982 resultados para Lost


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Hopanoids are a class of sterol-like lipids produced by select bacteria. Their preservation in the rock record for billions of years as fossilized hopanes lends them geological significance. Much of the structural diversity present in this class of molecules, which likely underpins important biological functions, is lost during fossilization. Yet, one type of modification that persists during preservation is methylation at C-2. The resulting 2-methylhopanoids are prominent molecular fossils and have an intriguing pattern over time, exhibiting increases in abundance associated with Ocean Anoxic Events during the Phanerozoic. This thesis uses diverse methods to address what the presence of 2-methylhopanes tells us about the microbial life and environmental conditions of their ancient depositional settings. Through an environmental survey of hpnP, the gene encoding the C-2 hopanoid methylase, we found that many different taxa are capable of producing 2-methylhopanoids in more diverse modern environments than expected. This study also revealed that hpnP is significantly overrepresented in organisms that are plant symbionts, in environments associated with plants, and with metabolisms that support plant-microbe interactions; collectively, these correlations provide a clue about the biological importance of 2-methylhopanoids. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of hpnP revealed that 2-methylhopanoid production arose in the Alphaproteobacteria, indicating that the origin of these molecules is younger than originally thought. Additionally, we took genetic approach to understand the role of 2-methylhopanoids in Cyanobacteria using the filamentous symbiotic Nostoc punctiforme. We found that hopanoids likely aid in rigidifying the cell membrane but do not appear to provide resistance to osmotic or outer membrane stressors, as has been shown in other organisms. The work presented in this thesis supports previous findings that 2-methylhopanoids are not biomarkers for oxygenic photosynthesis and provides new insights by defining their distribution in modern environments, identifying their evolutionary origin, and investigating their role in Cyanobacteria. These efforts in modern settings aid the formation of a robust interpretation of 2-methylhopanes in the rock record.


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In species of Cladocera not forming ephippia, the latent eggs have a sheath formed by glands of the reproductive canals. Representatives of the families Daphniidae and Moinidae Goulden, 1968, in connection with the formation of their complex-structured ephippia, lost these glands. It was investigated whether there are such glands in species the latent eggs of which are enclosed in primitive ephippia. For this, with the help of histological methods, 55 females of Acroperus elongatus (Sars) (Chydoridea) and 88 females of Lathonura rectirostris (O. F. Muller), (Macrothricidae) were collected near Leningrad, were studied.


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Detailed descriptions of the early development of the striped bass, Roccus saxitilis (Walbaum), with emphasis on variation in size and morphology, sequence of fin formation, changes in body form, and attainment of the full complement of maristic numbers, are presented and illustrated for the first time. The egg is spherical, transparent, non-adhesive and relatively large. It is pelagic and buoyant, although it sinks in quiet fresh water. When unfertilized, it averages 1.3 mm, in diameter, but is 3.4 mm. when fertilized and water-hardened. The granular yolk sac, green when alive and whitish-yellow when preserved, averages 1.2 mm., and the single amber-colored oil globule is about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Newly hatched striped bass prolarvae, which range from 2.9-3.7 mm. in total length, are relatively undeveloped and nearly transparent, with no mouth opening, unpigmented eyes, and a greatly enlarged yolk sac with the large oil globule projecting beyond the head. When 5-6 mm. long the yolk sac and oil globule are assimilated and the postlarvae I show advanced development of the internal anatomy. Although the fish is still transparent, scattered melanophores are found on the head and body and chromatophores in the eyes and the ventro-posterior edge of the body. Postlarvae transform to young between 7 and 10 mm. in length when the finfolds are lost except in the dorsal, anal and caudal regions. The largest fish in this group possess a well-formed skeleton with a full complement of 25 vertebrae. Between 10 and 20 mm. in length all fish are fully transformed, muscular tissue renders most of the internal structure obscure, and the myotomes, which generally correspond in number with the vertebrae, are no longer visible. At fish lengths of 20-30 mm. scales are found on all specimens, and with the exception of the pectoral fin-rays, a full complement of meristic structures is present in all other fins. At this stage the body is pigmented uniformly with small spots. Linear regressions between several dependent variables and the , independent variable of standard length indicate that the rate of development of head, eye. and snout to anus lengths is proportional to the length of the larvae and young. Body depth and standard length are non-linear among newly-hatched larvae. Hatchery-reared striped bass demonstrated a slow rate of growth, and were regarded as "stunted," when compared to growth rates observed in another study and field collections. Observations were also made on abnormal eggs and teratological larvae and young. Blue-sac disease is tentatively identified and described for the first time in larvae and pugnosed larvae and young are also described for the first time in striped bass.


