979 resultados para Linguagem verbal e fotográfica


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This monograph seeks to provide an exposition and theoretical examination of Ciência da Carne (“Science of the Flesh”), a series of artworks in woodcut printing executed after research into the artistic aspects of Human Anatomy, done throughout the Graduate Course in Visual Arts at UNESP’s Art Institute. Traditional procedures of naturalistic representation of the human figure often adopt the scientific basis of Anatomy as a means of interpreting the surface contours of the body from its inside out. The historical connection between Anatomy and Art, however, is not merely accidental, for it is integral to the development of both disciplines, which find themselves deeply related in the human impulse for self-discovery and reinvention of its own likeness. The series of artworks collected in Ciência da Carne explores, through the particular graphical language provided by woodcut printing, abstract arrangements of isolated anatomical elements, at once removed from the context of traditional figurative representation and from the didactic goals of medical illustration.


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This paper attempts to quantify the occurrences of verb agreement, as well as evaluative repercussions on a sample of one hundred and eight essays compiled by candidates entering the São Paulo State University- UNESP in 2006 through an annual entrance exam conducted by the Foundation and applied for Vestibular the Unesp - VUNESP in November 2005. Our reflections are observing about the possible relationships between the performances obtained in newsrooms observed (high, medium and low) and precepts found in the rules established by normative grammars. Our study is based on theoretical and methodological framework of variationist sociolinguistics and search through the quantification of data, discuss the factors that influence verb agreement in the corpus analyzed. Our results show not only a high index of cases of verbal agreement (standard variant) in the three types of essays analyzed, as well as cases of overcorrection that may be explained by the misapplication of the rules of agreement


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This research aims at the human body as a theme that is explored in different languages by many artists. So here I intend to report the passing of reading and interpretation of the show LIVE BODY: Carousel of Species for sculptural language, so will be examined trajectory of the creative process with a brief overview of the expressive body language through dance / theater exploring ways Created with contributions from studies of Reeducation Method Body Ivaldo Bertazzo, creator, director and choreographer of the piece


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This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.


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This paper demonstrates that in every society there are limits and these are imposed on its members. However, the awareness and the determination of theses limits are necessarily how they are transmitted by the educator to the learners. Its purpose is to show that autonomous, critical and cooperative individuals are result of the form they were educated and instructed in the classroom. Schools and educators should be concerned with the education of individuals able to reflect, discuss and solve the social and moral conflicts through dialogue, exposition of ideas, suggesting alternatives and the preparation and reworking of the principles and norms that govern society. The goal of this study is identify and highlight the importance of educator language in conflict resolution, its consequences and effects on the process of building the moral autonomy of children in preschool, as well as discussing, in theory the two types of language, evaluative and descriptive. In the same way, show the importance of descriptive language on the construction process from moral autonomy of learner. Several existing research about the chosen subject led to face this challenge, deepening the study to show that and educational system focused on cooperative environment, where teacher actions encourage social interaction, giving the student opportunity to talk, argue and present his thoughts, causes a significant development toward the construction of moral autonomy on the learner


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de buscar compreender melhor o funcionamento linguístico em anúncios publicitários. O corpus se compõe de cinco anúncios impressos, publicados em revistas atuais, dos anos de 2011 a 2012; nos quais foram analisadas as técnicas argumentativas e recursos linguísticos neles contidos, em especial aqueles que contribuíram para criar um clima coloquial, de aproximação da marca com o cliente em potencial. Para a presente pesquisa, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico dentro da área da Linguística de Argumentação. As análises realizadas buscaram verificar como a linguagem é usada para persuadir o consumidor, principalmente com o uso de metáforas. A partir delas, pode-se verificar que os textos publicitários se constituem uma rica fonte para os estudiosos da língua, já que a publicidade é capaz de ampliar o sentido de uma palavra, se utilizando de diversos recursos linguísticos


