984 resultados para Labrid Fishes


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has completed its sixth full year of investigation of the fisheries for the tunas and tuna-bait fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to the shores of the Americas, under a Convention to which Costa Rica, Panama, and the United States of America are signatories. Under the provisions of the Convention other nations having an interest in these fisheries may adhere, and participate on an equal basis, by exchange of correspondence with the present members. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha completado su sexto año en la investigación de las pesquerías de atún y de los peces de carnada para capturarlo, las cuales se desarrollan en el Océano Pacífico Oriental adyacente a las costas de las Américas. Esta investigación se efectúa de acuerdo con una Convención en la que son signatarios Costa Rica, Panamá y los Estados Unidos de América. Una de las cláusulas de la Convención abre las puertas a otras naciones que tengan interés en dichas pesquerías para que puedan adherirse a élla, y participar sobre una base de igualdad. Para la adhesión de un país basta un intercambio de correspondencia con los actuales Gobiernos Miembros. (PDF contains 112 pages.)


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The fabrication and operational techniques of Malian and Ndurutu traps mostly used by the fishermen in River Rima in north western Nigeria were evaluated through structured questionnaire and measurement of samples of the Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. There was no standard in the dimensions of either of the traps. The traps were made of locally sourced materials, except the synthetic net of the Malian trap. About 81 and 80% of the respondents fabricated their Malian and Ndurutu traps, respectively. The major problems encountered in the structure and operation of the Malian trap included projection above water, stealing of catches and trap, and trapping of small sized fishes as indicated by 61.9, 47.6 and 28.6% of the respondents, respectively. In the case of the Ndurutu trap, 72.0, 48.0, 12.0 and 8.0% of the respondents respectively indicated poor durability, single entrance valve, destruction by cattle and instability in water, as the major problems encountered. As improvement measures for the Malian trap, the respondents suggested increase in number and size of valve (81.0%), horizontal positioning (57.1%) and square shape (47.6%) while 52.0% each suggested increase in number of entrance valve and netting of Ndurutu trap. The fishermen demonstrated ingenuity in the fabrication and operation of the traps, but they failed to initiate the required improvement. It is important to critically examine the designs, materials, costs and limitations of the traps and the suggestions of the fishermen, as basis for improvement on the technology of the traps


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Based on the findings and diagnostic survey, a new fishing trap, christened Lege trap was designed and fabricated, and the performance evaluated. The 8-valve Lege trap was assessed concurrently with Malian and Ndurutu traps by the fishermen in the study area. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity number, biomass and size were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed that 22 fish species belonging to thirteen families were caught. The prototype (Lege) trap recorded higher species diversity index (0.90) than the Malian (0.50) and Ndurutu (0.50) traps. The Lege trap also accounted for the largest number (55%) and biomass (63%) of fish caught which was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the Malian and Nduutu traps were. The mean length (15.03~c5.70cm), weight (60.43~c48.61g) and girth (4.77~c1.65cm) of fishes caught in the Lege trap were also significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other two traps. These results demonstrated better performance of the new trap than the two conventional traps, even though the sizes of some of the fish species caught in all the traps were below those allowed by the Sokoto State Fisheries Edict where the study was conducted. Therefore, since it is desirable to develop conservation-oriented trap at a least cost, it is necessary to research further on the number of valves and mesh size of the new trap


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The study focused on men and women involved in artisanal fisheries in some selected areas of Ikorodu Local government in Lagos State. The random sampling technique was used to select 50 fishermen each at Ibeshe and Baiyeku sites. The results revealed that majority of the fishermen were male, christian, semi-illiterate, and married. Data were collected on capital sources, labour used, income, gear techniques and type of fish caught. Analysis showed that the highest sources of capital were from personal savings (50%). Majority of labour used were hired labour, 44% at Ibeshe and 50% at Baiyeku. Highest monthly income ranged between N10, 000 - N25, 000 at both sites. Planks were mostly used at both sites for fishing boats as well as means of transport (Ibeshe 68%, Baiyeku 72%). Common fishing gear was the gill net, The fishes caught were found to be of various tyupes. Ethalmalosa fimbriata constituted the highest fish species caught by weight and number at both sites (50%). However, the problems of capital source were most peculiar coupled with high cost of fishing materials and labour scarcity


