976 resultados para Log penalty


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This paper analyzes the error exponents in Bayesian decentralized spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of occupancy of the primary spectrum by a cognitive radio, with probability of error as the performance metric. At the individual sensors, the error exponents of a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) based detection scheme are analyzed. At the fusion center, a K-out-of-N rule is employed to arrive at the overall decision. It is shown that, in the presence of fading, for a fixed number of sensors, the error exponents with respect to the number of observations at both the individual sensors as well as at the fusion center are zero. This motivates the development of the error exponent with a certain probability as a novel metric that can be used to compare different detection schemes in the presence of fading. The metric is useful, for example, in answering the question of whether to sense for a pilot tone in a narrow band (and suffer Rayleigh fading) or to sense the entire wide-band signal (and suffer log-normal shadowing), in terms of the error exponent performance. The error exponents with a certain probability at both the individual sensors and at the fusion center are derived, with both Rayleigh as well as log-normal shadow fading. Numerical results are used to illustrate and provide a visual feel for the theoretical expressions obtained.


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With no Channel State Information (CSI) at the users, transmission over the two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel with fading and finite constellation at the input, will have high error rates due to multiple access interference (MAI). However, perfect CSI at the users is an unrealistic assumption in the wireless scenario, as it would involve extremely large feedback overheads. In this paper we propose a scheme which removes the adverse effect of MAI using only quantized knowledge of fade state at the transmitters such that the associated overhead is nominal. One of the users rotates its constellation relative to the other without varying the transmit power to adapt to the existing channel conditions, in order to meet certain predetermined minimum Euclidean distance requirement in the equivalent constellation at the destination. The optimal rotation scheme is described for the case when both the users use symmetric M-PSK constellations at the input, where M = 2(gimel), gimel being a positive integer. The strategy is illustrated by considering the example where both the users use QPSK signal sets at the input. The case when the users use PSK constellations of different sizes is also considered. It is shown that the proposed scheme has considerable better error performance compared to the conventional non-adaptive scheme, at the cost of a feedback overhead of just log log(2) (M-2/8 - M/4 + 2)] + 1 bits, for the M-PSK case.


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Maintaining metadata consistency is a critical issue in designing a filesystem. Although satisfactory solutions are available for filesystems residing on magnetic disks, these solutions may not give adequate performance for filesystems residing on flash devices. Prabhakaran et al. have designed a metadata consistency mechanism specifically for flash chips, called Transactional Flash1]. It uses cyclic commit mechanism to provide transactional abstractions. Although significant improvement over usual journaling techniques, this mechanism has certain drawbacks such as complex protocol and necessity to read whole flash during recovery, which slows down recovery process. In this paper we propose addition of thin journaling layer on top of Transactional Flash to simplify the protocol and speed up the recovery process. The simplified protocol named Quick Recovery Cyclic Commit (QRCC) uses journal stored on NOR flash for recovery. Our evaluations on actual raw flash card show that journal writes add negligible penalty compared to original Transactional Flash's write performance, while quick recovery is facilitated by journal in case of failures.


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The objective of the paper is to estimate Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) and Operating/Design Basis Earthquake (OBE/DBE) for the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) site located at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India. The NPP is located at 12.558 degrees N, 80.175 degrees E and a 500 km circular area around NPP site is considered as `seismic study area' based on past regional earthquake damage distribution. The geology, seismicity and seismotectonics of the study area are studied and the seismotectonic map is prepared showing the seismic sources and the past earthquakes. Earthquake data gathered from many literatures are homogenized and declustered to form a complete earthquake catalogue for the seismic study area. The conventional maximum magnitude of each source is estimated considering the maximum observed magnitude (M-max(obs)) and/or the addition of 0.3 to 0.5 to M-max(obs). In this study maximum earthquake magnitude has been estimated by establishing a region's rupture character based on source length and associated M-max(obs). A final source-specific M-max is selected from the three M-max values by following the logical criteria. To estimate hazard at the NPP site, ten Ground-Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) valid for the study area are considered. These GMPEs are ranked based on Log-Likelihood (LLH) values. Top five GMPEs are considered to estimate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the site. Maximum PGA is obtained from three faults and named as vulnerable sources to decide the magnitudes of OBE and SSE. The average and normalized site specific response spectrum is prepared considering three vulnerable sources and further used to establish site-specific design spectrum at NPP site.


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In this letter, we compute the secrecy rate of decode-and-forward (DF) relay beamforming with finite input alphabet of size M. Source and relays operate under a total power constraint. First, we observe that the secrecy rate with finite-alphabet input can go to zero as the total power increases, when we use the source power and the relay weights obtained assuming Gaussian input. This is because the capacity of an eavesdropper can approach the finite-alphabet capacity of 1/2 log(2) M with increasing total power, due to the inability to completely null in the direction of the eavesdropper. We then propose a transmit power control scheme where the optimum source power and relay weights are obtained by carrying out transmit power (source power plus relay power) control on DF with Gaussian input using semi-definite programming, and then obtaining the corresponding source power and relay weights which maximize the secrecy rate for DF with finite-alphabet input. The proposed power control scheme is shown to achieve increasing secrecy rates with increasing total power with a saturation behavior at high total powers.


