986 resultados para Man-woman relationships


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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In this article, we offer a new way of exploring relationships between three different dimensions of a business operation, namely the stage of business development, the methods of creativity and the major cultural values. Although separately, each of these has gained enormous attention from the management research community, evidenced by a large volume of research studies, there have been not many studies that attempt to describe the logic that connect these three important aspects of a business; let alone empirical evidences that support any significant relationships among these variables. The paper also provides a data set and an empirical investigation on that data set, using a categorical data analysis, to conclude that examinations of these possible relationships are meaningful and possible for seemingly unquantifiable information. The results also show that the most significant category among all creativity methods employed in Vietnamese enterprises is the “creative disciplines” rule in the “entrepreneurial phase,” while in general creative disciplines have played a critical role in explaining the structure of our data sample, for both stages of development in our consideration.


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This research aims to communicate new results of empirical investigations to learn about the relationship between determination of controlling an acquired firm’s capital, assets and brand versus its capability of innovation and ex post performance of the rising Vietnamese M&A industry in the 2005-2012 period. The analysis employs a categorical data sample, consisting of 212 M&A cases reported by various information sources, and performs a number of logistic regressions with significant results as follows. Firstly, the overall relationship between pre-M&A pursuit’s determination on acquiring resources and performance of the post-M&A performance is found significant. There exist profound effects of a ‘size matters’ strategy in M&A ex post performance. When there is an overwhelming ‘resources acquiring’ strategy, the innovation factor’s explanatory power becomes negligible. Secondly, for negative performance of post-M&A operations, the emphasis on both capital base and asset size, and the brand value at the time of the M&A pursuit is the major explanation in the post-M&A period. So does the absence of innovation as a goal in the pre-M&A period. These two insights together are useful in careful M&A planning. Lastly, expensive pre-M&A expenditures tend to adversely affect the post-M&A performance. As a general conclusion, this study shows that innovation can be an important factor to pursue in M&A transitions, together with the need to emphasize and find capable and willing human capital, rather than a capital base (equity or debt) and existing values of the acquired brands.


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been measured in the home environment and in humans, but studies linking environmental levels to body burdens are limited. This study examines the relationship between PBDE concentrations in house dust and serum from adults residing in these homes. We measured PBDE concentrations in house dust from 50 homes and in serum of male-female couples from 12 of the homes. Detection rates, dust-serum, and within-matrix correlations varied by PBDE congener. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.65-0.89, p < 0.05) between dust and serum concentrations of several predominant PBDE congeners (BDE 47, 99, and 100). Dust and serum levels of BDE 153 were not correlated (r < 0.01). The correlation of dust and serum levels of BDE 209 could not be evaluated due to low detection rates of BDE 209 in serum. Serum concentrations of the sum of BDE 47, 99, and 100 were also strongly correlated within couples (r = 0.85, p = 0.0005). This study provides evidence that house dust is a primary exposure pathway of PBDEs and supports the use of dust PBDE concentrations as a marker for exposure to PBDE congeners other than BDE 153.


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UNLABELLED: PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The Sphagnopsida, an early-diverging lineage of mosses (phylum Bryophyta), are morphologically and ecologically unique and have profound impacts on global climate. The Sphagnopsida are currently classified in two genera, Sphagnum (peat mosses) with some 350-500 species and Ambuchanania with one species. An analysis of phylogenetic relationships among species and genera in the Sphagnopsida were conducted to resolve major lineages and relationships among species within the Sphagnopsida. • METHODS: Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences from the nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes (11 704 nucleotides total) were conducted and analyzed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference employing seven different substitution models of varying complexity. • KEY RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses resolved three lineages within the Sphagnopsida: (1) Sphagnum sericeum, (2) S. inretortum plus Ambuchanania leucobryoides, and (3) all remaining species of Sphagnum. Sister group relationships among these three clades could not be resolved, but the phylogenetic results indicate that the highly divergent morphology of A. leucobryoides is derived within the Sphagnopsida rather than plesiomorphic. A new classification is proposed for class Sphagnopsida, with one order (Sphagnales), three families, and four genera. • CONCLUSIONS: The Sphagnopsida are an old lineage within the phylum Bryophyta, but the extant species of Sphagnum represent a relatively recent radiation. It is likely that additional species critical to understanding the evolution of peat mosses await discovery, especially in the southern hemisphere.


