999 resultados para Indústria metal-mecânica do Grande ABC


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No atual cenário dos negócios se observa a crescente valorização dos ativos intangíveis da organização, como a cultura organizacional, as competências estratégicas e o capital humano. Grande parte desses valiosos recursos intangíveis está relacionada à gestão de pessoas e deve ser alvo da administração estratégica de recursos humanos. A função RH se depara com a necessidade de repensar seu modelo de atuação e assumir o papel de parceria estratégica da alta administração. A presente dissertação trata do alinhamento de RH às prioridades estratégicas da organização. O alinhamento estratégico de RH acontece em duas dimensões: externa e interna. O alinhamento externo se refere ao direcionamento das iniciativas de RH para as prioridades da organização. Por sua vez, o alinhamento interno se refere à sintonia e complementaridade dos subsistemas de RH, que possibilita criar uma base consistente para as contribuições da área. O estudo de caso qualitativo realizado junto a uma indústria fabricante de autopeças teve como intuito analisar os instrumentos, práticas e principalmente o modelo de gestão adotado no sentido de obter o efetivo alinhamento entre RH e a estratégia. A pesquisa revelou o alinhamento parcial de RH tanto na dimensão interna quanto na externa. Evidenciou-se que o alinhamento estratégico requer, além do apoio da alta administração, a aquisição de novas competências pelos profissionais de RH e a estruturação de um sistema que integre os produtos e processos da área. (AU)


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A utilização dos conceitos Lean de produção na logística é tida como um diferencial na criação de vantagem competitiva pelas empresas, inclusive por operadores logísticos. Na indústria automotiva, a prática de tais conceitos é utilizada de forma ampla. O conceito de se ter um sistema enxuto de fornecimento pode levar ao simples entendimento de restrição de fornecedores e redução dos níveis de estoque através do aumento de freqüência das entregas, contudo esta é uma visão distorcida quando falamos de sistema enxuto, pois o sistema enxuto trata da análise de eliminação de desperdício de todo o sistema envolvido em um processo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de realizar um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos determinantes do sucesso na implantação do conceito de logística lean e sua aplicação na logística de distribuição de peças de uma empresa automotiva, através de um operador logístico. A metodologia utilizada para a neste trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica e a imersão em um ambiente de operação logística terceirizada em um depósito de uma indústria automotiva de distribuição de peças à rede autorizada, onde o autor atua como agente para melhoria dos processos operacionais in loco. Como resultado foi observado um aumento na produtividade das operações, bem como uma redução de área utilizada e do tempo de resposta dos pedidos colocados.(AU)


