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Twenty per cent of sentinel lymph node (SLN)-positive melanoma patients have positive non-SLN lymph nodes in completion lymph node dissection (CLND). We investigated SLN tumour load, non-sentinel positivity and disease-free survival (DFS) to assess whether certain patients could be spared CLND. Sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed on 392 patients between 1999 and 2005. Median observation period was 38.8 months. Sentinel lymph node tumour load did not predict non-SLN positivity: 30.8% of patients with SLN macrometastases (> or =2 mm) and 16.4% with micrometastases (< or =2 mm) had non-SLN positivity (P=0.09). Tumour recurrences after positive SLNs were more than twice as frequent for SLN macrometastases (51.3%) than for micrometastases (24.6%) (P=0.005). For patients with SLN micrometastases, the DFS analysis was worse (P=0.003) when comparing those with positive non-SLNs (60% recurrences) to those without (17.6% recurrences). This difference did not translate into significant differences in DFS: patients with SLN micrometastasis, either with (P=0.022) or without additional positive non-SLNs (P<0.0001), fared worse than patients with tumour-free SLNs. The 2-mm cutoff for SLN tumour load accurately predicts differences in DFS. Non-SLN positivity in CLND, however, cannot be predicted. Therefore, contrary to other studies, no recommendations concerning discontinuation of CLND based on SLN tumour load can be deduced.
Background: Several markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation have been shown to predict coronary heart disease (CHD) individually. However, the utility of markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation on prediction of CHD over traditional risk factors has not been well established, especially in the elderly. Methods: We studied 2202 men and women, aged 70-79, without baseline cardiovascular disease over 6-year follow-up to assess the risk of incident CHD associated with baseline noninvasive measures of atherosclerosis (ankle-arm index [AAI], aortic pulse wave velocity [aPWV]) and inflammatory markers (interleukin-6 [IL-6], C-reactive protein [CRP], tumor necrosis factor-a [TNF-a]). CHD events were studied as either nonfatal myocardial infarction or coronary death ("hard" events), and "hard" events plus hospitalization for angina, or the need for coronary-revascularization procedures (total CHD events). Results: During the 6-year follow-up, 283 participants had CHD events (including 136 "hard" events). IL-6, TNF-a and AAI independently predicted CHD events above Framingham Risk Score (FRS) with hazard ratios [HR] for the highest as compared with the lowest quartile for IL-6 of 1.95 (95%CI: 1.38-2.75, p for trend <0.001), TNF-a of 1.45 (95%CI: 1.04-2.02, p for trend 0.03), of 1.66 (95%CI: 1.19-2.31) for AAI 0.9, as compared to AAI 1.01-1.30. CRP and aPWV were not independently associated with CHD events. Results were similar for "hard" CHD events. Addition of IL-6 and AAI to traditional cardiovascular risk factors yielded the greatest improvement in the prediction of CHD; C-index for "hard"/total CHD events increased from 0.62/0.62 for traditional risk factors to 0.64/0.64 for IL-6 addition, 0.65/0.63 for AAI, and 0.66/0.64 for IL-6 combined with AAI. Being in the highest quartile of IL-6 combined with an AAI 0.90 or >1.40 yielded an HR of 2.51 (1.50-4.19) and 4.55 (1.65-12.50) above FRS, respectively. With use of CHD risk categories, risk prediction at 5 years was more accurate in models that included IL-6, AAI or both, with 8.0, 8.3 and 12.1% correctly reclassified, respectively. Conclusions: Among older adults, markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation, particularly IL-6 and AAI, are independently associated with CHD. However, these markers only modestly improve cardiovascular risk prediction beyond traditional risk factors.
