979 resultados para Legado Clássico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper aims to understand the nature of personal archives and their main features based on the collector entity IEB-USP (Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo). Based on this entity and on archival theory, we discuss here, differences and similarities between the organic and private archives realizing the intrinsic value established on personal archival and how its institutionalization is denominated, once it directly pervades the attribution of value that is assigned and settled, relating to the work and life of a political or artistic personality, and also related to the collective memory and legacy left for this historically, aesthetic and socially important figures. We highlight, here, the approximation of Archival Science and Information Science and Library through the principles and organization methodologies applied to personal archives.


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The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske’s (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel’s discussion in his classical paper “What is it like to be a bat”. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject’s experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar dois casos de pacientes com síndrome de Cornelia de Lange, comparando seus quadros clínicos com os achados da literatura e ressaltando a variabilidade fenotípica existente que, eventualmente, pode dificultar o diagnóstico. São apresentados os relatos de dois pacientes com a síndrome. No primeiro caso a criança tem um quadro típico clássico, enquanto a segunda apresenta uma forma moderada da síndrome. O diagnóstico da síndrome de Cornelia de Lange é eminentemente clínico. A despeito de três genes terem sido identificados como possíveis causadores dessa síndrome, exames moleculares para confirmação diagnóstica não estão disponíveis na prática médica cotidiana e, mesmo quando factíveis, podem não confirmar uma suspeita clínica. Neste artigo se discutem as distintas apresentações fenotípicas da síndrome e os critérios clínicos mínimos necessários para confirmação diagnóstica.


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This text aims to present a very short review on Machiavelli’s ideas reception concerning his military thought and short reflections on international affairs, as part of what was called realism in the realm of international relations theory. The text deals with much more emphasis the mentioned interpretations in a very concise way within contemporary studies about maquiavelian legacy on contemporary studies in International Relations.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.


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In this work, a tabu search algorithm for solving uncapacitated location problems is presented. The uncapacitated location problem is a classic problem of localization and occurs in many practical situations. The problem consists in determining in a network, at the minimum possible cost, the better localization, in a network, for the installation of facilities in order to attend the customers' associated demands, at the minimum possible cost. One admits that there exists a cost associated with the opening of a facility and a cost of attendance of each customer by any open facilities. In the particular case of the uncapacitated location problem there is no capacity limitation to attend the customers’ demands. There are some parameters in the algorithm that influence the solution’s quality. These parameters were tested and optimal values for them were obtained. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to find the optimal solution for all small tested problems keeping the compromise between solution’s quality and computational time. However, to solve bigger problems, the structure of the algorithm must be changed in its structure. The implemented algorithm is integrated to a computational platform for solution of logistic problems


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we investigate the dissociation of heteronuclear diatomic molecules subjected to laser pulses. This phenomenon can be modeled by the classical forced Morse oscillator. This system presents a chaotic dynamics associated with the anharmonicity of the internuclear potential and with the coupling of permanent dipole of molecule with the electric field of laser. We want to verify how the dissociation probability evolves while we change the intensity and frequency of laser. We study the phase space of molecules to have a better understanding of system dynamics. We make the calculations changing two parameters of laser (intensity and frequency) and checking how this parameters influences on molecule dissociation. We compare the results of HF molecule (Fluoride acid) and CO molecule (Carbon monoxide) to check how the dipole moment of each molecule can influence on laser interaction


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lançados no processo de preparação da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peças publicitár ias veiculadas na mídia. Anal isamos a mobilização popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adesão em um movimento do país, de modo geral, e a preparação realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo específ ico, com as transformações operadas tanto no âmbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformação dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriação do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integração ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertença dos cidadãos cooperam para os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade contemporânea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgação do slogan da campanha publicitária como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hipótese de que a p ro d u ç ã o d a “p a i x ã o pelo futebol ” t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugestão massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s “e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s ” e o s “e f e it o s d e ima ge n s ” n o s múlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituição do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vínculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicações entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivação nas peças publicitárias selecionadas para este estudo.


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Initially, the text handles the theories of ancient classical and changes with the emerging of the debates of the schools of economic of Keynes and Kalecki. Over the years, from 1930 onwards, investment theories were debated and modified by various schools of economic thought. One of the debates that stands out in this work are the theories of Minsky that will bring new reformulations to Keynesian theory and a greater focus on psychological factors as determinants of investment decisions. Through financial instability hypothesis Minsky explains how the decisions to invest and the access to credit cause instability to financial system. Finally the work will show how access to credit is material when companies decide to invest and how these investments are often handled due to information asymmetries in the market. The financial institutions seek to maximize their profits while dribbling moral hazard and adverse selection, and thus the government needs to intervene once in a while as a regulator to maintain the solvency of the system


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This paper analyzes the evolution of the sugar cane plantation area in the State of São Paulo in the last ten years. It presents a concise report about the history of this raw material in the country and describes how the sector relating to sugar cane was before the economic deregulation and what changes occurred after 1990, emphasizing the territorially expansion occurred in the State of São Paulo. The paper concludes that the expansion of the sector relating to sugar cane occurred much more territorially than through productivity gains, considering that these ganis were bigger in the State of São Paulo, and that the economic deregulation left a legate of heterogeneity in this sector


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This final assignment aimed to promote a critical analysis of methods of preparation mappings danger of landslide and presentation of proposed development from the use of participative method, as an instrument to facilitate the identification of adverse geological processes. There search was executed from literature review about concept associated with geological dangers theme and the typology and characteristics of gravitational mass movements. We analyzed particularly the so-called methods of mapping danger tradicional/classic and alternative. It is believed, that integrating the work of specialists with the participation of involvedagents (local community and stake holders). This literature review and proposed work do noted in itself. You need the continuing advance in the discussion, debates and research on this topic as well as public policies that act on problems identified more concretely


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As explosões de violência que assolam a sociedade humana são noticiadas diariamente pela mídia, e vivenciadas pelos indivíduos. As queixas sobre a disseminação da violência estão espalhadas como areia pelo vento. As manifestações de agressão podem ocorrer por diversos motivos: disputas por território, fama, “status”, para impor dominação, agressividade como forma de alerta, para atingir um objetivo sexual, um instrumento para humilhar e coagir o outro, entre outros tantos e variados motivos. As ciências que se ocupam do estudo das relações humanas abordam o tema, mas devido à complexidade e abrangência de suas manifestações, existem muito mais lacunas do que respostas. A agressividade e violência não são exclusivas da sociedade humana, mas graças ao desenvolvimento técnico-científico, para a humanidade a associação entre estas tendências e a capacidade destrutiva do homem, geralmente, são catastróficas, ameaçando não apenas sua própria espécie, mas tudo ao seu redor. É impossível negar a ancestralidade comum entre o homem e os grandes primatas, chimpanzés, orangotangos, gorilas e bonobos. Intrigante é o fato de encontrar ocorrências de atos violentos semelhantes aos humanos entre eles. Por exemplo, orangotangos cometem estupros, chimpanzés além de surras, atacam de modo mortal indivíduos da mesma espécie, e entre gorilas o infanticídio é um ato banal. Apenas os bonobos fogem deste legado violento, apresentando-se como sociedade pacífica, liderada por fêmeas, onde conflitos são resolvidos pelo ato sexual. Os chimpanzés são extremamente próximos aos humanos, compartilhando mais de 95% da bagagem genética. A diferença entre os chimpanzés e humanos é menor do que a existente entre eles e os gorilas. A agressividade em ambos é algo que chama atenção para o possível legado genético, visto ser uma característica comportamental típica dos animais. No caso do ser humano, este tipo de...