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A panel discussion where reporters share their thoughts and experiences on covering news in Cuba on the ground. Participants include: Karen Caballero, Marti Noticias (moderator) Denis Rousseau, Agence France Press, Paris Mar Marin, Agencia EFE, Buenos Aires Silvia Ayuso, El Pais, Washington, D.C. Reinaldo Escobar, 14ymedio, Havana


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Panel Discussion with FIU's Cuban Research Institute and the Latin American and Caribbean Center to examine the origins, development, current status, and future scenarios of the Cuba-Venezuela alliance. Participants include: Dr. Carlos Antonio Romero Mendez, Universidad Central de Venezuela Dr. Javier Corrales, Amherst College Prof. Manuel A. Gomez, Florida International University Marra C. Werlau, Cuba Archive


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The work carried out by the physical oceanography group on POLARSTERN Leg ANT-V/3 concentrated on four major topics: A. A large scale survey of the eastern boundary between the Weddell gyre and the open ocean. On the way to the coastal polynya in early October 12 CTD stations were carried out between 54°30'S, 6°E and 70°30'S 8°W. Another set of 16 stations was obtained in early December on the way back north. During this transsect three current meter moorings were recovered at Maud Rise. The path between the current meter arrays was used to run an additional section to the NNE across the top of Maud Rise. B. A large scale survey of the Antarctic Coastal Current along the eastern shelf area. To obtain the water mass characteristics along the eastern Weddell shelf 36 CTD stations were carried out between Atka Bay and the Filchner Trench. Most of the stations were located on the shelf. Cross shelf sections were obtained both near Drescher Inlet and off Halley Bay, in the divergence area of the Coastal Current where the continental slope turns to the west and south of Vestkapp at Neptune's Point. A longshore section over 120 km was run north of Vestkapp. C. A mesoscale survey of the Antarctic Coastal Current off Drescher Inlet. The experimental work consisted of 37 CTD-stations and direct current measurements. The CTD-profiles were grouped into seven sections perpendicular to the coast line off Drescher Inlet extending once over 70 km but normally over 35 km. The profile depth ranged from 300 m on one section to the complete water column at two sections. Most sections consist of five stations providing highest resolution over the upper continental slope with offshore increasing spacing. The stations were chosen to represent the shelf (450 m), the shelf break (800 m), the upper slope (1600 m), the lower slope (2400 m) and the transition to the abyssal plain (3400 m). Rough topography and difficult ice conditions made it impossible to meet those requirements in all cases. D. A small scale survey of the hydrographic conditions under the sea ice. The motivation for these studies arose during the cruise. Consequently a suitable Instrumentation had to be developed at sea. This was done with a NB-Smart CTD which was inserted on an L-shaped lever through a hole in the ice. However, various water intrusions into the instrument resulted in the failure of this technique. In consequence a special lever system was built to position a NB Mark 3b weighing about 40 kg below the ice. Twenty four profiles were obtained reaching from the bottom of the ice down to 2 m below the ice surface with a maximum distance of 1 m from the entry hole. As the conductivity sensor was influenced by nearby ice platelets, salinity samples where drawn to check the sensor.


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Acknowledgements A.P. would like to acknowledge the support of the National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI) UK. E.P. and M.W. are grateful for partial support provided by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) by the PRIN funded program 2010/11 N.2010MBJK5B


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI) UK.


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Acknowledgements We are grateful to Ke-Xin Chen, Song Tan and Jing Cao (Wenzhou University) for care of the animals. We thank Dr. Teresa G. Valencak (Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria) for her assistance with the body temperature measurements using the thermo-sensitive passive transponders. We thank Peter Thomson (University of Aberdeen) for his technical assistance with the isotope analysis for the DLW measurements. This work was supported by grant (no. 31270458) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant (pd2013374) from Zhejiang province, and grants (no. 14SK51A, 14SK52A) from Wenzhou University.


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Mark Guyer and Jane Peterson, in-person interview with Kathryn Maxson and Robert Cook-Deegan, conducted in Rockville, MD (NIH campus), 18 August 2011. Mark Guyer and Jane Peterson were grants program officers at the NIH during the HGP, and were some of the longest-standing employees in the HGP administrative structure. Both witnessed the transformation of the Office of Genome Research into the National Center for Human Genome Research and, finally, the National Human Genome Research Institute. They were close participants in the history of the Bermuda Principles within the NIH.


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In 1972, the five years program 'Basic investigations for exploration of deep sea mineral resources' was laid out by the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry. The Geological Survey of Japan and the National Research Institute of Pollution and Resources undertook the first survey project. The survey team consisted of four geologists and a surveyor of the Geological Survey of Japan, and a mechanical, engineer and four mining engineers of National Research Institute of Polution and Resources. The survey started on November 11 using the "Bosei Maru" survey vessel (1100 tons) chartered from Tokai University. The cruise departed from Shimizu harbor to the Ponape and Guam islands, and terminated at the harbor of departure on December 11. The surveyed area was mainly covered the Mariana basin and the Magellan seamounts, and fifteen bottom samples were collected during the cruise. Ferromanganese nodules were obtained at several stations at a depth over 5000m.