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This thesis puts forth a theory-directed approach coupled with spectroscopy aimed at the discovery and understanding of light-matter interactions in semiconductors and metals.

The first part of the thesis presents the discovery and development of Zn-IV nitride materials.The commercial prominence in the optoelectronics industry of tunable semiconductor alloy materials based on nitride semiconductor devices, specifically InGaN, motivates the search for earth-abundant alternatives for use in efficient, high-quality optoelectronic devices. II-IV-N2 compounds, which are closely related to the wurtzite-structured III-N semiconductors, have similar electronic and optical properties to InGaN namely direct band gaps, high quantum efficiencies and large optical absorption coefficients. The choice of different group II and group IV elements provides chemical diversity that can be exploited to tune the structural and electronic properties through the series of alloys. The first theoretical and experimental investigation of the ZnSnxGe1−xN2 series as a replacement for III-nitrides is discussed here.

The second half of the thesis shows ab−initio calculations for surface plasmons and plasmonic hot carrier dynamics. Surface plasmons, electromagnetic modes confined to the surface of a conductor-dielectric interface, have sparked renewed interest because of their quantum nature and their broad range of applications. The decay of surface plasmons is usually a detriment in the field of plasmonics, but the possibility to capture the energy normally lost to heat would open new opportunities in photon sensors, energy conversion devices and switching. A theoretical understanding of plasmon-driven hot carrier generation and relaxation dynamics in the ultrafast regime is presented here. Additionally calculations for plasmon-mediated upconversion as well as an energy-dependent transport model for these non-equilibrium carriers are shown.

Finally, this thesis gives an outlook on the potential of non-equilibrium phenomena in metals and semiconductors for future light-based technologies.


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It was shown, with the aid of osmotic inhibition of germination, that the action of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pf) in promoting germination can be completed even if the seed is held under conditions where germination is not possible. An effect of the continuing action of Pf beyond the point of complete germination promotion was demonstrated by enhancement of germination rate after removal of the osmotically active solute.

Previous reports that the rate of growth in water of seeds freed from the expansion-restricting endosperm is independent of the state of phytochrome were confirmed. However, a marked, phytochrome-mediated enhancement of the growth potential of such seeds was demonstrated through restricting water uptake by incubation in an osmoticum.

An experimental system, utilizing the appearance of a geotropic curvature in the radicle of the excised axial portion of the seed, was developed for more detailed studies of the phytochrome-enhanced growth potential. It was possible to demonstrate the light effect in water as well as in osmotica; this apparently is not possible with de-endospermed entire seeds. As in intact seeds, the effect of the continuing action of Pf is to enhance the rate of the response. Secretion of a chemical inhibitor of growth by the endosperm as a possible mechanism of induction of light sensitivity has been ruled out.

The phytochrome-dependent rate of appearance of geotropic curvature in osmotica is paralleled in time by a similar dependence of the rate of early extension growth of the embryonic axis. Only the first small increment of growth is a differentially responsive to red (R) and far-red (F); the rate of later increase in length is independent of the light regime.

It was shown that the high concentrations of gibberellic acid required for germination promotion in the intact seed are due at least in part to a diffusion barrier in the endosperm, and that the occasional reports in the literature of the ineffectiveness of kinetin are probably due to the same phenomenon. It was shown that gibberellin, like red light, enhances the growth potential of the axis, but kinetin does not. The difference in rates of response obtained after R-irradiation or gibberellin treatment, together with other results reported in the literature, strongly suggests that gibberellic acid and red light promote germination by different means. The idea that kinetin promotes germination by yet another mechanism, probably operating in the cotyledons, was supported through two different experimental approaches.

The phenomenon of temperature-dependent dark germination was examined in detail, using a wide range of both temperatures and incubation times. With the aid of the half-seed system, it was demonstrated that the promotive effect of low temperature on germination could not be due to a low optimum temperature for early growth of the radicle, since the rate of that process increased with increasing temperature, up to the highest temperature used.

