981 resultados para Human response


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Diseases are believed to arise from dysregulation of biological systems (pathways) perturbed by environmental triggers. Biological systems as a whole are not just the sum of their components, rather ever-changing, complex and dynamic systems over time in response to internal and external perturbation. In the past, biologists have mainly focused on studying either functions of isolated genes or steady-states of small biological pathways. However, it is systems dynamics that play an essential role in giving rise to cellular function/dysfunction which cause diseases, such as growth, differentiation, division and apoptosis. Biological phenomena of the entire organism are not only determined by steady-state characteristics of the biological systems, but also by intrinsic dynamic properties of biological systems, including stability, transient-response, and controllability, which determine how the systems maintain their functions and performance under a broad range of random internal and external perturbations. As a proof of principle, we examine signal transduction pathways and genetic regulatory pathways as biological systems. We employ widely used state-space equations in systems science to model biological systems, and use expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms and Kalman filter to estimate the parameters in the models. We apply the developed state-space models to human fibroblasts obtained from the autoimmune fibrosing disease, scleroderma, and then perform dynamic analysis of partial TGF-beta pathway in both normal and scleroderma fibroblasts stimulated by silica. We find that TGF-beta pathway under perturbation of silica shows significant differences in dynamic properties between normal and scleroderma fibroblasts. Our findings may open a new avenue in exploring the functions of cells and mechanism operative in disease development.


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Human trafficking is regarded by Interpol as the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. This letter is submitted in response to the topic of Human Trafficking addressed in Volume 2, Issue 1. In response to the ever-increasing attention to this problem, various programs focus on the rescue of survivors in anti-trafficking efforts - sometimes overshadowing efforts to prevent human trafficking and rehabilitate those harmed. A comprehensive, responsible approach requires a system of rescue and rehabilitation with a deliberate eye toward prevention. The basic human rights of survivors are at risk of being violated by “so-called rescue missions, despite the good intentions of would-be rescuers.” At the prevention level, a firm human rights approach is needed. When interventions shift their emphasis to prevention and tackle the innate contributors to inequality, then the roots of trafficking and slavery can be firmly extirpated. By taking a thoughtful and vested approach to tackling all areas of trafficking— including prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation—resources can be used more effectively, and communities are likely to have a more extensive impact in the fight against this hideous crime against humanity.


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The human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) env gene encodes envelope protein comprising surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) domains. Having shown the exclusive expression of SU in human breast cancer and the stimulation of SU-specific immune responses in patients with breast cancer, our research here confirmed and extended the data by investigating the expression of HERV-K TM envelope domain and the induction of specific immune responses against TM in breast cancer patients. We found HERV-K TM mRNA and protein expression only in human breast cancer cells but not in normal controls. The specific immune responses against TM domain were induced in mice determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and IFN-γ enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay. Furthermore, ELISA detected higher titers of anti-HERV-K TM Env IgG antibodies in sera of breast cancer patients. In addition, the magnitude of the anti-HERV TM B cell response was correlated with the disease stage. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before and after in vitro stimulation (IVS) with HERV-K TM from patients with breast cancer as well as healthy controls were tested for T cell responses against HERV-K TM domain by ELISPOT assay. Breast cancer patients (n=21) had stronger HERV-K TM-specific cellular responses than healthy controls (n=12) (P < 0.05). These findings suggest, for the first time, that HERV-K TM expression was enhanced in human breast cancer cells and was able to induce specific B cell and T cell immune responses in breast cancer patients. This study provides support for HERV-K TM as a promising source of antigen for anti-tumor immunotherapy, prevention, diagnosis, and prognosis.


