977 resultados para MOVIE CHARACTERS


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ABSTRACTA new species of phlebotomine sand fly is described and illustrated based on the male and female morphological characters of specimens collected from Tefé and Coari municipalities, Amazonas state. The phlebotomine sand flies were collected with CDC light traps used as aspirators at the base of tree trunks. Both male and female specimens collected in Tefé municipality were first identified as Psathyromyia souzacastroi. After the analysis of the holotype of Pa. souzacastroi deposited in Smithsonian Institute/Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, it was observed that the morphotypes collected in Tefé municipality belong to a distinct species, which characterization is here presented.


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ABSTRACT The external morphology and biology of the immature stages of Hamadryas fornax fornax (Hübner, [1823]) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Biblidinae) recorded on Dalechampia triphylla (Euphorbiaceae) in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil are described. Morphological characters are illustrated and described, as a result of observations in scanning electron, stereoscope and optical microscopes, the last two attached to a camera lucida. Results are compared and discussed with immature stages of other species of Biblidinae.


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ABSTRACT In several arthropod groups, male genitalia is the most important feature for species identification, especially in cryptic species. Cryptic species are very common in the Drosophila genus, and the Neotropical Drosophila willistoni species group is a good example. This group currently includes 24 species divided into three subgroups: alagitans, bocainensis and willistoni. There are six sibling species in the willistoni subgroup – D. willistoni, D. insularis, D. tropicalis, D. equinoxialis, D. pavlovskiana and D. paulistorum, which is a species complex composed of six semispecies – Amazonian, Andean-Brazilian, Centroamerican, Interior, Orinocan and Transitional. The objective of this study was to characterize male genitalia of the willistoni subgroup, including the D. paulistorum species complex, using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. We also tried to contribute to the identification of these cryptic species and to add some comments about evolutionary history, based on male genitalia characters. Despite being cryptic species, some differences were found among the siblings, including the Drosophila paulistorum semispecies.


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ABSTRACT Third stage larvae and pupae are described based on specimens collected in Mexico: Oaxaca (Cerro Zempoaltepetl), and Chiapas (Amatenango), respectively. Pupal characters are described for the first time for American Hopliinae. Habitus images and figures of diagnostic characters as well as comments on the differences between these larvae and those of Hoplia callipyge LeConte, 1856 and H. equina LeConte, 1880, the only Hopliinae larvae previously known in New World, are also included.


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ABSTRACT The male of Hirmoneuropsis luctuosa (Philippi, 1865) is redescribed and the puparium is described and illustrated for the first time. Hirmoneuropsis luctuosa is compared with other species of the genus. Illustrations of diagnostic characters of the male and pupa are also provided.


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There is in this work a description of sedimentological characters of the medium Eocene sandstone level from Sarriá de Ter (Gerona province Spain) and an interpretation of their genesis and situation in the regional paleogeography. The conclusion is that these sandstones form a deltaic channel(delta front). To wards the E and NE the become fluvial deposits, to wards the W, Plana de Vic, they become clay and silstones considered as a prodelta


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The handicap principle of sexual selection theory states that colourful phenotypic traits signal aspects of individual quality because only individuals in prime condition can afford to produce and bear conspicuous traits. Melanin-based pigments participate in the elaboration of many secondary sexual characters and, given their role in sexual selection, melanin-based coloration may therefore honestly reject individual quality. Although the expression of melanism is usually under genetic control, in some species it is condition dependent. However, the underlying physiological mechanism is yet unknown. Based on the negative feedback link between corticosterone and melanogenesis ( melanocortins, tyrosinase) in response to stressful environmental factors, we hypothesize that corticosterone mediates the condition-dependent component of melanism. This hypothesis predicts that stressful factors induce a rise in circulating corticosterone which inhibits the secretion of melanocortins and tyrosinase and in turn melanin production. We tested this prediction by manipulating the level of corticosterone at the time of melanin production in nestling barn owls, Tyto alba, a species showing heritable variation in the degree of phaeomelanism from reddish-brown to white. The finding that corticosterone-implanted nestlings produced feathers with less phaeomelanic coloration than placebo-implanted nestlings is consistent with the hypothesis that the environment-mediated reduction in the degree of melanism is, at least in part, caused by a rise in corticosterone. In species in which the expression of melanin-based coloration is condition dependent, we now need a test showing that individuals with less corticosterone and more melanin-based signals are individuals in better condition.


