973 resultados para History, 2000-


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Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), namely the snub-nosed monkey, is a well-known endangered primate, which distributes only in the central part of mainland China. As an effort to understand the current genetic status as well as population history of this species, we collected a sample of 32 individuals from four different regions, which cover the major habitat of this species. Forty-four allozyme loci were surveyed in our study by allozyme electrophoresis, none of which was found to be polymorphic. The void of polymorphism compared with that of other nonhuman primates is surprising particularly considering that the current population size is many times larger than that of some other endangered species. Since many independent loci are surveyed in this Study, the most plausible explanation for our observation is that the population has experienced a recent bottleneck. We used a coalescent approach to explore various scenarios of population bottleneck and concluded that the most recent bottleneck could have happened within the last 15,000 years. Moreover, the proposed simulation approach could be useful to researchers who need to analyze the non- or low-polymorphism data.


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The Quaternary cold periods in the Northwestern Pacific are thought to have heavily influenced the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation in marine fishes. To estimate the demographic history and genetic structure of Lateolabrax macula


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The domestication of livestock represented a crucial step in human history. By using endogenous retroviruses as genetic markers, we found that sheep differentiated on the basis of their "retrotype" and morphological traits dispersed across Eurasia and Afr


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Advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication(1,2). To understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. Here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the Middle East, indicating that they are a dominant source of genetic diversity for dogs rather than wolves from east Asia, as suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data(3). Furthermore, we find a surprising correspondence between genetic and phenotypic/functional breed groupings but there are exceptions that suggest phenotypic diversification depended in part on the repeated crossing of individuals with novel phenotypes. Our results show that Middle Eastern wolves were a critical source of genome diversity, although interbreeding with local wolf populations clearly occurred elsewhere in the early history of specific lineages. More recently, the evolution of modern dog breeds seems to have been an iterative process that drew on a limited genetic toolkit to create remarkable phenotypic diversity.


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The decipherment of the meager information provided by short fragments of ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is notoriously difficult but is regarded as a most promising way toward reconstructing the past from the genetic perspective. By haplogroup-specific hypervariable segment (HVS) motif search and matching or near-matching with available modem data sets, most of the ancient mtDNAs can be tentatively assigned to haplogroups, which are often subcontinent specific. Further typing for mtDNA haplogroup-diagnostic coding region polymorphisms, however, is indispensable for establishing the geographic/genetic affinities of ancient samples with less ambiguity. In the present study, we sequenced a fragment (similar to 982 bp) of the mtDNA control region in 76 Han individuals from Taian, Shandong, China, and we combined these data with previously reported samples from Zibo and Qingdao, Shandong. The reanalysis of two previously published ancient mtDNA population data sets from Linzi (same province) then indicates that the ancient populations had features in common with the modem populations from south China rather than any specific affinity to the European mtDNA pool. Our results highlight that ancient mtDNA data obtained under different sampling schemes and subject to potential contamination can easily create the impression of drastic spatiotemporal changes in the genetic structure of a regional population during the past few thousand years if inappropriate methods of data analysis are employed.


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Toxicological effects of Asulox-40 and Emisan-6 to eggs and early life history stages of Sarotherodon mossambicus were reported. 80% of egg hatching occurred in the controls, 1 p.p.m and 5 p.p.m concentrations of Asulox-40. 10 p.p.m. and 50 p.p.m. concentrations of the same toxicants had 70% and 60% hatchings while in Emisan-6 in the same concentrations the hatching were 70% and! 40%. In 100 p.p.m. concentration of both toxicants 20% incomplete hatching occurred. In Emisan-6 Lc 50 and Lc 100 values were recorded at 32 hand 96h respectively in 10 p.p.m. concentrations. In Asulox-40 the same values were recorded in 24h and 40h respectively at 50 p.p.m. concentration. The fish activity during the experimental period showed initial hyper activity. It was established that the Emisan-6 is more harmful to S. mossambicus than Asulox-40. The harmless concentrations of these chemicals were 1.2 p.p.m. for Asulox-40 and 0.6 p.p.m. for Emisan-6.


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Fourteen species of penaeid shrimps with commercial value in Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters were identified as follows: Penaeus monodon, P.semisulcatus, P.japonicus, Metapenaeus ensis, M.burkenroadi, M.endeavouri, Metapenaeopsis palmensis, M.stridulans, Trachypenaeus fulvus, and Parapenaeus longipes. Among the 14 penaeids, P.semisulcatus, M.ensis and M.palmensis were found to be the dominant species within each genus. There are seven existing fishing gears for shrimping in the Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters: fish corrals, lift net, filter net, gill net, skimming net, baby trawler and commercial trawler. In general, female penaeids are larger than males. The largest P.monodon female measured was 81 mm in carapace length with 23 g in body weight. The largest male measuring 59 mm in carapace length with 119 g of body weight was caught in Batan Bay. Judging from spermatozoa occurrence on both sexes of P.monodon, the biological minimum size for male is 37 mm in carapace length and 49 mm for female. A total of 133 Penaeus postlarvae obtained from the offshore were identified by comparison with those reared in the laboratory. The postlarvae of P.japonicus-latisulcatus complex were quite dominant (60 . 2%), followed by P.semisulcatus (18 . 0%), and P.merguiensis-indicus complex (17 . 3%). The number of P.monodon postlarvae was relatively small (4 . 5%). The modal carapace length of P.monodon postlarvae from the offshore was 1 . 3 mm with three or four dorsal and no ventral spines on the rostrum, while P.monodon fry from the shoreline had 2 . 3 mm with five or six dorsal and one or two ventral spines.


