980 resultados para INSECT LYSOZYME


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The mechanisms that facilitate the adaptation of Trypanosoma cruzi to two distinct hosts, insect and vertebrate, are poorly understood, in part due to the limited ability to perform gene disruption studies by homologous recombination. This report describes a developmentally-defective phenotype that resulted from integration of a drug marker adjacent to the GAPDH gene in T. cruzi.


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Triatoma dimidiata is an important vector of Chagas disease in Guatemala. To help understand the biology and population dynamics of the insect, we estimated the number of full sibling families living in one house. Forty one families with an average size of 2.17 individuals were detected using random amplification of polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction genetic markers. This result suggests high levels of migration of the vector, polyandry, and a significant capability for spreading the disease.


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Female fecundity increases with body size in a variety of insects, but it is unknown if this generalization applies for kissing bugs. In this study, we evaluate whether gonad weight in the bloodsucking insect Mepraia spinolai correlates with body size, or determined by nutrition or developmental time. We found that the investment on reproductive tissue correlates positively and significantly with body size and with the amount of ingested blood by female insects along their lifespan. Total molting time did not significantly affect gonad weight. We suggest that under optimal feeding conditions M. spinolai females could express their maximum reproductive potential.


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a serious tropical disease that affects approximately 500 thousand people worldwide every year. In the Americas, VL is caused by the parasite Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi mainly transmitted by the bite of the sand fly vector Lutzomyia longipalpis. Despite recent advances in the study of interaction between Leishmania and sand flies, very little is known about sand fly protein expression profiles. Understanding how the expression of proteins may be affected by blood feeding and/or presence of parasite in the vector's midgut might allow us to devise new strategies for controlling the spread of leishmaniasis. In this work, we report the characterization of a vacuolar ATPase subunit C from L. longipalpis by screening of a midgut cDNA library with a 220 bp fragment identified by means of differential display reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis. The expression of the gene varies along insect development and is upregulated in males and bloodfed L. longipalpis, compared to unfed flies.


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Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is endemic in 21 countries of the Americas, where control is largely focused on elimination of the domestic insect vectors (Triatominae) coupled with measures to extend and improve the screening of blood donors in order to avoid tranfusional transmission. Through national programmes and multinational initiatives coordinated by WHO-PAHO, much has been accomplished in these domains in terms of reducing transmission. Attention now turns to consolidating the successes in interrupting transmission, and improved treatment for those already infected and those who may become affected in the future. This article, based on technical discussions at the " pidemiological and Sociological Determinants of Chagas Disease, Basic Information to Establish a Surveillance and Control Policy " meeting in Rio de Janeiro, is designed to open the debate on appropriate strategies for continuation of the successful initiatives against Chagas disease.


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Despite massive losses of primary forest, the Amazonian rainforest remains an extremely rich source of biodiversity. In recent years, entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been isolated from soil in various parts of the world and used successfully as biological control agents against numerous insect pests. Therefore, a sampling in the rainforest of Monte Negro, Rondônia, Brazil was conducted with the aim of discovering new strains and/or species of EPNs for future development as biological control agents. From 156 soil samples taken at nine collecting sites, 19 isolates were obtained, all of them belonging to the genus Heterorhabditis. Four strains were subjected to detailed morphological and molecular evaluation. Based on morphometrics and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data, the strains LPP1, LPP2 and LPP4 were identified as Heterorhabditis indica, whereas LPP7 was considered Heterorhabditis baujardi. Comparative analysis of the ITS1 sequence of H. indica and H. baujardi isolates showed a polymorphic site for the restriction enzyme Tth 111 that could be used to distinguish the two species. Consequently, strains LPP1, LPP2, LPP3, LPP4, and LPP9 were identified as H. indica, whereas LPP5, LPP7, LPP8 and LPP10 were identified as H. baujardi.


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Rhodnius prolixus is the main Trypanosoma rangeli vector in several Latin-American countries and is susceptible to infection with KP1(+) strains; however, it presents an invasion-resistant response to KP1(-) strains. The present work has identified a trypanolytic protein against T. rangeli KP1(-) in the R. prolixus hemolymph which was fractioned with ammonium sulfate (following dialysis). The results revealed a protein component which did not depend on divalent cations for its biological function whilst keeping its trypanolytic activity at temperatures ranging from -20ºC to 37ºC, at 7.0 to 10.5 pH. The protein was partially purified by gel filtration chromatography and ionic exchange chromatography. The major component presented a molecular weight of around 79 kDa and an isoelectric point between 4.9 and 6.3 and may be directly related to hemolymph trypanolytic activity against T. rangeli KP1(-) populations.


