970 resultados para MOUNTAIN ENDEMISM


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青藏高原东南缘由于特殊的生态地理条件,有着丰富的森林资源,这些资源是长江上游涵养水源、保持水土的生态屏障,是生物多样性的资源宝库。但随着过量的森林采伐,使该区曾经丰富的生物多样性资源遭受了前所未有的破坏,天然林的质量严重下降,生态系统退化,功能减弱。与此同时,许多物种的种群规模正在锐减,物种的遗传多样性也严重丧失。川西云杉是西部地区分布最广的云杉树种之一,在较高海拔的地区有着重要的生态学功能,是一种适应性很强的乡土树种。本项目采用简单序列重复标记(SSR)和特定序列位点(STS)研究不同生境条件下川西云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示川西云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。研究成果能有效地为该树种遗传资源的科学保护与合理利用提供理论依据和科学指导,可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 STS和SSR两种分子标记的研究结果表明:川西云杉群体拥有中等水平的遗传多样性(基于SSR标记,平均He = 0.640;基于STS标记,平均He = 0.553)。造成这种中等水平的遗传多样性,可能是由于历史原因,川西云杉天然林被大量采伐,导致了遗传多样性的丧失。两种方法都检测出群体BT有着最高水平的遗传多样性。 2 两种标记的结果都一致说明:检测的10个川西云杉群体间遗传分化比较高,其存在群体间的遗传变异比例要明显地高于广泛分布的挪威云杉、横贯大陆的黑云杉以及兼有连续分布和不连续分布的西加云杉等,但要低于分布范围狭窄且呈不连续分布的粗枝云杉。青藏高原东南部的片段化生境可能是导致高水平遗传分化的主要原因。 3 基于两种标记的UPGMA 聚类和PCA分析结果,以及基于SSR标记的FCA分析结果都显示:群体BY遗传上明显区别于其它群体,其可能原因是青藏高原东南缘山脉阻隔而导致的生殖隔离的结果。 4 根据软件Bottleneck 1.2.02的检测以及不依赖哈迪一温伯格平衡的M比率检测结果:川西云杉种群很有可能经历了近期的遗传瓶颈效应。在本研究中遗传瓶颈效应并没有显著影响到物种的遗传多样性。然而,在这些片断化群体未来的子代群体中很可能出现遗传瓶颈导致的遗传多样性下降的效应。 Due to the extremely complex topography and climatic conditions, the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is region abundant in forest resource, which is benefit to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River water conservation, and protecting natural environment and biodiversity resources. However, by the reason of a plenty of trees were cut in these yeas, the biodiversity resource was destroy with degraded ecosystem and imperfect funcation. Picea balfouriana is one of the regionally distributed conifer species in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and considered as a constructive species within its distribution area. It is an optimal species for the production of biomass. Moreover, it is well adapted to stressful environments at high altitude, especially to cold and drought conditions which are generally harsh for other trees. In our study, two types of molecular markers (SSR and STS) were used to estimate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of P. balfouriana populations originating from the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with varying climatic and geographical conditions. The results will not only provide a deep insight into its genetic diversity and population genetic structure but also valuable information for further management and breeding programs in P. balfouriana. In summary, the results obtained in this study revealed that: 1 A moderate degree of genetic variation is present in P. balfouriana in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and it may caused by many trees were cut in the past. Population BT owns the highest level of genetic diversity by both two types of markers. 2 Considerable population differentiation exists among the ten P. balfouriana populations based on both SSR and STS markers, possibly caused by habitat fragmentation and heterogeneous environments. 3 The UPGMA clustering and PCA analyses based on SSR and STS marker, and FCA analyses based on SSR marker congruously separated population BY from other populations, which is likely due to the presence of mountain barriers. 4 The results of bottleneck analysis indicated that P. balfouriana populations that have undergone recent declines. In our research, the bottleneck effect don’t have a significant impact on the genetic diversity of species, however, the level of genetic diversity of P. balfouriana offspring populations growing in the fragmented habitats will decline in the future.