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Hand development in the European shrew Crocidura russula is described, based on the examination of a cleared and double-stained ontogenetic series and histological sections of a c. 20-day-old embryo and a neonate. In the embryo all carpal elements are still mesenchymal condensations, and there are three more elements than in the adult stage: the 'lunatum', which fuses with the scaphoid around birth; a centrale, which either fuses with another carpal element or just disappears later in ontogeny; and the anlage of an element that later fuses with the radius. Carpal arrangement in the neonate and the adult is the same. In order to compare the relative timing of the onset of ossification in forelimb bones in C. russula with that of other therians, we built up two matrices of events based on two sets of data and used the event-pair method. In the first analysis, ossification of forelimb elements in general was examined, including that of the humerus, radius, ulna, the first carpal and metacarpal to ossify, and the phalanges of the third digit. The second analysis included each carpal, humerus, radius, ulna, the first metacarpal and the first phalanx to ossify. Some characters (= event-pairs) provide synapomorphies for some clades examined. There have been some shifts in the timing of ossification apparently not caused by ecological and/or environmental influences. In two species (Oryctolagus and Myotis), there is a tendency to start the ossification of the carpals relatively earlier than in all other species examined, the sauropsid outgroups included.


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RESUM Com a continuació del treball de final de carrera “Desenvolupament d’un laboratori virtual per a les pràctiques de Biologia Molecular” de Jordi Romero, s’ha realitzat una eina complementaria per a la visualització de molècules integrada en el propi laboratori virtual. Es tracta d’una eina per a la visualització gràfica de gens, ORF, marques i seqüències de restricció de molècules reals o fictícies. El fet de poder treballar amb molècules fictícies és la gran avantatge respecte a les solucions com GENBANK que només permet treballar amb molècules pròpies. Treballar amb molècules fictícies fa que sigui una solució ideal per a l’ensenyament, ja que dóna la possibilitat als professors de realitzar exercicis o demostracions amb molècules reals o dissenyades expressament per a l’exercici a demostrar. A més, permet mostrar de forma visual les diferents parts simultàniament o per separat, de manera que ofereix una primera aproximació interpretació dels resultats. Per altra banda, permet marcar gens, crear marques, localitzar seqüències de restricció i generar els ORF de la molècula que nosaltres creem o modificar una ja existent. Per l’implementació, s’ha continuat amb l’idea de separar la part de codi i la part de disseny en les aplicacions Flash. Per fer-ho, s’ha utilitzat la plataforma de codi lliure Ariware ARPv2.02 que proposa un marc de desenvolupament d’aplicacions Flash orientades a objectes amb el codi (classes ActionScript 2.0) separats del movieclip. Per al processament de dades s’ha fet servir Perl per ser altament utilitzat en Bioinformàtica i per velocitat de càlcul. Les dades generades es guarden en una Base de Dades en MYSQL (de lliure distribució), de la que s’extreuen les dades per generar fitxers XML, fent servir tant PHP com la plataforma AMFPHP com a enllaç entre Flash i la resta de parts.


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Tot seguit presentem un entorn per analitzar senyals de tot tipus amb LDB (Local Discriminant Bases) i MLDB (Modified Local Discriminant Bases). Aquest entorn utilitza funcions desenvolupades en el marc d’una tesi en fase de desenvolupament. Per entendre part d’aquestes funcions es requereix un nivell de coneixement avançat de processament de senyals. S’han extret dels treballs realitzats per Naoki Saito [3], que s’han agafat com a punt de partida per la realització de l’algorisme de la tesi doctoral no finalitzada de Jose Antonio Soria. Aquesta interfície desenvolupada accepta la incorporació de nous paquets i funcions. Hem deixat un menú preparat per integrar Sinus IV packet transform i Cosine IV packet transform, tot i que també podem incorporar-n’hi altres. L’aplicació consta de dues interfícies, un Assistent i una interfície principal. També hem creat una finestra per importar i exportar les variables desitjades a diferents entorns. Per fer aquesta aplicació s’han programat tots els elements de les finestres, en lloc d’utilitzar el GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Enviroment) de MATLAB, per tal que sigui compatible entre les diferents versions d’aquest programa. En total hem fet 73 funcions en la interfície principal (d’aquestes, 10 pertanyen a la finestra d’importar i exportar) i 23 en la de l’Assistent. En aquest treball només explicarem 6 funcions i les 3 de creació d’aquestes interfícies per no fer-lo excessivament extens. Les funcions que explicarem són les més importants, ja sigui perquè s’utilitzen sovint, perquè, segons la complexitat McCabe, són les més complicades o perquè són necessàries pel processament del senyal. Passem cada entrada de dades per part de l’usuari per funcions que ens detectaran errors en aquesta entrada, com eliminació de zeros o de caràcters que no siguin números, com comprovar que són enters o que estan dins dels límits màxims i mínims que li pertoquen.