It was shown that phytochrome does not function at high temperatures. This fact is of considerable importance in interpreting the phenomenon of thermodormancy, since in the literature only a small part of the effect of high temperature has been ascribed to an effect on phytochrome, and at that, only to an acceleration of dark reversion of Pf to the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr). Partial denaturation of phytochrome may also make some contribution.

It was shown that the germination-promoting effect of low temperature depends on the presence of Pf, and concluded that low temperatures act by delaying or preventing transformation of Pf. Support for the assumption that Pf, not Pr, is the active form of phytochrome in lettuce seeds was drawn from the same evidence.

Attempts to stimulate germination by repeated irradiation with F over relatively prolonged incubation times resulted in failure, as have similar attempts reported in the literature. However, an enhancement of growth potential in the half-seed system by the maintenance of a small amount of Pf over long periods at ordinary temperatures by repeated irradiation with F was demonstrated.

It was observed that cold storage of the dry seed prevents or delays loss of dark dormancy during post-harvest storage. No change in the response of the half-seed in osmoticum to R and F was observed in seeds that has lost dark dormancy; that is, no internal change took place to measurably increase the growth potential of the embryonic axis. This suggests that the endosperm is the seat of changes responsible for after-ripening of photoblastic lettuce seed.


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I. Studies on Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Glycohydrase (NADase)

NADase, like tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase, is not present in two day old cultures of wild type Neurospora, but it is coinduced with those two enzymes during starvation in phosphate buffer. The induction of NADase, like tyrosinase, is inhibited by puromycin. The induction of all three enzymes is inhibited by actinomycin D. These results suggest that NADase is synthesized de novo during induction as has been shown directly for tyrosinase. NADase induction differs in being inhibited by certain amino acids.

The tyrosinaseless mutant ty-1 contains a non-dialyzable, heat labile inhibitor of NADase. A new mutant, P110A, synthesizes NADase and L-amino acid oxidase while growing. A second strain, pe, fl;cot, makes NADase while growing. Both strains can be induced to make the other enzymes. These two strains prove that the control of these three enzymes is divisible. The strain P110A makes NADase even when grown in the presence of Tween 80. The synthesis of both NADase and L-amino acid oxidase by P110A is suppressed by complete medium. The theory of control of the synthesis of the enzymes is discussed.

II. Studies with EDTA

Neurospora tyrosinase contains copper but, unlike other phenol oxidases, this copper has never been removed reversibly. It was thought that the apo-enzyme might be made in vivo in the absence of copper. Therefore cultures were treated with EDTA to remove copper before the enzyme was induced. Although no apo-tyrosinase was detected, new information on the induction process was obtained.

A treatment of Neurospora with 0.5% EDTA pH 7, inhibits the subsequent induction during starvation in phosphate buffer of tyrosinase, L-amino acid oxidase and NADase. The inhibition of tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase induction is completely reversed by adding 5 x 10-5M CaCl2, 5 x 10-4M CuSO4, and a mixture of L-amino acids (2 x 10-3M each) to the buffer. Tyrosinase induction is also fully restored by 5 x 10-4M CaCl2 and amino acids. As yet NADase has been only partially restored.

The copper probably acts by sequestering EDTA left in the mycelium and may be replaced by nickel. The EDTA apparently removes some calcium from the mycelium, which the added calcium replaces. Magnesium cannot replace calcium. The amino acids probably replace endogenous amino acids lost to the buffer after the EDTA treatment.

The EDTA treatment also increases permeability, thereby increasing the sensitivity of induction to inhibition by actinomycin D and allowing cell contents to be lost to the induction buffer. EDTA treatment also inhibits the uptake of exogenous amino acids and their incorporation into proteins.

The lag period that precedes the first appearance of tyrosinase is demonstrated to be a separate dynamic phase of induction. It requires oxygen. It is inhibited by EDTA, but can be completed after EDTA treatment in the presence of 5 x 10-5M CaCl2 alone, although no tyrosinase is synthesized under these conditions.

The time course of induction has an early exponential phase suggesting an autocatalytic mechanism of induction.

The mode of action of EDTA, the process of induction and the kinetics of induction are discussed.