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大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,被称为“国宝”。目前,大熊猫被局限在我国中西部的岷山、邛崃、大相岭、小相岭、凉山和秦岭6大山系中。对大熊猫的保护和研究,我国政府、保护生物学科研人员、社会各界及国际保护组织都做了大量的工作。根据全国三次大熊猫调查结果显示,大熊猫栖息地片段化现象依然存在,形成多个隔离的大熊猫小种群。尤其在小相岭、大相岭、岷山B和岷山C种群,大熊猫数量较少,且栖息地破碎,面临较大威胁。有的山系大熊猫种群数量些已低于最小可存活大熊猫种群的数量,如果不采取人工措施,这些种群的大熊猫存在灭绝的危险。 将圈养大熊猫放归野外,以补充野外大熊猫种群数量,增加其遗传多样性,复壮和扩大野生大熊猫种群,是大熊猫人工繁育的最终目标。为降低放归的风险性,在放归人工繁育大熊猫前,将救护存活的野生大熊猫先有计划放归野外,并对其进行跟踪监测,对积累大熊猫放归经验,进一步研究大熊猫野外生物学习性,丰富放归地大熊猫种群遗传多样性,为人工繁育大熊猫放归野外夯实基础,具有十分重要的意义。2005年8月8日,国家林业局和四川省人民政府联合将救护野生大熊猫“盛林1号”放归于龙溪-虹口国家级自然保护区内岷山B大熊猫种群栖息地,并进行系统监测研究。成功的积累了一些放归经验和放归大熊猫的生物学资料,为人工繁育大熊猫的放归奠定了一定基础。 2005年8月至2007年6月期间,我们采用GPS无线电项圈、粪便DNA检测和红外线自动触发相机陷阱的方法,对大熊猫“盛林1号”进行了追踪监测,获得了以下成果: 1.通过分析“盛林1号”放归后了活动趋势和采用两种贝叶斯方法,利用目前五大山系的已有微卫星遗传数据,检测“盛林1号”与五大山系的遗传关系的远近,推测其来源于邛崃山系的可能性较大。 2.收集了大量“盛林1号”野外生境选择数据。我们认为“盛林1号”放归后经历了应急期、初步稳定期、长途迁徙期三个阶段(这可能是今后放归大熊猫都必经的三个时期),并与当地大熊猫种群已发生交流。目前“盛林1号”仍在寻找适合的巢域。 3.结合过去监测数据分析,在放归区域大熊猫和羚牛尽管同域分布,但由于食性不同,对微生境选择还是有着很大差异,因此保护管理对策要有针对性。 4.“盛林1号”的放归是成功的。救护大熊猫异地放归工作应继续开展,但要改进放归后的监测技术。要改进现有对人工饲养大熊猫野化培训方法和放归方式,才能真正将人工繁殖个体放归野外。 Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is an endangered species endemic to China. It was listed as National Protected I Class Species and is crowned as “National treasure” of China. The populations of Giant Panda are limited in 6 mountain system in Center-West of China, i.e. Mingshan, Mt. Qionglai, Mt. Daxiangling,Mt. Xiaoxiangling, Mt. Liangshan and Mt. Qinling. The results of the Third National Survey on Giant Panda showed that the habitats of Giant Panda is still fracted and Giant Panda population is divided into several isolated small populations. Population B from Mt. Daxiangling, Mt. Xiaoxiangling and Mt. Mingshan and Population C from Mt. Mingshan are very small with very fracted habitat and are more endangered. Several populations in those mountain systems are smaller than Minimum Viable Population of Giant Panda. It is very possible that those populations will be extinct without artificial help. The ultimate Goal of Reintroduction caged Giant Panda to wild is to increase wild population size and genetics diversity and rebuild and expand wild Giant Panda population. It is of significant to return rescued wild Giant Panda to wild and monitor their behavior before reintroduction artificial reproduced Giant Panda. It will increase our knowledge on reintroduction of Giant Panda. Aug 8th, 2005, “Shenglin 1”, a rescued wild Giant Panda was returned to Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reservoir, which is habitat of Giant Panda Population B of Mt. Mingshan. A systematic monitor was carried out on “Shenglin 1”, and the successful return enriched our biological knowledge on Giant Panda reintroduction. It will be very help for future conservation work on reintroduce artificial reproduced Giant Panda. “Shenglin 1” was tracked with GPS collar, DNA in feces and infrared-trigged camera from Aug 2005 to Jun 2007. 1. Locomotion behavior and microsatellites comparison with Giant Panda from the 5 mountain systems indicated that “Shenglin 1” is possibly from Mt. Qionglai. 