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We consider a discrete time system with packets arriving randomly at rate lambda per slot to a fading point-to-point link, for which the transmitter can control the number of packets served in a slot by varying the transmit power. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay of the packets, when average transmitter power is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average power required for queue stability. We show that the minimum average delay will grow either as log (1/V) or 1/V when V down arrow 0, for certain sets of values of lambda. These sets are determined by the distribution of fading gain, the maximum number of packets which can be transmitted in a slot, and the assumed transmit power function, as a function of the fading gain and the number of packets transmitted. We identify a case where the above behaviour of the tradeoff differs from that obtained from a previously considered model, in which the random queue length process is assumed to evolve on the non-negative real line.


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The optimal tradeoff between average service cost rate and average delay, is addressed for a M/M/1 queueing model with queue-length dependent service rates, chosen from a finite set. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay, when the average service cost rate is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average service cost rate required for stability. We show that depending on the value of the arrival rate, the assumed service cost rate function, and the possible values of the service rates, the minimum average delay either a) increases only to a finite value, b) increases without bound as log(1/V), or c) increases without bound as 1/V, when V down arrow 0. We apply the analysis to a flow-level resource allocation model for a wireless downlink. We also investigate the asymptotic tradeoff for a sequence of policies which are obtained from an approximate fluid model for the M/M/1 queue.


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In this paper, we study the diversity-multiplexing-gain tradeoff (DMT) of wireless relay networks under the half-duplex constraint. It is often unclear what penalty if any, is imposed by the half-duplex constraint on the DMT of such networks. We study two classes of networks; the first class, called KPP(I) networks, is the class of networks with the relays organized in K parallel paths between the source and the destination. While we assume that there is no direct source-destination path, the K relaying paths can interfere with each other. The second class, termed as layered networks, is comprised of relays organized in layers, where links exist only between adjacent layers. We present a communication scheme based on static schedules and amplify-and-forward relaying for these networks. We also show that for KPP(I) networks with K >= 3, the proposed schemes can achieve full-duplex DMT performance, thus demonstrating that there is no performance hit on the DMT due to the half-duplex constraint. We also show that, for layered networks, a linear DMT of d(max)(1 - r)(+) between the maximum diversity d(max) and the maximum MG, r(max) = 1 is achievable. We adapt existing DMT optimal coding schemes to these networks, thus specifying the end-to-end communication strategy explicitly.


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In this paper, we explore fundamental limits on the number of tests required to identify a given number of ``healthy'' items from a large population containing a small number of ``defective'' items, in a nonadaptive group testing framework. Specifically, we derive mutual information-based upper bounds on the number of tests required to identify the required number of healthy items. Our results show that an impressive reduction in the number of tests is achievable compared to the conventional approach of using classical group testing to first identify the defective items and then pick the required number of healthy items from the complement set. For example, to identify L healthy items out of a population of N items containing K defective items, when the tests are reliable, our results show that O(K(L - 1)/(N - K)) measurements are sufficient. In contrast, the conventional approach requires O(K log(N/K)) measurements. We derive our results in a general sparse signal setup, and hence, they are applicable to other sparse signal-based applications such as compressive sensing also.


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Peer to peer networks are being used extensively nowadays for file sharing, video on demand and live streaming. For IPTV, delay deadlines are more stringent compared to file sharing. Coolstreaming was the first P2P IPTV system. In this paper, we model New Coolstreaming (newer version of Coolstreaming) via a queueing network. We use two time scale decomposition of Markov chains to compute the stationary distribution of number of peers and the expected number of substreams in the overlay which are not being received at the required rate due to parent overloading. We also characterize the end-to-end delay encountered by a video packet received by a user and originated at the server. Three factors contribute towards the delay. The first factor is the mean shortest path length between any two overlay peers in terms of overlay hops of the partnership graph which is shown to be O (log n) where n is the number of peers in the overlay. The second factor is the mean number of routers between any two overlay neighbours which is seen to be at most O (log N-I) where N-I is the number of routers in the internet. Third factor is the mean delay at a router in the internet. We provide an approximation of this mean delay E W]. Thus, the mean end to end delay in New Coolstreaming is shown to be upper bounded by O (log E N]) (log N-I) E (W)] where E N] is the mean number of peers at a channel.


