971 resultados para IGG


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Live vaccine vectors are usually very effective and generally elicit immune responses of higher magnitude and longer duration than nonliving vectors. Consequently, much attention has been turned to the engineering of oral pathogens for the delivery of foreign antigens to the gut-associated lymphoid tissues. However, no bacterial vector has yet been designed to specifically take advantage of the nasal route of mucosal vaccination. Herein we describe a genetic system for the expression of heterologous antigens fused to the filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) in Bordetella pertussis. The Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase (Sm28GST) fused to FHA was detected at the cell surface and in the culture supernatants of recombinant B. pertussis. The mouse colonization capacity and autoagglutination of the recombinant microorganism were indistinguishable from those of the wild-type strain. In addition, and in contrast to the wild-type strain, a single intranasal administration of the recombinant strain induced both IgA and IgG antibodies against Sm28GST and against FHA in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. No anti-Sm28GST antibodies were detected in the serum, strongly suggesting that the observed immune response was of mucosal origin. This demonstrates, to our knowledge, for the first time that recombinant respiratory pathogens can induce mucosal immune responses against heterologous antigens, and this may constitute a first step toward the development of combined live vaccines administrable via the respiratory route.


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Vaccination of two chimpanzees against hepatitis B virus (HBV) by intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA encoding the major and middle HBV envelope proteins induced group-, subtype- and preS2-specific antibodies. These were initially of IgM isotype, and then they were of IgG (predominantly IgGl) isotype. The chimpanzee injected with 2 mg of DNA attained >100 milli-international units/ml of anti-HBs antibody after one injection and 14,000 milli-international units/ml after four injections. A smaller dose (400 microg) induced lower and transient titers, but a strong anamnestic response occurred 1 year later. Comparison with responses in 23 chimpanzees receiving various antigen-based HBV vaccines suggests that the DNA approach is promising for prophylactic immunization against HBV.


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67Cu (t1/2 = 62 h) has demonstrated potential as a radionuclide for radioimmunotherapy, but limited availability severely restricts its widespread use. 64Cu (t1/2 = 12.8 h) has been shown to have comparable effectiveness in vitro and in vivo. The present study was undertaken to examine the therapeutic potential of 64Cu- and 67Cu-bromoacetamidobenzyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradeca ne-N, N',N",N"'-tetraacetic acid (BAT)-2-iminothiolane (2IT)-1A3 (1A3 is a mouse anti-human colorectal cancer mAb) for treatment of GW39 human colon carcinoma carried in hamster thighs. Hamsters were injected with 64Cu- or 67Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3 or Cu-labeled nonspecific IgG (MOPC) or saline. Hamsters were killed 6-7 months after therapy or when tumors were > or = 10 g. Of the hamsters with small tumors (mean weight 0.43 +/- 0.25 g), 87.5% were disease-free 7 months after treatment with 2 mCi (1 Ci = 37 GBq) of 64Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3 or 0.4 MCi of 67Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3. The mean tumor doses at these activities of 64Cu- and 67Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3 were 586 and 1269 rad (1 rad = 0.01 Gy), respectively. In contrast, 76% of hamsters treated with 2 mCi of 64Cu-BAT-2IT-MOPC or 0.4 mCi of 67Cu-BAT-2IT-MOPC had to be killed before 6 months because of tumor regrowth. When hamsters with larger tumors (mean weight 0.66 +/- 0.11 g) were treated with 64Cu- or 67Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3, survival was extended compared with controls, but only one animal remained tumor-free to 6 months. These results demonstrate that 64Cu- and 67Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3 given in a single administered dose can eradicate small tumors without significant host toxicity, but additional strategies to deliver higher tumor doses will be needed for larger tumors.


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We used the common fish pathogen Ichthyophthirius multifiliis as a model for studying interactions between parasitic ciliates and their vertebrate hosts. Although highly pathogenic, Ichthyophthirius can elicit a strong protective immune response in fish after exposure to controlled infections. To investigate the mechanisms underlying host resistance, a series of passive immunization experiments were carried out using mouse monoclonal antibodies against a class of surface membrane proteins, known as immobilization antigens (or i-antigens), thought to play a role in the protective response. Such antibodies bind to cilia and immobilize I. multifiliis in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that passive antibody transfer in vivo caused rapid exit of parasites from the host. The effect was highly specific for a given I. multifiliis serotype. F(ab)2 subfragments had the same effect as intact antibody, whereas monovalent Fab fragments failed to protect. The activity of Fab could, nevertheless, be restored after subsequent i.p. injection of bivalent goat anti-mouse IgG. Parasites that exit the host had detectable antibody on their surface and appeared viable in all respects. These findings represent a novel instance among protists in which protective immunity (and evasion of the host response) result from an effect of antibody on parasite behavior.


