can contribute to the development of parasite resistance. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of antimalarial drugs distributed in Brazil. METHODS: Samples containing chloroquine phosphate, mefloquine hydrochloride, primaquine phosphate, and quinine sulfate tablets were delivered to the Rio de Janeiro central storeroom (CENADI), state storerooms (SS), and Basic Health Units (BHUs) in the north region of Brazil - a total of 10 sample sets. After 5 months of storage, the samples were collected, and in vitro quality control analyses according to official and published methods were performed. RESULTS: Inadequate drug storage conditions were found in two SS and in all BHUs evaluated. There were no quality deviations found in the chloroquine samples. The quinine samples exhibited weight variation above the allowed limits. The primaquine samples were found to have packaging deficiency. The release of mefloquine in samples from some regions showed a statistically significant difference when compared with the CENADI samples. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to periodically evaluate the quality and storage conditions of essential drugs. The quality deviations found with the primaquine and quinine samples are not related to storage conditions and must be addressed urgently. The decreased mefloquine release from tablets is related to formulation problems or influenced by inadequate storage conditions, prompting further investigation. Even with the mentioned problems, the samples would probably not contribute to resistant parasite selection.


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As atuais políticas de gestão de resíduos estão mais focadas na reciclagem e na reutilização dos resíduos do que na sua eliminação em aterros de resíduos. Nos casos em que o resíduo não é perigoso para o ambiente, não existe nenhuma razão para que esse material não seja utilizado em obras de construção e de engenharia civil, desde que garanta um desempenho equivalente, no mínimo, ao dos materiais naturais. De forma a contribuir para a valorização dos resíduos, estudou-se o comportamento hidráulico de um Agregado Siderúrgico Inerte para a Construção (ASIC), proveniente de escórias de aciaria de Forno de Arco Elétrico (FAE), e de um agregado reciclado de betão, proveniente de resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD), à água de abastecimento público e a um lixiviado recolhido num aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU). Pretendeu-se avaliar a viabilidade técnica da sua aplicação em estruturas de drenagem de obras geotécnicas e infraestruturas de transporte, em particular na camada de drenagem e recolha dos lixiviados dos aterros de resíduos. Efetuaram-se ensaios de permeabilidade sobre duas frações granulométricas diferentes: areia (0,25-2mm) e “brita” (2-20mm), considerando que no nosso país é habitual aquela camada ser composta por um nível de areia, com 0,2m de espessura, sobre um nível de brita, com 0,3m espessura. Seguindo o procedimento adotado para o estudo dos dois agregados reciclados, também se ensaiaram dois agregados naturais, basalto e calcário, utilizados como materiais de referência.


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INTRODUCTION:The objective of this study was to compare Osame's scale of motor incapacity and the expanded scale of the state of incapacity of Kurtzke with the spastic paraplegia rating scale for the clinical evaluation of patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of infection by HTLV-I/HTLV-II and with the clinical suspicion of HAM/TSP were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 45 patients who were evaluated. When analyzing the results of the scales, the researchers found the following averages of 21.08 points for the spastic paraplegia rating scale, 4.35 points for Osame's scale, and 4.77 points for Kurtzke's scale. The relation between the scale of paraplegia with Osame's was very significant with p < 0.0001, and regarding Kurtzke's scale, there was a similar result of p < 0.0001. When comparing Osame's, Kurtze's, and the spastic paraplegia rating scale with the time of disease, the researchers found a significant result of p = 0.0004 for the scale of spastic paraplegia, p = 0.0018 for Osame's scale, and p < 0.0001 for Kurtzke's scale. CONCLUSION: The spastic paraplegia rating scale has a good relation with Osame's and Kurtzke's scales showing a p index that is very significant that indicates that, although the scale was not initially made to be applied to patients with HAM/TSP because of the infection by HLTV, it showed to be as efficient as Osame's and Kurtzke's scales in evaluating the patients' neurological conditions.


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INTRODUCTION: This work aimed to study the community structure of sandflies, with regard to the richness, constancy, abundance, and monthly frequency of the species with a focus on the transmission of leishmaniasis. METHODS: The study was conducted in the rural villages of Bom Jardim and Santa Maria, situated on the edge of a tropical rain forest in the municipality of São Jose de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brazil. The phlebotomines were captured in the intradomiciles and peridomiciles of each village, with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light traps set in 10 homes in each village, for 1 year, once a month, from 18h to 6h. RESULTS: We collected 1,378 individuals of 16 sandfly species. The capture success rate was higher in Bom Jardim (0.61 specimens/hour/trap) than that of Santa Maria (0.35/specimens/hour/trap). The sandflies were more abundant in the peridomiciles (86.1%) and in the rainy season (77%). Five species were considered constants (occurring in more than 50% of samples), 5 accessory (25%-50%), and 6 accidental (<25%). The most abundant species were Lutzomyia longipalpis (59.7%) and L whitmani (28%). The permutation analysis showed differences between the species composition of the villages and no separation between the intradomicile and peridomicile of each village. The species that most contributed to the dissimilarity between the light traps of the 2 villages were L. longipalpis, L. whitmani, and L. evandroi, contributing to 80.8% of the variation among groups. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of richness and abundance of species and the presence of competent vectors throughout the year and around houses justify the occurrence of leishmaniasis cases reported in the area.


