996 resultados para Innovation journey
Esta tese tem como principal objetivo analisar as características, a importância e o papel da inovação territorial em turismo e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento dos destinos. Consiste num estudo multidisciplinar suportado numa exaustiva revisão da literatura sobre temas como desenvolvimento, inovação e modelos de inovação territorial. Com base nas principais conclusões de natureza conceptual, considerou-se o modelo dos sistemas regionais de inovação como o mais adequado para aplicação ao sistema turístico, e a constituição de redes como estruturas fundamentais para a sua operacionalização. A partir desta abordagem teórica, foi desenvolvido um quadro conceptual para a análise da inovação sistémica no sector do turismo. Esta abordagem permitiu a definição de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais foram testadas através dos resultados da parte empírica da tese. Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos distintos, mas complementares nas regiões do Douro e de Aveiro. O primeiro teve como objetivo inquirir empresas turísticas, enquanto o segundo foi dirigido a instituições regionais com intervenção no sector do turismo ou na inovação. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a importantes conclusões sobre o desempenho das empresas e regiões em termos de inovação, os padrões de networking desenvolvidos no âmbito de processos de inovação, a importância do conhecimento existente nas regiões e os fatores específicos das mesmas para a inovação em turismo, a perceção das empresas turísticas sobre o ambiente de inovação e o seu contributo para a evolução e para o sucesso dos destinos turísticos. A tese recorre a uma abordagem quantitativa que inclui estatística descritiva e indutiva e ao método da análise de redes (sociometria). A combinação de métodos levou a importantes conclusões sobre a inovação em turismo, com uma focalização especial no que a relaciona com os sistemas regionais de inovação. As conclusões permitem avançar com um conjunto de implicações e sugestões para futuros projetos de investigação sobre o tema, bem como para a gestão dos destinos turísticos, uma vez que contribui para um maior e mais aprofundado conhecimento do fenómeno da inovação em turismo desenvolvida a nível regional. Os resultados demonstram que diferentes regiões apresentam sistemas regionais de inovação distintos. Assim, não existe um modelo único que possa ser aplicado indistintamente em todas as regiões. Contudo, as conclusões apontam para a existência de padrões e práticas que aperfeiçoam o seu funcionamento, aumentando o desempenho ao nível da inovação, bem como a competitividade global do destino.
This chapter focuses on the development of organizational creativity, using the CPS methodology, aiming at demonstrating its effectiveness in using the individual and team divergent thinking improvement in identifying organizational problems. A study was undertaken using problem solving teams in seven companies, in which each individual was submitted to a pre-post test in attitudes towards divergent thinking and asked to express the evaluation of the method. All the information reported in the sessions was recorded. The results indicate a change in attitude favourable to divergent thinking, the provision of a professional, efficient method of organizing knowledge in such a way that can help individuals to find original solutions to problems, and an important way to lead teams to creativity and innovation, according with companies different orientations.
Résumé: L'adoption d'une innovation technopédagogique par une communauté enseignante universitaire La thèse traite de l'adoption d'une innovation technopédagogique par une communauté enseignante universitaire. Cette étude longitudinale, réalisée dans le cadre d'une recherche-action, vise à comprendre la dynamique globale du processus d'adoption d'une innovation. Le cadre de réflexion théorique de l'étude provient de la recherche en management, en systèmes d'information et en éducation. Il tient à la fois compte des motivations et des besoins des individus (dimension individuelle), de la compatibilité des technologies de l'information selon les théories usuelles de l'apprentissage (dimension pédagogique) et du type de soutien à offrir aux utilisatrices-utilisateurs (dimension organisationnelle). Le modèle d'accompagnement émergeant de cette recherche se compose de cycles itératifs au cours desquels un groupe définit et résout un problème, puis réfléchit successivement aux enjeux émergents d'un cycle à l'autre. Le modèle tient explicitement compte des trois éléments clés suivants: l'individu, la pédagogie et l'organisation qui forment une dynamique systémique indissociable et en interaction les unes les autres pendant toute la durée du processus d'adoption de l'innovation. Il met aussi en lumière la nécessité de stimuler une réflexion critique grâce au concours de ressources externes crédibles pour déterminer la compatibilité des technologies à partir d'expériences concrètes. Une telle démarche participative systématique permet d'accroître la cohésion des idées du groupe par le dialogue et les débats d'opinions_ Par ailleurs, la proximité avec notre milieu de recherche sur une période de deux ans offre la possibilité de saisir plusieurs facettes de la dynamique organisationnelle. Lorsque l'on réalise une étude longitudinale qui met en évidence l'incidence d'événements concomitants, on constate la fragilité du processus et la réversibilité de la décision d'adoption. L'intention d'adoption évolue constamment au gré des expériences des individus et du contexte qui évolue lui-même. L'établissement de relations partenariales avec les groupes intéressés représente une activité essentielle pour pallier ou neutraliser les effets indésirables d'événements concomitants.