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar de que modo o packaging design influencia na tomada de decisão de compra dos consumidores no mercado do azeite gourmet. Pretende-se, também, estudar uma solução de packaging design para a marca Oliveiras Gold Portugal (OGP), que permita aumentar o seu potencial atrativo na perspetiva do grupo alvo (target), definido pela marca. Começou-se por analisar as políticas de marketing-mix com o objetivo de compreender a importância da embalagem na política de marketing de uma marca. O marketing-mix, além de grande responsável pela definição dos canais de distribuição e comercialização do produto, é também responsável pelas influências sobre o consumidor. Estudou-se, igualmente, a importância da embalagem de produto como elemento potencialmente influenciador no ato da tomada de decisão de compra. Tal estudo permitiu perceber que o consumidor é estimulado de várias formas, sendo o fator estético um dos mais importantes instigadores. A cor, altura e forma, são os três principais atributos que influenciam a decisão do consumidor no momento da compra. No entanto, tanto o material como a usabilidade são cruciais. Na maioria das situações, representam um fator de escolha. Diferenças entre vidro e Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) proporcionam diferentes condições e proteção no armazenamento do produto, contribuindo ainda para a questão estética na visão do consumidor. Questões ergonómicas devem também ser levadas em conta, considerando a sua relação com a usabilidade e funcionalidade. De modo a analisar o potencial da proposta desenvolvida, optou-se por um enfoque qualitativo, nomeadamente na realização de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e, posteriormente, testes à embalagem. Os resultados relativos à proposta de packaging parecem indicar caraterísticas inovadoras, nomeadamente a forma triangular e cónica, os detalhes ergonómicos e o design característico e diferenciador da marca.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar de que modo o packaging design influencia na tomada de decisão de compra dos consumidores no mercado do azeite gourmet. Pretende-se, também, estudar uma solução de packaging design para a marca Oliveiras Gold Portugal (OGP), que permita aumentar o seu potencial atrativo na perspetiva do grupo alvo (target), definido pela marca. Começou-se por analisar as políticas de marketing-mix com o objetivo de compreender a importância da embalagem na política de marketing de uma marca. O marketing-mix, além de grande responsável pela definição dos canais de distribuição e comercialização do produto, é também responsável pelas influências sobre o consumidor. Estudou-se, igualmente, a importância da embalagem de produto como elemento potencialmente influenciador no ato da tomada de decisão de compra. Tal estudo permitiu perceber que o consumidor é estimulado de várias formas, sendo o fator estético um dos mais importantes instigadores. A cor, altura e forma, são os três principais atributos que influenciam a decisão do consumidor no momento da compra. No entanto, tanto o material como a usabilidade são cruciais. Na maioria das situações, representam um fator de escolha. Diferenças entre vidro e Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) proporcionam diferentes condições e proteção no armazenamento do produto, contribuindo ainda para a questão estética na visão do consumidor. Questões ergonómicas devem também ser levadas em conta, considerando a sua relação com a usabilidade e funcionalidade. De modo a analisar o potencial da proposta desenvolvida, optou-se por um enfoque qualitativo, nomeadamente na realização de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e, posteriormente, testes à embalagem. Os resultados relativos à proposta de packaging parecem indicar caraterísticas inovadoras, nomeadamente a forma triangular e cónica, os detalhes ergonómicos e o design característico e diferenciador da marca.


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Porous structures are being widely investigated for use in biomedical implants, aiming to mechanically integrate and functionally the implant inside the bone tissue. Moreover, this structure is also important for drugs that can be stored and can induce and accelerate the process of osseointegration. With the purpose to investigate this effect, Ti, Nb and Sn metal powders, were sintered by plasma using a hollow cathode discharge. Sintering was performed in argon plasma set at 4 mbar pressure and temperatures of 500 ° C, 600 ° C and 700 ° C. Samples were also sintered in the electrical resistance furnace at 1200 ° C in order to compare plasma sintering with the conventional method. It was observed that plasma samples sintered with the hollow cathode configuration showed a gradient in porosity, while the samples sintered in the resistive furnace did not. Furthermore, differences in the microstructure of the samples were found, were a surface with higher porosity and ales porous core were obtained at different temperatures. The percolation profile of distilled water and the chemical compositions of the porous layers of the plasma treated samples were the main results obtained. Based on these results, we can conclude that this structure is particularly important for application in the biomedical field such as scaffolds for drug delivery and implants


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In this work evaluate the technical characteristics of the fibers grown in settlements Guamaré, colored cotton seeds were donated existing in the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Cotton. We sought through the breeding program, raising the resistance, fineness, length and uniformity of cotton fibers, as well as stabilize the staining of fibers in the BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green shades and raise their productivity in the field. First, the individual selections to test progeny seeds, and thereafter the hybridization method followed by family selection to obtain variations in the color tones were performed. The BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green varieties were produced, analyzed and compared with existing cottons in the region which is the White cotton. The properties amount of impurities and neps, length, length uniformity, short fiber content, fineness and tensile strength of the fibers were sized in Classifiber, NATI, Pressley and Micronaire devices. 10 trials each with 10 tests for all four fiber types were carried out. The White and Topaz fibers showed greater length (32-34mm) and greater resistance (7.94 lb/mg and 7.97 lb/mg respectively) and showed finesse with lower micronaire index 3,71μg/inch and 3, 73μg/inch and a low rate of short fibers. The results were very promising for the use of genetically improved cotton in the manufacturing of fabric and yarn in the textile industry. The fibers were brown colored cotton used in the manufacture of a composite fiber with thermoplastic resin