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The aim of this research was to characterize the differentiative requirements of human CD8$\sp{+}$ suppressor lymphocytes. We investigated the role of monocytes in cellular interactions required for generation of T suppressor cells (Ts) in pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). We observed that the functional activity of CD8$\sp{+}$ T cells was dependent on the concentration of monocytes in the inductive cultures; at concentrations normally present in peripheral blood, PWM stimulation induced potent suppressor activity, whereas under conditions of moderate monocyte depletion the same phenotypic subset of CD8$\sp{+}$ cells enhanced responses. We also demonstrated that differentiation of CD8$\sp{+}$CD28$\sp{-}$ suppressor cells could be mediated by soluble products elaborated by monocytes and CD4$\sp{+}$ cells, identified as PGE$\sb2$ and IFN$\gamma$ respectively. These two signals were required sequentially to cause Ts induction. That is PGE$\sb2$ was required initially, followed by an IFN$\gamma$-dependent differentiative step. We also explored the possibility that PGE$\sb2$ caused modulation of the IFN$\gamma$ receptor number and/or affinity on CD8$\sp{+}$ cells, which might render these cells responsive to the differentiative effect of the IFN$\gamma$-signal. Using radiolabelled $\sp{125}$I-IFN$\gamma$, direct binding assays demonstrated that 10$\sp{-8}$M PGE$\sb2$ selectively increased the number of receptors on the CD8$\sp{+}$ cells. In contrast CD4$\sp{+}$ cells treated similarly exhibited no significant change in their number of IFN$\gamma$ receptors. These results, thus, suggest a relationship between PGE$\sb2$ induced expression of IFN$\gamma$ receptor and the initial requirement for PGE$\sb2$ in IFN$\gamma$-dependent differentiation of Ts cells. Together, our results suggest a crucial role for PGE$\sb2$ and IFN$\gamma$ in regulation of the immune response. Furthermore, such detailed definition of the differentiative requirements for CD8$\sp{+}$ suppressor cells should provide new insight into fundamental mechanisms of immunoregulation. ^


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This laboratory developed human T-cell hybridomas which constitutively secrete suppressor factors (SF) capable of inhibiting immune responses (Hybridoma 6:589 (1987). The mechanisms by which human T-cell hybridoma-derived SFs (designated 160 and 169) and Jurkat leukemic T-cell line derived SF inhibit the proliferative response to mitogen by human PBMC were investigated. The Jurkat SF had a pI of 5.2 whereas the 160 and 169 SF had pI of 5.7 and 4.7 (two peaks) and 4.7, respectively. The SF was not transforming growth factor-beta based upon neutralization and iummunoprecipitation experiments with anti-TGF-beta polyclonal antibody. Il-2 production by human PBMC cultured with Con A or OKT3 mAb in the presence of SF was found to be inhibited by greater than 80%. The proliferative responses of SF treated PBMC could not be restored by addition of exogeneous human IL-2. Inhibition of the proliferative responses could not be reversed by addition of exogenous rIL-1, rIL-2 or rIL-4 alone or in paired combinations. The expression of IL-2 receptors (TAC Ag) on Con A activated cultures time points was not affected by treatment with any SFs. Both the 160 and 169 hybridoma-derived SFs were found to arrest PHA induced cell cycle progression in G$\sb0$/G$\sb1$ phase, whereas SF from the Jurkat T-cell line arrested progression in the S phase. Pretreatment of PBMC with SF prior to the addition of mitogen, followed by washing, did not alter the proliferative response of these PBMC nor their cell cycle progression suggesting that cell activation is necessary for these SF to inhibit proliferative responses. Northern blot analysis of total mRNA from mitogen stimulated PBMC in the presence of SF, revealed a time dependent accumulation of an IL-2 specific mRNA of increased size (2.8 kB) in addition to the expected 1.0 kB mature IL-2 message. Interferon-gamma mRNA was of the appropriate size but its half-life was prolonged in SF treated cultures. IL-2 receptor and IL-1 beta mRNA expression was not altered in these cells. ^