Résumé : Introduction Cette étude est une analyse rétrospective des complications urétérales et de leurs prises en charge à partir d'une série monocentrique de 277 transplantations rénales consécutives. Matériel et méthode De septembre 1979 à juin 1999, 277 transplantations rénales (origine cadavérique) ont été pratiquées chez 241 patients. L'uretère provenant de la greffe rénale a été inséré dans la vessie selon la technique d'implantation extravésicale décrite par Lich-Gregoir et Campos-Freire. L'étude a analysé la date de survenue et le genre de complications observés. Les différentes procédures pour restaurer le tractus urinaire transplanté sont présentées dans cette étude. Résultats Des complications sont survenues chez 43/277 transplantations rénales (15,5%). Les fuites urinaires sur l'anastomose ou les sténoses urétérales étaient les plus fréquentes. La date de survenue de ces complications étaient soit précoce (< 1 mois) soit tardive (> 1 mois) dans un nombre similaire de cas. La plupart des cas ont été pris en charge chirurgicalement 33/43 cas (76,7%). La réparation chirurgicale la plus fréquente a été la réimplantation urétérovésicale (n-13), suivie par : l'anastomose urétérourétérale termino-terminale (uretère natif-uretère greffé, n-5) ; l'anastomose pyélourétérale (uretère natif-bassinet rénal greffé, n=5) ; la simple révision de l'implantation urétérovésicale (n=4) ; la résection et l'anastomose termino-terminale de l'uretère greffé (n=2) ; la calico-vésicostomie (vessie greffée, n=1) ; l'implantation selon Boari (n=1) ; la pyélovésicostomie avec bipartition de la vessie (n-1), et la pyéloiléocystoplastie avec greffe iléale détubularisée (n=1). Aucun décès en relation avec les complications urologiques n'a été rapporté. Cependant, 2 reflux vésico-rénaux consécutifs ont conduit à distance à la perte du greffon. Conclusion Le taux de complications constaté dans cette analyse rétrospective est similaire à celui observé dans d'autres études. Il se situe entre 2 et 20%. Si l'implantation urétérovésicale extravésicale classique reste une technique attractive en raison de sa simplicité, l'équipe chirurgicale dans un centre de formation doit rester attentive à toute mesure de prévention des complications urétérales, comme le choix d'une autre technique d'implantation de l'uretère et/ou de l'insertion transitoire d'un stent urétéral. Abstract Introduction: This study is a retrospective analysis of ureteral complications and their management from a monocenter series of 277 consecutive renal transplantations. Materials and Methods: From September 1979 to June 1999, 277 renal transplantations (cadaveric origin) were performed in 241 patients. The ureter from the kidney graft was inserted into the bladder according to the technique of extravesical implantation described by Lich-Gregoir and Campos-Freire. The study analyzed the time of occurrence and the type of complications observed. The different procedures to restore the transplanted urinary tract are presented. Results: Complications occurred in 431277 renal transplantations (15.5%). Anastomotic urine leakage or ureteral stricture were the most frequent. The time to appearance of these complications was either short (<1 month) or late (>1 month) in a similar number of cases. Most cases were managed surgically: 33/43 cases (76.7%). The most frequent surgi cal repair was ureterovesical reimplantation n =13), Followed by: ureteroureteral end, to end anastomosis (native ureter-ureter transplant, n =, 5); pyeloureteral anastomosis (native ureter-renal pelvis transplant n = 5): simple revision of ureterovesical implantation (n=4): resection and end-to end anastomosis of the transplant ureter (n=2); calico-vesicostomy graft-bladder, n = 1); implantation according to Boari (n= 1); pyelovesicostomy with bipartition of bladder (n = 1), and pyeloileocystoplasty with detubularized ileal graft (n=1). No deaths related to any of the urological complications were reported However, 2 consecutive vesico-renal refluxes led to the loss of the kidney graft in the long-term. Conclusion: The rate of complications observed in this retrospective analysis is similar to the experience of other studies, ranging from 2 to 20% If the classical extravesical ureteral bladder implantation is to remain an attractive technique due to its simplicity, the surgical team at the training center should be aware of all the means to prevent any ureteral complications, such as the choice of another implantation technique and/or insertion of a transient ureteral stent.