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Tratamento restaurador atraumático tornou-se uma opção real para o tratamento da cárie dentária em saúde pública no Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar durabilidade, resistência e eficácia de 70 restaurações em 31 alunos (entre 6 a 12 anos de idade na Escola Municipal Rotary, RJ - Brasil). Depois de CPO-D e ceo-exame de acordo com critérios da OMS, todos os alunos com selecionados receberam TRA com VITRO MOLAR - DFL, juntamente com instruções de saúde bucal. Os critérios de exclusão foram a presença de cavidades muito profundas e exposição pulpar, casos em que os alunos foram encaminhados para o Postos de Saúde Municipal. In vitro avaliou-se a influência do tempo de entrada em serviço e do tipo de cobertura protetora utilizada na resistência coesiva do Cimento de Ionômero de Vidro utilizado, por meio de ensaios de tração diametral. Confeccionou-se para o teste de tração diametral 6 espécimes para cada variante, 72 no total, com dimensões de 4 mm de diâmetro por 8 mm de comprimento, divididos entre os grupos: grupo1 sem protetor (controle); grupo2 vaselina sólida; grupo3 verniz para unhas. Realizou-se ensaios mecânicos em uma máquina universal de ensaios EMIC DL 500 MF, após a confecção e estocagem individual dos espécimes em potes plásticos contendo 5 ml de água deionizada, que formaram os subgrupos descritos a seguir: a - 20 minutos; b - 2 horas; c - 24 horas; d - 7 dias. Os dados obtidos foram tratados por ANOVA e por Student Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). Ao se avaliar a influência dos diferentes protetores de superfície no CIV utilizado no presente trabalho observou-se que, os protetores de superfície tiveram influência no comportamento do material (p=0,000), com o verniz para unhas mostrando um desempenho superior ao da vaselina sólida. Quanto ao tempo, não foi possível verificar ruptura do material no prazo de 20 minutos, pois os corpos de prova sofriam deformação elástica catastrófica não sendo adequado para a finalidade desejada. Os tempos de 24 horas e sete dias foram semelhantes entre si e diferentes do tempo de duas horas. As restaurações foram clinicamente avaliadas depois de 6, 12, e 24 meses após sua alocação. No total 72 restaurações foram realizadas em 31 escolares. Depois de seis meses, 5 restaurações fraturaram e 3 perderam algum material. Após 12 meses, oito restaurações foram perdidas e apenas 1 fraturou. Na avaliação após 24 meses, mais 12 restaurações foram perdidas e 3 perderam material. Não foram registradas lesões cariosas secundarias após esse período, mesmo quando as restaurações foram parcialmente perdidas. Clinicamente conclui-se que quando a técnica do TRA é bem indicada e aplicada corretamente pode haver uma redução significativa no número de dentes perdidos por lesões de cárie nos indivíduos que participaram do nosso estudo.


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A proposta primeira da dissertação Contra a Luz: insônia, prosa de ficção e Graciliano Ramos é a de investigar desdobramentos narrativos do tema da insônia na prosa de ficção da primeira metade do século XX. O primeiro capítulo, de um lado, traça um panorama histórico-literário da insônia da Idade Média ao século passado e, de outro lado, propõe algumas considerações de cunho psicanalítico sobre o tema. Pretende-se, assim, estabelecer alguns argumentos-chave que se desenvolverão ao longo dos capítulos subseqüentes, a saber: o de que a escuridão e o vazio noturno são altamente propícios à concentração na reflexão em detrimento da ação e que, portanto, possibilitam uma excepcional exploração da subjetividade dos personagens em questão. O segundo capítulo pensará tal situação no contexto da prosa de ficção moderna, a partir de breves estudos das obras Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust; Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa (sob o heterônimo Bernardo Soares); Funes, o memorioso, de Jorge Luis Borges; e Buriti, de João Guimarães Rosa. Assim, serão expostas as maneiras pelas quais, nessas obras, as cenas de insônia mostram-se essenciais tanto à proposição de uma reflexão sobre a própria construção da narrativa, quanto permitem o aprofundamento psicológico dos personagens e o experimentalismo formal. Estes dois eixos permearão a Parte II da dissertação, que terá por foco a obra de Graciliano Ramos. O terceiro capítulo analisará a insônia do personagem Paulo Honório, no romance S.Bernardo, em relação à composição da narrativa feita por ele em suas noites em claro. O quarto capítulo, dedicado ao romance Angústia, investigará a instalação de um clima angustiado e de experimentações narrativas a partir das noites insones de Luís da Silva. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, abordando os contos Insônia e O relógio do hospital, traçará algumas conclusões sobre a função da insônia no estilo de Graciliano Ramos, e proporá também algumas considerações finais acerca de toda a dissertação