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The studies on the effects of three fishing baits on the catch composition of Malian traps in Lake Kainji were investigated. The traps were set between Monai and Taafa fishing villages in the Southern basin of the lake, baited with their respective treatment and were inspected daily for twelve days. A total of 218 fish were caught, of which the highest (54.59%) was caught by corn bran, while the lowest (11.01%) was caught by stomach content and rice bran caught 34.4%. The fish caught comprised of 15 species belonging to 8 families. There was no significant different (P>0.05) in the catch of the various baits. The weight also followed the same trend as the number of fish caught. However, both baits showed better efficiency for Alestes baremose. Tilapia zilli, S. galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus, Labeo coubie and Distichodus rostratus than other species caught. There was a wide range between the inimum and maximum size of species caught, which showed the efficiency of the traps in capturing small size, juveniles and the adult of large fish species due to small mesh size (1") net-cover of the trap. Recommendations were made on the use of corn and rice bran as baits enhancing catch efficiency for fishes such as O.niloticus, T. zilli, T. galilaeus and D. rostratus


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In June 1994 and 1995 stations in the North, Irish, Celtic Seas and the Channel were studied for the occurrence of Myxobolus aeglefini in whiting (Merlangius merlangus). The disease was visible externally as either white nodules of a few millimeters diameter in the upper mouth cavity, gill arches and the basis of pelvic fins and in severe cases also on the lower jaws or in the cornea and sclera of the eye. It was verified morphometrically in histological sections of infected eyes by size and shape of spores. Myxobolus aeglefini was present in low prevalences at two North Sea stations and high prevalences of up to 49 % in the Irish Sea (Solway Firth) during both cruises. Whiting between 23 and 55 cm were found to be infected. Neither length-age prevalences nor condition factors and gonado, spleen, liver somatic indices differed in diseased and healthy fishes.


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The potential importance of marine produetion as a protein ressource for a growing human population can hardly be overestimated. Climatic changes in the marine environment may affect marine production in a significant way. Increasing levels of UV-B may decrease primary production and thus diminish the food base for harvestable marine ressources. Direct effects on early stages of fishes may occur. Temperature changes can lead to additional mortality in the early phase of life histories of fishes. In spite of the potentially negative scenario, actual effects of global change on the ressources have not been detected so far. The marine organisms dispose of a significant level of pre-adaptation to changes of environmental factors both on a seasonal and an interannual scale. Effects on marine life may therefore be less dramatic than those on terrestrial systems, which are more directly linked with the exponentially growing human population.


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North-Sea whiting shows a much shorter shelf life in melting ice than other gadoid fishes like saithe, cod and haddock. It can be stored for a maximum of 14 days in ice before being rated as unfit for human consumption. Appropriate freshness indicators for whiting are: sensory tests, dimethylamine- and trimethylamine oxide-nitrogen, creatine content. Of most value for whiting is the determination of thc electric resistance by the fishtester VI.


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The prevalence of nematodes in herring from five different fishing grounds of the North Sea and west of Scotland were examined. The abundance of nematode larvae in the flesh of the North Sea herring was approximately twice as high and the abundance in the body cavity was more than 6 fold of the herring from fishing grounds west of Scotland. The worm burden in the flesh was not correlated to the length of the fishes but the worm burden of the body cavity tends to increase by length. The frequency distribution of the nematodes in the flesh and the influence of the catching season is also discussed.