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Eukaryotic genomes are mostly composed of noncoding DNA whose role is still poorly understood. Studies in several organisms have shown correlations between the length of the intergenic and genic sequences of a gene and the expression of its corresponding mRNA transcript. Some studies have found a positive relationship between intergenic sequence length and expression diversity between tissues, and concluded that genes under greater regulatory control require more regulatory information in their intergenic sequences. Other reports found a negative relationship between expression level and gene length and the interpretation was that there is selection pressure for highly expressed genes to remain small. However, a correlation between gene sequence length and expression diversity, opposite to that observed for intergenic sequences, has also been reported, and to date there is no testable explanation for this observation. To shed light on these varied and sometimes conflicting results, we performed a thorough study of the relationships between sequence length and gene expression using cell-type (tissue) specific microarray data in Arabidopsis thaliana. We measured median gene expression across tissues (expression level), expression variability between tissues (expression pattern uniformity), and expression variability between replicates (expression noise). We found that intergenic (upstream and downstream) and genic (coding and noncoding) sequences have generally opposite relationships with respect to expression, whether it is tissue variability, median, or expression noise. To explain these results we propose a model, in which the lengths of the intergenic and genic sequences have opposite effects on the ability of the transcribed region of the gene to be epigenetically regulated for differential expression. These findings could shed light on the role and influence of noncoding sequences on gene expression.


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We investigate how perceived meaning influences labor supply. In a laboratory setting, we manipulate the perceived meaning of simple, repetitive tasks and find a strong influence on subjects' labor supply. Despite the fact that the wage and the task are identical across the conditions in each experiment, subjects in the less meaningful conditions exhibit reservation wages that are consistently much higher than the subjects in the more meaningful conditions. The result replicates across different types of tasks. Moreover, in the more meaningful conditions, subjects' productivity influences labor supply more strongly. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), or Devic's disease, is an idiopathic severe demyelinating disease that preferentially affects the optic nerve and spinal cord. Neuraxial anesthesia in women with multiple sclerosis is widely accepted, but reports of the use of neuraxial anesthesia in patients with NMO are scarce. We report the case of a morbidly obese primigravida undergoing a planned cesarean delivery at 32 weeks' gestation due to an acute exacerbation of NMO, managed with spinal anesthesia. Other than increased intraoperative hyperalgesia requiring inhaled nitrous oxide/oxygen, the mother experienced no apparent anesthetic-related complications.


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As a psychological principle, the golden rule represents an ethic of universal empathic concern. It is, surprisingly, present in the sacred texts of virtually all religions, and in philosophical works across eras and continents. Building on the literature demonstrating a positive impact of prosocial behavior on well-being, the present study investigates the psychological function of universal empathic concern in Indian Hindus, Christians, Muslims and Sikhs.

I develop a measure of the centrality of the golden rule-based ethic, within an individual’s understanding of his or her religion, that is applicable to all theistic religions. I then explore the consistency of its relationships with psychological well-being and other variables across religious groups.

Results indicate that this construct, named Moral Concern Religious Focus, can be reliably measured in disparate religious groups, and consistently predicts well-being across them. With measures of Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Quest religious orientations in the model, only Moral Concern and religiosity predict well-being. Moral Concern alone mediates the relationship between religiosity and well-being, and explains more variance in well-being than religiosity alone. The relationship between Moral Concern and well-being is mediated by increased preference for prosocial values, more satisfying interpersonal relationships, and greater meaning in life. In addition, across religious groups Moral Concern is associated with better self-reported physical and mental health, and more compassionate attitudes toward oneself and others.

Two additional types of religious focus are identified: Personal Gain, representing the motive to use religion to improve one’s life, and Relationship with God. Personal Gain is found to predict reduced preference for prosocial values, less meaning in life, and lower quality of relationships. It is associated with greater interference of pain and physical or mental health problems with daily activities, and lower self-compassion. Relationship with God is found to be associated primarily with religious variables and greater meaning in life.

I conclude that individual differences in the centrality of the golden rule and its associated ethic of universal empathic concern may play an important role in explaining the variability in associations between religion, prosocial behavior and well-being noted in the literature.


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In recent years international policies have aimed to stimulate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of health care. Belgium has also been affected by these developments and, for example, health electronic regional networks ("HNs") are established. Thanks to a qualitative case study we have explored the implementation of such innovations (HN) to better understand how health professionals collaborate through the HN and how the HN affect their relationships. Within the HNs studied a common good unites the actors: the continuity of care for a better quality of care. However behind this objective of continuity of care other individual motivations emerge. Some controversies need also to be resolved in order to achieve cooperative relationships. HNs have notably to take national developments into account. These developments raise the question of the control of medical knowledge and medical practice. Professional issues, and not only practical changes, are involved in these innovations. © 2008 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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El desplazamiento del área de siembra hacia el sur y los requerimientos del mercado obligaron a la introducción de nuevas variedades de maní en reemplazo de las tradicionales. Sin embargo no se han evaluado las tres variedades más difundidas en relación a su comportamiento a campo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar tres variedades comerciales de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.) en términos de fenología, rendimiento y calidad granométrica en condiciones de campo para la zona central de Córdoba. Se llevó a cabo la siembra a campo de las variedades GRANOLEICO, ASEM 484 y ASEM 485. Se evaluaron: a) parámetros fenológicos: emergencia de plántulas, ciclo de las variedades (R1 y R5), estado de madurez de las variedades, b) parámetros productivos: rendimiento (kg/ha) y calidad granométrica, c) análisis económico. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se concluye que la variedad GRANOLEICO requiere mayor tiempo térmico (ºCdía) para cumplir las mismas etapas fenológicas, si bien el rendimiento es similar al obtenido por las variedades ASEM 484 y 485. Sin embargo estas variedades presentan mayor calidad granométrica. La variedad GRANOLEICO obtuvo un (- 16,30 por ciento) y la variedad ASEM 485 un (- 0,46 por ciento) de ingreso ($/ha) respecto de la variedad ASEM 484. Por lo expuesto se sugiere la correcta elección de las variedades de maní, de acuerdo al área y fecha de siembra.