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Regulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation remains poorly understood due to the inability to design a model system which recapitulates these processes. Currently, properties of "differentiation" are studied in colon adenocarcinoma cell lines which can be induced to express some, but not all of the phenotypes of normal cells. In this thesis, the DiFi human colon adenocarcinoma cell line is utilized as an in vitro model system in which to study mucin production. In response to treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, DiFi cells acquire some properties of mucin-producing goblet cells including altered morphology, increased reactivity to wheat germ agglutinin, and increased mucin production as determined by RNA expression as well as reactivity with the MUC-1 antibodies, HMFG-1 and SM-3. Thus, TNF-treated DiFi cells represent one of the few in vitro systems in which mucin expression can be induced.^ DiFi cells express an activated pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ as do most colon adenocarcinomas and derived cell lines, as well as an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. To assess potential changes in these enzymes during induction of differentiation characteristics, potential changes in the levels and activities of these enzymes were examined. For pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ no changes were observed in protein levels, specific activity of the kinase, cellular localization, or phosphorylation pattern as determined by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease partial proteolytic mapping after induction of goblet cell-like phenotypic changes. These results suggest that pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ is regulated differentially in goblet cells than in absorptive cells, as down-modulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ kinase occurs in the latter. Therefore, effects on pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ may be critical in colon regulation, and may be important in generating the various colonic epithelial cell types.^ In contrast to pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity decreased ($<$5-fold) after TNF treatment and at the time in which morphologic changes were observed. Similar decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor were observed as assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. In addition, ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF cell surface binding was reduced approximately 3-fold following TNF treatment with a concomitant reduction in receptor affinity ($<$2-fold). These results suggest that modulation of EGF receptor may be important in goblet cell differentiation. In contrast, other published studies have demonstrated that increases in EGF receptor mRNA and in ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF binding accompany differentiation toward the absorptive cell phenotype. Therefore, differential regulation of both EGF receptor and pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ occur along the goblet cell and absorptive cell differentiation pathways. Thus, my results suggest that TNF-treated DiFi cells represent a unique system in which to study distinct patterns of regulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ and EGF receptor in colonic cells, and to determine if increased MUC-1 expression is an early event in goblet cell differentiation. ^


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Monocyte developmental heterogeneity is reflected at the cellular level by differential activation competence, at the molecular level by differential regulation of gene expression. LPS activates monocytes to produce tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF). Events occurring at the molecular level necessary for TNF regulation have not been elucidated, but depend both on activation signals and the maturation state of the cell: Peripheral blood monocytes produce TNF upon LPS stimulation, but only within the first 72 hours of culture. Expression of c-fos is associated with monocytic differentiation and activation; the fos-associated protein, c-jun, is also expressed during monocyte activation. Increased cAMP levels are associated with down regulation of macrophage function, including LPS-induced TNF transcription. Due to these associations, we studied a region of the TNF promoter which resembles the binding sites for both AP-1(fos/jun) and CRE-binding protein (or ATF) in order to identify potential molecular markers defining activation competent populations of monocytic cells.^ Nuclear protein binding studies using extracts from THP-1 monocytic cells stimulated with LPS, which stimulates, or dexamethasone (Dex) or pentoxyfilline (PTX), which inhibit TNF production, respectively, suggest that a low mobility doublet complex may be involved in regulation through this promoter region. PTX or Dex increase binding of these complexes equivalently over untreated cells; approximately two hours after LPS induction, the upper complex is undetectable. The upper complex is composed of ATF2 (CRE-BP1); the lower is a heterodimer of jun/ATF2. LPS induces c-jun and thus may enhance formation of jun-ATF2 complexes. The simultaneous presence of both complexes may reduce the amount of TNF transcription through competitive binding, while a loss of the upper (ATF2) and/or gain of the lower (jun-ATF2) allow increased transcription. AP-1 elements generally transduce signals involving PKC; the CRE mediates a cAMP response, involving PKA. Thus, this element has the potential of receiving signals through divergent signalling pathways. Our findings also suggest that cAMP-induced inhibition of macrophage functions may occur via down regulation of activation-associated genes through competitive binding of particular cAMP-responsive nuclear protein complexes. ^


