997 resultados para Laser cooling


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Based on electro-optic switch effect in crystal, a novel laser ranging method is proposed. CW-laser emitted by laser transmitter propagates forward to the measured target, after being reflected by the target, and then goes back to the transmitter. Close to the transmitter, a special mono-block LiNbO3 crystal is added into the round-trip light beams. High-voltage pulses with the sharp enough changes in rising edges are loaded on the crystal. Based on electro-optic effect, double refraction and internal double reflection effect in crystal, the crystal cuts off the round-trip light beams, and reflects a light pulse cut out by the crystal to a detector aside from the original beam path. The pulse width T is the period that laser propagates forward and back between the crystal and the target. The feasibility of the new idea is proved by our experiments and a brand-new way for the laser ranging is provided. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We describe the rigorous results of a wide-angle laser beam scanner, obtained with the help of the vector refraction theory. Using the rigorous results, the distortion of the beam shape is discussed. The distortion to the beam varies with the different relative angles of double prisms. The scanner expands the beam in some directions while it contracts the beam in other directions. According to the conservation of energy, the distribution of the laser intensity is changed as well. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We have found that the optical power of a laser diode (LD) does not change with the injected light intensity that is modulated when its injection current is at some specific values. The amplitude of optical power change of the LD varies periodically with the increase of the injection current. It is made clear through theoretical analysis that these phenomena are caused by gain compression and interband carrier absorption of the LD that depend on longitudinal mode competition, bandgap-shrinkage effects, thermal conduction, and so on. Our experimental results make it easy to eliminate optical power change of LDs. We only need to choose a proper value of the injection current. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we present a simple technique to determine the coupling efficiency between a laser diode and a lensed-tip based on the ABCD transformation matrix method. We have compared our analysis technique to that of previous work and have found that the presented method is reliable in predicting the coupling efficiency of lensed-tip and has the advantage of simplicity of coupling efficiency calculation even by a pocket calculator. The results can be useful for designing coupling optics. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A simple method for measuring the radius of curvature of laser beams is introduced. It has been developed to estimate the astigmatic aberration of a diode laser. Compared with the interferornetry, this method is convenient and straightforward. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Kilometer scale interferometers for the detection of gravitational waves are currently under construction by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) and VIRGO projects. These interferometers will consist of two Fabry-Perot cavities illuminated by a laser beam which is split in half by a beam splitter. A recycling mirror between the laser and the beam splitter will reflect the light returning from the beam splitter towards the laser back into the interferometer. The positions of the optical components in these interferometers must be controlled to a small fraction of a wavelength of the laser light. Schemes to extract signals necessary to control these optical components have been developed and demonstrated on the tabletop. In the large scale gravitational wave detectors the optical components must be suspended from vibration isolation platforms to achieve the necessary isolation from seismic motion. These suspended components present a new class of problems in controlling the interferometer, but also provide more exacting test of interferometer signal and noise models.

This thesis discusses the first operation of a suspended-mass Fabry-Perot-Michelson interferometer, in which signals carried by the optically recombined beams are used to detect and control all important mirror displacements. This interferometer uses an optical configuration and signal extraction scheme that is planned for the full scale LIGO interferometers with the simplification of the removal of the recycling mirror. A theoretical analysis of the performance that is expected from such an interferometer is presented and the experimental results are shown to be in generally good agreement.


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Because of high efficiencies, compact structure, and excellent heat dissipation, high-power fiber lasers are extremely useful for applications such as cutting, welding, precision drilling, trimming, sensing, optical transmitter, material processing, micromachining, and so on. However, the wavefront of the double clad fiber laser doped with ytterbium is still unknown. In this paper, wavefront of a fiber laser is measured and the traditional Hartmann-shack wavefront sensing method is adopted. We measured a double clad fiber laser doped with ytterbium which produces pulse wave output at infrared wavelength. The wavefront shape and contour are reconstructed and the result shows that wavefront is slightly focused and not an ideal plane wavefront. Wavefront measurement of fiber laser will be useful to improving the lasers' performance and developing the coherent technique for its applications.


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The frame of a laser diode transmitter for intersatellite communication is concisely introduced. A simple, novel and visual method for measuring the diffraction-limited wavefront of the transmitter by a Jamin double-shearing interferometer is proposed. To verify the validity of the measurement, the far-field divergence of beam is additionally rigorously analysed in terms of the Fraunhofer diffraction. The measurement, the necessary analyses and discussion are given in detail. By directly measuring the fringe widths and quantitatively interpreting the interference fringes, the minimum detectable wavefront height (DWH) of the wavefront is only 0.2 gimel (the distance between the perfect plane wavefront and the actual wavefront at the transmitting aperture) and the corresponding divergence is only 65.84 mu rad. This indicates that the wavefront approaches the diffraction-limited condition. The results show that this interferometer is a powerful tool for testing the semiconductor laser beam's wavefront, especially the diffraction-limited wavefront.


