974 resultados para Imaginação sociológica


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.


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This thesis investigates the voting behavior of the fractions of the new working class in Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in the cities of Natal, Mossoró and Caicó, from the presidential election of 2014. This research examined the ideology, the evaluation of government and guidance the vote of a portion of the working classes of RN voters. In Brazil, from 2003, socio-economic change has occurred perceptibly, especially in a part of the working classes who ascended socially and switched to the "C economic class." Thus, there was this period, a significant expansion of this social stratum. The expansion of the "class C" in the past decade in Brazil raised the academic debate and in the media about the emergence of a "new middle class". Neri (2008) termed the "class C" of the "new middle class" and that will be the central part of their studies. But the debate on the "new middle class" can not be simplistic to the point of considering that social mobility, the main variable income, entered this segment of the population in the middle class, because it has different specificities of the popular classes. To understand this phenomenon, the income variable was outdated, adding the importance of ownership of the means of production, control of labor power and the symbolic values in the division of social classes resulting in three fractions of the new working class: the management positions, non-heads and small fighters. In this study, using as a complement to the sociological approach (ideologies and social classes) and the performance evaluation was identified that the new working class (heads) mainly reproduced the ideological and political positioning of the middle class, resulting in the rejection of PT governments (2003-2014) and it’s social, compensatory and redistributive policies. From what has been seen, the new working class (chiefs) approaches the ideological and political behavior of the middle class that will reflect in their electoral choices and class interests. The new working class (not heads and small fighters who voted in the situation) because of its classist and ideological interests approached the Workers' Party positively evaluating the Lula-Dilma governments (2003-2014) due to the implementation of compensatory policies, and redistributive programs government turned to the popular classes. In a counterpoint, the voters of the new working class (not heads and small fighters) who voted null, reproduced the discourse of mainstream media and the middle class about the rejection of compensatory policies, redistribution and government programs of Lula-Dilma governments, and consequently they disapproved of the government Dilma and her candidacy.


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The issue of this dissertation is the problem of personal identity. More specifically, the objective of this work is to investigate and compare how Hume and Kant construct, within their own philosophical systems, their theories of personal identity (of the self), so that these theories can set the grounds for the construction of theoretical knowledge. Hume’s theory of personal identity is closely connected to his empirical model of investigation, according to which no metaphysical conclusion can be accepted. This implies a very specific limitation to the humean description of personal identity. Because he can’t find a safe empirical reference for the self, Hume is obliged to describe it as a mere fiction, which the imagination creates to try to give unity to the set of perceptions that composes the mind. Kant, on the other hand, constructs his theory of the self with the aim of explaining the possibility of the a priori knowledge in Mathematics and in Physics. Kant tries to find which attributes must necessarily belong to the self so that this self can be, at the same time, the a priori transcendental condition of a subjectivity in general and the equally a priori transcendental condition for the construction of objective knowledge. Moreover, Kant shows the impossibility of objectively knowing, as intuition, the self, and limits himself to the description of the self as a mere subjective consciousness of the synthetic capacities of the understanding. Several disparities, thus, can be perceived between the theories of personal identity of these two authors. Based on these differences, the present work also examines the possibility of making an interpretation of the humean theory of the self by using elements of the kantian philosophy. The purpose of this kind of interpretation is to propose a solution to the difficulties faced by Hume in the description of his theory of personal identity.


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Hemos adoptado una definición sociológica de pobreza, que nos ha permitido elaborar una imagen del pobre como individuo ante la sociedad. El estado de la cuestión del que partimos está formado por las definiciones sintéticas de pobreza que ofrecen autores actuales (por ejemplo, pobreza absoluta-relativa, pobreza-desviación social, dualización social-pobreza de Tezanos; nueva pobreza-pobreza tradicional de Tortosa) a partir de las cuales comprendemos y contextualizamos a los autores canónicos de la pobreza en su época (Vives-Robles-Soto, Giginta-Herrera, Weber, Tocqueville, Bentham o Marx por poner algunos ejemplos clásicos). Objetivos de la tesis: Esta tesis pretende establecer una tipología que razone los significados de los iconos de pobreza en el diseño y arte madrileños del inicio del siglo XXI, entroncando esas imágenes de pobreza con la tradición iconográfica occidental del pauperismo. La caracterización del pobre, su posición social, sus atributos y escenarios mantienen una afinidad visual y conceptual con el presente (hemos situado imágenes separadas en el tiempo pero unidas por los ejes semánticos que planteamos y se comprueba sus puntos visuales). Hipótesis: Nuestra hipótesis de partida, que confirmamos al concluir la tesis es que existe una relación entre esas imágenes míseras y un concepto de riqueza y pobreza de honda raíz cultural. La descomposición iconográfica de las imágenes se combina con un análisis de campo semántico de los discursos que en cada época y autor acompaña los iconos de pobres. Metodología: Para analizar el corpus de más de 600 imágenes y 1000 discursos sobre la pobreza hemos empleado un protocolo común para poder establecer posteriores comparaciones. Nuestro método combina el análisis de discurso (Muñoz, Álvarez-Uría), con especial atención al empleo de metáforas (Lakoff, Lizcano), y el análisis iconográfico (Panofsky). Los epígrafes de este modelo de análisis son: datos de la época, teóricos que definen la pobreza, antecedentes de concepto de pobreza, metáfora sobre la pobreza, movilidad social: ser o estar pobre, legitimación social, políticas de la pobreza, número de pobres, tipos de pobres, pobreza y clase social, relación ricos pobres, aspecto y ejemplos del pobre, denominación del pobre, lugares de la pobreza, ceremonias de la pobreza y las imágenes artísticas y de diseño. Conclusiones: Hemos conseguido describir el significado de las imágenes artísticas y de diseño sobre la pobreza madrileñas en el principio del s. XXI elaborando una tipología semántica con seis definiciones de pobreza: pobreza ironizada, recreada, bella, fea, de lucha social y exótica. Damos cuenta de ejemplos paradigmáticos del presente para ilustrar cada tipo y relacionamos cada una de esas clases de pobreza con visiones de la pobreza tradicional.