2. Habitat usage of “Shenglin 1” was studied. It was suggested that there were 3 phases after return, i.e. emergency response, preliminary stable phase and long distance locomotion, which could be a general process for other returned Giant Panda. It was indicated that there was some interaction between “Shenglin 1” and local population. “Shenglin 1” is seeking for suitable home range now. 3. Monitor data also indicated that microhabitat preference of Giant Panda and takin (Budorcas taxicolor) are different because of different diet, though they are sympatric. It was suggested that conservation management for the two species should be plan in particular. 4. The reintroduction of “Shenglin 1” is a successful case. The program of return rescued Giant Panda to other habitats is of value and should be continued. However, more improvement is needed for the monitor technique. More improvement is need for feralization and returning before we return artificial reproduced Giant Panda to wild.


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本论文以从四川峨嵋山森林土壤中分离筛选获得的一株产抗耐药性活性化合物的链霉菌S227为材料,对发酵液中活性物质的分离纯化及抗耐药性活性进行了研究。 建立了抗耐药性活性的定性、定量检测方法。建立的管蝶法活性定量检测的标准回归方程为:D=4.8229Ln(C)+3.6326 R=0.9972 ;纸片法活性定量检测的标准回归方程为:D=5.5Ln(C)-12.794 R=0.999。 根据建立的样品活性的检测方法,测定了发酵液的初始活性。实验证明活性物质的温度、pH稳定性好。 通过活性的定性、定量追踪方法,分别利用等体积的石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇在不同的pH梯度下萃取,确定了pH3条件下正丁醇能最大程度的萃取活性物质,说明活性物质极性很大。对正丁醇萃取相经过两次硅胶柱层析及薄层层析分离得到具有抗耐药菌活性的纯化样品S227-4。 经过核磁共振氢谱、碳谱数据分析初步确定S227-4为四聚糖,通过糖的水解实验初步确定S227-4由葡萄糖和半乳糖组成。 纸片法活性检测表明S227-4具有抗耐药菌活性。采用MIC测定法对该样品抗耐药活性进行研究。在证明该样品本身不具有抗菌活性的基础上,以临床分离的耐药性金黄色葡萄球菌为指示菌,考察了该样品与抗生素联合使用时对耐药菌抗生素MIC(最小抑菌浓度)值的影响,结果表明在不影响菌体生长的浓度条件下,该样品能明显降低多株耐药菌对多种抗生素的MIC值,不同程度地恢复所测试耐药菌对相应抗生素的敏感性。如S227-4与青霉素钠联用可以使S. aureus 12352的MIC降低8倍,而与红霉素联用可以使S. aureus 12334的MIC降低128倍。 The purification process and the activity of the anti bacterial drug resistance compounds produced by Streptomyces S227 isolated from the forest soil sample of the Mountain E’MEI in Sichuan Province were studied in this thesis. Quantitative and qualitative activity assay methods of the active compounds were established. The regression equation of the tube method was D=4.8229Ln(C)+3.6326, R=0.9972. The regression equation of the paper method was D=5.5Ln(C)-12.794, R=0.999. According to the established activity assay method, the incipient activity of the broth was evaluated. And it was proved that the stability of the active compounds was good. By quantitative and qualitative activity tracing method, petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and butanol were used to extract the active compounds at different pH. The result showed that butanol was the most effective agent for active component recovery at pH3. From the butanol extraction a purified sample, S227-4, was isolated by silica gel column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography . S227-4 was proved to be a tetra- saccharide by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. And its monosaccharides include glucose and galactose by hydrolysate analysis. The anti-drug resistant activity of S227-4 was tested in vitro by MICs assay using different drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated clinically. The sample itself showed no anti-microbial activity in growth inhibitory experiment, but when it was used together with different antibiotics, it could remarkably decrease the MICs of different clinically isolated drug-resistant bacterial strains to these antibiotics. For example, when S227-4 was used with penicillin, the MIC of S. aureus 12352 decreased 8 times compared with that when penicillin was used alone. Meanwhile when it was used with erythromycin the MIC of S. aureus 12334 deceased 128 times compared with erythromycin alone.