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The aim of this work is the analysis of some figures of speech, which is based on the existence of a nature of metaphorical process. The research starts from the hypothesis that these figures form themselves by this process. The study is based on the reading of the chapter “Figuras de linguagem”, which is in the work Lições de gramática de usos do português (NEVES, in the press), in which are given lessons about figures of speech, using literary texts and suggesting a metaphorical base for the general sustenance of the analyses. From these lessons, that had already directed groupings and analyses in Seves (2009), a reanalysis was done according to a theoretical orientation which basis is cognitivist, what contribute to this idea about the origin of the figurative processes. The bases of the theoretical orientation, in this sense, are: the conceptual metaphor theory (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1980), which considers metaphor as a cognitive (mental) process; and the current of the systematic metaphor (CAMERON, 2005 apud SARDINHA, 2007) that defends the attention to the recurring use of metaphor in real language, before doing assertions about the mind’s functioning. The analyses indicated these conclusions: a) the theory of the conceptual metaphor can be considered efficient for the foundation of the analyses, what implies a minimization of the metonymic component in the exam of these figures; b) and in the basis of the majority of the founded figures it is evident the nature of a metaphorical process


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romão (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics “fear of test” and “test content” were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a “non-verbal agreement” between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.


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This paper aims at discussing the characteristics of computer mediated language within a foreign language teaching and learning environment enabled by the use of synchronic writing resources – chat. The present research is based on (i) theoretical principles about the use of technologies and the teaching-learning of foreign languages in the scope of the Teletandem Brazil Project: Foreign languages for all – Projeto Teletandem Brasil: línguas estrangeiras para todos (TELLES, 2005); (ii) studies on the characteristics of the language within chat interactions; (iii) different theoretical perspectives on the relationship between spoken and written language, emphasizing the constitutive heterogeneity of writing perspective (CORRÊA, 1997, 1998, 2001); and (iv) some relevant concepts related to Prosodic Phonology field (NESPOR; VOGEL, 1986). Is being taken as research data, the written production of a Brazilian student (finishing a Licentiate in Literature) interacting with an American student (in Religious Studies) through Windows Live Messenger. The data were collected during a five-month period, during which the participants interacted through chat, totalizing 12 interactions in English and in Portuguese. During the analysis, a particular attention was given to the messages’ fragmentation, the use (or not) of punctuation signs and abbreviations within the Brazilian participant’s production, in order to discuss the representations she built of her writing, her interlocutor, herself and on the teaching-learning process of a foreign language.


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Os artigos apresentados neste volume da coleção “Desafios Contemporâneos” têm como objetivo refletir sobre os problemas atuais que marcam o diálogo com o campo acadêmico e científico da Comunicação. Os 18 artigos reunidos aqui contemplam a área de Comunicação e envolvem diferentes linhas de pesquisa. A iniciativa teve como fim expor não apenas as discussões gerais sobre o campo, mas também a experiência singular e atuante dos pesquisadores da Unesp dedicados ao estudo da Comunicação. Três eixos nortearam a organização dos artigos. O primeiro, “Múltiplas formas de linguagem e produção de sentido”, reúne textos que investigam o campo da produção, da circulação e do funcionamento e das estruturas da linguagem nas diversas mídias e nas suas tipologias textuais. “Políticas e estratégias da Comunicação” trata dos processos e fluxos de comunicação no mundo atual e sua relação com a política na sociedade. Já o terceiro eixo, “Relações socioculturais e suas manifestações na esfera da indústria cultural e das mídias digitais”, analisa as dimensões dos processos, da difusão e da recepção dos produtos midiáticos em sua relação sociocultural. Entre os temas abordados estão a comparação entre as linguagens jornalística e publicitária, a censura judicial à liberdade de imprensa, o desafio teórico-metodológico na aplicação da antropologia interpretativa ao campo da comunicação, conjunturas e desafios da educação superior em comunicação no Brasil, a focalização da vida operária no cinema de Leon Hirszman pelo filme Eles não usam black-tie, entre outros.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)