Introduction : Le monitoring de la tension artérielle à domicile est recommandé par plusieurs guidelines et a été montré être faisable chez la personne âgée. Les manomètres au poignet ont récemment été proposés pour la mesure de la tension artérielle à domicile, mais leur précision n'a pas été au préalable évaluée chez les patients âgés. Méthode : Quarante-huit participants (33 femmes et 15 hommes, moyenne d'âge 81.3±8.0 ans) ont leur tension artérielle mesurée avec un appareil au poignet avec capteur de position et un appareil au bras dans un ordre aléatoire et dans une position assise. Résultats : Les moyennes de mesures de tension artérielle étaient systématiquement plus basses avec l'appareil au poignet par rapport à celui du bras pour la pression systolique (120.1±2.2 vs. 130.5±2.2 mmHg, P < 0.001, moyenneidéviation standard) et pour la pression diastolique (66.011.3 vs. 69.7±1.3 mmHg, P < 0.001). De plus, une différence de lOmmHg ou plus grande entre l'appareil au bras et au poignet était observée dans 54.2 et 18,8% des mesures systoliques et diastoliques respectivement. Conclusion : Comparé à l'appareil au bras, l'appareil au poignet avec capteur de position sous-estimait systématiquement aussi bien la tension artérielle systolique que diastolique. L'ampleur de la différence est cliniquement significative et met en doute l'utilisation de l'appareil au poignet pour monitorer la tension artérielle chez la personne âgée. Cette étude indique le besoin de valider les appareils de mesures de la tension artérielle dans tous les groupes d'âge, y compris les personnes âgées.
The lithostratigraphic description of the covers of three Lower Penninic nappes (Monte Leone, Lebendun and Antigorio) allows the comparison of their sedimentary content and their thickness. It has been established that the Lebendun nappe is formed by an ante-Triassic paragneissic core (Valgrande gneiss), and a Mesozoic sedimentary cover in reversed position. The cover series shows a continuous detritic sedimentation, off which the material comes from a continental erosion related to the early Lias rifting phase of the Alpine Tethys. The erosion has reached the basement, resedimented as pebbles and sandstones. This can be observed in both Lebendun and Antigorio covers. The definition of a unit named <<serie intermediaire>> between the Lebendun and the Antigorio covers has important palinspastic implications for both nappes. The unit is composed of a banded marble, a garnet bearing gneiss and a calcschist with great blocks. The comparison between the thickness of Antigorio and Lebendun covers suggests a shoulder position for Antigorio. and a proximal rift basin position tor Lebendun. The general thickness decrease of the series towards the SW points to a NE origin for the Lebendun clastics, taking into account the increase of tectonic deformation in the region trending from east to west. The detritic sedimentation ends with the basin drowning during the Malm, represented by a pure marble sealing the erosive disconformity of the Antigorio cover, and the clastic deposits of Lebendun. Three hypotheses are proposed for the calcschists age and attribution of the <<serie intermediaire>>: A: they belong entirely or partially to the Lebendun cover and correspond to a conglomeratic deposit of Cretaceous-Tertiary Niesen flysch type, of proximal facies. The tectonic limit could be situated in the middle of the calcschists at the level of the huge blocks encountered. B: they belong to Antigorio and correspond to an upper Lias-Dogger synrift deposit, then the marble is liassic. C: they belong to Antigorio and have been deposited following the Lebendun basin inversion (Cretaceous-Tertiary). that generates Tertiary wildflysch deposits, coming from the South for the ultrahelvetic and from the North for the Niesen.
In the Ballabeina study, we investigated age- and BMI-group-related differences in aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run), agility (obstacle course), dynamic (balance beam) and static balance (balance platform), and physical activity (PA, accelerometers) in 613 children (M age = 5.1 years, SD = 0.6). Normal weight (NW) children performed better than overweight (OW) children in aerobic fitness, agility, and dynamic balance (all p <.001), while OWchildren had a better static balance (p < .001). BMI-group-related differences in aerobic fitness and agility were larger in older children (p for interaction with age = .01) in favor of the NW children. PA did not differ between NW and OW (p > or = .1), but did differ between NW and obese children (p < .05). BMI-group-related differences in physical fitness can already be present in preschool-age children.