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el de dissenyar un comprovador semiautomàtic per a un model d’automatisme que controla l’obertura i el tancament d’una porta. Aquest automatisme requereix d’una verificació de qualitat abans de ser introduït al mercat. La seva comprovació manual és lenta. L’objectiu principal del comprovador, és el de reduir aquest temps de test en almenys un 50% i fer més fàcil la detecció dels errors. El comprovador consta d’un suport per a l’automatisme que transmet els seus punts crítics a una placa de control. Conté un microcontrolador PIC16F887 que gestiona totes les entrades i sortides provinents de l’automatisme. També controla una pantalla LCD de 16x2 caràcters, que mostra els passos a seguir del test i si hi ha algun error. Es fa el disseny d’aquesta placa des de el hardware fins al software. Els resultats del projecte són satisfactoris, ja que compleix els objectius marcats i és un sistema que s’utilitza en l’empresa on es fabriquen aquests automatismes de control de portes.


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La pedagogía crítica acentúa la falta de neutralidad de la escuela respecto a las relaciones de poder que existen en la sociedad. Su propuesta consiste en modificar las relaciones de poder en el aula en el sentido de transformar las relaciones coercitivas –las que reproducen las relaciones existentes– en relaciones colaborativas partiendo del reconocimiento y la participación de los alumnos en las actividades escolares. Desde esta perspectiva, uno de los objetivos de las actividades es que los niños produzcan «textos identitarios», entendidos como artefactos que los alumnos se pueden apropiar para promover su desarrollo cognitivo. El artículo muestra el trabajo educativo integrado desde Educación Infantil hasta 6.º de Primaria de una escuela de la provincia de Girona en la que el 97% de los alumnos es de origen extranjero y cuyo propósito es incrementar las habilidades lingüísticas orales y escritas en la lengua escolar, así como la utilización de otros lenguajes multimedia. La unidad didáctica consiste en la elaboración de un cuento a lo largo de un curso escolar por parte de todo el alumnado con la ayuda de los profesores, de dos autores y de tres ilustradores. Cada ciclo escolar decide los personajes y el escenario y explicita textualmente el transcurso de la acción. Los ilustradores producen las imágenes y los autores posibilitan la transición de aquello que ha elaborado un ciclo al producto del siguiente. La actividad basada en la participación y la utilización de procedimientos democráticos de decisión se inserta en la propuesta educativa y lingüística de la escuela, así como en sus concreciones curriculares. Los resultados muestran que los textos construidos por los niños se apoyan en sus «fondos de conocimiento» sociales y familiares y constituyen una fuente de progreso en la consecución de las competencias básicas y en la construcción de valores democráticos


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This article attempts to gather together the work published in the United States and Puerto Rico by Spanish Civil War exiles of Catalan, Valencia and Balearic origin. Included are books, serials, sheet music, sound recordings and domestic movie videos, which have appeared in US territory from 1936 through 2004. The objective of the bibliography is to provide both an overview and a starting point for recovering the intellectual effort carried out by these exiles because this first inventory must still be completed with the addition of journal articles, contributions to monographs, and conference proceedings. There have also been exiles for whom books, music or videos have not been found, but for whom a certain level of intellectual activity is known or suspected. Such potential work would include articles and other contributions to journals in the US or cultural and membership activities of Catalan communities in that country. Without being able to offer definitive conclusions, it appears that exile in North America was a solitary experience, and never as a cohesive group or with the ties of mutual interests as was the case in Mexico or even in France. There were neither readers nor publishers to facilitate publication and to serve for creating group cohesiveness.


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In the presentstudy, the priority of taxonomic characters of cephalic region of Terschellingialongispiculata over those of the tail and reproductive system is discussed.Four morphological varieties of the species are established based on variationsof the tail and reproductive system. The problem of considering only changes inthe posterior region for determination of some species is posed. From this,studies on important populations must be done for the establishment of newspecies based on one of these characters, but taken together with characters inother regions such as the cephalic.


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A method of making a multiple matched filter which allows the recognition of different characters in successive planes in simple conditions is proposed. The generation of the filter is based on recording on the same plate the Fourier transforms of the different patterns to be recognized, each of which is affected by different spherical phase factors because the patterns have been placed at different distances from the lens. This is proved by means of experiments with a triple filter which allows satisfactory recognition of three characters.