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The principal effluent in the oil industry is the produced water, which is commonly associated to the produced oil. It presents a pronounced volume of production and it can be reflected on the environment and society, if its discharge is unappropriated. Therefore, it is indispensable a valuable careful to establish and maintain its management. The traditional treatment of produced water, usualy includes both tecniques, flocculation and flotation. At flocculation processes, there are traditional floculant agents that aren’t well specified by tecnichal information tables and still expensive. As for the flotation process, it’s the step in which is possible to separate the suspended particles in the effluent. The dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a technique that has been consolidating economically and environmentally, presenting great reliability when compared with other processes. The DAF is presented as a process widely used in various fields of water and wastewater treatment around the globe. In this regard, this study was aimed to evaluate the potential of an alternative natural flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera to reduce the amount of oil and grease (TOG) in produced water from the oil industry by the method of flocculation/DAF. the natural flocculant agent was evaluated by its efficacy, as well as its efficiency when compared with two commercial flocculant agents normally used by the petroleum industry. The experiments were conducted following an experimental design and the overall efficiencies for all flocculants were treated through statistical calculation based on the use of STATISTICA software version 10.0. Therefore, contour surfaces were obtained from the experimental design and were interpreted in terms of the response variable removal efficiency TOG (total oil and greases). The plan still allowed to obtain mathematical models for calculating the response variable in the studied conditions. Commercial flocculants showed similar behavior, with an average overall efficiency of 90% for oil removal, however it is the economical analysis the decisive factor to choose one of these flocculant agents to the process. The natural alternative flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera showed lower separation efficiency than those of commercials one (average 70%), on the other hand this flocculant causes less environmental impacts and it´s less expensive


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The Cu-Mo system is a composite used in the electrical industry as material for electrical contact and resistance welding electrode as well as the heat sink and microwave absorber in microelectronic devices. The use of this material in such applications is due to the excellent properties of thermal and electrical conductivity and the possibility of adjustment of its coefficient of thermal expansion to meet those of materials used as substrates in the semiconductor micoreletrônic industry. Powder metallurgy through the processes of milling, pressing shaping and sintering is a viable technique for consolidation of such material. However, the mutual insolubility of both phases and the low wettability of liquid Cu on Mo impede its densification. However, the mutual insolubility of both phases and the low wettability of liquid Cu on Mo impede its densification. The mechanical alloying is a technique for preparation of powders used to produce nanocrystalline composite powder with amorphous phase or extended solid solution, which increases the sinterability immiscible systems such as the Mo-Cu. This paper investigates the influence of ammonium heptamolybdate (HMA) and the mechanical alloying in the preparation of a composite powder HMA-20% Cu and the effect of this preparation on densification and structure of MoCu composite produced. HMA and Cu powders in the proportion of 20% by weight of Cu were prepared by the techniques of mechanical mixing and mechanical alloying in a planetary mill. These were milled for 50 hours. To observe the evolution of the characteristics of the particles, powder samples were taken after 2, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 hours of milling. Cylindrical samples 5 to 8 mm in diameter and 3 to 4 mm thickness were obtained by pressing at 200 MPa to the mixed powders so as to ground. These samples were sintered at 1200 ° C for 60 minutes under an atmosphere of H2. To determine the effect of heating rate on the structure of the material during the decomposition and reduction of HMA, rates of 2, 5 and 10 ° C / min were used .. The post and the structures of the sintered samples were characterized by SEM and EDS. The density of the green and sintered bodies was measured using the geometric method (weight / volume). Vickers microhardness with a load of 1 N for 15 s were performed on sintered structures. The density of the sintered structures 10 ° C / min. reached 99% of theoretical density, how the density of sintered structures to 2 ° C / min. reached only 90% of the theoretical density