Introduction: Tissue Renin-Angiotensin System activity is increased in obesity and may contribute to obesity-related hypertension and metabolic abnormalities. This open-label pilot study investigated the local effects of Aliskiren in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle.Methods: After a 1-2 week washout, 10 patients with hypertension and abdominal obesity received placebo for 2 weeks, then Aliskiren 300 mg once daily for 4 weeks, followed by a 4-week washout period and then another 4 weeks treatment period with Amlodipine 5 mg once daily. Drug concentrations and Renin-Angiotensin Systembiomarkers were measured in interstitial fluid employing the microdialysis zero-flow method, and in biopsies from abdominal subcutaneous adipose and skeletal muscle.Results: After 4 weeks treatment, microdialysate concentrations (mean±SD) of Aliskiren were 2.4±2.1 ng/ml in adipose tissue, and 7.1±4.2 ng/ml in skeletal muscle. These concentrations were similar to the mean plasma concentration of 8.4±4.4 ng/ml. Tissue concentrations (ng/g) of Aliskiren were 29.0±16.7 ng/g in adipose tissue, and 107.3±68.6 ng/g in skeletal muscle after 4 weeks treatment. Angiotensin II concentrations in microdialysates were below the lower limit of quantification in most patients, but pooled data from two patients suggested that Angiotensin II was reduced by Aliskiren and unchanged by Amlodipine. Aliskiren 300 mg significantly reduced mean plasma Renin activity by 68% and Angiotensin II by 61% (p<0.05 vs. baseline). Amlodipine 5 mg increased plasma Renin activity by 48% (p<0.05 vs. baseline), and non-significantly increased Angiotensin II by 60%. Both treatments increased plasma Renin concentration.Conclusion: Aliskiren 300 mg once daily penetrates adipose and skeletal muscle tissue at concentrations sufficient to reduce tissue Renin-Angiotensin System activity in obese patients with hypertension.
Introduction. - L'ostéoporose est caractérisée par une diminution dela densité minérale osseuse (DMO) et une détérioration de lamicroarchitecture osseuse (MO). En routine clinique, l'appréciationde la MO se fait de façon approximative en utilisant les facteurs derisque clinique (FRC). Il est maintenant possible d'estimer de façonsimple la MO en mesurant le Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) par réanalysed'une image DXA lombaire. TBS a une valeur diagnostiqueet pronostique indépendante des FRC et de la DMO. Le but de lacohorte lausannoise OstéoLaus est de combiner des éléments facilesà obtenir en routine clinique, à savoir les FRC et les éléments issusde la DXA (DMO, TBS, VFA) pour évaluer le risque fracturaire defaçon transversale puis prospective.Patients et Méthodes. - Nous avons constitué une cohorte d'environ1400 femmes entre 50 et 80 ans de la région lausannoise enrôléedepuis 7 ans dans une vaste cohorte (CoLaus, 6 700 participants)évaluant les facteurs génétiques et phénotypiques de maladies fréquentescardiovasculaires et psychiatriques. Le taux de participationà Ostéolaus est > 85%. Ces femmes sont vues entre mars 2010et décembre 2012. Elles passent un questionnaire, un ultrasonosseux du talon, une DXA de la colonne et de la hanche et une évaluationpar VFA (selon la méthode semi-quantitative de Genant) etle TBS. Nous rapportons les résultats préliminaires sur 631 participantes.Les données concernant les fractures (fx) vertébrales ne distinguentpas les origines traumatiques ou non.Résultats. - L'âge est de 67,4 ± 6,7 ans, l'IMC de 26.1 ± 4,6. Les donnéesbrutes de la colonne lombaire montrent une DMO à 0,943 ±0,168 (T-score -1,4 DS) et un TBS à 1,271 ± 0,103. La corrélationentre DMO et TBS est faible avec r2 = 0,16. La prévalence des fx vertébralesgrade 2/3, des fx ostéoporotiques majeures, et de toutes lesfx ostéoporotiques est de 8,4 %, 17,0 % et 26.0 % respectivement. LesORs (par diminution d'une déviation standard) ajustés pour l'âge etl'IMC sont pour la DMO de 1,8 (1,2-2,5), 1,6 (1,2-2,1), 1,3 (1,1-1,6),et pour TBS de 2,0 (1,4-3,0), 1,9 (1,4-2,5), 1.4 (1,1-1,7), respectivement.Le taux de fx avec DMO <þ- 2,5 DS se situe entre 35 et 37 %et le taux de fx avec un TBS < 1.200 entre 37 et 44 %. Par contre cetaux augmente entre 54 et 60 % si l'on combine une DMO < - 2,5 DSou un TBS < 1,200.Conclusion. - Ces données préliminaires confirment la faible corrélationentre la DMO et le TBS. Ajouter le TBS à la DMO permetd'augmenter significativement le nombre de participantes avec unefx ostéoporotique prévalente. Une mesure simple et peu irradiantepar DXA offre ainsi 3 informations complémentaires et pertinentespour la routine clinique : la DMO, la recherche des fractures vertébraleset le TBS.
