997 resultados para Isolated community


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In this project study the characteristic and dynamics of the residential housing market in the Basque country. When strong expansion and colapsing emerged in 2007,studied the differents adjustment.


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Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo (SCN) estão frequentemente envolvidos em infecções nosocomiais associadas com o uso de cateteres e outros procedimentos médicos invasivos. A habilidade de aderir às superfícies abióticas e de produzir biofilme tem sido reconhecida entre os principais fatores de virulência dos SCN, especialmente de S. epidermidis, a principal espécie responsável por infecções relacionadas à assistência a saúde - IRASs. Dentre as demais espécies de SCN capazes de produzir biofilme, S. haemolyticus tem sido relacionado com quadros de infecções em recém-nascidos (RNs). O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal investigar aspectos microbiológicos e epidemiológicos dos processos infecciosos invasivos relacionados com SCN em neonatos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) de um hospital universitário do município do Rio de Janeiro (2008-2010). A técnica de PCR multiplex-mPCR foi empregada na determinação das espécies de 40 amostras de SCN isoladas de hemoculturas de RNs fazendo uso de cateteres intravenosos e submetidos à terapia antimicrobiana empírica com vancomicina e/ou gentamicina. A fenotipagem foi realizada por três métodos distintos: Simplificado em microplaca, Vitek 2 e API-Staph. Os perfis de resistência aos antimicrobianos foram verificados através do teste de disco-difusão, determinação de CIM (Oxacilina) e presença do gene mecA. A capacidade de produção de biofilme foi investigada pelos testes do Ágar Vermelho do Congo e ensaios de aderência em superfícies abióticas (poliestireno e vidro) além da PCR para os genes icaAB, atlE e aap. O perfil genômico dos micro-organismos foi determinado pela técnica de PFGE. Os resultados demonstraram o isolamento de S. haemolyticus (77%), S. epidermidis (15%), S. captis (5%) e S. warneri (3%). A análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos pelo m-PCR com métodos fenotípicos demonstrou uma concordância de 97,5% com o esquema simplificado e de ~40% Vitek 2 e o API Staph. A maioria (82,5%) das amostras apresentou perfis variados de multiresistência aos 16 antimicrobianos testados e resistência a oxacilina, apesar de 25% destas não apresentarem o gene mecA. Apesar da maioria das amostras de SCN ter apresentado capacidade de produzir slime e/ou biofilme não foi observada total correlação com a presença dos genes mecA, icaAB, aap, atlE, enfatizando a natureza multifatorial da produção de biofilme de SCN. Diferente do observado para as demais espécies, algumas amostras de S. haemolyticus foram incapazes de aderir ao vidro e ao poliestireno e/ou apresentaram os genes aap (38,7%), atlE (42%) além de icaAB (71%). Na UTIN foi detectada a presença de seis diferentes tipos clonais da espécie prevalente, indicando a disseminação de S. haemolyticusnesta unidade hospitalar e a endemicidade em nossa comunidade.


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O Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina (MRSA) foi inicialmente descrito como um patógeno associado a infecções relacionadas à assistência em saúde; porém, um clone de MRSA, o CA-MRSA emergiu na comunidade e está atualmente incrementando nos hospitais. O objetivo desta tese foi descrever aspectos relacionados com a epidemiologia das infecções por cepas CA-MRSA no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HUPE/UERJ), avaliando especificamente fatores de risco relacionado com as infecções por CA-MRSA. Usando informações das bases de dados do laboratório de microbiologia, da farmácia e da Comissão para Controle da Infecção Hospitalar do HUPE/UERJ foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de infecções/colonizações por cepas de S. aureus (fevereiro 2005 a Julho 2011). Foi realizado um estudo caso e controle, utilizando como casos os pacientes com infecções por cepas CA-MRSA. Na avaliação da susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos usados em infecções graves por MRSA (vancomicina, teicoplanina, daptomicina e linezolida), foram determinadas as concentrações inibitórias mínimas (CIM) das amostras por diferentes metodologias (testes de difusão em agar, microdiluição em caldo e E-test). Nas analises das tendências temporais da apresentação dos subtipos de MRSA, usando um critério fenotípico para classificação das cepas MRSA, foi observada uma diminuição do número de cepas de MRSA multirresistente (HA-MRSA) (p<0.05). Também foi observada uma tendência ao aumento de cepas não-multirresistentes (CA-MRSA), mas sem alcançar a significância estatística (p = 0.06) igual que os S. aureus sensíveis a meticilina (MSSA) (p = 0.48). Não houve associação entre o subtipo de MRSA e a mortalidade devida à infecção por cepas MRSA. Uma idade acima de 70 anos (OR: 2.46, IC95%: 0.99 - 6.11), a presença de pneumonia adquirida no hospital (OR: 4.94, IC95%: 1.65 -14.8), a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (OR: 6.09, IC95% 1.16 31.98) e a leucemia (OR: 8.2, IC95%: 1.25 54.7) foram fatores de risco associadas à mortalidade nas infecções por cepas de S. aureus. Usando curvas de Kaplan-Meier, foi observada uma tendência ao aumento da mortalidade em infecções causadas por MSSA na primeira semana, porém sem alcançar significância estatística (p = 0.07). Não foram observadas amostras MRSA com susceptibilidade intermediaria a vancomicina, linezolida, daptomicina ou teicoplanina. A dinâmica das infecções por S. aureus no HUPE/UERJ mudou durante o período de estudo, com menor número de episódios infecciosos causados por cepas de MRSA multirresistentes. Existe uma tendência ao aumento das cepas não-multirresistentes de MRSA entanto que a taxa de infecções por MSSA permaneceu estável no período do estudo. O perfil de resistência dos estafilococos não teve associação com a mortalidade