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A new approach that can easily incorporate any generic penalty function into the diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction is introduced to show the utility of nonquadratic penalty functions. The penalty functions that were used include quadratic (l(2)), absolute (l(1)), Cauchy, and Geman-McClure. The regularization parameter in each of these cases was obtained automatically by using the generalized cross-validation method. The reconstruction results were systematically compared with each other via utilization of quantitative metrics, such as relative error and Pearson correlation. The reconstruction results indicate that, while the quadratic penalty may be able to provide better separation between two closely spaced targets, its contrast recovery capability is limited, and the sparseness promoting penalties, such as l(1), Cauchy, and Geman-McClure have better utility in reconstructing high-contrast and complex-shaped targets, with the Geman-McClure penalty being the most optimal one. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America


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In all domains of life, initiator tRNA functions exclusively at the first step of protein synthesis while elongator tRNAs extend the polypeptide chain. Unique features of initiator tRNA enable it to preferentially bind the ribosomal P site and initiate translation. Recently, we showed that the abundance of initiator tRNA also contributes to its specialized role. This motivates the question, can a cell also use elongator tRNA to initiate translation under certain conditions? To address this, we introduced non-AUG initiation codons CCC (Pro), GAG (Glu), GGU (Gly), UCU (Ser), UGU (Cys), ACG (Thr), AAU (Asn), and AGA (Arg) into the uracil DNA glycosylase gene (ung) used as a reporter gene. Enzyme assays from log-phase cells revealed initiation from non-AUG codons when intracellular initiator tRNA levels were reduced. The activity increased significantly in stationary phase. Further increases in initiation from non-AUG codons occurred in both growth phases upon introduction of plasmid-borne genes of cognate elongator tRNAs. Since purine-rich Shine-Dalgarno sequences occur frequently on mRNAs (in places other than the canonical AUG codon initiation contexts), initiation with elongator tRNAs from the alternate contexts may generate proteome diversity under stress without compromising genomic integrity. Thus, by changing the relative amounts of initiator and elongator tRNAs within the cell, we have blurred the distinction between the two classes of tRNAs thought to be frozen through years of evolution.


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The product dimension of a graph G is defined as the minimum natural number l such that G is an induced subgraph of a direct product of l complete graphs. In this paper we study the product dimension of forests, bounded treewidth graphs and k-degenerate graphs. We show that every forest on n vertices has product dimension at most 1.441 log n + 3. This improves the best known upper bound of 3 log n for the same due to Poljak and Pultr. The technique used in arriving at the above bound is extended and combined with a well-known result on the existence of orthogonal Latin squares to show that every graph on n vertices with treewidth at most t has product dimension at most (t + 2) (log n + 1). We also show that every k-degenerate graph on n vertices has product dimension at most inverted right perpendicular5.545 k log ninverted left perpendicular + 1. This improves the upper bound of 32 k log n for the same by Eaton and Rodl.


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Double helical structures of DNA and RNA are mostly determined by base pair stacking interactions, which give them the base sequence-directed features, such as small roll values for the purine-pyrimidine steps. Earlier attempts to characterize stacking interactions were mostly restricted to calculations on fiber diffraction geometries or optimized structure using ab initio calculations lacking variation in geometry to comment on rather unusual large roll values observed in AU/AU base pair step in crystal structures of RNA double helices. We have generated stacking energy hyperspace by modeling geometries with variations along the important degrees of freedom, roll, and slide, which were chosen via statistical analysis as maximally sequence dependent. Corresponding energy contours were constructed by several quantum chemical methods including dispersion corrections. This analysis established the most suitable methods for stacked base pair systems despite the limitation imparted by number of atom in a base pair step to employ very high level of theory. All the methods predict negative roll value and near-zero slide to be most favorable for the purine-pyrimidine steps, in agreement with Calladine's steric clash based rule. Successive base pairs in RNA are always linked by sugar-phosphate backbone with C3-endo sugars and this demands C1-C1 distance of about 5.4 angstrom along the chains. Consideration of an energy penalty term for deviation of C1-C1 distance from the mean value, to the recent DFT-D functionals, specifically B97X-D appears to predict reliable energy contour for AU/AU step. Such distance-based penalty improves energy contours for the other purine-pyrimidine sequences also. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 107-120, 2014.


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We undertake a systematic, direct numerical simulation of the twodimensional, Fourier-truncated, Gross-Pitaevskii equation to study the turbulent evolutions of its solutions for a variety of initial conditions and a wide range of parameters. We find that the time evolution of this system can be classified into four regimes with qualitatively different statistical properties. Firstly, there are transients that depend on the initial conditions. In the second regime, powerlaw scaling regions, in the energy and the occupation-number spectra, appear and start to develop; the exponents of these power laws and the extents of the scaling regions change with time and depend on the initial condition. In the third regime, the spectra drop rapidly for modes with wave numbers k > kc and partial thermalization takes place for modes with k < kc; the self-truncation wave number kc(t) depends on the initial conditions and it grows either as a power of t or as log t. Finally, in the fourth regime, complete thermalization is achieved and, if we account for finite-size effects carefully, correlation functions and spectra are consistent with their nontrivial Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless forms. Our work is a natural generalization of recent studies of thermalization in the Euler and other hydrodynamical equations; it combines ideas from fluid dynamics and turbulence, on the one hand, and equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics on the other.