BACKGROUND: In numerous high-risk medical and surgical conditions, a greater volume of patients undergoing treatment in a given setting or facility is associated with better survival. For patients with pulmonary embolism, the relation between the number of patients treated in a hospital (volume) and patient outcome is unknown. METHODS: We studied discharge records from 186 acute care hospitals in Pennsylvania for a total of 15 531 patients for whom the primary diagnosis was pulmonary embolism. The study outcomes were all-cause mortality in hospital and within 30 days after presentation for pulmonary embolism and the length of hospital stay. We used logistic models to study the association between hospital volume and 30-day mortality and discrete survival models to study the association between in-hospital mortality and time to hospital discharge. RESULTS: The median annual hospital volume for pulmonary embolism was 20 patients (interquartile range 10-42). Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.0%, whereas 30-day mortality was 9.3%. In multivariable analysis, very-high-volume hospitals (> or = 42 cases per year) had a significantly lower odds of in-hospital death (odds ratio [OR] 0.71, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.51-0.99) and of 30-day death (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54-0.92) than very-low-volume hospitals (< 10 cases per year). Although patients in the very-high-volume hospitals had a slightly longer length of stay than those in the very-low-volume hospitals (mean difference 0.7 days), there was no association between volume and length of stay. INTERPRETATION: In hospitals with a high volume of cases, pulmonary embolism was associated with lower short-term mortality. Further research is required to determine the causes of the relation between volume and outcome for patients with pulmonary embolism.
Purpose/Objective: Protective CD8+ T cell responses rely on TCRdependent recognition of immunogenic peptides presented by MHC I. Cytolytic T lymphocytes directed against self/tumor antigens express TCRs of lower affinity/avidity than pathogen-derived T lymphocytes and elicit less protective immune responses due to mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance. Anti-tumor T cell reactivity can be improved by increasing the TCR-pMHC affinity within physiological limits, while intriguingly further increase in the supraphysiological range (KD < 1 lM) leads to drastic functional declines. We aim at identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying the loss of T cell responsiveness associated with supraphysiological TCRpMHC affinities in order to improve effectiveness of TCR-engineered T cells used in adoptive cell transfer (ACT) cancer immunotherapy. Materials and methods: Using a panel of human CD8+ T cells engineered with TCRs of incremental affinity for the HLA-A2-resticted tumor cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1, we performed comparative gene expression microarray and TCR-mediated signaling analysis together with membrane receptors level analysis. Results: As compared to cells expressing TCR affinities generating optimal function (KD from 5to 1 lM), those with supraphysiological affinity (KD from 1 lM to 15 nM) had an overall reduced expression of genes implied in signaling, cell activation and proliferation, and showed impaired proximal and distal TCR signaling capacity. This correlated with a decline in surface expression of CD8b, CD28 and activatory TNFR superfamily members. Importantly, expression of inhibitory receptor PD-1 and SHP-1 phosphatase was upregulated in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. Consequently, PD-L1 and SHP-1 blockade restored the function of T cells with high TCRs affinity. Moreover, SHP-1 inhibition also augmented functional efficacy of T cells with TCRs of optimal affinity. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that TCR affinity-associated regulatory mechanisms control T cells responsiveness at various levels to limit potential auto-reactive cytotoxic effects. They also support the development of ACT therapies combined with blockade of inhibitory molecules such as SHP-1 to enhance effectiveness of T cell immunotherapy.