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This brief article summarizes the ecological role of non-salmonid fishes in Scottish fresh waters. Most government-sponsored research has focused on the ecologically valuable salmonids in this area, yet non-salmonid species are widely distributed in Scotland and play an important ecological role in freshwater ecosystems. The fish fauna of Scotland differs from other parts of the British Isles by being more impoverished following the end of the last Ice Age, ca. 10 000 years ago.


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This article is a summary for the general reader, rather than an in-depth review, and attempts to define, as quantitatively as possible, the habitat requirements of salmon and trout and then to relate them to the main ways in which man's activity can influence the survival and growth of these fishes. Frequent text references to an extensive body of published work have been avoided, although a selective bibliography has been included which lists some of the main work upon which the text depends. This article deals only with the freshwater part of the life cycle, and the coverage has some bias towards England and Wales.


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The Anambra River is the largest tributary of the lower Niger River below Lukoja. Between the months of May and November the river is subject to seasonal flooding from heavy precipitation and land runoff into the drainage system. During the flood phase, pools form on the floodplains (known as the fadama) and these pools receive materials and biota from the main river channel. The biota often includes representatives of freshwater vertebrates (including fishes) and invertebrates. On this brief note, the authors report on the macroinvertebrates found during preliminary studies on four fadama pools during the non-flood season between December 1994 and April 1995. 523 specimens were collected, of which 86% were arthropods, 9% were annelids (mostly Tubifex and Nais) and a few leeches (Hirudo), and 5% were gastropod molluscs of the arthropods, 75% were insects particularly Hemiptera and Diptera.


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This study was designed to examine the habitat use of several species of 0+ cyprinid in the regulated River Great Ouse and to determine the reasons for specific habitat use. In general, all fish species were found associated with the marginal zone, with little diel variation. Use of shallow habitats in the presence of macrophytes correlated well with the distribution of zooplankton in the river channel, the preferred food source of 0+ cyprinids. During the early to late larval phase, all species fed upon rotifers and diatoms. Cladocera, particularly Alona spp. and Chydorus spp., and early instar larvae of Chironomidae, then became prevalent in the diet along with small numbers of Copepoda. Models were developed to determine habitat availability over a range of discharges, using the physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) component of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). The results of this analysis revealed that habitat suitable for 0+ fishes comprised a relatively small percentage of the main channel and generally decreased with discharge.


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Pike, Esox lucius, are present in Loch Callater at their highest altitude and most extreme habitat in the British Isles, with subarctic winter conditions and extended winter ice-cover. The response of pike in this environment is slower growth, due to a shorter growing season and the low availability of forage fish, giving the poorest reported length-at-age for pike in the British Isles. All pike were mature or had spawned in the same year, with gravid ovaries in April and normal recovering ovaries in June-July. As in other lochs with few prey fishes, the larger pike ate small items such as invertebrates.


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The Naaf River estuary is one of the large estuaries in the Bangladesh coastal region not to have been affected by extensive human disturbance. This research provides information about the fisheries diversity status by Estuarine Set Bag Net (ESBN) sampling relation to physicochemical variables in both spatio-temporal scales. About 25 km of the lower estuary was divided into six zones for sample collection by considering the accessibility and availability of the ESBN operation, fish landing centers and location of the fishing villages. In total 48 samples have been analyzed which were taken throughout March to October 2006. To quantify the species diversity, all fisheries data were analyzed by using EstimateS and EcoSim software which accounts the different diversity indices viz., species richness, Shannon–Wiener diversity Index, Dominance and Evenness index. The research results demonstrate that the Naaf River estuary is a habitat of 161 (species richness, Sobs=161, Choa 1=162±2.34, ACE=161.73) different species which belong to 98 fin fishes, 23 shrimps and prawns,13 crabs, 11 molluscs, 3 echinoderms, 4 other crustaceans;while 9 remain unidentified. Results on the aquatic environment,mainly salinity and turbidity were found to have a major influence on their occurrence and distribution. All the findings indicated that the Naaf River estuary is a highly productive system and provides a favourable environment for large variety of estuarine species assemblages.