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Bartonellae are fastidious Gram-negative bacteria that are widespread in nature with several animal reservoirs (mainly cats, dogs, and rodents) and insect vectors (mainly fleas, sandflies, and human lice). Thirteen species or subspecies of Bartonella have been recognized as agents causing human disease, including B. bacilliformis, B. quintana, B. vinsonii berkhoffii, B. henselae, B. elizabethae, B. grahamii, B. washoensis, B. koehlerae, B. rocha-limaea, and B. tamiae. The clinical spectrum of infection includes lymphadenopathy, fever of unknown origin, endocarditis, neurological and ophthalmological syndromes, Carrion's disease, and others. This review provides updated information on clinical manifestations and seroepidemiological studies with an emphasis on data available from Brazil.


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Background: Within the Coleoptera, the largest order in the animal kingdom, the exclusively herbivorous Chrysomelidae are recognized as one of the most species rich beetle families. The evolutionary processes that have fueled radiation into the more than thirty-five thousand currently recognized leaf beetle species remain partly unresolved. The prominent role of leaf beetles in the insect world, their omnipresence across all terrestrial biomes and their economic importance as common agricultural pest organisms make this family particularly interesting for studying the mechanisms that drive diversification. Here we specifically focus on two ecotypes of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina speciosissima (Scop.), which have been shown to exhibit morphological differences in male genitalia roughly corresponding to the subspecies Oreina speciosissima sensu stricto and Oreina speciosissima troglodytes. In general the two ecotypes segregate along an elevation gradient and by host plants: Oreina speciosissima sensu stricto colonizes high forb vegetation at low altitude and Oreina speciosissima troglodytes is found in stone run vegetation at higher elevations. Both host plants and leaf beetles have a patchy geographical distribution. Through use of gene sequencing and genome fingerprinting (AFLP) we analyzed the genetic structure and habitat use of Oreina speciosissima populations from the Swiss Alps to examine whether the two ecotypes have a genetic basis. By investigating a wide range of altitudes and focusing on the structuring effect of habitat types, we aim to provide answers regarding the factors that drive adaptive radiation in this phytophagous leaf beetle.Results: While little phylogenetic resolution was observed based on the sequencing of four DNA regions, the topology and clustering resulting from AFLP genotyping grouped specimens according to their habitat, mostly defined by plant associations. A few specimens with intermediate morphologies clustered with one of the two ecotypes or formed separate clusters consistent with habitat differences. These results were discussed in an ecological speciation framework.Conclusions: The question of whether this case of ecological differentiation occurred in sympatry or allopatry remains open. Still, the observed pattern points towards ongoing divergence between the two ecotypes which is likely driven by a recent shift in host plant use.


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The control of Aedes aegypti is impaired due to the development of resistance to chemical insecticides. Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) exhibit distinct mechanisms of action and are considered potential vector control alternatives. Studies regarding the effects of sublethal IGR doses on the viability of resulting adults will contribute to eval-uating their impact in the field. We analyzed several aspects of Ae. aegypti adults surviving exposure to a partially lethal dose of triflumuron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor. A highly significant difference in the proportion of males and females was noted in the triflumuron-exposed group (65.0% males) compared to the controls (50.2% males). Triflumuron affected adult longevity, particularly for females; after 16 days, only 29.2% of males and 13.8% of females were alive, in contrast with 94% survival of the control mosquitoes. The locomotor activity was reduced and the blood-feeding ability of the treated females was also affected (90.4% and 48.4% of the control and triflumuron-exposed females, respectively, successfully ingested blood). Triflumuron-surviving females ingested roughly 30% less blood and laid 25% fewer eggs than the control females. The treated males and females exhibited a diminished ability to copulate, resulting in less viable eggs.