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On the petroleum industry, the State developed the Local Content police as a regulatory action to guarantee the preference of the national supply industry. Observing that, this paper will analyze the Local Content police aware of the constitutional goal of development as wright in the Constituição Federal de 1988. For it, will be used the hypothetical-deductive method for identifying the Local Content police as State strategy of development turn it in the object of critics in a dialectic way of thinking to in the final, present a conclusion about the police. As result was saw that the existent structure of the police at Brazil is inefficient, claiming for a rebuilt. For conclusion, is said that because of the inadequate construction of the Local Content police created inside of the Agência Nacional do Petróleo – ANP, the efficiency of the full potential of the police is been stopped, something that can be only corrected although a re-make of the police


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The Cu-Al2O3 composite ceramic combines the phase of alumina, which is extremely hard and durable, yet very brittle, to metallic copper phase high ductility and high fracture toughness. These characteristics make this material a strong candidate for use as a cutting tool. Al2O3-Cu composite powders nanocrystalline and high homogeneity can be produced by high energy milling, as well as dense and better mechanical structures can be obtained by liquid phase sintering. This work investigates the effect of high-energy milling the dispersion phase Al2O3, Cu, and the influence of the content of Cu in the formation of Cu-Al2O3 composite particles. A planetary mill Pulverisatte 7 high energy was used to perform the experiments grinding. Al2O3 powder and Cu in the proportion of 5, 10 and 15% by weight of Cu were placed in a container for grinding with balls of hard metal and ethyl alcohol. A mass ratio of balls to powder of 1:5 was used. All powders were milled to 100 hours, and powder samples were collected after 2, 10, 20, 50 and 70 hours of grinding. Composite powders with compact cylindrical shape of 8 mm diameter were pressed and sintered in uniaxial matrix resistive furnace to 1200, 1300 to 1350 °C for 60 minutes under an atmosphere of argon and hydrogen. The heating rate used was 10°C/min. The powders and structures of the sintered bodies were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS. Analysis TG, DSC and particle size were also used to characterize the milled powders, as well as dilatometry was used to observe the contraction of the sintered bodies. The density of the green and sintered bodies was measured using the geometric method (mass / volume). Vickers microhardness with a load of 500 g for 10 s were performed on sintered structures. The Cu-Al2O3 composite with 5% copper density reached 61% of theoretical density and a hardness of 129 HV when sintered at 1300 ° C for 1h. In contrast, lower densities (59 and 51% of the theoretical density) and hardness (110 HV and 105) were achieved when the copper content increases to 10 and 15%.


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Compatibility testing between a drilling fluid and a cement slurry is one of the steps before an operation of cementing oil wells. This test allows us to evaluate the main effects that contamination of these two fluids may cause the technological properties of a cement paste. The interactions between cement paste and drilling fluid, because its different chemical compositions, may affect the cement hydration reactions, damaging the cementing operation. Thus, we carried out the study of the compatibility of non-aqueous drilling fluid and a cement slurry additives. The preparation procedures of the non-aqueous drilling fluid, the cement paste and completion of compatibility testing were performed as set out by the oil industry standards. In the compatibility test is evaluated rheological properties, thickening time, stability and compressive strength of cement pastes. We also conducted analyzes of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction of the mixture obtained by the compatibility test to determine the microstructural changes in cement pastes. The compatibility test showed no visual changes in the properties of the cement paste, as phase separation. However, after the addition of nonaqueous drilling fluid to cement slurry there was an increased amount of plastic viscosity, the yield point and gel strength. Among the major causative factors can include: chemical reaction of the components present in the non-aqueous drilling fluid as the primary emulsifier, wetting agent and paraffin oil, with the chemical constituents of the cement. There was a reduction in the compressive strength of the cement paste after mixing with this drilling fluid. Thickening test showed that the oil wetting agent and high salinity of the non-aqueous fluid have accelerating action of the handle of the cement paste time. The stability of the cement paste is impaired to the extent that there is increased contamination of the cement slurry with the nonaqueous fluid. The X-ray diffraction identified the formation of portlandite and calcium silicate in contaminated samples. The scanning electron microscopy confirmed the development of the identified structures in the X-ray diffraction and also found the presence of wells in the cured cement paste. The latter, formed by the emulsion stability of the drilling fluid in the cement paste, corroborate the reduction of mechanical strength. The oil wetting agent component of the non-aqueous drilling fluid, the modified cement hydration processes, mainly affecting the setting time.


