973 resultados para Marsh Lands
Resumen: A simple vista, la zoología monstruosa podría verse como una fauna de carácter real, en oposición a otros seres que evidencian su monstruosidad. Sin embargo, bajo ese manto aparente de realismo, se esconde el principio mágico que ha movido a esos animales a un desplazamiento de la más pura realidad a la otredad monstruosa, sea a causa de la metamorfosis, de las profecías o de cualquier otro elemento que no se corresponda directamente con su naturaleza animal, sino que provenga de un principio exterior —la magia— o interior —su propia naturaleza monstruosa/prodigiosa—. Es el caso de los leones del Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511), que debe enfrentar el héroe en tierras de moros
Abstract: Research on the Telepinu Myth (CTH 324) has shown that it is an inexhaustibly rich document and that therefore the different, and sometimes conflicting, lines of analysis need to be pursued further. In the light of the symbolic evidence presented by this mythological tradition, we propose to focus on the privileged position granted to spatial symbols and to hypothesize the function this Myth served in specific contexts of the Hittite history, characterized by the increase and reduction of lands under Hittite jurisdiction. In this regard, we propose to evaluate the symbolic function that the Telepinu Myth displayed in order to rebuild the sacred space of the territories governed by the Hittites, when they were undergoing changes brought about by increased political and military contact with neighboring societies.
Resumen: La esclavitud en la Edad Moderna supuso una realidad social muy arraigada. Último eslabón de una sociedad estamental, en este trabajo, enmarcado espacialmente en el reino de Toledo en tierras de Castilla se analizan diversos aspectos de la condición de los esclavos: descripción y aspecto físico, tipología de las causas de esclavitud, comercio de esclavos, ocupaciones y servicios a que se dedicaban, comportamiento y conflictividad social y finalmente la manumisión. Para ello se han utilizado fuentes procedentes de archivos religiosos, de la nobleza y abundante documentación notarial y judicial.
Resumen: La ciudad de Rosario es la segunda área metropolitana del país que registra una incidencia relevante de asentamientos y población residente en los mismos. La mayoría de los asentamientos se ubica sobre viejos trazos de vías del ferrocarril, pero también los hay sobre las vías en uso y otros terrenos fiscales y privados. Los mismos ocupan el 2% de la superficie de la ciudad y el 15% de sus habitantes. Este estudio se realiza en el barrio San Francisquito, comprendido entre las calles Francia, Avellaneda, Ocampo y Seguí. El objetivo del mismo, es describir las estrategias metodológicas desarrolladas, durante este primer año, en el marco de la investigación. Los materiales y métodos utilizados están descriptos por etapas, en la primera se determinó la muestra de hogares, en la segunda se explica los ajustes al formulario de la encuesta de condiciones de vida y la tercera etapa desarrolla la estrategia de capacitación para el trabajo de campo. La muestra, distribuida por sector y radio; la adaptación de los formularios y los talleres de capacitación son los resultados alcanzados. Considerándose estratégico el fortalecimiento de las capacidades locales para la sustentabilidad del proyecto.
These collections were made by Meek and Hildebrand, in connection with their work on fishes in the seasons of 1911 and 1912, by Goldman in 1912, and by Marsh who was present in Panama for four weeks in 1912 for the express purpose of making such collections. Most of the collections were made within the limits of the Canal Zone. A few collections were made in eastern Colombia, some on Rio Bayana and its tributaries, some on the Chagres and Trinidad outside the Zone and some in the neighborhood of Chorrera and of old Panama... (Document has 33 pages)
Thousands of hectares of native plants and shallow open water habitat have been displaced in Lake Okeechobee’s marsh by the invasive exotic species torpedograss ( Panicum repens L.). The rate of torpedograss expansion, it’s areal distribution and the efficacy of herbicide treatments used to control torpedograss in the lake’s marsh were quantified using aerial color infra red (IR) photography.(PDF has 6 pages.)
Aboriginal peoples in Canada have been mapping aspects of their cultures for more than a generation. Indians, Inuit, Métis, non-status Indians and others have called their maps by different names at various times and places: land use and occupancy; land occupancy and use; traditional use; traditional land use and occupancy; current use; cultural sensitive areas; and so on. I use “land use and occupancy mapping” in a generic sense to include all the above. The term refers to the collection of interview data about traditional use of resources and occupancy of lands by First Nation persons, and the presentation of those data in map form. Think of it as the geography of oral tradition, or as the mapping of cultural and resource geography. (PDF contains 81 pages.)