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Surveys were conducted to evaluate and compare assemblage structure and trophodynamics of ichthyoplankton, and their variability, in an estuarine transition zone. Environmental gradients in the saltfront region of the Patuxent River subestuary, Chesapeake Bay, were hypothesized to define spatiotemporal distributions and assemblages of ichthyoplankton. Larval fishes, zooplankton, and hydrographic data were collected during spring through early summer 2000 and 2001. Larvae of 28 fish species were collected and species richness was similar each year. Total larval abundance was highest in the oligohaline region down-estuary of the salt front in 2000, but highest at the salt front in 2001. Larvae of anadromous fishes were most abundant at or up-estuary of the salt front in both years. Two ichthyoplankton assemblages were distinguished: 1) riverine—characterized predominantly by anadromous species (Moronidae and Alosinae); and 2) estuarine—characterized predominantly by naked goby (Gobiosoma bosc) (Gobiidae). Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity-associated variables (e.g., salt-front location), and concentrations of larval prey, specifically the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis and the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, were important indicators of larval fish abundance. In the tidal freshwater region up-estuary of the salt front, there was substantial diet overlap between congeneric striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (M. americana) larvae, and also larvae of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) (overlap= 0.71–0.93). Larval abundance, taxonomic diversity, and dietary overlap were highest within and up-estuary of the salt front, which serves to both structure the ichthyoplankton community and control trophic relationships in the estuarine transition zone.


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Trawling and dredging on Georges Bank (northwest Atlantic Ocean) have altered the cover of colonial epifauna, as surveyed through in situ photography. A total of 454 photographs were analyzed from areas with gravel substrate between 1994 and 2000 at depths of 40–50 m and 80–90 m. The cover of hydroids, bushy bryozoans, sponges, and tubeworms was generally higher at sites undisturbed by fishing than at sites classified as disturbed. The magnitude and significance of this effect depended on depth and year. Encrusting bryozoans were the only type of colonial epifauna positively affected by bottom fishing. Species richness of noncolonial epifauna declined with increased bottom fishing, but Simpson’s index of diversity typically peaked at intermediate levels of habitat disturbance. Species that were more abundant at undisturbed sites possessed characteristics that made them vulnerable to bottom fishing. These characteristics include emergent growth forms, soft body parts, low motility, use of complex microhabitats, long life spans, slow growth, and larval dispersal over short distances. After the prohibition of bottom fishing at one site, both colonial and noncolonial species increased in abundance. Populations of most taxa took two years or more to increase after the fishing closure. This finding indicates that bottom fishing needs to be reduced to infrequent intervals to sustain the benthic species composition of Georges Bank at a high level of biodiversity and abundance.


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Ichthyoplankton samples were collected at approximately 2-week intervals, primarily during spring and summer 1999−2004, from two stations located 20 and 30 km from shore near the Columbia River, Oregon. Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) was the most abundant species collected, and was the primary species associated with summer upwelling conditions, but it showed significant interannual and seasonal fluctuations in abundance and occurrence. Other abundant taxa included sanddabs (Citharichthys spp.), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), and blacksmelts (Bathylagidae). Two-way cluster analysis revealed strong species associations based primarily on season (before or after the spring transition date). Ichthyoplankton abundances were compared to biological and environmental data, and egg and larvae abundances were found to be most correlated with sea surface temperature. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation changed sign (from negative to positive) in late 2002 and indicated overall warmer conditions in the North Pacific Ocean. Climate change is expected to alter ocean upwelling, temperatures, and Columbia River flows, and consequently fish eggs and larvae distributions and survival. Long-term research is needed to identify how ichthyoplankton and fish recruitment are affected by regional and largescale oceanographic proces


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This monograph on the ecology of Atlantic white cedar wetlands is one of a series of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service profiles of important freshwater wetland ecosystems of the United States. The purpose of the profile is to describe the extent, components, functioning, history, and treatment of these wetlands. It is intended to provide a useful reference to relevant scientific information and a synthesis of the available literature. The world range of Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is limited to a ribbon of freshwater wetlands within 200 km of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, extending from mid-Maine to mid-Florida and Mississippi. Often in inaccessible sites and difficult to traverse, cedar wetlands contain distinctive suites of plant species. Highly valued as commercial timber since the early days of European colonization of the continent, the cedar and its habitat are rapidly disappearing. This profile describes the Atlantic white cedar and the bogs and swamps it dominates or codominates throughout its range, discussing interrelationships with other habitats, putative origins and migration patterns, substrate biogeochemistry, associated plant and animal species (with attention to those that are rare, endangered, or threatened regionally or nationally), and impacts of both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Research needs for each area are outlined. Chapters are devoted to the practices and problems of harvest and management, and to an examination of a large preserve recently acquired by the USFWS, the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina.


