991 resultados para Koistinen, Petri
Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia häviöitä loistehon tuottaminen Stora Enson Anjalankosken tehtaiden hiomorakennuksessa sijaitsevilla kuudella 14 MW tahtimoottorilla aiheuttaa. Lähtötietoina käytettiin moottoreiden valmistajalta saatuja rkistotietoja ja niiden perusteella laadittiin äivitetty akselitehon ja loistehotuotannon ilaa kuvaava PQ-diagrammi digitaaliseen muotoon. Saatujen tulosten avulla on mahdollista suunnitella kustannustehokas tapa käyttää painehiomon tahtimoottoreita koko tehdasalueen loistehon säätöön.
The objective in this Master's Thesis was to determine and verify quality criteria for veneer in plywood manufacturing. In plywood manufacturing the veneer quality has a decisive part how well it can be produced to a final product. Modern equipment run at high speed and capacity. These machines require a good quality veneer to be able to maintain them. The quality criteria determination was done after the dominant veneer properties were determined. This research focuses to the birch veneer quality determination. The machines involved in the veneer manufacturing are introduced in the materials and methods section. The different veneer properties are determined and the measuring devices to measure these properties are examined. There are many parts in veneer manufacturing and these have different requirements to the veneer quality. To determine and verify these properties for every machine was the most demanding part of this Master's Thesis. During the research some new ideas and ways to measure veneer properties were also tested. Veneer properties and quality was followed in a factory environment and in a test runs at the Raute. Different machines were followed carefully in the production environment while for example test pieces were taken from veneers that broke on the line. Sample pieces were tested on site or delivered to Nastola for more extensive testing. Based on the tests and research the criteria for veneer to every machine involved in the veneer production were created. These veneer quality tolerances are recommendations to ensure that the machine operation will not be affected by the veneer quality.
Summary: The abandonment of foreign graphemes in Early Modern Finnish with special reference to Jakob Johan Malmberg's works
Suomen psykologisen seuran nuorten tutkijoiden jaoksen (NuTu) kevätseminaarin aiheena oli 6.3.2007 tutkimuksen ja käytännön yhdistäminen kliinisen psykologin työssä. Aiheesta alusti HYKS:stä Peijaksen sairaalan johtava psykologi Petri Näätänen.