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We present a systematic approach to minimizing the Z-domain of protein A, a three-helix bundle (59 residues total) that binds tightly (Kd = 10 nM) to the Fc portion of an immunoglobin IgG1. Despite the fact that all the contacts seen in the x-ray structure of the complex with the IgG are derived from residues in the first two helices, when helix 3 is deleted, binding affinity is reduced > 10(5)-fold (Kd > 1 mM). By using structure-based design and phage display methods, we have iteratively improved the stability and binding affinity for a two-helix derivative, 33 residues in length, such that it binds IgG1, with a Kd of 43 nM. This was accomplished by stepwise selection of random mutations from three regions of the truncated Z-peptide: the 4 hydrophobic residues from helix 1 and helix 2 that contacted helix 3 (the exoface), followed by 5 residues between helix 1 and helix 2 (the intraface), and lastly by 19 residues at or near the interface that interacts with Fc (the interface). As selected mutations from each region were compiled (12 in total), they led to progressive increases in affinity for IgG, and concomitant increases in alpha-helical content reflecting increased stabilization of the two-helix scaffold. Thus, by sequential increases in the stability of the structure and improvements in the quality of the intermolecular contacts, one can reduce larger binding domains to smaller ones. Such mini-protein binding domains are more amenable to synthetic chemistry and thus may be useful starting points for the design of smaller organic mimics. Smaller binding motifs also provide simplified and more tractable models for understanding determinants of protein function and stability.


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Oxidative injury to the pulmonary endothelium has pathological significance for a spectrum of diseases. Administration of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (Cat), has been proposed as a method to protect endothelium. However, neither these enzymes nor their derivatives possess specific affinity to endothelium and do not accumulate in the lung. Previously we have described a monoclonal antibody to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) that accumulates selectively in the lung after systemic injection in rats, hamsters, cats, monkeys, and humans. In the present work we describe a system for selective intrapulmonary delivery of CuZn-SOD and Cat conjugated with biotinylated anti-ACE antibody mAb 9B9 (b-mAb 9B9) by a streptavidin (SA)-biotin bridge. Both enzymes biotinylated with biotin ester at biotin/enzyme ratio 20 retain enzymatic activity and bind SA without loss of activity. We have constructed tri-molecular heteropolymer complexes consisting of b-mAb 9B9, SA, and biotinylated SOD or biotinylated Cat and have studied biodistribution and pulmonary uptake of these complexes in the rat after i.v. injection. Biodistribution of biotinylated enzymes was similar to that of nonmodified enzymes. Binding of SA markedly prolonged lifetime of biotinylated enzymes in the circulation. In contrast to enzymes conjugated with nonspecific IgG, other enzyme derivatives, and nonmodified enzymes, biotinylated enzymes conjugated with b-mAb 9B9 accumulated specifically in the rat lung (9% of injected SOD/g of lung tissue and 7.5% of injected Cat/g of lung tissue). Pulmonary uptake of nonmodified enzymes or derivatives with nonspecific IgG did not exceed 0.5% of injected dose/g. Both SOD and Cat conjugated with b-mAb 9B9 were retained in the rat lung for at least several hours. Trichloracetic acid-precipitable radiolabeled Cat was associated with microsomal and plasma membrane fractions of the lung tissue homogenate. Thus, modification of antioxidant enzymes with biotin and SA-mediated conjugation with b-mAb 9B9 prolongs the circulation of enzymes resulting in selective accumulation in the lung and intracellular delivery of enzymes to the pulmonary endothelium. These results provide the background for an approach to provide protection of pulmonary endothelium against oxidative insults.


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Alternatives to cell culture systems for production of recombinant proteins could make very safe vaccines at a lower cost. We have used genetically engineered plants for expression of candidate vaccine antigens with the goal of using the edible plant organs for economical delivery of oral vaccines. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were created that express the capsid protein of Norwalk virus, a calicivirus that causes epidemic acute gastroenteritis in humans. The capsid protein could be extracted from tobacco leaves in the form of 38-nm Norwalk virus-like particles. Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particle (rNV) was previously recovered when the same gene was expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The capsid protein expressed in tobacco leaves and potato tubers cosedimented in sucrose gradients with insect cell-derived rNV and appeared identical to insect cell-derived rNV on immunoblots of SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The plant-expressed rNV was orally immunogenic in mice. Extracts of tobacco leaf expressing rNV were given to CD1 mice by gavage, and the treated mice developed both serum IgG and secretory IgA specific for rNV. Furthermore, when potato tubers expressing rNV were fed directly to mice, they developed serum IgG specific for rNV. These results indicate the potential usefulness of plants for production and delivery of edible vaccines. This is an appropriate technology for developing countries where vaccines are urgently needed.


