989 resultados para Malaria transmission


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Vouloir parler de la transmission, revient en somme passer en revue l’histoire de l’homme à travers ses différentes évolutions. Les civilisations, les cultures, les visages, les coutumes sont en effet le résultat de transmissions successives qui se sont effectuées dans et à travers le temps.

Ce livre pose une question essentielle : Comment peut-on transmettre de la conscience à quelqu’un ? Car l’axe essentiel de toute spiritualité non dénaturée est de rendre conscient. A ce niveau, la transmission devrait se passer entre quelqu’un qui est conscient et quelqu’un qui se trouve en déficit de conscience. L’instructeur spirituel partage avec l’autre la clarté de conscience dans laquelle il se trouve afin de créer une ouverture et un supplément d’âme. C’est là ce qui distingue la transmission spirituelle de l’acte simple de transmettre un savoir ou des informations d’ordre culturel, technique ou autre de génération en génération. Dans le cadre de la transmission de conscience, le paradoxe est qu’il faut révéler à l’autre, lui transmettre un état d’être qui se trouve déjà en lui. C’est une thérapie de l’âme.


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Substitution reactions between multiwalled carbon nanotubes and silicon monoxide vapour have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy. Different reactions occurred inside the multiwalled nanotubes and on the nanotube external surfaces, resulting in the formation of silicon carbide nanowires with a core–shell structure. The substitution reaction process and end products are strongly affected by nanotube structures and a ball milling treatment of the starting materials.


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Waterbirds, particularly Anatidae, are natural reservoirs for low-pathogenic avian influenza and have been implicated as the primary source of infection in outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza. An understanding of the movements of birds and the ecology of avian influenza viruses within the wild bird population is essential in assessing the risks to human health and production industries. Marked differences in the movements of Australian birds from those of the Northern Hemisphere emphasises the danger of generalising trends of disease prevalence to Australian conditions. Populations of Anatidae in Australia are not migratory, as they are in the Northern Hemisphere, but rather display typical nomadic traits, sometimes moving large distances across continental Australia in response to flooding or drought. There is little known regular interchange of anatids between Australia and Asia. In contrast, species such as shorebirds and some seabirds are annual migrants to Australia along recognised flyways from breeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere. Movement into Australia by these species mainly occurs into the north-west and along the east coast over the Pacific Ocean. These species primarily arrive during the Australian spring and form large aggregations along the coastline and on inland wetlands. Other Australian migratory species (passerines, bee-eaters, dollar-birds, cuckoos, doves) regularly move to and from Asia through the Torres Strait Islands. The disease status of these birds is unknown. The movements of some species, particularly anatids and ardeids, which have ranges including Australia and regions where the virus is known to occur, have been poorly studied and there is potential for introduction of avian influenza subtypes via this route. Avian influenza viruses are highly unpredictable and can undergo reassortment to more pathogenic forms. There is insufficient knowledge of the epidemiology and transmission of these viruses in Australia and broad-scale surveillance of wild birds is logistically difficult. Long-term studies of anatids that co-habit with Charadriiformes are recommended. This would provide an indication of the spatial and temporal patterns of subtypes entering Australia and improve our understanding of the ecology of endemic viruses. Until such time as these data become available, Australia's preparedness for avian influenza must focus on biosecurity at the wild bird–poultry interface.


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The proliferation of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum within the human host is dependent upon invasion of erythrocytes. This process is accomplished by the merozoite, a highly specialized form of the parasite. Secretory organelles including micronemes and rhoptries play a pivotal role in the invasion process by storing and releasing parasite proteins. The mechanism of protein sorting to these compartments is unclear. Using a transgenic approach we show that trafficking of the most abundant micronemal proteins (members of the EBL-family: EBA-175, EBA-140/BAEBL, and EBA-181/JSEBL) is independent of their cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains, respectively. To identify the minimal sequence requirements for microneme trafficking, we generated parasites expressing EBAGFP chimeric proteins and analyzed their distribution within the infected erythrocyte. This revealed that: (i) a conserved cysteine-rich region in the ectodomain is necessary for protein trafficking to the micronemes and (ii) correct sorting is dependent on accurate timing of expression.