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Transglutaminases are a family of calcium-dependent enzymes, that catalyze the covalent cross-linking of proteins by forming $\varepsilon(\gamma$-glutamyl)lysine isopeptide bonds. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene and to determine its biological functions, the goal of this research has been to clone and characterize the human tissue transglutaminase promoter. Thirteen clones of the tissue transglutaminase gene were obtained from the screening of a human placental genomic DNA library. A 1.74 Kb fragment derived from DNA located immediately upstream of the translation start site was subcloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis of this DNA fragment revealed that it contains a TATA box (TATAA), a CAAT box (GGACAAT), and a series of potential transcription factor binding sites and hormone response elements. Four regions of significant homology, a GC-rich region, a TG-rich region, an AG-rich region, and HR1, were identified by aligning 1.8 Kb of DNA flanking the human, mouse, and guinea pig tissue transglutaminase genes.^ To measure promoter activity, we subcloned the 1.74 Kb fragment of the tissue transglutaminase gene into a luciferase reporter vector to generate transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs. Transfection experiments showed that this DNA segment includes a functional promoter with high constitutive activity. Deletion analysis revealed that the SP1 sites or corresponding sequences contribute to this activity. We investigated the role of DNA methylation in regulating the activity of the promoter and found that in vitro methylation of tissue transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs suppressed their basal activity. Methylation of the promoter is inversely correlated with the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo. These results suggest that DNA methylation may be one of the mechanisms regulating the expression of the gene. The tumor suppressor gene product p53 was also shown to inhibit the activity of the promoter, suggesting that induction of the tissue transglutaminase gene is not involved in the p53-dependent programmed cell death pathway. Although retinoids regulate the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo, retinoid-inducible activity can not be identified in 3.7 Kb of DNA 5$\sp\prime$ to the tissue transglutaminase gene.^ The structure of the 5$\sp\prime$ end of the tissue transglutaminase gene was mapped. Alignment analysis of the human tissue transglutaminase gene with other human transglutaminases showed that tissue transglutaminase is the simplest member of transglutaminase superfamily. Transglutaminase genes show a conserved core of exons and introns but diverse N-terminuses and promoters. These observations suggest that key regulatory sequences and promoter elements have been appended upstream of the core transglutaminase gene to generate the diversity of regulated expression and regulated activity characteristic of the transglutaminase gene family. ^


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Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in the suppression of initial viremia after acute infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Most HIV-infected individuals attain a high titer of anti-HIV antibodies within weeks of infection; however this antibody-mediated immune response appears not to be protective. In addition, anti-HIV antibodies can be detrimental to the immune response to HIV through enhancement of infection and participating in autoimmune reactions as a result of HIV protein mimicry of self antigens. Thus induction and maintenance of a strong HIV-specific CTL immune response in the absence of anti-HIV antibodies has been proposed to be the most effective means of controlling of HIV infection. Immunization with synthetic peptides representing HIV-specific CTL epitopes provides a way to induce specific CTL responses, while avoiding stimulation of anti-HIV antibody. This dissertation examines the capacity of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop region of the gp120 envelope protein from several different strain of HIV-1 to induce HIV-specific, MHC-restricted CD8$\sp+$ CTL response in vivo in a mouse model. Seven synthetic peptides representative of sequences found throughout North America, Europe, and Central Africa have been shown to prime CTLs in vivo. In the case of the MN strain of HIV-1, a 13 amino acid sequence defining the epitope is most efficient for optimal induction of specific CTL, whereas eight to nine amino acid sequences that could define the epitope were not immunogenic. In addition, synthesis of peptides with specific amino acid substitutions that are important for either MHC binding or T cell receptor recognition resulted in peptides that exhibited increased immunogenicity and induced CTLs that displayed altered specificity. V3 loop peptides from HIV-1 MN, SC, and Z321 induced a CTL population that was broadly cross-reactive against strains of HIV-1 found throughout the world. This research confirms the potential efficacy of using synthetic peptides for in vivo immunization to induce HIV-specific CTL-mediated responses and provides a basis for further research into development of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. ^