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A laser beam at wavelength 647 nm is focused on a sample of 5 mol% MgO-doped lithium niobate crystal for domain inversion by a conventional external electric field. In this case, a reduction of 36% in the electric field required for domain nucleation (nucleation field) is observed. To the best of our knowledge, it is the longest wavelength reported for laser-induced domain inversion. This extends the spectrum of laser inducing, and the experimental results are helpful to understand the nucleation dynamics under laser illumination. The dependence of nucleation fields on intensities of laser beams is analysed in experiments.


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Reshaping of a Gaussian laser beam into a uniform or other intensity distribution is required for various applications. The laser beam shaping system with a radial birefringent filter is presented in this paper. With such a system the Gaussian beams can be transformed into uniform or annular beams. The theory and simulation of the proposed systems are described in detail. The primary advantage of such a system is that the out beam pro. le can be tunable with the rotation of the radial birefringent element.


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Grating pairs are widely used for pulse compression and stretching. Normally, the two gratings are identical. We propose a very simple structure with double-line-density reflective gratings for pulse compression and generation of double pulses, which has the advantages of no material dispersion, compact in volume, simple in structure, etc. The use of reflective Dammann gratings fully demonstrated the principle of this structure. The output pulses are well verified by a standard frequency-resolved optical gating apparatus. This structure will be highly interesting in ultrashort pulse compression and other more practical applications of femtosecond laser pulses. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Thermodynamical fluctuations in temperature and position exist in every physical system, and show up as a fundamental noise limit whenever we choose to measure some quantity in a laboratory environment. Thermodynamical fluctuations in the position of the atoms in the dielectric coatings on the mirrors for optical cavities at the forefront of precision metrology (e.g., LIGO, the cavities which probe atomic transitions to define the second) are a current limiting noise source for these experiments, and anything which involves locking a laser to an optical cavity. These thermodynamic noise sources scale physical geometry of experiment, material properties (such as mechanical loss in our dielectric coatings), and temperature. The temperature scaling provides a natural motivation to move to lower temperatures, with a potential huge benefit for redesigning a room temperature experiment which is limited by thermal noise for cryogenic operation.

We design, build, and characterize a pair of linear Fabry-Perot cavities to explore limitations to ultra low noise laser stabilization experiments at cryogenic temperatures. We use silicon as the primary material for the cavity and mirrors, due to a zero crossing in its linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) at 123 K, and other desirable material properties. We use silica tantala coatings, which are currently the best for making high finesse low noise cavities at room temperature. The material properties of these coating materials (which set the thermal noise levels) are relatively unknown at cryogenic temperatures, which motivates us to study them at these temperatures. We were not able to measure any thermal noise source with our experiment due to excess noise. In this work we analyze the design and performance of the cavities, and recommend a design shift from mid length cavities to short cavities in order to facilitate a direct measurement of cryogenic coating noise.

In addition, we measure the cavities (frequency dependent) photo-thermal response. This can help characterize thermooptic noise in the coatings, which is poorly understood at cryogenic temperatures. We also explore the feasibility of using the cavity to do macroscopic quantum optomechanics such as ground state cooling.


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The optomechanical interaction is an extremely powerful tool with which to measure mechanical motion. The displacement resolution of chip-scale optomechanical systems has been measured on the order of 1⁄10th of a proton radius. So strong is this optomechanical interaction that it has recently been used to remove almost all thermal noise from a mechanical resonator and observe its quantum ground-state of motion starting from cryogenic temperatures.

In this work, chapter 1 describes the basic physics of the canonical optomechanical system, optical measurement techniques, and how the optomechanical interaction affects the coupled mechanical resonator. In chapter 2, we describe our techniques for realizing this canonical optomechanical system in a chip-scale form factor.

In chapter 3, we describe an experiment where we used radiation pressure feedback to cool a mesoscopic mechanical resonator near its quantum ground-state from room-temperature. We cooled the resonator from a room temperature phonon occupation of <n> = 6.5 million to an occupation of <n> = 66, which means the resonator is in its ground state approximately 2% of the time, while being coupled to a room-temperature thermal environment. At the time of this work, this is the closest a mesoscopic mechanical resonator has been to its ground-state of motion at room temperature, and this work begins to open the door to room-temperature quantum control of mechanical objects.

Chapter 4 begins with the realization that the displacement resolutions achieved by optomechanical systems can surpass those of conventional MEMS sensors by an order of magnitude or more. This provides the motivation to develop and calibrate an optomechanical accelerometer with a resolution of approximately 10 micro-g/rt-Hz over a bandwidth of approximately 30 kHz. In chapter 5, we improve upon the performance and practicality of this sensor by greatly increasing the test mass size, investigating and reducing low-frequency noise, and incorporating more robust optical coupling techniques and capacitive wavelength tuning. Finally, in chapter 6 we present our progress towards developing another optomechanical inertial sensor - a gyroscope.