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One of the key processes in the pathobiology of the malaria parasite is the invasion and subsequent modification of the human erythrocyte. In this complex process, an unknown number of parasite proteins are involved, some of which are leading vaccine candidates. The majority of the proteins that play pivotal roles in invasion are either stored in the apical secretory organelles or located on the surface of the merozoite, the invasive stage of the parasite. Using transcriptional and structural features of these known proteins, we performed a genomewide search that identified 49 hypothetical proteins with a high probability of being located on the surface of the merozoite or in the secretory organelles. Of these candidates, we characterized a novel leucine zipper-like protein in Plasmodium falciparum that is conserved in Plasmodium spp. This protein is expressed in late blood stages and localizes to the rhoptries of the parasite. We demonstrate that this Plasmodium sp.-specific protein has a high degree of conservation within field isolates and that it is refractory to gene knockout attempts and thus might play an important role in invasion.


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Osmiophilic bodies are membrane-bound vesicles, found predominantly in Plasmodium female gametocytes, that become progressively more abundant as the gametocyte reaches full maturity. These vesicles lie beneath the subpellicular membrane of the gametocyte, and the release of their contents into the parasitophorous vacuole has been postulated to aid in the escape of gametocytes from the erythrocyte after ingestion by the mosquito. Currently, the only protein known to be associated with osmiophilic bodies in Plasmodium falciparum is Pfg377, a gametocyte-specific protein expressed at the onset of osmiophilic body development. Here we show by targeted gene disruption that Pfg377 plays a fundamental role in the formation of these organelles, and that female gametocytes lacking the full complement of osmiophilic bodies are significantly less efficient both in vitro and in vivo in their emergence from the erythrocytes upon induction of gametogenesis, a process whose timing is critical for fertilization with the short-lived male gamete. This reduced efficiency of emergence explains the significant defect in oocyst formation in mosquitoes fed blood meals containing Pfg377-negative gametocytes, resulting in an almost complete blockade of infection.


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The mechanisms responsible for the immunosuppression associated with sepsis or some chronic blood infections remain poorly understood. Here we show that infection with a malaria parasite (Plasmodium berghei) or simple systemic exposure to bacterial or viral Toll-like receptor ligands inhibited cross-priming. Reduced cross-priming was a consequence of downregulation of cross-presentation by activated dendritic cells due to systemic activation that did not otherwise globally inhibit T cell proliferation. Although activated dendritic cells retained their capacity to present viral antigens via the endogenous major histocompatibility complex class I processing pathway, antiviral responses were greatly impaired in mice exposed to Toll-like receptor ligands. This is consistent with a key function for cross-presentation in antiviral immunity and helps explain the immunosuppressive effects of systemic infection. Moreover, inhibition of cross-presentation was overcome by injection of dendritic cells bearing antigen, which provides a new strategy for generating immunity during immunosuppressive blood infections.


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A new fabric with potential in medical textiles has been developed by application of a surface coating on wool using pulsed plasma polymerization of HMDSO. This coating enabled a controllable MVTR and surface adhesion. MVTR in the range recommended for optimum wound healing was obtained by varying frequency, monomer pressure and deposition time. Lower surface adhesion was achieved. Peeling tests, contact angle measurements, SPM force curves and ATR FT-IR were used to characterize the surfaces for both wool and a PE model substrate. All these results were consistent with a decrease in surface energy after PP-HMDSO treatment. ATR FT-IR results showed a siloxane film with less organic Si(CH3)n groups and more SiOSi cross-links.


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Simultaneous volatility models are developed and shown to be separate from multivariate GARCH estimators. An example is provided that allows for simultaneous and unidirectional volatility and volume of trade effects. These effects are tested using intraday data from the Australian cash index and index futures markets. Overnight volatility spillover effects from the United States S&P500 index futures markets are tested using alternative estimates of this US market volatility. The simultaneous volatility model proves to be robust to alternative specifications of returns equations and to misspecification of the direction of volatility causality.