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Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with i.v. administered radiolabeled IgG can selectively irradiate tumor cells in vivo. However, it only provides effective therapy for lymphomas. Intracompartmental RIT with radiolabeled human monoclonal IgM may allow curative treatment of solid tumors by increasing tumor deposition of radioactivity, reducing systemic toxicity and allowing repeated administration. This hypothesis was tested in nude mouse models with IgM radiolabeled with indium-111 $\rm(\sp{111}In)$ or yttrium-90 $\rm(\sp{90}Y).$ The use of two radioisotopes, $\rm\sp{111}In$ for imaging and $\rm\sp{90}Y$ for therapy, allow for more quantitative and cautious development of RIT.^ Radiolabled 2B12, an IgM reactive with human ovarian carcinomas was tested by i.v. and intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration in nude mice bearing i.p. nodules of a human ovarian carcinoma cell line (SKOV3 NMP2). Radiolabeled CR4E8, an IgM reactive with human squamous cell carcinomas was tested by i.v. and intralesional (i.l.) administration in nude mice bearing subcutaneous tumors of a human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell line (886). These two models were selected to test proof of concept. Radiolabeled irrelevant IgM (CH-1B9), and $\rm\sp{90}Y$-aggregate served as specificity controls. Biodistribution was performed by excising, weighing and then measuring the radioactivity of tumor and normal organs. Therapy was conducted with i.p. $\rm\sp{90}Y$-labeled 2B12 using both single and fractionated administration and with i.l. $\rm\sp{90}Y$-labeled CR4E8 using single administration. Mice were monitored for tumor response, survival and systemic toxicity.^ Intracompartmental administration of radiolabeled IgM produced immediate high and prolonged tumor deposition of radioactivity with low normal tissue uptake. In contrast, i.v. administration resulted in low tumor, but high liver and spleen uptake. Similar biodistributions were demonstrated for $\rm\sp{111}In$- and $\rm\sp{90}Y$-labeled IgM. Intraperitoneal therapy with $\rm\sp{90}Y$-labeled 2B12 increased survival by approximately 12 days for every 100 $\rm\mu Ci$ of activity without significant toxicity for single (0-300 $\rm\mu Ci)$ and fractionated (150-510 $\rm\mu Ci)$ administration. Intralesional therapy with $\rm\sp{90}Y$-labeled CR4E8 (150-400 $\rm\mu Ci)$ induced prolonged complete regressions. Significant local or systemic toxicity was not observed.^ Intracompartmental RIT with radiolabeled tumor-reactive human monoclonal IgM can selectively irradiate tumor cells. Intracompartmental radiolabled IgM can significantly extend the survival of treated mice with minimal toxicity. It deserves further development as a new cancer therapy. ^