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I report the solubility and diffusivity of water in lunar basalt and an iron-free basaltic analogue at 1 atm and 1350 °C. Such parameters are critical for understanding the degassing histories of lunar pyroclastic glasses. Solubility experiments have been conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from three log units below to five log units above the iron-wüstite buffer (IW) and over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.03 to 24. Quenched experimental glasses were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) and were found to contain up to ~420 ppm water. Results demonstrate that, under the conditions of our experiments: (1) hydroxyl is the only H-bearing species detected by FTIR; (2) the solubility of water is proportional to the square root of pH2O in the furnace atmosphere and is independent of fO2 and pH2/pH2O; (3) the solubility of water is very similar in both melt compositions; (4) the concentration of H2 in our iron-free experiments is <3 ppm, even at oxygen fugacities as low as IW-2.3 and pH2/pH2O as high as 24; and (5) SIMS analyses of water in iron-rich glasses equilibrated under variable fO2 conditions can be strongly influenced by matrix effects, even when the concentrations of water in the glasses are low. Our results can be used to constrain the entrapment pressure of the lunar melt inclusions of Hauri et al. (2011).

Diffusion experiments were conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from IW-2.2 to IW+6.7 and over a range of pH2/pH2O from nominally zero to ~10. The water concentrations measured in our quenched experimental glasses by SIMS and FTIR vary from a few ppm to ~430 ppm. Water concentration gradients are well described by models in which the diffusivity of water (D*water) is assumed to be constant. The relationship between D*water and water concentration is well described by a modified speciation model (Ni et al. 2012) in which both molecular water and hydroxyl are allowed to diffuse. The success of this modified speciation model for describing our results suggests that we have resolved the diffusivity of hydroxyl in basaltic melt for the first time. Best-fit values of D*water for our experiments on lunar basalt vary within a factor of ~2 over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.007 to 9.7, a range of fO2 from IW-2.2 to IW+4.9, and a water concentration range from ~80 ppm to ~280 ppm. The relative insensitivity of our best-fit values of D*water to variations in pH2 suggests that H2 diffusion was not significant during degassing of the lunar glasses of Saal et al. (2008). D*water during dehydration and hydration in H2/CO2 gas mixtures are approximately the same, which supports an equilibrium boundary condition for these experiments. However, dehydration experiments into CO2 and CO/CO2 gas mixtures leave some scope for the importance of kinetics during dehydration into H-free environments. The value of D*water chosen by Saal et al. (2008) for modeling the diffusive degassing of the lunar volcanic glasses is within a factor of three of our measured value in our lunar basaltic melt at 1350 °C.

In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I document significant zonation in major, minor, trace, and volatile elements in naturally glassy olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone and the Galapagos Islands. Components with a higher concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (MgO, FeO, Cr2O3, and MnO) are depleted at the edges of the zoned melt inclusions relative to their centers, whereas except for CaO, H2O, and F, components with a lower concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (Al2O3, SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, S, and Cl) are enriched near the melt inclusion edges. This zonation is due to formation of an olivine-depleted boundary layer in the adjacent melt in response to cooling and crystallization of olivine on the walls of the melt inclusions concurrent with diffusive propagation of the boundary layer toward the inclusion center.

Concentration profiles of some components in the melt inclusions exhibit multicomponent diffusion effects such as uphill diffusion (CaO, FeO) or slowing of the diffusion of typically rapidly diffusing components (Na2O, K2O) by coupling to slow diffusing components such as SiO2 and Al2O3. Concentrations of H2O and F decrease towards the edges of some of the Siqueiros melt inclusions, suggesting either that these components have been lost from the inclusions into the host olivine late in their cooling histories and/or that these components are exhibiting multicomponent diffusion effects.