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In Brazil, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by Leishmania chagasi parasites that are transmitted to man through the bites of infected females of Lutzomyia longipalpis sand flies. In order to evaluate transmission risk and to clarify the epidemiology of this tropical disease, studies focused on the vector and favorable environmental conditions are of fundamental importance. In this work, we surveyed the phlebotomine sand fly fauna in Janaúba, a Brazilian municipality that is endemic for VL. During a two-year period, entomological captures were performed monthly in 15 districts with high, moderate and low profiles of VL transmission. A total of 14,591 phlebotomine sand flies were captured (92% L. longipalpis), with a predominance of males. Most specimens were captured in the peri-domicile setting, although the number of specimens captured in the intra-domicile setting emphasises the anthropophilic behaviour of this insect. The population density of L. longipalpis was modulated by climate variations, particularly with clear increases immediately after the rainy season. However, the pattern of distribution did not coincide with the occurrence of human or canine cases of VL. This suggests that the eco-epidemiology of VL is particular to each area of transmission and must be taken into account during the design of public health control actions.


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Knowledge of the carrion-breeding insects present at a local level is important and necessary for defining the post-mortem interval. Climate changes and globalisation are affecting species ranges and population dynamics. In this note, we report the incidence of Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on dead human bodies and carrion in Northern Italy. These data confirm the spread of this species in the Northern regions. The partial sequencing of a 583-bp region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene of an Adriatic population did not reveal any difference compared to the same genomic region in the African and South American populations of this species.


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Résumé françaisLa majorité des organismes vivants sont soumis à l'alternance du jour et de la nuit, conséquence de la rotation de la terre autour de son axe. Ils ont développé un système interne de mesure du temps, appelé horloge circadienne, leur permettant de s'adapter et de synchroniser leur comportement et leur physiologie aux cycles de lumière. Cette dernière est considérée comme étant le signal majeur entraînant l'horloge interne et. par conséquent, les rythmes journaliers d'éveil et de sommeil. Outre sa régulation circadienne, le sommeil est contrôlé par un processus homéostatique qui détermine son besoin. La contribution de ces deux processus dans le fonctionnement cellulaire du cerveau n'a pas encore été investiguée. La mesure de l'amplitude ainsi que de la prévalence des ondes delta de l'EEG (activité delta) constitue un index très fiable du besoin de sommeil. Il a été démontré que cette activité est génétiquement déterminée et associée à un locus de trait quantitatif situé sur le chromosome 13 de la souris.Grâce à des expériences de privation de sommeil et d'analyses de transcriptome du cerveau dans trois souches de souris présentant diverses réponses à la privation de sommeil, nous avons trouvé que Homerla, localisé dans la région d'intérêt du chromosome 13, est le meilleur marqueur du besoin de sommeil. Homerla est impliqué dans la récupération de l'hyperactivité neuronale induite par le glutamate, grâce à son effet tampon sur le calcium intracellulaire. Une fonction fondamentale du sommeil pourrait donc être de protéger le cerveau et de lui permettre de récupérer après une hyperactivité neuronale imposée par une veille prolongée.De plus, nous avons montré que 2032 transcrits sont exprimés rythmiqueraent dans le cerveau de la souris, parmi lesquels seulement 391 le restent après que les animaux aient été privés de sommeil à différents moments au cours des 24 heures. Cette observation montre clairement que la plupart des changements rythmiques au niveau du transcriptome dépendent du sommeil et non de l'horloge circadienne et souligne ainsi l'importance du sommeil dans la physiologie des mammifères.La plupart des expériences concernant les rythmes circadiens ont été réalisées sur des individus isolés en négligeant l'effet du contexte social sur les comportements circadiens. Les espèces sociales, telles que les fourmis, se caractérisent par une division du travail où une répartition des tâches s'effectue entre ses membres. De plus, certaines d'entre elles doivent être pratiquées en continu comme les soins au couvain tandis que d'autres requièrent une activité rythmique comme le fourragement. Ainsi la fourmi est un excellent modèle pour l'étude de 1 influence du contexte social sur les rythmes circadiens.A ces fins, nous avons décidé d'étudier les rythmes circadiens chez une espèce de fourmi Camponotus fellah et de caractériser au niveau moléculaire son horloge circadienne. Nous avons ainsi développé un système vidéo permettant de suivre l'activité locomotrice de tous les individus d'une colonie. Nos résultats montrent que, bien que la plupart des fourmis soient arythmiques à l'intérieur de la colonie, elles développent d'amples rythmes d'activité en isolation. De plus, ces rythmes disparaissent presque aussitôt que la fourmi est réintroduite dans la colonie. Cette rythmicité observée en isolation semble être générée par l'horloge circadienne car elle persiste en condition constante (obscurité totale). Nous avons ensuite regardé si cette apparente arythmie observée dans la colonie résultait d'un effet masquant des interactions sociales sur les rythmes circadiens d'activité. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'horloge interne est fonctionnelle dans la colonie mais que l'expression de ses rythmes au niveau comportemental est inhibée par les interactions sociales. Les analyses moléculaires du statut de l'horloge dans différents contextes sociaux sont actuellement en cours. Le contexte social semble donc un déterminant majeur du comportement circadien chez la fourmi.AbstractAlmost all living organisms on earth are subjected to the alternance of day and night re-sulting from the rotation of the earth around its axis. They have evolved with an internal timing system, termed the circadian clock, enabling them to adapt and synchronize their behavior and physiology to the daily changes in light and related environmental parame¬ters. Light is thought to be the major cue entraining the circadian clock and consequently the rhythms of rest/activity. In addition to its circadian dependent timing, sleep is reg¬ulated by a homeostatic process that determines its need. The contribution of these two processes in the cellular functioning of the brain has not yet been considered. A highly reliable index of the homeostatic process of sleep is the measure of the amplitude and prevalence of the EEG delta waves (delta activity). It has been shown that sleep need, measured by delta activity, is genetically determined and associated with a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) located on the mouse chromosome 13. By using sleep deprivation and brain transcriptome profiling in three inbred mouse strains showing different responses to sleep loss, we found that Homerla, localized within this QTL region is the best transcrip¬tional marker of sleep need. Interestingly Homerla is primarily involved in the recovery from glutamate-induced neuronal hyperactivity by its buffering effect on intracellular cal¬cium. A fundamental function of sleep may therefore reside in the protection and recovery of the brain from a neuronal hyperactivity imposed by prolonged wakefulness.Moreover, time course gene expression experiments showed that 2032 brain tran¬scripts present a rhythmic variation, but only 391 of those remain rhythmic when mice are sleep deprived at four time points around the clock. This finding clearly suggests that most changes in gene transcription over the day are sleep-wake dependent rather than clock dependent and underlines the importance of sleep in mammalian physiology.In the second part of this PhD, I was interested in the social influence on circadian behavior. Most experiments done in the circadian field have been performed on isolated individuals and have therefore ignored the effect of the social context on circadian behav-ior. Eusocial insect species such as ants are characterized by a division of labor: colony tasks are distributed among individuals, some of them requiring continuous activity such as nursing or rhythmic ones such as foraging. Thus ants represent a suitable model to study the influence of the social context on the circadian clock and its output rhythms.The aim of this part was to address the effect of social context on circadian rhythms in the ant species Camponotus fellah and to characterize its circadian clock at the molecu¬lar level. We therefore developed a video tracking system to follow the locomotor activity of all individuals in a colony. Our results show that most ants are arrhythmic within the colony, but develop, when subjected to social isolation, strong rhythms of activity that intriguingly disappear when individuals are reintroduced into the colony. The rhythmicity observed in isolated ants seems to be driven by the circadian clock as it persists under constant conditions (complete darkness). We then tested whether the apparent arrhyth- micity in the colony stemmed from a masking effect of social interactions on circadian rhythms. Indeed, we found that circadian clocks of ants in the colony are functional but their expression at the behavioral level is inhibited by social interactions. The molecular assessment of the circadian clock functional state in the different social context is still under investigation. Our results suggest that social context is a major determinant of circadian behavior in ants.


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A new member of the phlebovirus genus, tentatively named Granada virus, was detected in sandflies collected in Spain. By showing the presence of specific neutralizing antibodies in human serum collected in Granada, we show that Granada virus infects humans. The analysis of the complete genome of Granada virus revealed that this agent is likely to be a natural reassortant of the recently described Massilia virus (donor of the long and short segments) with ayet unidentified phlebovirus (donor of the medium segment)


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Toscana virus (TOSV, Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae) infection is one of the most prevalent arboviruses in Spain. Within the objectives of a multidisciplinary network, a study on the epidemiology of TOSV was conducted in Granada, in southern Spain. The overall seroprevalence rate was 24.9%, significantly increasing with age. TOSV was detected in 3 of 103 sandfly pools by viral culture or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from a region of the L gene. Nucleotide sequence homology was 99%-100% in TOSV from vectors and patients and 80%-81% compared to the Italian strain ISS Phl.3. Sequencing of the N gene of TOSV isolates from patients and vectors indicated 87%-88% and 100% homology at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively, compared to the Italian strain. These findings demonstrate the circulation of at least 2 different lineages of TOSV in the Mediterranean basin, the Italian lineage and the Spanish lineage.