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The aim of this study is to undertake a theoretical analysis of the literary and sociological Cave, Jose Saramago, having as main theme the precariousness of work and control, followed by some key developments. Anchored in the sociology of work and endorsed by the sociology of literature methodologically by Antonio Candido, and guided by the narrative Saramago in the cave, seeking to understand the work activity as central and essential to the production and reproduction of material life. It discusses the precariousness of work, as well as the historical forms of ownership and control of labor activity. Scales the impact of large corporations that control and the conflict between mechanized and manual labor in the process, questioning the nefarious effects of the restructuring of the productive working class, especially on small businesses and craft work. It also addresses the rise of a category gestorial in the process of labor control throughout history Finally, invoking the metaphor of Plato\'s cave in this work Saramago, explores how labor control by large corporations causes the estrangement in all dimensions of life, establishing relationships between fetishism, consumer relations and sociability.


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Mi investigación analiza la imagen de la enfermedad en la Europa de la Baja Edad Media a partir del conocimiento de los factores que determinaron y condicionaron su expresión visual en los contextos sociales y culturales en los que se desarrolló. He destacado aquellos discursos que incidieron de forma directa sobre la enfermedad como manifestación real y sobre todo visible, desde un punto de vista biológico, médico, religioso y social. A todo ello he incorporado la repercusión del discurso que la propia imagen estableció con el resto de los contextos culturales de la Europa medieval. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación he utilizado una serie de criterios metodológicos que incluyen enfoques de índole sociológica, como la historia de las mentalidades, la religión y la medicina, no solo como disciplinas de estudio histórico, sino también como expresión de la cultura visual. Todo ello ha enriquecido notablemente la narración, ya que me ha permitido por un lado analizar la imagen como proceso de pensamiento de la sociedad en la que se creó, y por otro considerar la enfermedad dentro de la medicina como ciencia, y el uso que esta hizo de la iconografía patológica. El aparato iconográfico para el análisis de la imagen procede esencialmente de la pintura medieval en cualquier soporte, aunque no he desestimado obras escultóricas, tanto en piedra como en madera, por las características iconográficas relevantes que aportan. Los ámbitos representativos de dichas pinturas están vinculados a los contextos científicos -sobre todo de filosofía natural y medicina-, religiosos y profanos, logrando por lo tanto una visión global y holística de la expresión visual de la enfermedad...


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O presente relatório surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e resulta das aprendizagens mais significativas realizadas ao longo das práticas pedagógicas em educação pré-escolar e do 1ºCEB. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em dois capítulos. O primeiro, contempla a dimensão reflexiva que surge da análise crítica das situações mais marcantes, vivenciadas ao longo dos diferentes contextos educacionais. O propósito deste capítulo é refletir sobre receios, dificuldades, aprendizagens e estratégias utilizadas ao longo da prática, e dessa forma, melhorar intervenções futuras. O segundo capítulo, incide na dimensão investigativa onde é apresentado um estudo, de natureza qualitativa, realizado em contexto de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na área de Expressão Dramática. Este estudo foi realizado numa turma de 2º ano de escolaridade de uma escola da rede pública do Ministério da Educação, e teve como questão de investigação: “Qual o contributo da Expressão Dramática no desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas e expressivas?” Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que as sessões de Expressão Dramáticas, quando proporcionados aos alunos, influenciam positivamente a sua comunicação e expressão. Este estudo, ao facultar situações de desenvolvimento das capacidades comunicativas e expressivas, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento global e harmonioso das crianças, nomeadamente na sua desinibição e imaginação.