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红发夫酵母分离于北美西部高山地区和日本一些岛屿上落叶树的渗出液中,因其所产主要色素为在水产养殖、食品和医药工业有广阔应用前景的虾青素而成为研究的热点。本论文对红发夫酵母Phaffia rhodozyma 的生长特性、培养参数与培养基组分对生长和虾青素积累的影响及其优化、虾青素合成的调节控制、虾青素的提取测定及红发夫酵母耐高温菌种的诱变进行了系统的研究。 虾青素是红发夫酵母的胞内色素,要对其进行分析首先要对红发夫酵母进行破壁处理,实验发现二甲亚砜是最有效的破壁溶剂,用氯仿和丙酮可以有效地把类胡萝卜素从二甲亚砜破壁后的红发夫酵母细胞中提取出来。 在固定摇床转速为200 rpm,温度为20 ℃的条件下,当种龄为36 h,以10%的接种量接入装液量为30 mL的250 mL三角瓶,初始pH为5.5时最有利于红发夫酵母的生长及类胡萝卜素的合成。 本实验中红发夫酵母最佳利用碳、氮源分别为蔗糖和蛋白胨,但蛋白胨价格昂贵,不适宜作单一氮源,因此使用硫酸铵和酵母膏作为复合氮源。 本论文采用了BP神经网络结合遗传算法的方法来优化红发夫酵母的发酵培养基,得到红发夫酵母发酵培养基的最佳配比为:蔗糖45.10 g/L、硫酸铵3.00 g/L、硫酸镁0.80 g/L、磷酸二氢钾1.40 g/L、酵母膏3.00 g/L、氯化钙0.50 g/L,使用优化后的培养基发酵类胡萝卜素产量达到8.20 mg/L,干重达到9.47 g/L,类胡萝卜素的产量比起始培养基提高了95.90%,干重提高了89.40%。 从代谢途径出发对红发夫酵母合成虾青素调控调控,选择谷氨酸、乙醇、VB1作为添加剂,通过正交试验设计得出三者添加水平分别为0.2 g/L,0.1% (V/V),10 mg/L时,类胡萝卜素产量提高了25.73%,达到了10.31mg/L。 通过上述优化培养,本论文中红发夫酵母的虾青素产量从1.33 mg/L提高到9.12 mg/L,产量提高了6.86倍;总类胡萝卜素产量从4.23 mg/L提高到10.31 mg/L,产量提高了2.44倍;细胞干重从5.00 g/L提高到11.35 g/L,提高了2.27倍,总体提高效果显著。 红发夫酵母属于中低温菌,本论文采用紫外复合诱变的方式,通过高温筛选,得到一株能在35 ℃下能生长的突变株,但所产类胡萝卜素中虾青素所占比例很小,可能是诱变改变了红发夫酵母的代谢途径,阻断了虾青素的合成。 Phaffia rhodozyma is a heterobasidiomyceteous yeast that was originally isolated from the slime fluxes of brich tree wounds in mountain regions of northern Japan and southern Alaska. Phaffia rhodozyma produces astaxanthin as its principal carotenoid pigment, which has potential applications in acquaculture, food and pharmaceutical industry. This paper researched ways to break cell, analysis of astaxanthin, characteristics of growth, culture parameters and the effects of components of medium on growth and astaxanthin formation , optimization of culture medium, control of astaxanthin synthesis and mutagenesis of Phaffia rhodozyma. It is necessary to disrupt the yeast cell for extracting astaxanthin considering the yeast accumulating carotenoids in cell. Dimethyisulphoxide was the most effective solvent for breaking the yeast cell; acetone and chloroform were effective to extract carotenoids out of the disrupted cell. The optimum pH for growth and carotenoids synthesis is 5.5, the optimum medium volume is 30 mL (in 250 mL flask), the optimum culture time of inoculum is 36 h, the optimum inoculum concentration is 10%. The research on culture medium showed: sucrose is the best one of 6 carbon sources for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Peptone is the best nitrogen source for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Uniform Design was used for trial design of the formula medium components, then back-propagation neural network was established to modeling the relationships between the carotenoid yield and the concentration of medium components. Genetic algorithm (GA) was used for global optimization of the model. The optimum combination of the medium was obtained: sucrose 45.10 g/L, ammonium sulfate 3.00 g/L, magnesium sulfate 0.80 g/L, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.40 g/L, yeast extract 3.00 g/L, calcium chloride 0.50 g/L. The yield of carotenoid reached 8.20 mg/L, which was 95.90% higher than