||Abstract: This thesis deals with a university teaching community adopting a technological/pedagogical innovation. This longitudinal study--part of an action-research study--aims at gaining understanding of the overall dynamics involved in adopting an innovation. The study's conceptual framework derives from management, information-systems, and teaching research. It takes into account the motivations and needs of individuals (individual dimension), the compatibility of information technologies according to current learning theories (pedagogical dimension), and the type of support to be offered to users (organizational dimension). The companion model issuing from this research work comprises iterative cycles during which a group defines and solves a problem and then successively reflects on the issues emerging from one cycle to the next. The model takes explicit account of three key elements: the individual, pedagogical approach, and organization form an indissociable system dynamic in which all dimensions interact during the entire process of adopting innovation. It also sheds light on the need to stimulate critical reflection about the combination of credible external resources so that tangible experiences can be used to determine technology compatibility. This kind of systematic participative process yields greater cohesiveness of group ideas through dialogue and discussion. Moreover, the proximity to our research setting over two years provides the opportunity to seize the many facets of organizational dynamics. During the course of a longitudinal study that highlights the incidence of concomitant events, the fragility of the process and reversibility of the adoption decision become apparent. The adoption intention constantly fluctuates through the experiences of individuals and the context, which also changes. Establishing partnership relations with interested groups stands out as an essential activity in attenuating or counteracting the undesirable effects produced by concomitant events.
This research focuses on creativity and innovation management in organizations. We present a model of intervention that aims at establishing a culture of organizational innovation through the internal development of individual and team creativity focusing on problem solving. The model relies on management’s commitment and in the organization’s talented people (creative leaders and employees) as a result of their ability in defining a better organization. The design follows Min Basadur’s problem solving approach consisting of problem finding, fact finding, problem definition, solution finding and decision implementation. These steps are carried out using specific techniques and procedures that will link creative people and management in order to initiate the process until problems are defined. For each defined problem, project teams will develop possible solutions and implement these decisions. Thus, a system of transformation of the individual and team creativity into organizational innovation can be established.
This article intends to make a contribution to the clarification of the concepts of creativity and innovation using a multilevel approach of individual, group and organization, in order to show that these may be better integrated within collaborative organizations. Trying to maintain the principle of the primacy of the individual (creativity) over the business (innovation), we stressed the cognitive and emotional processes (when speaking of creativity) and power and communi- cation (when it comes to innovation). Following on a description of group processes that try to combine creativity and innovation, we address the measurement of innovation, concluding with the need to avoid classifying an organization as innovative or non-innovative. The latter judgment should be left to the market itself. At the organizational level, we gave primacy to the concept of "organizational innovation", as it is within this framework that the best fusion between creativity and innovation may be achieved. Finally, we address collaboration in business as connecting people, ideas, and resources that would not normally interact with each The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 1 Summer 2012 2 other. These decentralized organizations operate in such a way that makes it possible to abolish or, at least mitigate, the role of power. We believe that this will ultimately define the future of successful organizations
Au Québec, le programme d'éthique et culture religieuse a influencé les pratiques éducatives des enseignants. (Conseil supérieur de l'éducation, 2003, 2009; Deniger, 2004; Gouvernement du Québec, 1999, 2005). Les réactions lors de son implantation ont stimulé cette analyse sous l'aspect politique, idéologique, organisationnel et pédagogique. Nous cherchions à connaître et comprendre comment les titulaires du primaire se représentent le processus d'implantation du programme ÉCR. Notre méthodologie exploratoire qualitative se fonde sur quatorze entrevues semidirigées dans 4 régions du Québec. Sans être en mesure de généraliser, nos travaux font tout de même ressortir le processus d'implantation d'une innovation scolaire. (Bonami et ai, 1996 ; Cros, 2001). De plus, notre recherche fournit une réflexion sur les facteurs facilitant ou non l'implantation d'un programme scolaire. En effet, la théorie de l'ingénierie de formation, facilite l'analyse des conditions les plus pertinentes à la mise en place d'un changement d'envergure au sein d'une organisation.