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The coordination of the apoptotic program necessitates the timely expression of sensor, effector, and mediator molecules. Fas/CD95, a transmembrane receptor which tethers the cell-death machinery, triggers apoptosis to maintain immune homeostasis, tolerance, and surveillance. Dysregulation in Fas-mediated apoptosis, either from disproportionate expression or disruptions in the downstream signaling pathway, manifests in autoimmune disorders and certain malignant progression. ^ In this project, the transcriptional requirements underlying two modulators of Fas expression were investigated. In T-lymphocytes, activation results in potent Fas upregulation followed by an acquisition of sensitivity towards FasL-mediated apoptosis. Human fas promoter cloning and analysis have identified a cis-element critical for inducible Fas expression. EMSA studies using this region demonstrated a constitutive association with the transcription factor Sp1 and inducible NF-κB binding in response to activation. These interactions were mutually exclusive, as the rB/Sp1 element bound with recombinant Sp1 was readily displaced by increasing amounts of NF-κB p50. Thus, Fas upregulation by T-cell activation stimuli is dependent upon NF-κB binding at the fas promoter. ^ The capacity of Sp1 to direct basal Fas expression was examined through mutagenesis of several GC-rich regions within the core fas promoter. Reporter analysis of single or combinatorial mutant GC-box constructs revealed usage of a particular GC-element in moderating over 50% of basal fas transcription. Inducible expression was Sp1-independent, however, since activated Jurkat cells containing fas Sp1-mutant constructs retained equivalent reporter induction. Overall, a dual-level of transcriptional control exists in fas, where constitutive activity is monitored through Sp1 binding, whereas T-cell activation obligates NF κB transactivation. ^ In response to genotoxic damage, p53 modulates Fas levels partly by a transcription-dependent mechanism. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 in the hepatoma cell line Hep3B readily induced Fas transcription. Furthermore, fas promoter analysis identified an undescribed p53 responsive element which, when deleted, ablated p53-mediated reporter activity. Therefore, the pro-apoptotic function mediated by p53 is driven partially through the enhancement of Fas expression. ^ Altogether, events elicting Fas transcription may invoke single or overlapping mechanisms that converge at the level of promoter activity. Agents that enhance or attenuate these pathways may be therapeutically beneficial in modulating the expression and sensitivity towards Fas-dependent apoptosis. ^


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The present study examined cellular mechanisms involved in the production and secretion of human (gamma)IFN. The hypothesis of this investigation was that (gamma)IFN is an export glycoprotein whose synthesis in human T lymphocytes is dependent on membrane stimulation, polypeptide synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaging in the Golgi complex, and release from the cell by exocytosis.^ The model system for this examination utilized T lymphocytes from normal donors and patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) induced in vitro with the tumor promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and the lectin, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce (gamma)IFN. This study reconfirmed the ability of PMA and PHA to synergistically induce (gamma)IFN production in normal T lymphocytes, as measured by viral inhibition assays and radio-immunoassays for (gamma)IFN. The leukemic T cells were demonstrated to produce (gamma)IFN in response to treatment with PHA. PMA treatment also induced (gamma)IFN production in the leukemic T cells, which was much greater than that observed in similarly treated normal T cells. In these same cells, however, combined treatment of the agents was shown to be ineffective at inducing (gamma)IFN production beyond the levels stimulated by the individual agents. In addition, the present study reiterated the synergistic effect of PMA/PHA on the stimulation of growth kinetics in normal T cells. The cell cycle of the leukemic T cells was also responsive to treatment with the agents, particularly with PMA treatment. A number of morphological alterations were attributed to PMA treatment including the acquisition of an elongated configuration, nuclear folds, and large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Many of the effects were observed to be reversible with dilution of the agents, and reversion to this state occurred more rapidly in the leukemic T cells. Most importantly, utilization of a thin section immuno-colloidal gold labelling technique for electron microscopy provided, for the first time, direct evidence of the cellular mechanism of (gamma)IFN production and secretion. The results of this latter study support the idea that (gamma)IFN is produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, transferred to the Golgi complex for accumulation and packaging, and released from the T cells by exocytosis. ^


