1000 resultados para MONITORING


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The estimation of animal abundance has a central role in wildlife management and research, including the role of badgers Meles meles in bovine tuberculosis transmission to cattle. This is the first study to examine temporal change in the badger population of Northern Ireland over amedium- to long-term time frame of 14-18 years by repeating a national survey first conducted during 1990-1993. A total of 212 1-km2 squares were surveyed during 2007-2008 and the number, type and activity of setts therein recorded. Badgers were widespread with 75% of squares containing at least one sett. The mean density of activemain setts,which was equivalent to badger social group density, was 0.56 (95%CI: 0.46-0.67) active main setts per km2 during 2007-2008. Social group density varied significantly among landclass groups and counties. The total number of social groups was estimated at 7,600 (95%CI: 6,200-9,000) and, not withstanding probable sources of error in estimating social group size, the total abundance of badgers was estimated to be 34,100 (95% CI: 26,200-42,000). There was no significant change in the badger population from that recorded during 1990-1993. A resource selection model provided a relative probability of sett construction at a spatial scale of 25m. Sett locations were negatively associated with elevation and positively associated with slope, aspect, soil sand content, the presence of cover, and the area of improved grassland and arable agriculture within 300 m.


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Quantifying nutrient and sediment loads in catchments is dif?cult owing to diffuse controls related to storm hydrology. Coarse sampling and interpolation methods are prone to very high uncertainties due to under-representation of high discharge, short duration events. Additionally, important low-?ow processes such as diurnal signals linked to point source impacts are missed. Here we demonstrate a solution based on a time-integrated approach to sampling with a standard 24 bottle autosampler con?gured to take a sample every 7 h over a week according to a Plynlimon design. This is evaluated with a number of other sampling strategies using a two-year dataset of sub-hourly discharge and phosphorus concentration data. The 24/7 solution is shown to be among the least uncertain in estimating load (inter-quartile range: 96% to 110% of actual load in year 1 and 97% to 104% in year 2) due to the increased frequency raising the probability of sampling storm events and point source signals. The 24/7 solution would appear to be most parsimonious in terms of data coverage and certainty, process signal representation, potential laboratory commitment, technology requirements and the ability to be widely deployed in complex catchments.


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This paper details the monitoring and repair of an impact damaged prestressed concrete bridge. The repair was required following an impact from a low-loader carrying an excavator while passing underneath the bridge. The repair was carried out by preloading the bridge in the vicinity of the damage to relieve some prestressing. This preload was removed following the hardening and considerable strength gain of the repair material. The true behaviour of damaged prestressed concrete bridges during repair is difficult to estimate theoretically due to lack of benchmarking and inadequacy of assumed damage models. A network of strain gauges at locations of interest was thus installed during the entire period of repair. Effects of various activities were qualitatively and quantitatively observed. The interaction and rapid, model-free calibration of damaged and undamaged beams, including identification of damaged gauges were also probed. This full scale experiment is expected to be of interest and benefit to the practising engineer and the researcher alike.


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A distributed optical fiber sensor based on Brillouin scattering (BOTDR or BOTDA) can measure and monitor strain and temperature generated along optical fiber. Because it can measure in real-time with high precision and stability, it is quite suitable for health monitoring of large-scale civil infrastructures. However, the main challenge of applying it to structural health monitoring is to ensure it is robust and can be repaired by adopting a suitable embedding method. In this paper, a novel method based on air-blowing and vacuum grouting techniques for embedding long-distance optical fiber sensors was developed. This method had no interference with normal concrete construction during its installation, and it could easily replace the long-distance embedded optical fiber sensor (LEOFS). Two stages of static loading tests were applied to investigate the performance of the LEOFS. The precision and the repeatability of the LEOFS were studied through an overloading test. The durability and the stability of the LEOFS were confirmed by a corrosion test. The strains of the LEOFS were used to evaluate the reinforcing effect of carbon fiber reinforced polymer and thereby the health state of the beams.


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Radio-based signalling devices will play an important role in future generations of remote patient monitoring equipment, both at home and in hospital. Ultimately, it will be possible to sample vital signs frompatients, whatever their location and without them necessarily being aware that a measurement is being taken. This paper reviews currentmethods for the transmission by radio of physiological parameters over ranges of 0.3, 3 and 30 m, and describes the radiofrequency hardware required and the carrier frequencies commonly used. Future developments, including full duplex systems and the use of more advanced modulation schemes, are described. The paper concludeswith a case studyof a humantemperature telemeter built to indicateovulation. Clinical results clearly show the advantage to be had in adopting radio biotelemetry in this instance.


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The performance of the surface zone of concrete is acknowledged as a major factor governing the rate of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures as it provides the only barrier to the ingress of water containing dissolved ionic species such as chlorides which, ultimately, initiate corrosion of the reinforcement. In-situ monitoring of cover-zone concrete is therefore critical in attempting to make realistic predictions as to the in-service performance of the structure. To this end, this paper presents developments in a remote interrogation system to allow continuous, real-time monitoring of the cover-zone concrete from an office setting. Use is made of a multi-electrode array embedded within cover-zone concrete to acquire discretized electrical resistivity and temperature measurements, with both parameters monitored spatially and temporally. On-site instrumentation, which allows remote interrogation of concrete samples placed at a marine exposure site, is detailed, together with data handling and processing procedures. Site-measurements highlight the influence of temperature on electrical resistivity and an Arrhenius-based temperature correction protocol is developed using on-site measurements to standardize resistivity data to a reference temperature; this is an advancement over the use of laboratory-based procedures. The testing methodology and interrogation system represents a robust, low-cost and high-value technique which could be deployed for intelligent monitoring of reinforced concrete structures.


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Valve and cardiac activity were simultaneously measured in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in response to 10 d copper exposure. Valve movements, heart rates and heart-rate variability were obtained non-invasively using a Musselmonitor(R) (valve activity) and a modified version of the Computer-Aided Physiological Monitoring system (CAPMON; cardiac activity). After 2 d exposure of mussels (4 individuals per treatment group) to a range of dissolved copper concentrations (0 to 12.5 mu M as CuCl2) median valve positions (% open) and median heart rates (beats per minute) declined as a function of copper concentration. Heart-rate variability (coefficient of variation for interpulse durations) rose in a concentration-dependent manner. The 48 h EC50 values (concentrations of copper causing 50% change) for valve positions, heart rates and heart-rate variability were 2.1, 0.8, and 0.06 mu M, respectively. Valve activity was weakly correlated with both heart rate (r = 0.48 +/- 0.02) and heart-rate variability (r = 0.32 +/- 0.06) for control individuals (0 mu M Cu2+). This resulted from a number of short enclosure events that did not coincide with a change in cardiac activity. Exposure of mussels to increasing copper concentrations (greater than or equal to 0.8 mu M) progressively reduced the correlation between valve activity and heart rates (r = 0 for individuals dosed with greater than or equal to 6.3 mu M Cu2+), while correlations between valve activity and heart-rate variability were unaffected. The poor correlations resulted from periods of valve flapping that were not mimicked by similar fluctuations in heart rate or heart-rate variability. The data suggest that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in mussels is not a consequence of prolonged valve closure.