995 resultados para Lengua de señas argentina


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The present study deals with a general introduction which outlines the objective of the study providing an exhaustive review of works on crabs with particular reference to deep-sea forms. In the first section, Taxonomy and Geographical disribution of the crab are dealt with. The species is described in detail based on several male and female specimens obtained from the pelagic and bottom collections, and its identity in Indian waters is established. It is also distinguished from a closely allied species so far not reported from Indian waters. The second section comprises the biology of the species and it is dealt with under four subheading, namely Habit and Habitats, Reproduction, Food and feeding and Proximate composition. The different habitats occupied by juveniles, subadults and adults of the species have been described and discussed in the light of available information on differential distribution of other related species. The reproductive biology is described in various details touching on gross anatomy and histology of the reproductive systems, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, size at maturity, ovarian maturation process, fecundity, egg carriage and breeding. The food and feeding habits of the species have been studied with reference to the different life stages such as juveniles, subadults and adults during the different phases of life based on stomach content analysis. The percentage of meat recovery and protein, carbohydrate and lipid content of meat have been described in the section dealing with proximate composition. In section three the distribution and abundance of the crab for the entire Indian EEZ and some contiguous ares have been described and illustrated in detail separately for pelagic and benthic realms. The size frequency disrtibution, sex ratios, length weight relationship and relative abundance of breeding population in the experimental catches have been dealt with in detail and discussed.


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The thesis entitled Studies on Thermal Structure in the Seas Around India. An attempt is made in this study to document the observed variability of thermal structure, both on seasonal and short-term scales, in the eastern Arabian Sea and southwestern Bay of Bengal, from the spatial and time series data sets from a reasonably strong data base. The present study has certain limitations. The mean temperatures are based on an uneven distribution of data in space and time. Some of the areas, although having a ‘full annual coverage, do not have adequate data for some months. Some portions in the area under study are having data gaps. The consistency and the coherence in the internal wave characteristics could not be examined due to non-availability of adequate data sets. The influence of generating mechanisms; other than winds and tides on the observed internal wave fields could not be ascertained due to lack of data. However, a comprehensive and intensive data collection can overcome these limitations. The deployment of moored buoys with arrays of sensors at different depths at some important locations for about 5 to 10 years can provide intensive and extensive data sets. This strong data base can afford to address the short-term and seasonal variability of thermal field and understand in detail the individual and collective influences of various physical and dynamical mechanisms responsible for such variability.


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Of the several physical processes occurring in the sea, vertical motions have special significance because of their marked effects on the oceanic environment. upwelling is the process in the sea whereby subsurface layers move up towards the surface. The reverse process of surface water sinking to subsurface depths is called sinking. Upwelling is a very conspicuous feature along the west coasts of continents and equatorial regions, though upwelling also occurs along certain east coasts of continents and other regions, The Thesis is an outcome of some investigations carried out by the author on upwelling and sinking off the west and east coasts of India. The aim of the study is to find out the actual period and duration of upwelling and sinking, their driving mechanism, various associated features and the factors that affect these processes. It is achieved by analysing the temperature and density fields off the west and east coasts of India, and further conclusions are drawn from the divergence field of surface currents, wind stress and sea level variations.


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This thesis deals with the results of investigations on primary production and related aspects conducted in the Indian seas since 1957 and includes the regional and seasonal variations in the rate of production factors controlling the same and the magnitude of potential fishery resources derived from it. Data collected for various periods using oxygen and 14c techniques from the Gulf of Mannar, palk bay, the south west coast of India including laccadive sea together with other available data form the basis of these studies.


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Tsunamis are water waves generated by a sudden vertical displacement of the water surface. They are waves generated in the ocean by the disturbance associated with seismic activity, under sea volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, nuclear explosion or meteorite impacts with the ocean. These waves are generated in the ocean and travel into coastal bays, gulfs, estuaries and rivers. These waves travel as gravity waves with a velocity dependent on water depth. The term tsunami is Japanese and means harbour (tsu) and wave (nami). It has been named so because such waves often develop resonant phenomena in harbours after offshore earthquakes.


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Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Curturals (CRIC), Curs 2008-2009, Directora: Dra. Nora Elena Catelli Quiroga


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This book investigates country-specific responses to privatisation by examining two of the most important Latin American examples of the 1990s, the Argentine and the Brazilian programmes, and one essential public service sector, electricity. In doing so, it aims to: identify the impact of privatisation on electricity sector employees in Argentina and Brazil during the 1990s; explore how the impact came about; and analyse the reasons for this impact. A multi-dimensional perspective provides a comparative analysis of privatisation processes, regulatory contexts, and results, striving to capture the phenomenon by combining insights from political and economic analysis.


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Das Working Paper analysiert die Sozialstruktur Argentiniens in den letzten vierzig Jahren. Schwerpunktmäßig werden dabei die Veränderungen der gesellschaftlichen Stratifizierung identifiziert, die in drei soziale Klassen, die obere, die mittlere und die untere Klasse eingeteilt werden. Drei Debatten werden dabei beleuchtet: Erstens die methodologische Frage, welche Kriterien geeignet sind um angemessene Unterscheidungen zwischen den verschiedenen Klassen, insbesondere die Abgrenzung der Mittelklasse vorzunehmen. Zweitens wird im Rückgriff auf unterschiedliche Forschungsansätze der Wandel der Sozialstruktur beschrieben, um dabei gemeinsame Tendenzen zu erkennen. Drittens wird der Blick auf die Charakteristika des Arbeitsmarktes gelegt und darauf, wie dieser die argentinische Sozialstruktur prägt.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la aplicaci??n del lenguaje de signos en el aula para atender a las necesidades del alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Genil en Granada. Los objetivos son: que los ni??os sordos tengan una figura sorda de identificaci??n dentro del profesorado; el lenguaje de signos se introducir?? desde el primer momento con un peso importante en el curr??culum escolar; la lengua escrita tendr?? un peso espec??fico y recibir?? un tratamiento multidisciplinar, con el objetivo de mejorar la competencia escrita del alumnado sordo, principal fuente de informaci??n futura; intervenir de manera sistem??tica para prevenir situaciones de desfase curricular mediante clases de refuerzo utilizando la lengua de signos; que adquieran una competencia normalizada en los procesos de lectura y escritura; que desarrollen capacidades cognitivas, estrategias y estilos de aprendizaje eficaces y adecuados a su condici??n de sordos; que el profesorado, padres y el resto de compa??eros puedan tener acceso al lenguaje de signos; aplicar medidas y desarrollar actuaciones para la atenci??n a la diversidad en las aulas del centro; atender a la diversidad dentro del aula mediante nuevas estrategias y medidas; dise??ar estrategias de intervenci??n en el tratamiento de las diferentes necesidades.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que propone la recopilación de las producciones literarias elaboradas en el aula e intercambiarlas con otros centros como recursos educativos de interés, utilizando nuevas tecnologías informáticas. Se realiza en el CEIP La Esperanza en Cantillana, Sevilla. Los objetivos son: intercambiar experiencias entre centros educativos; utilizar las nuevas tecnologías como una herramienta al servicio de la educación y de la creación curricular; elaborar recursos didácticos contextualizados; implicar a las familias en una dinámica rica en estímulos orales y escritos en coherencia con el paradigma de lectura emergente. El proceso consta de varias fases: 1, aprendizaje y familiarización con aplicaciones de maquetación y edición; 2, reuniones con el equipo técnico de coordinación pedagógica para plantear los recursos que se iban a desarrollar.