966 resultados para LPS-stimulated spleen cells
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent lipid molecule with complex proinflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. PGE2 can shape the immune response by stimulating the production of IgE antibody by B lymphocytes and the synthesis of T-helper type 2 cytokines [e.g., interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10], while inhibiting production of Th1 cytokines (e.g., interferon-gamma, IL-12). It is unknown what type of receptor binds PGE2 and modulates these responses. Recent analyses in nonhematopoietic cells have identified six PGE2 receptors (EP1, EP2, EP3 alpha, EP3 beta, EP3 gamma, and EP4). This investigation examines quiescent B lymphocytes and reports that these cells express mRNA encoding EP1, EP2, EP3 beta, and EP4 receptors. The immunoregulatory functions of each receptor were investigated using small molecule agonists that preferentially bind EP receptor subtypes. Unlike agonists for EP1 and EP3, agonists that bound EP2 or EP2 and EP4 receptors strongly inhibited expression of class II major histocompatibility complex and CD23 and blocked enlargement of mouse B lymphocytes stimulated with IL-4 and/or lipopolysaccharide. PGE2 promotes differentiation and synergistically enhances IL-4 and lipopolysaccharide-driven B-cell immunoglobulin class switching to IgE. Agonists that bound EP2 or EP2 and EP4 receptors also strongly stimulated class switching to IgE. Experiments employing inhibitors of cAMP metabolism demonstrate that the mechanism by which EP2 and EP4 receptors regulate B lymphocyte activity requires elevation of cAMP. In conclusion, these data suggest that antagonists to EP2 and EP4 receptors will be important for diminishing allergic and IgE-mediated asthmatic responses.
The kidneys of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease become massively enlarged due to the progressive expansion of myriad fluid-filled cysts. The epithelial cells that line the cyst walls are responsible for secreting the cyst fluid, but the mechanism through which this secretion occurs is not well established. Recent studies suggest that renal cyst epithelial cells actively secrete Cl across their apical membranes, which in turn drives the transepithelial movement of Na and water. The characteristics of this secretory flux suggest that it is dependent upon the participation of an apical cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-like Cl channel and basolateral Na,K-ATPase. To test this hypothesis, we have immunolocalized the CFTR and Na,K-ATPase proteins in intact cysts and in cyst epithelial cells cultured in vitro on permeable filter supports. In both settings, cyst epithelial cells were found to possess Na,K-ATPase exclusively at their basolateral surfaces; apical labeling was not detected. The CFTR protein was present at the apical surfaces of cyst epithelial cells that had been stimulated to secrete through incubation in forskolin. CFTR was detected in intracellular structures in cultured cyst epithelial cells that had not received the forskolin treatment. These results demonstrate that the renal epithelial cells that line cysts in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease express transport systems with the appropriate polarity to mediate active Cl and fluid secretion.
Rad51 is a highly conserved eukaryotic homolog of the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombination in yeast. In primary murine B cells cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate heavy chain class switch recombination, Rad51 protein levels are dramatically induced. Immunofluorescent microscopy shows that anti-Rad51 antibodies stain foci that are localized within the nuclei of switching B cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections shows that clusters of cells that stain brightly with anti-Rad51 antibodies are evident within several days after primary immunization and that Rad51 staining in vivo is confined to B cells that are switching from expression of IgM to IgG antibodies. Following switch recombination, B cells populate splenic germinal centers, where somatic hypermutation and clonal proliferation occur. Germinal center B cells are not stained by anti-Rad51 antibodies. Rad51 expression is therefore not coincident with somatic hypermutation, nor does Rad51 expression correlate simply with cell proliferation. These data suggest that Rad51, or a highly related member of the conserved RecA family, may function in class switch recombination.
Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the degradation of heme to biliverdin, which is reduced by biliverdin reductase to bilirubin. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is inducible not only by its heme substrate, but also by a variety of agents causing oxidative stress. Although much is known about the regulation of HO-1 expression, the functional significance of HO-1 induction after oxidant insult is still poorly understood. We hypothesize and provide evidence that HO-1 induction serves to protect cells against oxidant stress. Human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549 cells) stably transfected with the rat HO-1 cDNA exhibit marked increases of HO-1 mRNA levels which were correlated with increased HO enzyme activity. Cells that overexpress HO-1 (A549-A4) exhibited a marked decrease in cell growth compared with wild-type A549 (A549-WT) cells or A549 cells transfected with control DNA (A549-neo). This slowing of cell growth was associated with an increased number of cells in G0/G1 phase during the exponential growth phase and decreased entry into the S phase, as determined by flow cytometric analysis of propidium iodide-stained cells and pulse experiments with bromodeoxyuridine. Furthermore, the A549-A4 cells accumulated at the G2/M phase and failed to progress through the cell cycle when stimulated with serum, whereas the A549-neo control cells exhibited normal cell cycle progression. Interestingly, the A549-A4 cells also exhibited marked resistance to hyperoxic oxidant insult. Tin protoporphyrin, a selective inhibitor of HO, reversed the growth arrest and ablated the increased survival against hyperoxia observed in the A549-A4 cells overexpressing HO-1. Taken together, our data suggest that overexpression of HO-1 results in cell growth arrest, which may facilitate cellular protection against non-heme-mediated oxidant insult such as hyperoxia.
There is increasing evidence for an additional acute, nongenomic action of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone on renal epithelial cells, leading to a two-step model of mineralocorticoid action on electrolyte excretion. We investigated the acute effect of aldosterone on intracellular free Ca2+ and on intracellular pH in an aldosterone-sensitive Madin-Darby canine kidney cell clone. Within seconds of application of aldosterone, but not of the glucocorticoid hydrocortisone, there was a 3-fold sustained increase of intracellular Ca2+ at a half-maximal concentration of 10(-10) mol/liter. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ prevented this hormone response. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+ aldosterone led to intracellular alkalinization. The Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor ethyl-isopropanol-amiloride (EIPA) prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization but not the aldosterone-induced increase of intracellular Ca2+. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ also prevented aldosterone-induced alkalinization. Instead, aldosterone led to a Zn(2+)-dependent intracellular acidification in the presence of EIPA, indicative of an increase of plasma membrane proton conductance. Under control conditions, Zn2+ prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization completely. We conclude that aldosterone stimulated net-entry of Ca2+ from the extracellular compartment and a plasma membrane H+ conductance as prerequisites for the stimulation of plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange which in turn modulates K+ channel acitivity. It is probable that the aldosterone-sensitive H+ conductance maintains Na+/H+ exchange activity by providing an acidic environment in the vicinity of the exchanger. Thus, genomic action of aldosterone determines cellular transport equipment, whereas the nongenomic action regulates transporter activity that requires responses within seconds or minutes, which explains the rapid effects on electrolyte excretion.
The long-term efficacy of gene therapy using bone marrow transplantation requires the engraftment of genetically altered totipotent hematopoietic stem cells (THSCs). Ex vivo expansion of corrected THSCs is one way to increase the efficiency of the procedure. Similarly, selective in vivo expansion of the therapeutic THSCs rather than the endogenous THSCs could favor the transplant. To test whether a conferred proliferative advantage gene can facilitate the in vitro and in vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells, we have generated transgenic mice expressing a truncated receptor for the growth factor erythropoietin. These mice are phenotypically normal, but when treated in vivo with exogenous erythropoietin they exhibit a marked increase in multipotent, clonogenic hematopoietic cells [colony-forming units in the spleen (CFU-S) and CFUs that give rise to granulocytes, erythroid cells, macrophages, and megakaryocytes within the same colony (CFU-GEMM)] in comparison with the wild-type mice. In addition, long-term in vitro culture of tEpoR transgenic bone marrow in the presence of erythropoietin induces exponential expansion of trilineage hematopoietic stem cells not seen with wild-type bone marrow. Thus, the truncated erythropoietin receptor gene shows promise as a means for obtaining cytokine-inducible hematopoietic stem cell proliferation to facilitate the direct targeting of THSCs and to provide a competitive repopulation advantage for transplanted therapeutic stem cells.