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We examined the diel ver-tical distribution, concentration, and community structure of ichthyoplank-ton from a single station 69 km off the central Oregon coast in the northeast Pacific Ocean. The 74 depth-stratified samples yielded 1571 fish larvae from 20 taxa, representing 11 families, and 128 fish eggs from 11 taxa within nine families. Dominant larval taxa were Sebastes spp. (rockfishes), Stenobra-chius leucopsarus (northern lampfish), Tarletonbeania crenularis (blue lan-ternfish), and Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole), and the dominant egg taxa were Sardinops sagax (Pacific sardine), Icichthys lockingtoni (medusafish), and Chauliodus macouni (Pacific viperfish). Larval concentrations generally increased from the surface to 50 m, then decreased with depth. Larval concentrations were higher at night than during the day, and there was evidence of larval diel vertical migration. Depth stratum was the most important factor explaining variability in larval and egg concentrations.


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Squids of the family Ommastrephidae are a vital part of marine food webs and support major fisheries around the world. They are widely distributed in the open ocean, where they are among the most abundant in number and biomass of nektonic epipelagic organisms. In turn, seven of the 11 genera of this family (Dosidicus, Illex, Martialia, Nototodarus, Ommastrephes, Sthenoteuthis, and Todarodes) are heavily preyed upon by top marine predators, i.e., birds, mammals, and fish, and currently support fisheries in both neritic and oceanic waters (Roper and Sweeney, 1984; Rodhouse, 1997). Their commercial importance has made the large ommastrephids the target of many scientific investigations and their biology is consequently reasonably well-known (Nigmatullin et al., 2001; Zuyev et al., 2002; Bower and Ichii, 2005). In contrast, much less information is available on the biology and ecological role of the smaller, unexploited species of ommastrephids (e.g., Eucleoteuthis, Hyaloteuthis, Ornithoteuthis, and Todaropsis).


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The Mekong River is one of Asia's greatest rivers. It is the lifeblood of millions of small-scale farmers and fishers in China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. In the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the river is particularly important because for the landlocked country, the Mekong is the Sea of Laos. In southern Lao PDR, fisheries for native fish species constitute an extremely important source of subsistence protein and income for local people. It has been estimated that wild-caught fish constitute at least 90% of the protein for lowland Laotians living next to the Mekong. Despite the extreme importance of fish to the diets and economics of communities along the Mekong, the resource, and the people who depend upon it, are in danger.


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Since 1993, a series of aquatic resource co-management workshops have been on-going, established by the Lao government and fisheries agencies for village farmers in the Khong District in southern Laos, aiming for a sustainable use of inland capture fisheries resources. This article describes the mechanics involved and the participants' perspective, as well as reporting the outcomes and progress of the workshops so far.


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The freshwater wetlands (beels) of Assam, India, cover an area of 101 232 ha. For the rural poor, the neighboring wetlands are the only source of fish. They depend on them for their daily consumption of fish as well as a source of livelihood. Ecoenergy studies indicate that these wetlands have a fairly high production potential. However, the current regulations and system of management are not conducive to sustainable production from these water bodies. It is resulting in overexploitation and degradation. It is imperative some form of co-management with local communities be established for the beels of Assam.


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Soil microbial community changes associated to conventional and organic farming of two relevant crops (Beta vulgaris and Solanum lycopersicum) were analysed through 16s rRNA amplicon sequencing. This study revealed microbial communities in the agricultural soils studied to be similar to other reported nutrient-rich microbiomes, and some significant differences between the microbial communities associated to the two farming practices were found. Some phyla (Chloroflexi and Thermi) were found to be present in different abundances according to soil treatment. As chloroplast interference can be a stumbling block in plant-associated 16s rRNA amplicon metagenomics analysis of aerial plant tissues, two protocols for bacterial cell detachment (orbital shaking and ultrasound treatment) and two protocols for microbial biomass recovery (centrifugation and filtration) were tested regarding their efficiency at excluding plant-DNA. An alternative method to the one proposed by Rastogi et al (2010) for evaluating the chloroplast-amplicon content in post-PCR samples was tested, and the method revealed that filtration was the most efficient protocol in minimising chloroplast interference.


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The involvement of communities with the assistance and support of government and non government organizations on the management of the coastal resources in Southern Thailand are discussed. The 3 most important resources, mangrove, seagrass and coral, create a complex coastal ecology. Several man-made activities causing the deterioration of this resources are also presented.