Tourism sector in Algarve region is the main engine of regional economy. Although frequently, tourism is considered as a low – moderate innovative sector, tourism competitiveness is still highly dependent on specific features of a Regional Innovation Platform, highlighting the crucial importance of knowledge creation and diffusion, learning, cooperative and collaborative interaction that may evolve to a Regional Innovation System (RIS). Studies of Local Knowledge Spillovers have been frequently focused on empirical evidence provided by regions highly related with manufacturing sectors. Considering a case study in Tourism Algarve Region, emphasizing a theoretical character on the analysis of these areas and using a qualitative methodology, the goal of this study was to provide preliminary evidence of the main sources and vehicles of regional knowledge spillovers used by tourism enterprises. Main information has been obtained using primary information collected from 20 interviews over main stakeholders regarding regional private and public sector. Primary information was complemented with secondary information, a deeply and extensive bibliography revision and also statistical information. Results show that, on the one hand, main sources of knowledge used by micro and small tourism enterprises are human resources and formal and informal networks. On the other hand, large tourism companies are weakly related with regional sources using mainly internal company and economic group resources to generate innovation activities. Regional innovation platform shows clear weaknesses on linkages and coordinated initiatives to promote and support innovation performance of firms hampering to increase tourism competitiveness and regional development.
Energy-using Products (EuPs) contribute significantly to the United Kingdom’s CO2 emissions, both in the domestic and non-domestic sectors. Policies that encourage the use of more energy efficient products (such as minimum performance standards, energy labelling, enhanced capital allowances, etc.) can therefore generate significant reductions in overall energy consumption and hence, CO2 emissions. While these policies can impose costs on the producers and consumers of these products in the short run, the process of product innovation may reduce the magnitude of these costs over time. If this is the case, then it is important that the impacts of innovation are taken into account in policy impact assessments. Previous studies have found considerable evidence of experience curve effects for EuP categories (e.g. refrigerators, televisions, etc.), with learning rates of around 20% for both average unit costs and average prices; similar to those found for energy supply technologies. Moreover, the decline in production costs has been accompanied by a significant improvement in the energy efficiency of EuPs. Building on these findings and the results of an empirical analysis of UK sales data for a range of product categories, this paper sets out an analytic framework for assessing the impact of EuP policy interventions on consumers and producers which takes explicit account of the product innovation process. The impact of the product innovation process can be seen in the continuous evolution of the energy class profiles of EuP categories over time; with higher energy classes (e.g. A, A+, etc.) entering the market and increasing their market share, while lower classes (e.g. E, F, etc.) lose share and then leave the market. Furthermore, the average prices of individual energy classes have declined over their respective lives, while new classes have typically entered the market at successively lower “launch prices”. Based on two underlying assumptions regarding the shapes of the “lifecycle profiles” for the relative sales and the relative average mark-ups of individual energy classes, a simple simulation model is developed that can replicate the observed market dynamics in terms of the evolution of market shares and average prices. The model is used to assess the effect of two alternative EuP policy interventions – a minimum energy performance standard and an energy-labelling scheme – on the average unit cost trajectory and the average price trajectory of a typical EuP category, and hence the financial impacts on producers and consumers.
This paper describes a qualitative observational study of how a work based learning masters leadership development programme for middle managers in health and social care in the UK introduced students to key aspects of delivering innovation, through a formative assignment on contemporary architectural design. Action learning and activity theoretical approaches were used to enable students to explore common principles of leading the delivery of innovation. Between 2001 and 2013 a total of 89 students in 7 cohorts completed the assignment. Evaluation lent support for the view that the assignment provided a powerful learning experience for many. Several students found the creativity, determination and dedication of architects, designers and structural engineers inspirational in their ability to translate a creative idea into a completed artefact, deploy resources and negotiate complex demands of stakeholders. Others expressed varying levels of self-empowerment as regards their capacity for fostering an equivalent creativity in self and others. Theoretical approaches in addition to activity theory, including Engeström’s concepts of stabilisation knowledge and possibility knowledge, are discussed to explain these differing outcomes and to clarify the challenges and opportunities for educational developers seeking to utilise cross-disciplinary, creative approaches in curriculum design.