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The advancement of nanotechnology in the synthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles (NP's) has played an important role in the development of new technologies for various applications of nano-scale materials that have unique properties. The scientific development in the last decades in the field of nanotechnology has sought ceaselessly, the discovery of new materials for the most diverse applications, such as biomedical areas, chemical, optical, mechanical and textiles. The high bactericidal efficiency of metallic nanoparticles (Au and Ag), among other metals is well known, due to its ability to act in the DNA of fungi, viruses and bacteria, interrupting the process of cellular respiration, making them important means of study, in addition to its ability to protect UVA and UVB. The present work has as its main objective the implementation of an innovative method in the impregnation of nanoparticles of gold in textile substrate, functionalized with chitosan, by a dyeing process by exhaustion, with the control of temperature, time and velocity, thus obtaining microbial characteristics and UV protection. The exhausted substrates with colloidal solutions of NPAu's presented the colours, lilac and red (soybean knits) due to their surface plasmon peak around 520-540 nm. The NPAu's were synthesized chemically, using sodium citrate as a reducing agent and stabilizer. The material was previously cationised with chitosan, a natural polyelectrolyte, with the purpose of functionalising it to enhance the adsorption of colloid, at concentrations of 5, 7, 10 and 20 % of the bonding agent on the weight of the material (OWM). It was also observed, through an experimental design 23 , with 3 central points, which was the best process of exhaustion of the substrates, using the following factors: Time (min.), temperature (OC) and concentration of the colloid (%), having as a response to variable K/S (ABSORBÂNCIA/ Kubelka-Munk) of the fibres. Furthermore, it was evidenced as the best response, the following parameters: concentration 100%, temperature 70 ºC and time 30 minutes. The substrate with NPAu was characterised by XRD; thermal analysis using TGA; microstructural study using SEM/EDS and STEM, thus showing the NP on the surface of the substrate confirming the presence of the metal. The substrates showed higher washing fastness, antibacterial properties and UV radiation protection.


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Considered as one of the oldest activities done by men, the civil construction represents one of the most important sectors for the economic growth of a country, in spite of the low results of growth in the past few years and also in the current year. To make this industry grow, even with an unfavourable economic scenario, it is necessary to implement an effective planning in its activities. This is one of the most important concepts brought by the Lean Construction philosophy, which had its origin through the adaptation of the concepts established by the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Lean Production. By having as a scenario the city of Natal\RN, the main goal of this dissertation consists in investigating how the 11 principles of the lean construction influenced the schedule of a construction field that started to implement its lean concepts. As a methodology, it was used the case study of a big enterprise located in Natal (RN). During the execution of the method, documents related to the short-term, midterm and long-term planning were analysed , aiming to describe its planning process; it was also described the factors that caused the delays at the enterprises’ field ;in addition, a comparison was made between the results obtained at the case study and the ones presented at the literature; in the end, the actions were listed by the company, which had the purpose to solve the main causes of delays, verifying if they were linked to the lean construction principles. This research finds its reason of existence in the relevance of its theme at the nowadays reality of the construction industry, since the principles of the lean construction uphold the reduction of processes that are useless, diminishing wastes as well as costs in construction. The relevance is perceived for the academy, in terms of the possibility to discuss if the concepts established by the lean production are being adapted to the civil construction sector and how this adaptation is influencing at the buildings planning project. Economic importance, because with the reduction of the wastes and costs, the companies may reduce the building´s value into a more accessible value, even with the sector´s lower growth. And social significance, because lean construction gives a better participation of the labour at the planning activity. Among the main results, the high frequency of planning errors stands out, mainly the programming deviations and not the task programming, as well as the execution errors, low productivity and activities executed by the workers. Amongst the 11 principles of lean construction, only five were related with the 12 actions analysed by the author. From the 12 actions, four were completely cohesive to one or more from these five principles. Some improvement proposals were also highlighted and established by the research.