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Disc degeneration, usually associated with low back pain and changes of intervertebral stiffness, represents a major health issue. As the intervertebral disc (IVD) morphology influences its stiffness, the link between mechanical properties and degenerative grade is partially lost without an efficient normalization of the stiffness with respect to the morphology. Moreover, although the behavior of soft tissues is highly nonlinear, only linear normalization protocols have been defined so far for the disc stiffness. Thus, the aim of this work is to propose a nonlinear normalization based on finite elements (FE) simulations and evaluate its impact on the stiffness of human anatomical specimens of lumbar IVD. First, a parameter study involving simulations of biomechanical tests (compression, flexion/extension, bilateral torsion and bending) on 20 FE models of IVDs with various dimensions was carried out to evaluate the effect of the disc's geometry on its compliance and establish stiffness/morphology relations necessary to the nonlinear normalization. The computed stiffness was then normalized by height (H), cross-sectional area (CSA), polar moment of inertia (J) or moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy) to quantify the effect of both linear and nonlinear normalizations. In the second part of the study, T1-weighted MRI images were acquired to determine H, CSA, J, Ixx and Iyy of 14 human lumbar IVDs. Based on the measured morphology and pre-established relation with stiffness, linear and nonlinear normalization routines were then applied to the compliance of the specimens for each quasi-static biomechanical test. The variability of the stiffness prior to and after normalization was assessed via coefficient of variation (CV). The FE study confirmed that larger and thinner IVDs were stiffer while the normalization strongly attenuated the effect of the disc geometry on its stiffness. Yet, notwithstanding the results of the FE study, the experimental stiffness showed consistently higher CV after normalization. Assuming that geometry and material properties affect the mechanical response, they can also compensate for one another. Therefore, the larger CV after normalization can be interpreted as a strong variability of the material properties, previously hidden by the geometry's own influence. In conclusion, a new normalization protocol for the intervertebral disc stiffness in compression, flexion, extension, bilateral torsion and bending was proposed, with the possible use of MRI and FE to acquire the discs' anatomy and determine the nonlinear relations between stiffness and morphology. Such protocol may be useful to relate the disc's mechanical properties to its degree of degeneration.


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A dose-response strategy may not only allow investigation of the impact of foods and nutrients on human health but may also reveal differences in the response of individuals to food ingestion based on their metabolic health status. In a randomized crossover study, we challenged 19 normal-weight (BMI: 20-25 kg/m(2)) and 18 obese (BMI: >30 kg/m(2)) men with 500, 1000, and 1500 kcal of a high-fat (HF) meal (60.5% energy from fat). Blood was taken at baseline and up to 6 h postprandially and analyzed for a range of metabolic, inflammatory, and hormonal variables, including plasma glucose, lipids, and C-reactive protein and serum insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and endotoxin. Insulin was the only variable that could differentiate the postprandial response of normal-weight and obese participants at each of the 3 caloric doses. A significant response of the inflammatory marker IL-6 was only observed in the obese group after ingestion of the HF meal containing 1500 kcal [net incremental AUC (net iAUC) = 22.9 ± 6.8 pg/mL × 6 h, P = 0.002]. Furthermore, the net iAUC for triglycerides significantly increased from the 1000 to the 1500 kcal meal in the obese group (5.0 ± 0.5 mmol/L × 6 h vs. 6.0 ± 0.5 mmol/L × 6 h, P = 0.015) but not in the normal-weight group (4.3 ± 0.5 mmol/L × 6 h vs. 4.8 ± 0.5 mmol/L × 6 h, P = 0.31). We propose that caloric dose-response studies may contribute to a better understanding of the metabolic impact of food on the human organism. This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01446068.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors, through chromosomal translocations, in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) [1]. To date, FUS/TLS has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes such as gene expression control, transcriptional regulation, pre-mRNA splicing and miRNA processing [2]. In addition, some evidences link FUS/TLS to genome stability control and DNA damage response. In fact, mice lacking FUS/TLS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and in response to double-strand breaks, FUS/TLS gets phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [3,4,5]. Furthermore, the inducible depletion of FUS/TLS in a neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS TET-off iKD) subjected to genotoxic stress (IR) resulted in an increased phosphorylation of γH2AX respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response. The study aims to investigate the specific role of FUS/TLS in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS iKD cells subjected to DNA damage stress, by mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics (e.g. SILAC). Preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS/TLS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS/TLS protein, highlighted the interactions with several proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS/TLS is involved in this pathway, even thou its exact role still need to be addressed.