Studies have shown that both carbon dioxide (CO2) and octenol (1-octen-3-ol) are effective attractants for mosquitoes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the attractiveness of 1-octen-3-ol and CO2 for diurnal mosquitoes in the southeastern Atlantic forest. A Latin square experimental design was employed with four treatments: CDC-light trap (CDC-LT), CDC-LT and 1-octen-3-ol, CDC-LT and CO2 and CDC-LT with 1-octen-3-ol and CO2. Results demonstrated that both CDC-CO2 and CDC-CO2-1-octen-3-ol captured a greater number of mosquito species and specimens compared to CDC-1-octen-3-ol; CDC-LT was used as the control. Interestingly, Anopheles (Kerteszia) sp. was generally attracted to 1-octen-3-ol, whereas Aedes serratus was the most abundant species in all Latin square collections. This species was recently shown to be competent to transmit the yellow fever virus and may therefore play a role as a disease vector in rural areas of Brazil.
Since Staphylococcus aureus expresses multiple pathogenic factors, studying their individual roles in single-gene-knockout mutants is difficult. To circumvent this problem, S. aureus clumping factor A (clfA) and fibronectin-binding protein A (fnbA) genes were constitutively expressed in poorly pathogenic Lactococcus lactis using the recently described pOri23 vector. The recombinant organisms were tested in vitro for their adherence to immobilized fibrinogen and fibronectin and in vivo for their ability to infect rats with catheter-induced aortic vegetations. In vitro, both clfA and fnbA increased the adherence of lactococci to their specific ligands to a similar extent as the S. aureus gene donor. In vivo, the minimum inoculum size producing endocarditis in > or =80% of the rats (80% infective dose [ID80]) with the parent lactococcus was > or =10(7) CFU. In contrast, clfA-expressing and fnbA-expressing lactococci required only 10(5) CFU to infect the majority of the animals (P < 0.00005). This was comparable to the infectivities of classical endocarditis pathogens such as S. aureus and streptococci (ID80 = 10(4) to 10(5) CFU) in this model. The results confirmed the role of clfA in endovascular infection, but with a much higher degree of confidence than with single-gene-inactivated staphylococci. Moreover, they identified fnbA as a critical virulence factor of equivalent importance. This was in contrast to previous studies that produced controversial results regarding this very determinant. Taken together, the present observations suggest that if antiadhesin therapy were to be developed, at least both of the clfA and fnbA products should be blocked for the therapy to be effective.
MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP), was administered intravenously to two panels of four healthy males in a four-period, dose-increasing (0, 1.56, 6.25, and 25 mg, and 0, 3.13, 12.5, and 50 mg, respectively) double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Plasma ACE activity and blood-pressure response to exogenous angiotensin I and angiotensin II i.v. challenges and safety and tolerance were assessed over a 24-h period. MDL 100,240 induced a rapid, dose-related, and sustained inhibition of ACE (>70% over 24 h at doses > or =12.5 mg). The time integral of ACE inhibition was related to the dose but with near-maximal values already attained at doses > or =12.5 mg. Systolic and diastolic blood-pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges were inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion, whereas the effects of angiotensin II remained unaffected. Mean supine blood pressure decreased transiently (3 h) at doses > or =3.125 mg and < or =24 h with the 25- and 50-mg doses, but not significantly. MDL 100,240 was well tolerated. In healthy subjects, MDL 100,240 exerts a dose-dependent and long-lasting ACE-blocking activity, also expressed by the inhibition of the pressor responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges. The baroreceptor reflex, assessed by the response to exogenous angiotensin II challenge, remains unaltered.