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Nuestro objeto de estudio es el entramado de relaciones sociales desde el cual se constituyen formas de organización política auto-referenciada de parte de sectores populares. La organización que tomamos como estudio de caso es la "Federación de Tierra, Vivienda y Hábitat" (FTV), organización territorial perteneciente a la Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA). El objetivo general de la investigación es contribuir a una explicación sociológica sobre las (re)orientaciones políticas de una parte activa de los sectores populares, las respuestas organizativas desarrolladas y su presencia como actor político en la escena pública. En esta ponencia nos proponemos abordar uno de los aspectos que estamos trabajando en nuestra investigación, aquél vinculado con lo que denominamos politicidad, delineando las características constitutivas de las sensibilidades y actitudes de los actores hacia la política y el hacer política. En función de que el desarrollo de este aspecto de la investigación sea claro, describiremos algunos resultados parciales de la misma referidos a otras dimensiones del objeto. En el marco de esta ponencia nos interesa hacer hincapié en las capacidades reflexivas de los actores por cuanto se orientan hacia esfuerzos organizativos auto-referenciados. El registro reflexivo se identifica como una propiedad de la acción de estos actores que conforma de manera definitoria las características que hacen a la dinámica del tejido social cuya constitución y (re)constitución está en juego. Decimos, entonces, que la mayor reflexividad, en parte producto de la desestructuración de los diferentes ámbitos relacionales, da lugar como condición de posibilidad, a un proceso de (re)constitución de lazo social. Adicionalmente, es precisamente el concepto de reflexividad el que es útil para dar cuenta de las características específicas de auto-referencia y autonomía de la politicidad de los actores


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Es necesario reflexionar que al decir "nuevo", no implica pensar "mejor". No hablamos de un sujeto social que necesariamente o por "imperio del devenir histórico" ejerce su ciudadanía. No es así, hablamos del sujeto a descubrir, desmembrado de la red social que le dio origen, atravesado por múltiples variables que conforman una batería opuesta a las variables propias del Desarrollo humano. Nos interrogamos acerca del "nuevo sujeto social de las pobrezas". Y nos interesa observar cómo opera la idea madre de Desarrollo Humano en consonancia con la diversidad cultural, étnica y las crisis de alteridad. Para ello tenemos en cuenta que la pobreza no tiene la misma representación social para todas las culturas y étnias. El abordaje que proponemos se realiza desde un concepto pedagógico dialéctico y dialógico que opera con los procesos alfabetizatorios múltiples, entendidos como aquellos procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que en su dimensión social se manifiestan en el plano material y simbólico (discursivo) como estrategias articuladoras para el Desarrollo Humano. Esta reflexión se enmarca en el taller "Las Alfabetizaciones: ¿Estrategias para el desarrollo humano?" realizado durante el transcurso de este año. La mirada y la acción propuesta desde la doble hermenéutica atraviesan tres instancias: 1- La propia del aprendizaje del taller, plasmada en la interacción docente-alumno. 2- La propia del curso en el abordaje específico de las temáticas planteadas en la reflexión metodológica y sociológica. 3- La experiencia pedagógica y, a través de ésta, la propuesta de investigación diseñada por los cursantes


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Desde una estrategia metodológica múltiple, el presente trabajo aborda los aspectos sociales de una problemática ambiental compleja: el potencial restablecimiento del sistema ecológico fluvial, manejo y aprovechamiento del Río Atuel en su curso inferior. En el marco del proyecto de investigación que llevara adelante la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa denominado ?Estudio para la determinación del caudal mínimo necesario para el restablecimiento del sistema ecológico fluvial en el curso inferior del río Atuel? - un recurso natural antropizado-, en el subgrupo específico nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos, que dieron origen al presente informe: identificar los emergentes perceptivos de mayor incidencia en la dimensión ambiental y su problemática, en la población y los referentes institucionales; estudiar las prácticas sociales relativas al uso del agua en el área; sondear la afectación diferencial esperada por los distintos actores sociales e instituciones, frente a posibles cambios en los caudales del Río Atuel y las percepciones acerca de la incidencia en su calidad de vida. Focalizándo el análisis en la población local del área afectada por las problemáticas del Río Atuel y sus caudales, en los depatamentos de Cachileo y Chical Có de la Provincia de La Pampa, nos aproximamos a perspectivas y prácticas sociales propias de un escenario socio-ambiental afectado por la intensificación de las políticas provinciales de gobierno. La temática se abre en torno a la recuperación de un recurso históricamente enajenado, signada por un accionar errante del Estado, propia de una prolongada confrontación jurídica interprovincial, que promovió la intensificación de la problemática ecológica y ambiental en el área. Desde la perspectiva con que se llevó adelante el estudio consideramos que la conceptualización e intervención sociológica debe promoverse, especialmente frente a la configuración de un escenario complejo y contradictorio, en una dimensión de alto impacto en la calidad de vida y el desarrollo local


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Este escrito presenta el análisis de uno de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación. A partir del primer resultado de esta investigación se abren dos líneas de análisis. Una, orientada a las nuevas prácticas corporales que han tomado lugar tanto en el debate del campo de la Educación Física, como en la práctica y en los nuevos sentidos y significados de los jóvenes. Otra línea de análisis se orienta, desde la perspectiva sociológica de Goffman, a la interpretación de las diferentes exigencias de actuación que otorgan los nuevos escenarios laborales en Educación Física. Como en toda investigación, el análisis de este resultado, da lugar a la generación de nuevos interrogantes que podrán ser disparadores de futuras investigaciones