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Seven stages in the life history of the milkfish C. chanos , are recognized and suggested: A, embryonic; B, yolksac larval; C, larval; D, postlarval; E, juvenile; F, subadult; G. adult. An outline is presented of the life history. It is concluded that the milkfish, throughout the known stages of their life history are well adapted and equipped for optimal survival. High swimming performance, broad flexibility in feeding habits, high adaptability to a wide range of physicochemical conditions of the environment are but a few of the adaptations. The main driving force in all developmental stages is the evolutionary response to food distribution and availability followed by predation pressure.


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We report improved whole-genome shotgun sequences for the genomes of indica and japonica rice, both with multimegabase contiguity, or almost 1,000-fold improvement over the drafts of 2002. Tested against a nonredundant collection of 19,079 full-length cDNAs, 97.7% of the genes are aligned, without fragmentation, to the mapped superscaffolds of one or the other genome. We introduce a gene identification procedure for plants that does not rely on similarity to known genes to remove erroneous predictions resulting from transposable elements. Using the available EST data to adjust for residual errors in the predictions, the estimated gene count is at least 38,000 - 40,000. Only 2% - 3% of the genes are unique to any one subspecies, comparable to the amount of sequence that might still be missing. Despite this lack of variation in gene content, there is enormous variation in the intergenic regions. At least a quarter of the two sequences could not be aligned, and where they could be aligned, single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) rates varied from as little as 3.0 SNP/kb in the coding regions to 27.6 SNP/kb in the transposable elements. A more inclusive new approach for analyzing duplication history is introduced here. It reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication, a recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12, and massive ongoing individual gene duplications. We find 18 distinct pairs of duplicated segments that cover 65.7% of the genome; 17 of these pairs date back to a common time before the divergence of the grasses. More important, ongoing individual gene duplications provide a never-ending source of raw material for gene genesis and are major contributors to the differences between members of the grass family.


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Nile perch (Mputa), Lates niloticus was introduced into Lakes Victoria and Kyoga from lake Albert to increase fish production of these lakes by feeding on and converting the small sized haplochromines (Nkejje) which were abundant in these lakes into a larger table fish. It was, however, feared that Nile perch would prey on and deplete stocks of the native fishes and affect fish species diversity. Nile perch became well established and is currently among the three most important commercial species. It is presently the most important export fish commodity from Uganda. Considerable changes have taken place in fishery yield, and in life history characteristics of the Nile perch itself since the predator got established in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga.


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Following brief descriptions of the various phases in the natural life history of the milkfish (Chanos chanos), namely adults, eggs and embryos, larvae, fry and metamorphosis, juveniles and sub-adults, a summary is provided of the life history, providing also a schematic diagram.


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Leptobrachium ailaonicum is a vulnerable anuran restricted to a patchy distribution associated with small mountain streams surrounded by forested slopes at mid-elevations (approximately 2000-2600 m) in the subtropical Mount Wuliang and Mount Ailao ranges in southwest China (Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam. Given high habitat specificity and lack of suitable habitat in lower elevations between these ranges, we hypothesized limited gene flow between populations throughout its range. We used two mitochondrial genes to construct a phylogeographic pattern within this species in order to test our hypothesis. We also examined whether this phylogeographic pattern is a response to past geological events and/or climatic oscillations. A total of 1989 base pairs were obtained from 81 individuals of nine populations yielding 51 unique haplotypes. Both Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses revealed four deeply divergent and reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages that approximately correspond to four geographical regions separated by deep river valleys. These results suggest a long history of allopatric separation by vicariance. The distinct geographic distributions of four major clades and the estimated divergence time suggest spatial and temporal separations that coincide with climatic and paleogeographic changes following the orogeny and uplift of Mount Ailao during the late Miocene to mid Pliocene in southwest China. At the southern distribution, the presence of two sympatric yet differentiated clades in two areas are interpreted as a result of secondary contact between previously allopatric populations during cooler Pleistocene glacial cycles. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the observed genetic variation occurs among the four regions implying long-term interruption of maternal gene flow, suggesting that L ailaonicum may represent more than one distinct species and should at least be separated into four management units corresponding to these four geographic lineages for conservation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Euglena gracilis cell was extracted sequentially with CSK-Triton buffer, RSB-Magik solution and DNase-As solution. DGD embedment-free electron microscopy showed that in the extracted nucleus there was a residual non-chromatin fibrous network. That it could not be removed by hot trichloroacetic acid further supported the idea that it was a non-histone, non-chromatin fibrous protein network, and should be the internal network of the nuclear matrix. After the sequential extraction, the nuclear membrane was removed, leaving behind a layer of lamina; the chromatin was digested and eluted from the dense chromosomes and residual chromosomal structures that should be chromosomal scaffold were revealed. Western blot analysis with antiserum against rat lamins showed that nuclear lamina of the cell possessed two positive polypeptides, a major one and a minor one, which had molecular masses similar to lamin B and lamin A, respectively. Comparing these data with those of the most primitive eukaryote Archezoa and of higher eukaryotes, it was suggested that the lower unicellular eukaryote E. gracillis already had the nuclear matrix structure, and its nuclear matrix (especially the lamina) might represent a stage of evolutionary history of the nuclear matrix. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.