that of the original medium. Glu, VB1 and ethanol were selected as fermentation addictives, after Orthogonal Test, the carotenoid contents increased by 25.73% when adding 0.16 g/L Glu, VB1 10 mg/L and ethanol 0.1% (V/V). After the above optimization, the astaxanthin content increased 6.86 folds, which is 9.12 mg/L. The carotenoids content increased 2.44 folds, which is 10.31 mg/L. The biomass increased 2.27 folds, which is 11.35 g/L. Phaffia rhodozyma grows in the mild temperature range of 0 to 27 ℃, in this work, a thermotolerant mutant was selected through UV-irradiation. It can grows at 35 ℃, and showed increased carotenoid content. The optimal growth temperature for this mutant is 30 ℃. But the mutant can only produce carotenoids with little astaxanthin accumulation.


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The relationships of eight moss species of Dicranum in 31 sites in main ecological systems in the Changbai Mountain with environmental factors were studied by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results showed that altitude, soil sand percentage, water percentage, acidity and canopy density were important environmental factors influencing the distribution of the species of Dicranum . The relationships between Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwaegr ., D.groenlandicum Brid. and altitude,between D.japonicum Mitt., D.scoparium Hedw. and canopy density,between D.polysetum Sw., D. undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. and soil acidity and water percentage,were positively correlative. The niche overlaps among the eight species of Dicranum were calculated. The minimal spanning tree of the eight species on the two-dimensional scatter plot were also drawn based on their niche overlaps, which clearly revealed the ecological similarities of eight species.


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Diurnal and seasonal variation of CO_2 flux above the Korean Pine and broad_leaved mixed forest in Changbai Mountain were expounded according to the measurements by eddy covariance technique. The results showed that the diurnal variation during growing season was closely correlated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The forest assimilated the CO_2 in daytime and released in night. The maximum uptake occurred about 9 o'clock of local time in clear day. Assimilation was synchronous to PAR in cloudy day. The night respiration increased with increasing of shallow soil temperature. The CO_2 flux also had obviously seasonal variation that was mainly controlled by temperature. Relationship between monthly net exchange of CO_2 and monthly mean air temperature fit cubic equation. Remarkable uptake occurred in blooming growing season,May to August,and weak respiration occurred in dormant season,October to March,and relatively big release happed in October. Assimilation and respiration were nearly balanced during the transition of growing and dormant seasons. The annual carbon uptake of the ecosystem was-184 gC·m -2 .