Résumé de l'étude La consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est une préoccupation de santé publique majeure dans de nombreux pays. En Suisse, comme ailleurs, la consommation à risque épisodique ou binge drinking (BD) est associée dans cette tranche d'âge à une morbidité et une mortalité élevées. Il a été clairement démontré que le BD pouvait entraîner des conséquences néfastes sur la santé mais aussi des répercussions sur la vie familiale, sociale et professionnelle. Le but de cette étude menée durant l'été 2002 a été de mesurer les habitudes de consommation d'alcool, en particulier la prévalence et les conséquences du BD, dans une population particulièrement à risque, à savoir les hommes de 19 ans. En élargissant notre échantillon à toute la Suisse, nous avons également cherché à savoir s'il existe des différences notables dans le mode de consommation dans sept différentes régions des trois zones linguistiques principales du pays (Suisse romande, alémanique et italienne). Résultats : 1'004 hommes âgés de 19 ans des trois régions linguistiques principales de Suisse ont accepté de remplir un questionnaire de santé pendant leur journée de recrutement de l'Armée entre mai et août 2002. Considérant les 881 questionnaires analysables, plus des trois quarts (78.3%) rapportent au moins un épisode de BD au cours des 12 derniers mois dont 269 sujets (30.5%) au plus 1x/mois et 421 sujets (47.8%) au moins 2x/mois. De plus, 379 sujets (40.0%) ont expérimenté au moins 3 problèmes liés à leur consommation d'alcool au cours des 12 derniers mois, et le nombre de ces problèmes semble augmenter graduellement avec la fréquence du BD. Parmi les 687 sujets consommateurs d'alcool modérés (<14 boissons/semaine), 252 (36.7%) rapportent un épisode de BD au plus 1 x/mois, parmi lesquels 82 (32.5%) ont expérimenté au moins 3 problèmes liés à la consommation d'alcool au cours des 12 derniers mois; alors que 246 sujets (35.8%) ont une consommation de type BD au moins 2x/mois parmi lesquels 128 sujets (52%) ont expérimenté au moins 3 problèmes. Parmi les sept centres visités, les régions de Martigny, Brigue et Lausanne présentaient des taux particulièrement élevés de BD et de buveurs excessifs par rapport aux autres centres évalués. Conclusions : La consommation d'alcool de type BD est fréquente dans cet échantillon d'hommes de 19 ans et elle est associée à de nombreux problèmes, même chez les sujets ayant un volume global de consommation considéré comme modéré.
While intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) has been reported to evoke cellular responses via hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) but without substantial performance benefits in endurance athletes, we hypothesized that repeated sprint training in hypoxia could enhance repeated sprint ability (RSA) performed in normoxia via improved glycolysis and O(2) utilization. 40 trained subjects completed 8 cycling repeated sprint sessions in hypoxia (RSH, 3000 m) or normoxia (RSN, 485 m). Before (Pre-) and after (Post-) training, muscular levels of selected mRNAs were analyzed from resting muscle biopsies and RSA tested until exhaustion (10-s sprint, work-to-rest ratio 1ratio2) with muscle perfusion assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy. From Pre- to Post-, the average power output of all sprints in RSA was increased (p<0.01) to the same extent (6% vs 7%, NS) in RSH and in RSN but the number of sprints to exhaustion was increased in RSH (9.4+/-4.8 vs. 13.0+/-6.2 sprints, p<0.01) but not in RSN (9.3+/-4.2 vs. 8.9+/-3.5). mRNA concentrations of HIF-1alpha (+55%), carbonic anhydrase III (+35%) and monocarboxylate transporter-4 (+20%) were augmented (p<0.05) whereas mitochondrial transcription factor A (-40%), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha (-23%) and monocarboxylate transporter-1 (-36%) were decreased (p<0.01) in RSH only. Besides, the changes in total hemoglobin variations (Delta[tHb]) during sprints throughout RSA test increased to a greater extent (p<0.01) in RSH. Our findings show larger improvement in repeated sprint performance in RSH than in RSN with significant molecular adaptations and larger blood perfusion variations in active muscles.