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Isologous and heterologous immunoglobulins have been shown to be extremely effective as tolerogenic carriers for nearly 30 years. The efficacy of these proteins is due in part to their long half-life in vivo, as well as their ability to crosslink surface IgM with Fc receptors. The concept of using IgG as a carrier molecule to induce unresponsiveness in the adult immune system has been exploited for simple haptens, such as nucleosides, as well as for peptides. To further evaluate the in vivo potential of these molecules for inducing tolerance to a defined epitope, we have engineered a fusion protein of mouse IgG1 with the immunodominant epitope 12-26 from bacteriophage lambda cI repressor protein. This 15-mer, which contains both a B-cell and T-cell epitope, has been fused in-frame to the N terminus of a mouse heavy chain IgG1 construct, thus creating a "genetic hapten-carrier" system. We describe a novel in vitro and in vivo experimental system for studying the feasibility of engineered tolerogens, consisting of a recombinant flagellin challenge antigen and a murine IgG1 tolerogen, both expressing the lambda repressor epitope 12-26. Herein, we show that peptide-grafted IgG molecules injected i.v., or expressed by transfected, autologous B cells, can efficiently modulate the cellular and humoral immune responses to immunodominant epitopes. This model displays the feasibility of "tailor-designing" immune responses to whole antigens by selecting epitopes for either tolerance or immunity.


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Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) and complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) have been implicated as regulators of B-cell activation. We explored the role of these receptors in the development of humoral immunity by generating CR1- and CR2-deficient mice using gene-targeting techniques. These mice have normal basal levels of IgM and of IgG isotypes. B- and T-cell development are overtly normal. Nevertheless, B-cell responses to low and high doses of a T-cell-dependent antigen are impaired with decreased titers of antigen-specific IgM and IgG isotypes. This defect is not complete because there is still partial activation of B lymphocytes during the primary immune response, with generation of splenic germinal centers and a detectable, although reduced, secondary antibody response. These data suggest that certain T-dependent antigens manifest an absolute dependence on complement receptors for the initiation of a normally robust immune response.


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The restriction of phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) to the inner surface of the plasma membrane bilayer is lost early during apoptosis. Since PtdSer is a potent surface procoagulant, and since there is an increased incidence of coagulation events in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who have anti-phospholipid antibodies, we addressed whether apoptotic cells are procoagulant and whether anti-phospholipid antibodies influence this. Apoptotic HeLa cells, human endothelial cells, and a murine pre-B-cell line were markedly procoagulant in a modified Russell viper venom assay. This procoagulant effect was entirely abolished by addition of the PtdSer-binding protein, annexin V, confirming that it was PtdSer-dependent. The procoagulant effect was also abolished by addition of IgG purified from the plasma of three patients with anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome, but not IgG from normal controls. Confocal microscopy of apoptotic cells stained with fluorescein-isothiocyanate-conjugated-annexin V demonstrated (Ca2+)-dependent binding to the surface of membrane blebs o apoptotic cells, but not to intracellular membranes. Recent data indicate that the surface blebs of apoptotic cells constitute an important immunogenic particle in SLE. We propose that the PtdSer exposed on the outside of these blebs can induce the production of anti-phospholipid antibodies, which might also enhance the immunogenicity of the bleb contents. When apoptosis occurs in a microenvironment in direct contact with circulating plasma, the unique procoagulant consequences of the apoptotic surface may additionally be expressed. This might explain the increased incidence of pathological intravascular coagulation events that occur in some lupus patients who have anti-phospholipid antibodies.


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SH-PTP1 (also known as PTP1C, HCP, and SHP) is a non-transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) containing two tandem Src homology 2 (SH2) domains. We show here that the two SH2 (N-SH2 and C-SH2) domains in SH-PTP1 have different functions in regulation of the PTPase domain and thereby signal transduction. While the N-terminal SH2 domain is both necessary and sufficient for autoinhibition through an intramolecular association with the PTPase domain, truncation of the C-SH2 domain [SH-PTP1 (delta CSH2) construct] has little effect on SH-PTP1 activity. A synthetic phosphotyrosine residue (pY) peptide derived from the erythropoietin receptor (EpoR pY429) binds to the N-SH2 domain and activates both wild-type SH-PTP1 and SH-PTP1 (delta CSH2) 60- to 80-fold. Another pY peptide corresponding to a phosphorylation site on the IgG Fc receptor (Fc gamma RIIB1 pY309) associates with both the C-SH2 domain (Kd = 2.8 microM and the N-SH2 domain (Kd = 15.0 microM) and also activates SH-PTP1 12-fold. By analysis of the effect of the Fc gamma RIIB1 pY309 peptide on SH-PTP1 (delta CSH2), SH-PTP1 (R30K/R33E), SH-PTP1 (R30K/R136K), and SH-PTP1 (R136K) mutants in which the function of either the N- or C-SH2 domain has been impaired, we have determined that both synthetic pY peptides stimulate SH-PTP1 by binding to its N-SH2 domain; binding of pY ligand to the C-SH2 domain has no effect on SH-PTP1 activity. We propose that the N-terminal SH2 domain serves both as a regulatory domain and as a recruiting unit, whereas the C-terminal SH2 domain acts merely as a recruiting unit.