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Sulfur compounds emissions have been, on the late years, subject to more severe environmental laws due to its impact on the environment (causing the acid rain phenomena) and on human health. It has also been object of much attention from the refiners worldwide due to its relationship with equipment’s life, which is decreased by corrosion, and also with products’ quality, as the later may have its color, smell and stability altered by the presence of such compounds. Sulfur removal can be carried out by hydrotreating (HDT) which is a catalytic process. Catalysts for HDS are traditionally based on Co(Ni)-Mo(W)/Al2O3. However, in face of the increased contaminants’ content on crude oil, and stricter legislation on emissions, the development of new, more active and efficient catalysts is pressing. Carbides of refractory material have been identified as potential materials for this use. The addition of a second metal to carbides may enhance catalytic activities by increasing the density of active sites. In the present thesis Mo2C with Co addition was produced in a fixed bed reactor via gas-solid reaction of CH4 (5%) and H2(95%) with a precursor made of a mix of ammonium heptamolybdate [(NH4)6[Mo7O24].4H2O] and cobalt nitrate[Co(NO3)2.6H2O] at stoichiometric amounts. Precursors’ where analyzed by XRF, XRD, SEM and TG/DTA. Carboreduction reactions were carried out at 700 and 750°C with two cobalt compositions (2,5 and 5%). Reaction’s products were characterized by XRF, XRD, SEM, TOC, BET and laser granulometry. It was possible to obtain Mo2C with 2,5 and 5% cobalt addition as a single phase at 750°C with nanoscale crystallite sizes. At 700°C, however, both MoO2 and Mo2C phases were found by XRD. No Co containing phases were found by XRD. XRF, however, confirmed the intended Co content added. SEM images confirmed XRD data. The increase on Co content promoted a more severe agglomeration of the produced powder. The same effect was noted when the reaction temperature was increased. The powder synthesized at 750°C with 2,5% Co addition TOC analysis indicated the complete conversion from oxide material to carbide, with a 8,9% free carbon production. The powder produced at this temperature with 5% Co addition was only partially converted (86%)


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The use of composite materials for the construction industry has been the subject of numerous scientific papers in Brazil and in the world. One of the factors that motivate this quest is the housing deficit that countries especially the third world face. In Brazil this deficit reaches more than 6.5 million homes, around 12% of all US households . This paper presents a composite that was obtained from waste generated in processes for the production of granite and marble slabs, cement, gypsum, sand, crushed EPS and water. These wastes cause great damage to the environment and are thrown into landfi lls in bulk. The novelty of the work is in the combined study thermal, mechanical and acoustic composite obtained in real situation of rooms that are part of an experimental housing. Many blocks were made from cement compositions, plaster, foam, sand, marb le and / or granite, preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance were made by choosing the most appropriate proportion. Will be given the manufacturing processes and assembly units 500 units 10 x 80 x 28 cm produced for the construction of an ex perimental home. We studied what kind of block and residue, marble or granite, made it more feasible for the intended purpose. The mechanical strength of the produced blocks were above 3.0 MPa. The thermal resistance of the blocks was confirmed by the maxi mum temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of rooms built around 8.0 ° C. The sound absorption for optimal room was around 31%. Demonstrated the feasibility of using the blocks manufactured with composite material proposed for construction.