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INTRODUCTION: The present study identified the triatomines collected in intra and peri-domestic environments, observed the occurrence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines and correlated this information with housing conditions and the fauna associated with the rural areas of the City of Itabaianinha, located in the State of Sergipe, Brazil. METHODS: Quarterly visits were conducted between March 2009 and March 2010, and the homes to be visited for the active search of insects were determined by random selection. In each housing unit, the insects were collected by a manual search with a metal clip and flashlight to inspect openings and cavities, with a collection time of one hour/home/individual. The Pirisa® dislodge chemical was used to force the insects to leave their ecotopes. Analysis of the intestinal contents of triatomines was performed in the laboratory to establish the presence of Trypanosomatidae. RESULTS: Of the 103 dwellings surveyed, 17.5% were infested with Panstrongylus megistus. The village of Mutuca exhibited the highest infestation rate (38.1%). All the villages with relevant infestation rates were situated in the northern area of the city. The highest percentage of vector infection was found in the village of Água Boa (56.5%). The rural dwellings were found to be primarily brick or wooden house with or without roughcast or plastered walls, and the outbuilding most frequently associated with triatomines was the chicken run. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasise the need for broader vector control and surveillance and for educational campaigns in the context of the Chagas Disease Control Program.


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IntroductionThe year 2009 marked the beginning of a pandemic caused by a new variant of influenza A (H1N1). After spreading through North America, the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1) 2009 spread rapidly throughout the world. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of pandemic influenza in a tropical/semi-arid region of Brazil.MethodsA retrospective study analyzed all suspected cases of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 reported in the Ceará State through the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases during the pandemic period between 28 April, 2009 and November 25, 2010.ResultsA total of 616 suspected cases were notified, 58 (9.4%) in the containment phase and 558 (90.6%) in the mitigation phase. Most cases were of affected young people resident in the City of Fortaleza, the largest urban center in the State of Ceará. The most frequent symptoms presented by the cases with confirmed infection were fever, cough, myalgia, arthralgia, and nasal congestion. Mortality rate was 0.0009/1,000 inhabitants and lethality was 5.6%. Deaths were observed only in the mitigation phase. Mortality rates were similar for both sexes but were higher in the age group under 5 years.ConclusionsThe study suggests that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in this tropical/semi-arid region had a lower magnitude when compared to states in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil.


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A morte súbita de José Mariano Gago aos 66 anos gerou consternação nos seus numerosos amigos e admiradores em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Governante mais durável do regime, a sua obra recebeu tributos unânimes cá dentro, sendo amplamente creditado lá fora por ter criado o Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC). Estão disponíveis inúmeros testemunhos num sítio dedicado, foi publicada em sua memória um volume de estudos sobre ciência e ensino superior em Portugal e preparam-se mais homenagens. Esta destaca dois aspetos menos conhecidos do físico e político português, amor pela história pátria e consciência da relação desta com o saber tropical, antes de apreciar a retrospetiva oficial. Focando um retrato de Damião de Góis que desejava oferecer na Flandres e acreditava que eu poderia localizar, a minha homenagem a Mariano pretende ir para além do Palácio das Laranjeiras, onde governou, e da Europa, onde estudou.


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Foi desenvolvida uma solução construtiva de paredes monolíticas com base em terra estabilizada com cal aérea, canas e fibras de canas. Apresenta-se um contributo para a otimização da solução construtiva através da caracterização de provetes do material utilizado, nos quais se variaram as proporções dos constituintes. Avaliou-se a massa volúmica no estado seco, a condutibilidade térmica, o comportamento face à água e o comportamento mecânico. Para além da menor massa volúmica e maior resistência térmica, comparativamente a outras soluções de paredes de terra, as resistências mecânicas podem ser particularmente controladas através da proporção (e tipo) de constituintes. Este tipo de solução é ainda particularmente interessante pela facilidade de execução, que permite a sua aplicação por mão-de-obra não especializada, podendo dessa forma promover a criação de emprego e resolver carências habitacionais.


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IntroductionThis study investigated the occurrence of Strongyloides stercoralis infestation and coinfection with HTLV-1/2 in Belém, Brazil.MethodsS. stercoralis was investigated in stool samples obtained from individuals infected with HTLV-1/2 and their uninfected relatives.ResultsThe frequency of S. stercoralis was 9% (9/100), including six patients infected with HTLV-1 (14.3%), two patients infected with HTLV-2 (11.1%), and one uninfected relative. Two cases of hyperinfestation by S. stercoralis were characterized as HTLV-1.ConclusionsThese results support the need for the routine investigation of S. stercoralis in patients with HTLV-1, in an attempt to prevent the development of severe forms of strongyloidiasis.