A model has been developed of the time-dependent evolution of MgO concentration profiles in melt inclusions due to simultaneous depletion of MgO at the inclusion walls due to olivine growth and diffusion of MgO in the melt inclusions in response to this depletion. Observed concentration profiles were fit to this model to constrain their thermal histories. Cooling rates determined by a single-stage linear cooling model are 150–13,000 °C hr-1 from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C, consistent with previously determined cooling rates for basaltic glasses; compositional trends with melt inclusion size observed in the Siqueiros melt inclusions are described well by this simple single-stage linear cooling model. Despite the overall success of the modeling of MgO concentration profiles using a single-stage cooling history, MgO concentration profiles in some melt inclusions are better fit by a two-stage cooling history with a slower-cooling first stage followed by a faster-cooling second stage; the inferred total duration of cooling from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C is 40 s to just over one hour.

Based on our observations and models, compositions of zoned melt inclusions (even if measured at the centers of the inclusions) will typically have been diffusively fractionated relative to the initially trapped melt; for such inclusions, the initial composition cannot be simply reconstructed based on olivine-addition calculations, so caution should be exercised in application of such reconstructions to correct for post-entrapment crystallization of olivine on inclusion walls. Off-center analyses of a melt inclusion can also give results significantly fractionated relative to simple olivine crystallization.

All melt inclusions from the Siqueiros and Galapagos sample suites exhibit zoning profiles, and this feature may be nearly universal in glassy, olivine-hosted inclusions. If so, zoning profiles in melt inclusions could be widely useful to constrain late-stage syneruptive processes and as natural diffusion experiments.


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Jet noise reduction is an important goal within both commercial and military aviation. Although large-scale numerical simulations are now able to simultaneously compute turbulent jets and their radiated sound, lost-cost, physically-motivated models are needed to guide noise-reduction efforts. A particularly promising modeling approach centers around certain large-scale coherent structures, called wavepackets, that are observed in jets and their radiated sound. The typical approach to modeling wavepackets is to approximate them as linear modal solutions of the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations linearized about the long-time mean of the turbulent flow field. The near-field wavepackets obtained from these models show compelling agreement with those educed from experimental and simulation data for both subsonic and supersonic jets, but the acoustic radiation is severely under-predicted in the subsonic case. This thesis contributes to two aspects of these models. First, two new solution methods are developed that can be used to efficiently compute wavepackets and their acoustic radiation, reducing the computational cost of the model by more than an order of magnitude. The new techniques are spatial integration methods and constitute a well-posed, convergent alternative to the frequently used parabolized stability equations. Using concepts related to well-posed boundary conditions, the methods are formulated for general hyperbolic equations and thus have potential applications in many fields of physics and engineering. Second, the nonlinear and stochastic forcing of wavepackets is investigated with the goal of identifying and characterizing the missing dynamics responsible for the under-prediction of acoustic radiation by linear wavepacket models for subsonic jets. Specifically, we use ensembles of large-eddy-simulation flow and force data along with two data decomposition techniques to educe the actual nonlinear forcing experienced by wavepackets in a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet. Modes with high energy are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition, while high gain modes are identified using a novel technique called empirical resolvent-mode decomposition. In contrast to the flow and acoustic fields, the forcing field is characterized by a lack of energetic coherent structures. Furthermore, the structures that do exist are largely uncorrelated with the acoustic field. Instead, the forces that most efficiently excite an acoustic response appear to take the form of random turbulent fluctuations, implying that direct feedback from nonlinear interactions amongst wavepackets is not an essential noise source mechanism. This suggests that the essential ingredients of sound generation in high Reynolds number jets are contained within the linearized Navier-Stokes operator rather than in the nonlinear forcing terms, a conclusion that has important implications for jet noise modeling.


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The paper reviews the methodology of attempts to assess the importance of washout as a cause of loss of salmonid eggs and alevins. The results of this study are presented of various small-scale field trials using buried artificial salmonid eggs and tethered table tennis balls. The results suggested that, even when few eggs were actually lost by washout, some downstream movement of the upper layers of gravel and of artificial eggs might have taken place.