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En la región manisera de Córdoba, la combinación de distintos antecesores del maní en la rotación y la variabilidad de las lluvias otoñales determinan diferentes contenidos de agua en el subsuelo (60-200 cm). El agua sub-superficial debería contribuir a la toma de decisión entre una siembra temprana (mayor déficit hídrico en período crítico) o tardía (menor oferta fototermal en etapa reproductiva), así como a la elección del genotipo. Se realizó un experimento a campo durante 2008-2009 con (i) déficit hídrico desde R3 a partir de cultivos creciendo con dos niveles de agua disponible subsuperficial (ADC 70 por ciento y ADC 30 por ciento), (ii) dos épocas de siembra (21-oct. y 2-dic.), y (iii) dos genotipos (moderno ASEM y antiguo FLORMAN). Se midió periódicamente el contenido de agua edáfica para determinar (i) la velocidad aparente de profundización de las raíces (VAPR), (ii) la profundidad máxima de absorción de agua (PMA) y (iii) la tasa de absorción de agua (K). Además se midió: el rendimiento en grano, y sus componentes (número de granos y peso del grano) y las eficiencias en el uso de la radiación y del agua. La menor ADC penalizó doblemente la capacidad de uso del agua, disminuyendo la VAPR y PMA como también K. Esto siempre causó fuertes caídas en el rendimiento, principalmente por reducción en el número de grano, bien representadas por la respuesta de este último con la tasa de crecimiento del cultivo en el período crítico. Un menor tamaño de los destinos reproductivos provocó un efecto de retrocontrol de la actividad de la fuente, reduciendo la eficiencia del uso de los recursos agua y radiación. El rendimiento de ASEM superó al de Florman en todos los casos. Todas las combinaciones de ADC x genotipo en siembra tardía redujeron el rendimiento respecto a su contraparte de la fecha temprana, con excepción de ASEM ADC 70 por ciento Por lo tanto, el uso del genotipo ASEM combinado con buena provisión de agua en el subsuelo permite ampliar la ventana de fechas de siembra manteniendo el rendimiento del cultivo.


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En la región manisera de Córdoba, la combinación de distintos antecesores del maní en la rotación y la variabilidad de las lluvias otoñales determinan diferentes contenidos de agua en el subsuelo (60-200 cm). El agua sub-superficial debería contribuir a la toma de decisión entre una siembra temprana (mayor déficit hídrico en período crítico)o tardía (menor oferta fototermal en etapa reproductiva), así como a la elección del genotipo. Se realizó un experimento a campo durante 2008-2009 con (i)déficit hídrico desde R3 a partir de cultivos creciendo con dos niveles de agua disponible subsuperficial (ADC 70 por ciento y ADC 30 por ciento), (ii)dos épocas de siembra (21-oct. y 2-dic.), y (iii)dos genotipos (moderno ASEM y antiguo FLORMAN). Se midió periódicamente el contenido de agua edáfica para determinar (i)la velocidad aparente de profundización de las raíces (VAPR), (ii)la profundidad máxima de absorción de agua (PMA)y (iii)la tasa de absorción de agua (K). Además se midió: el rendimiento en grano, y sus componentes (número de granos y peso del grano)y las eficiencias en el uso de la radiación y del agua. La menor ADC penalizó doblemente la capacidad de uso del agua, disminuyendo la VAPR y PMA como también K. Esto siempre causó fuertes caídas en el rendimiento, principalmente por reducción en el número de grano, bien representadas por la respuesta de este último con la tasa de crecimiento del cultivo en el período crítico. Un menor tamaño de los destinos reproductivos provocó un efecto de retrocontrol de la actividad de la fuente, reduciendo la eficiencia del uso de los recursos agua y radiación. El rendimiento de ASEM superó al de Florman en todos los casos. Todas las combinaciones de ADC x genotipo en siembra tardía redujeron el rendimiento respecto a su contraparte de la fecha temprana, con excepción de ASEM ADC 70 por ciento Por lo tanto, el uso del genotipo ASEM combinado con buena provisión de agua en el subsuelo permite ampliar la ventana de fechas de siembra manteniendo el rendimiento del cultivo.