[ES] El presente artículo pretende aportar nuevos datos sobre la ganadería en los territorios vascos durante la Edad Moderna. Ante todo se trata de romper con falsos paradigmas que se han venido repitiendo durante largo tiempo, aportando datos inéditos. Los clásicos de la historiografía vasca siempre han recalcado el carácter rural y agrario de la economía vasca; a pesar de ello, actividades como la ganadería jamás han ocupado un espacio primordial como objeto de estudio entre los historiadores, que en muchos casos han aceptado las teorías de etnógrafos y antropólogos sin contrastarlas. La ganadería en tierras vascas siguió modelos cantábricos, que ya vienen siendo estudiados desde algunas décadas por los historiadores gallegos, asturianos o cántabros; escuelas que han establecido nuevas metodologías para el estudio de la ganadería, las cabañas predominantes, el régimen de explotación, su impacto económico, etc., y cuyo ejemplo desgraciadamente no ha sido secundado en el caso vasco.
(ES) En este artículo son analizadas las políticas de suelo industrial en Álava, uno de los tres territorios históricos o provincias), junto con Vizcaya y Guipúzcoa, que integra la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV en adelante). En un primer apartado exponemos los planteamientos teóricos actuales que inspiran el diseño de las políticas en materia de suelo industrial y posteriormente valoramos las actuaciones y los resultados de los diferentes organismos que gestionan este tipo de suelo en Álava. Finalmente, avanzamos los resultados preliminares obtenidos mediante el SIG Alavamap.
Ejemplar dedicado a: Élites sociales y poder territorial.
Salvinia (Salvinia minima Willd.) is a water fern found in Florida waters, usually associated with Lemna and other small free-floating species. Due to its buoyancy and mat-forming abilities, it is spread by moving waters. In 1994, salvinia was reported to be present in 247 water bodies in the state (out of 451 surveyed public waters, Schardt 1997). It is a small, rapidly growing species that can become a nuisance due to its explosive growth rates and its ability to shade underwater life (Oliver 1993). Any efforts toward management of salvinia populations must consider that, in reasonable amounts, its presence is desirable since it plays an important role in the overall ecosystem balance. New management alternatives need to be explored besides the conventional herbicide treatments; for example, it has been shown that the growth of S. molesta can be inhibited by extracts of the tropical weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) and its purified toxin parthenin (Pande 1994, 1996). We believe that cattail, Typha spp. may be a candidate for control of S. minima infestations. Cattail is an aggressive aquatic plant, and has the ability to expand over areas that weren't previously occupied by other species (Gallardo et al. 1998a and references cited there). In South Florida, T. domingensis is a natural component of the Everglades ecosystem, but in many cases it has become the dominant marsh species, outcompeting other native plants. In Florida public waters, this cattail species is the most dominant emergent species of aquatic plants (Schardt 1997). Several factors enable it to accomplish opportunistic expansion, including size, growth habits, adaptability to changes in the surroundings, and the release of compounds that can prevent the growth and development of other species. We have been concerned in the past with the inhibitory effects of the T. domingensis extracts, and the phenolic compounds mentioned before, towards the growth and propagation of S. minima (Gallardo et al. 1998b). This investigation deals with the impact of cattail materials on the rates of oxygen production of salvinia, as determined through a series of Warburg experiments (Martin et al. 1987, Prindle and Martin 1996).
Future water needs in southern Florida call for an increase in the storage capacity of Lake Okeechobee. Seepage from the lake is expected to increase as a result of raising the lake level. Data concerning the occurrence and amounts of seepage are needed for the design and operation of flood-control works which will remove excess water from the rich agricultural lands along the southern shore. Intensive studies at five sites along the southern shore of Lake Okeechobee between the Caloosahatchee Canal and the St. Lucie Canal indicate that seepage occurs chiefly through beds of shell and limestone which underlie the Hoover Dike at shallow depth. Seepage rates at the five sites range from about 0.1 to 0.9 cfs per mile per foot of head across the dike. Seepage beneath the 50-mile length of dike should increase from about 22 to 50 cfs if the average stage of the lake is raised from 14 to 16.5 feet. Seepage is greatest between Moore Haven and Clewiston, where deep borrows have been excavated on the landward and lakeward sides of the dike. Most of the seepage from the lake can be controlled by properly spaced toe ditches which would intercept the seepage and return it to the lake. (PDF contains 108 pages.)