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Cap. 1. Museos en la posmodernidad : restos y desafíos. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 2. Never let a crisis go to waste. John Coppola. Cap. 3. Logique du don et biens communs : réinventer le musée. François Mairesse. Cap. 4. Procesos de hibridación: la evolución de las infraestructuras museísticas, gestión independiente y autogestión como reinvención del sistema del arte. Nekane Aramburu. Cap. 5. Patrimoine et musées du XXIe. Lieux de vie fédérateurs d’actions sociales. Lieux de vie créateurs d’innovation. Annette Viel. Cap. 6. El museo etnográfico: su prolongada adaptación a la crisis. Experiencias en Galicia. Xosé C. Sierra Rodríguez. Cap. 7. Reflexiones en torno a una “refundación”: El nuevo Museu Marítim de Barcelona. Olga López Miguel. Cap. 8. “El museu de todos, el museo para todos”: la accesibilidad como política. Carme Comas Camacho. Cap. 9. Pedagogía pública en participación a través de la construcción de un retrato transmedia de un territorio: caso de estudio en el Barco Museo Mater. Margarita León Guereño, Izaskun Suberbiola Garbizu, Lierni Gartzia Telleria, Josu Aramberri Miranda, José Miguel Correa Gorospe. Cap. 10. ¿Hacia una gestión de museos en red (MGMenRED)?: postcrisis, benchmarking y Euskal Hiria. Karmele Barandiaran e Igor Calzada.


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Biomanipulation is a form of biological engineering in which organisms are selectively removed or encouraged to alleviate the symptoms of eutrophication. Most examples involve fish and grazer zooplankton though mussels have also been used. The technique involves continuous management in many deeper lakes and is not a substitute for nutrient control. In some lakes, alterations to the lake environment have given longer-term positive effects. And in some shallow lakes, biomanipulation may be essential, alongside nutrient control, in re- establishing former aquatic-plant-dominated ecosystems which have been lost through severe eutrophication. The emergence of biomanipulation techniques emphasises that lake systems are not simply chemical reactors which respond simply to engineered chemical changes, but very complex and still very imperfectly understood ecosystems which require a yet profounder understanding before they can be restored with certainty.


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A metáfora do mundo como um palco está presente no imaginário humano há muitos séculos, o que se pode ver nas obras artísticas e filosóficas, de Cícero a Shakespeare: o mundo é representação. O presente estudo propõe-se a analisar interdisciplinamente os desdobramentos das metáforas do teatro e do cinema, na exploração do espaço da metrópole, tendo como corpus o romance Cidade de Vidro, de Paul Auster (1999) e a narrativa fílmica Sinédoque Nova York, de Charlie Kaufman (2008). Para tal, procuramos os teóricos da metáfora, tendo como principal deles Hans Blumenberg, fundador da Metaforologia, Paul Ricoeur e Derrida, em estudos especialmente dedicados a essa figura de linguagem. As metáforas, contudo, se realizam em um determinado espaço, o da metrópole, e para nos guiarmos em seus caminhos, elegemos os estudiosos da nova geografia cultural, dentre os quais Paul Claval, Mathias Le Bossé e Denis Cosgrove. Na correlação da cidade com o teatro, apontaremos a própria história da criação do teatro ocidental como o principal ponto de partida para as ramificações de tal mimetismo. Para o estudo específico do espaço da metrópole, contamos com Walter Benjamin e seus seguidores. Os estudos benjaminianos serão também de vital importância para a compreensão da relação entre cinema e metrópole, relação essa que também foi aclarada pelo questionamento de Nietzsche sobre a verdade. Não foi nossa intenção comparar as obras aqui analisadas em seus planos narratológicos, mas articular dois textos regidos por códigos e procedimentos artísticos parecidos, mas, ainda assim diferentes. Buscamos apontar como as relações teatrais e cinemáticas na metrópole, fragmentada como o próprio homem que nela se perde, provocam uma suspensão da fronteira entre realidade e ficção


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I show that the research reported by Arieli et al. [Appl. Opt. 86, 9129 (1997)] has two serious mistakes: One is that an important factor is lost in the formula used in that study to determine the x-direction coordinate transformation; the other is the conclusion that the geometrical-transformation approach given by Arieli et al. can provide a smooth phase distribution. A potential research direction for obtaining a smooth phase distribution for a generic two-dimensional beam-shaping problem is stated. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.